literary world

Chapter 344 Like a Clown

Chapter 344 Like a Clown
Realized that there was something wrong with Tangtang Film and Television.

Fang Nan didn't rush to and fro like before, he settled down and started working on duty in the company.

His uncharacteristic approach caught many people off guard. At least the company, which used to be noisy in the past, quieted down, and the employees talked to each other into whispers.

And whenever there was a sound of scolding from Fang Nan's office, even the whispers disappeared in unison.

Just like now, the whole company can hear the needle drop.

"It's been two or three years since the Variety Show Department was established and handed over to you, but you can't even produce a decent show? What do you do in the Variety Show Department every day? Waiting for three meals a day to be delivered to your lips with your legs crossed? "

"Talk about it yourself, do you want to abdicate and give up the position of variety show director?"

Shi Xing, who had been sprayed by Fang Nan all morning, was not as frustrated as he imagined, but took a long breath and said relaxedly: "I am willing to give up the position of director."

Fang Nan glanced at Shi Xing: "Then you recommend someone, if he is in the company, bring him here."

"Boss, this person's name is Jin Shi, and he has a special identity. He is a director sent by SMG to the company to exchange experience in variety shows."

"Learn the experience of making variety shows from you guys? Are you embarrassed to say it? I'm sick of hearing it!" Fang Nan said with a look of disgust, "You go and call someone over."

Jin Shi came very quickly and was very confused.

It never occurred to him that a person who was sent out to learn experience by a company would be fine if he didn't learn much experience and technology, and would be recruited by another company. It was simply too magical.

"How long have you been in Tangtang Film and Television? Li Gang sent you here? What works have you had?"

"It's been three months since the Chinese New Year. Director Li sent us here. We used to be assistants to Director Yu Min of "Running Man"."

"I can understand a lot of things in three months. Why do you think Shixing recommends you, what problems do you think Tangtang Film and Television Variety Department, or other departments have?"

Noticing that Jin Shi looked embarrassed, Fang Nan smiled and said, "If you feel embarrassed, just say that you are in the variety show department."

After dawdling for a while, under the pressure of Fang Nan's gaze, Jin Shi thought about it and said, "I personally think that Tang Tang Film and Television has never paid attention to the variety show department from top to bottom."

"Actually, last month, after I discovered the two programs "The Voice of Holland" and "Britain's Got Talent" that were just launched abroad, I discussed with Director Shi and thought that if the two programs were introduced into China, I would create my own "Huaxia" "The Voice" and "China's Got Talent", I believe the ratings of the programs will not be bad."

Fang Nan nodded with a smile: "Since it hasn't been introduced, there must be something wrong in the middle?"

"We contacted the broadcasting company of "The Voice of Holland". After knowing that the copyright fee for one season was 300 million RMB, we began to apply for funding, but we couldn't apply for the money, and we didn't know who to ask for approval."

After Jin Shi finished speaking, he looked helpless.

Fang Nan nodded. He has realized the company's problems and is contacting the team to solve them.

For the time being, he wants to arrange the variety show department with the least staff and no disputes, and put it aside.

"I read your profile. You are a director. If you do the Chinese version of "The Voice" and "Talent Show", how likely are you to learn the essence of others?"

"Just to remind you, the layout of the variety show section determines the ownership of the copyright after all, so it is easy to imitate. Turning around the chair, tearing up the famous brand, etc., is nothing more than imitating cats and tigers."

"What you have to examine yourself is whether you have the ability to lead the team and mobilize the audience's emotions as easily as foreign teams."

Fang Nan's hints inside and outside the words are too obvious, it's hard for Jin Shi not to be tempted.

After all, as the old saying goes, it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, and the pressure is directly proportional to the income.

"But I have an employment contract with SMG." Jin Shi, who made a decision in an instant, talked about the only problem.

"I'll take care of this. Shi Xing, bring Jin Shi back to the department to announce the appointment. Afterwards, Director Jin, pack your clothes and prepare to fly to the Netherlands and the UK with the people from Fangnan Culture. Fangnan Culture has more experience in buying and selling copyrights. You need to listen to their opinions."

"Dong dong."

"Come in."

Seeing that it was Wang Liang and others who had been waiting for a long time, Fang Nan waved Shi Xing and Jin Shi to leave.

"Ni Ni, Jiayi, Hai Qing, the three of you who came here with Wang Liang are because you are soft-mouthed, short-handed, guilty, or out of loyalty?"

Before the three of them could open their mouths, Fang Nan glanced at Shi Nansheng who came in later, then at Wang Liang who was curled up into a ball on the sofa, and said in a strange way:

"After all, the food is good, the belly is more rounded, and the pregnant woman who is pregnant for ten months will be eclipsed in front of you!"

"I also heard that you drank at least one bottle of Moutai a day when you were on the set, and colleagues in the industry who worked with you jokingly said that Director Wang's crew is most afraid of two things, one is an open fire, and the other is an actor who doesn't touch alcohol. "

"I'm afraid of open flames, because I'm afraid that the torch will set the crew on fire and directly cremate you, Wang Liang."

"Actors who are afraid of not drinking at all are afraid that the smell of alcohol in the air above the crew will make the actors drunk and delay the progress of the crew."

Fang Nan gritted his teeth and finished speaking, then got up suddenly and walked to the sofa, looked directly at Wang Liang who was buried in his head, and said, "Say it yourself, have I wronged you?"

Wang Liang asked Ai Ai: "No."

"Another one, did I tell you in the early years that because of your heavy alcohol addiction, I will give you special treatment. During the work of the crew, you can drink up to two taels a day."

Wang Liangliang nodded: "Yes."

Fang Nan asked angrily, "Then why didn't you listen?"

"Is it too hot, too red, already floating?"

While questioning, Fang Nan took off his suit and threw it on the desk, then pulled Ni Ni up and away from Wang Liang, and then spat at Wang Liang again.

"If you don't pay attention, you will become a clown and become the laughing stock of the whole industry. If you lose your face, you will also lose the company's face and mine."

"The company has trained you from a camera assistant who pulls cannons every day to the most successful commercial director in China. The audience calls you the director who is best at shooting youthful love themes in China. Is this how you repay the company?"

"You bastard, the director's salary is tens of millions, and shareholders receive dividends every year, and the company also accepts advertising endorsements worth tens of millions of yuan for you. You live in a villa and drive a luxury car, but you frankly misappropriate the filming funds to eat the sea." drink?"

"Ask yourself, are you voluntarily paying liquidated damages to terminate the contract, or is the company suing you for embezzling Mexican property?"

Those who eavesdropped and peeped in and out of the office were all dumbfounded.

It's all about talking, scolding is all about scolding, you can't drive people away, it's even more excessive to sue and send them to prison, the company's most profitable director just give up if he says give up?

Shi Nansheng: "Mr. Fang, it's not enough. I understand what happened. Wang Liang didn't deliberately deny it, he just forgot."

Zhang Jia translated: "Yes, Director Fang, we were all drunk that day, and I really can't remember who paid the bill."

"Brother Nan, what are you up to? At worst, I'll transfer 100 million to the finance department." Ni Ni dragged Fang Nan to take care of him.

Shi Nansheng excused Wang Liang, and Zhang Jiayi and other parties hurriedly got up to find the reasons from each other, trying to share Fang Nan's anger as much as possible.

They had little contact with Fang Nan, and they had never seen Fang Nan get angry, nor heard that he was irritable.

Today I couldn't help being startled when I saw it, but some obscenities were okay, the key point was that Fang Nan kept thinking about getting people to go to prison, which was too scary.

If you sue and go to jail, the nature of the incident will change.

Seeing the horrified expressions on the third circle to the left and the third circle to the right, Fang Nan was about to speak out to warn others, when the crowd dispersed like waves, and Zhao Zhu, Ma Dayong, and Yu Hai came in sweating profusely.

Zhao Zhu slapped Wang Liang on the head, and the other party said:
"Brother Nan, why don't you give him another chance? Liangzi joined the crew when you were planning to film "The Unknown". .”

"Dayong and I still remember that after the filming of "The Unknown", Wang Liang stood and wandered back and forth in the small courtyard on Wukang Road. He was relieved until you asked him to join the Fang family class."

"So Dayong and I both believe that Liangzi definitely doesn't want to covet the company's money in his heart, and he won't poach your corner."

After Zhao Zhu recalled the past, Ma Dayong, who was out of breath, said again: "Brother Nan, you have a different status now, so I'm sorry to do it, I'll give you a hammer on Liangzi."

As Ma Dayong said, he really didn't care about the three sevens and twenty ones, and he gave Wang Liang two kicks when he went up.

This time, everyone on the scene looked dumbfounded. Ma Dayong is better than a stick. He is one of the few directors of a billion-dollar club in China.

With this in mind, everyone hurriedly pulled Ma Dayong away.


After Fang Nan stopped the absurd crowd, he said to Wang Liang again:
"Wang Liang, tell yourself, do you want to stay in the company? If you are willing to resign voluntarily, I will decide not to pay your breach of contract fee. I will let you go outside and choose a bigger platform to display your talents."

Wang Liang, who hadn't said a word yet, got up and said, "Brother Nan, I really didn't want to be greedy for the company's money. I just got drunk and forgot to make up the money."

"Is this what I'm asking?"

"I don't want to leave the company. I can recognize myself. If I leave Brother Nan, I'm nothing."

"Okay, then let me talk about your punishment. First, your partner status is temporarily frozen and will be restored after two years depending on the situation. Second, starting today, you will be transferred to the South Korean branch to help Hou Weidong Go, you go now."

After Fang Nan finished speaking without doubt, he pointed to the dark crowd outside and said:

"Everyone, especially the executives, looked out the door. Look at what Tangtang Film and Television has become. Is there any discipline in this company? Is it because I am too kind and only mention Rewards, not punishments?"

"Today, all directors and executives at the same level in the company will deduct the half-year bonus for this year, the manager level will deduct the first-quarter bonus, and the team leader to branch manager will deduct ten days of salary."

"Little Zhu."

"President Fang, I'm here." Fang Nan's secretary waved from outside the door.

"Notify all executives and artists of the company that as long as they are in China, they will come to the company for a meeting on time at nine o'clock the morning after tomorrow. The content of the meeting will be one: abide by the law, and everyone except Miss K, Nan Sheng, and Ma Sanyou will go out."

As Fang Nan gave orders angrily again, the crowd outside surged like waves, and with the crowd leaving were whispers like mosquitoes in summer.

"Damn, I was almost scared to death looking out of the window. I've never been so scared when I was filming Fang Nan before."

"I'm going to die, why don't you just call me by name?"

After being reminded by Sun Li, Jiang Xin was startled again. After looking around and finding no one was paying attention, she patted her open mouth lightly.

Sun Li glanced at Jiang Xin, who had many scenes with her in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", "When did you film Director Fang's movie, he was always very angry, okay? When I was filming "Painted Skin", I I've experienced it myself."

"I filmed "Legend of Sword and Fairy" in which he was a martial artist. He also cursed at that time, but it doesn't make people get goosebumps just by looking at him now."

"Could this be the unnatural aura of the superior?" Sun Li shook her head: "Don't talk about it, go back and have a quick scene after dinner. It's safer to join the crew earlier than to stay here."

"I feel the same way." Jiang Xin agreed.

the other side.

Wu Jing looked at Uncle Da and said, "You have high morals and high prestige, why didn't you just squeeze in and help persuade, if you want to go up, Brother Nan will definitely give you face."

"Every family has its cupboard."

Uncle Da shook his head and said, "Fang Nan is still a bit soft-hearted and nostalgic. If it were another big boss who was decisive in killing, he would kill chickens and monkeys with one blow!"


Fang Nan looked at Cai Yinong and the three of them and said, "I told you to wait a moment. I'm telling you that a 12-member economic advisory team will settle in the company in two days. They will stay for about half a month. You are in charge of receiving them."

The economic advisory group is seconded from Dream Literature Company, and this group of people is helping to prepare for the listing of Dream Literature and Douyin Video.

So, Fang Nan thought about recruiting people to let professionals feel the pulse of Tangtang Film and Television. Even if he traveled again, he didn't know anything about advanced economics or management. There was really no way out.

The advisory team came earlier than Fang Nan expected, and a group of 10 people roughly read the organizational structure and financial situation of Tangtang Film and Television on the first day, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Tangtang Film and Television has a chaotic organizational structure.

The company is actually like an army, but Tang Tang Film and Television's army, because there are too many types of work and too complicated, and some people have multiple skills, it may often happen that soldiers cannot find generals, and generals cannot find soldiers, which shows how outrageous it is.

In addition to the organizational structure, the finances of Tangtang Film and Television are even more outrageous.

There are more than 10 billion cash lying in the company's account books, which is frightening to death.

Ma Sanyou, the chief financial officer, also had something to say about why the advisory group didn't take out part of the funds to invest in Sunny Industries.

President Fang Nan has always been cautious and determined to focus on his strengths - film and television.

More importantly, President Fang is also afraid of the bank's debt collection. In order to repay the bank debt interest of Oriental Movie Metropolis on time, the company always has more than 10 billion in cash.

Then, Cai Yinong, the shareholder and vice president.

She is a person who wants to split a dollar into two pieces. It hurts to spend the money, and it doesn't need to be pleasing to the eye if it is kept in the account book.

On the first day when the advisory group settled in Tangtang Film and Television, the economist leading the team described Tangtang Film and Television as a fat man running wildly on the highway.

Fang Nan didn't understand: "What do you mean?"

After being explained by the advisory group, Fang Nan gradually understood.

What the experts mean is that Tang Tang Film and Television has been growing wildly in recent years, and the company has only one goal - to make a profit and make money.

It is true that he made a lot of money, but he also discarded a lot of things that are beneficial to the healthy development of the company.

The corporate culture has not kept up, because the company has money, and it recruits people when it lacks, which makes the organizational structure chaotic and creates many loopholes.

To use a dynamic description to describe the current situation of Tangtang Film and Television, people have already flown out, and thoughts have fallen behind.

The members of the advisory team looked at Fang Nan who was frowning and didn't know what to say.

It's stupid, it's really stupid, the company is a mess, a mess.

But if you call Fang Nan stupid, he is an out-and-out billionaire.

Not only that, but this tens of billionaire can also carry the messy Tang Tang Film and Television forward and run forward, making money non-stop.

The whole group wondered, how the hell did this happen!
"Tang Tang Film and Television's profits are very high, but the probability of encountering risks is also very high. In recent years, the film and television environment has been favorable, and the company's ability to resist risks has become very strong. Once the general environment changes, with the current development speed of Tang Tang Film and Television, At that time, there will definitely be problems, and first of all, the human problem will be difficult to solve.”

Fang Nan rushed to the expert who got the medical certificate and nodded, "Let's talk about the price. Let me settle the matter in front of me first. I will leave the company for a few days. Tell my secretary which positions you want to remove."

(End of this chapter)

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