literary world

Chapter 345 Fighting hard for 3 years, the golden statue award is soft

Chapter 345 Three years of fighting
The shoulders are tilted, and the weight shifts to the right foot.

Feeling relaxed physically and mentally, Fang Nan flicked the cue lightly, and the small white ball on the grass rolled into the hole not far away, making a "boom".

"The last shot is scored, Fang always wins!"

Amidst the low voices of people around, Fang Nan happily handed the club to the staff.

The opponent, Wang Sunglasses, smiled wryly: "You are definitely not playing golf for the first time, so I admit it, and buy you something to drink."

Fang Nan laughed out loud at Wang Sunglass' question.

It is indeed the first time he has touched golf in this life, but he was also keen on it for a while in his previous life.

The crowd flocked down to the rest area, Fang Nan exchanged pleasantries with Xiangjiang guests Liang Li Shaoxia and Huang Baozhu, and sat down.

Liang Li Shaoxia and Huang Baozhu are both directors of the Hong Kong Film Awards Board of Directors. The former is a member of the Film Industry Association, and the latter belongs to the Hong Kong Cinema Chamber of Commerce.

These two, together with Wang Sunjing and Zeng Zhiwei, especially came to Jiangyin to watch Fang Nan play golf.

Liang Li and Huang, who had been hiding in the rest area because they were afraid of the wind from the river, saw Fang Nan and Wang Sunjing drinking coffee. Huang Baozhu took the lead and said:
"Fang Sheng, although we have never met, we have always cooperated a lot. If you think about it, you can guess the purpose of our coming. It has been 13 years since Xiangjiang returned to China. We can no longer be angry with ourselves."

"So you see, your company invested, you directed such as "Parasite", "Assassination of Novelists", "The Wind", "Those Years", "Embroidered Spring Knife: Shura Hell", "Ocean Paradise", "Eavesdropping" "It is very necessary for films such as "Films to be on the stage of the Academy Awards."

It has been three years since Fang Nan and the Hong Kong Film Awards have been at loggerheads. In this year's 29th Film Awards, Tang Tang Films participated in the production and investment of films that still did not apply for the Film Awards.

This time, the Academy Award was completely ashamed and lost too much.

In the past few years, Fang Nan didn't have many works, and Tang Tang Film and Television invested in very few works, so he could still resist the Academy Awards.

This year, Fang Nan and Tang Tang Film and Television broke out completely.

A "Parasite", won the 67th Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film, the 82nd Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, Best Director Award, the 62nd Cannes Palme d'Or, and more than 100 awards of various kinds.

In addition to the awards, the global box office has exceeded 2 million US dollars, and it is still popular in China.

The domestic box office of the movie "Assassination of Novelists" exceeded 8 million yuan, and the Asian box office exceeded 10 billion yuan. Netizens called it comparable to Hollywood blockbusters.

The movie "The Girl I Chased Together in Those Years" broke the box office records in Xiangjiang and Taiwan.

"Ocean Paradise" made Li Lian Venice the emperor.

"The Wind" made Li Bing the winner of the Golden Horse Awards.

Tang Tang Film and Television has so many box office and word-of-mouth films that are well-recognized by domestic and foreign audiences and judges, but they do not participate in the Academy Awards. The entire Academy Awards Board of Directors must be sprayed to death?
"Young You", which won the Golden Bear Award, is not as good as the Academy Award.

Oscars, Golden Globes, and Palme d'Or are not as good as the Academy Awards?
Is it really so arrogant like a dead duck?

Or bite the bullet and feel inferior?

In short, the Board of Directors of the Academy Awards felt the chill of the coming storm.

Lose the Academy Awards for these films, and lose their appeal altogether.

Another one is that Tang Tang Film and Television has already opened a branch in Xiangjiang. Thinking that Tang Tang Film and Television may invest in more local films in Xiangjiang in the future, the board of directors shudders.

Therefore, when Fang Nan came back from the United States, the board of directors immediately sent three directors, and Wang Sunglass, who had a good chat with Fang Nan in Cannes, came to the door to act as a lobbyist.

"Then what should we do? I hope that the Academy Awards will get better and better, and the Academy Awards will kill themselves."

With a sarcasm, Fang Nan said calmly: "In fact, in the past two years, Beijing, the General Administration Bureau, and the Ministry of Culture have been inviting me to participate in the planning of the Beijing International Category A Film Festival."

"But I never agreed, why? Because we have a ready-made awards ceremony that can create international influence, that is, the Academy Awards. There is no need to waste resources and share the market."

"Xiangjiang is backed by the huge mainland market and faces the international market. The country is still developing the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the Greater Bay Area to deepen ties. Such a good geographical environment is obviously a natural one that can create an influential film festival. city ​​of."

"However, some people in Hong Kong don't know what's wrong. It may be that the poison of China and the West is too deep, and they are selfish! They even like to suppress their own people."

"Chairman Chen, the board of directors of the Golden Statue Awards, is saying that the Golden Statue Awards are the Hong Kong people's Golden Statue Awards. It's so farting and short-sighted!"

After expressing his depression, Fang Nan drank his coffee in one gulp, looked at the blushing three other than Wang Sunglasses without apology, and said, "I'm sorry, the company has been in a mess recently, I was angry, and I lost my composure just now."

"Zhiwei, Shaoxia, Baozhu, although I have won many gold medals, I would like to say something for Mr. Fang. I think he is right."

"Sometimes we have to judge the situation. If we leave the mainland, the Golden Statue Awards will not be able to continue. Why do we stick to it? Our generation will see the rise of the Golden Statue Awards and send it to the burial with our own hands."

"Or leave the problem to the next generation of Xiangjiang filmmakers to solve? But I also found that even we have to go north to beg for food. How can Xiangjiang have the next generation of filmmakers?"

"Really? Are you coming to the Mainland?"

Fang Nan looked at Wang Sunglasses happily: "When I went to North America this time, Li An also told me that if you really form a directors' alliance, he will be a part of it. Director Zhang Yimou also has ideas to join."

Wang Sunjing said in surprise: "With so many people, you want to monopolize? I'm afraid you will be sued."

"What kind of monopoly is this? Our directors are interested in joining together to find additional funds to shoot the scenes we want to make. What is this monopoly?"

Zeng Zhiwei said depressedly: "Fang Sheng, let's talk about the Academy Awards."

"Director Zeng, the three of you, there's nothing to talk about in the Academy Awards, either reform or a short life ending like fireworks."

Liang Li Shaoxia said: "So Boss Fang, if the Academy Awards are reformed, we will have a good cooperation?"

"Of course, as long as there are reforms, whether the Academy Awards is a film festival like the three major European film festivals, or just an awards ceremony like the Oscars, I will do my best to help the Academy Awards go international."

"The Huaxia Film Award has been criticized for so many years. It is time to create an award recognized by international filmmakers. I think this is the responsibility of my generation of filmmakers."

"Cantonese films and strong Hong Kong films are necessary to exist, but they should not and will not become the mainstream. Why not become the most eye-catching film of this film at an awards ceremony and during a film festival .”

Zeng Zhiwei said hoarsely, "What if it fails?"

"What will you lose if you fail? Popularity, money? Let's talk first, I have something to do." Fang Nan smiled and asked, pointing to Secretary Zhu who had just arrived.

"Mr. Fang, this is the grade classification of Tangtang Film and Television established by the advisory group. They have divided a total of 8 grades and 24 positions. Take a look."

Fang Nan took a glance, and found that the chairman, president, vice president, director, manager, director, team leader, and employee were all the same as before.

The biggest change may be the subdivision of responsible persons, who manages people, and who is in charge; who is in charge, what is in charge, and what.

It is equivalent to forming independent departments such as the film department, TV drama department, variety show department, artist management department, animation department, finance department, publicity department, administration department, etc. in a disguised form, but they are in the same company.

"It's really a lot clearer."

After recognizing the other party's strength, Fang Nan said again: "What else did the advisory team do?"

"The business side also raised some opinions. They think that the business exchanges between Tangtang Film and Fangnan Culture, 13 Swordsmen, Tangtang Cinema, and some TV stations are too casual, and there is a lack of legal evidence in many places. The company's legal department has to bear more responsibilities. .”

"Finally, the advisory group gave you a personal suggestion. Whether it's Tangtang Film and Television or your other companies, the means of profit are too single, and they are all limited to film and television production. An assembly line company has advantages and disadvantages. You We should invest in some industries other than film and television to resist risks.”

"Success, thank them for me, let President Cai, no, let Deputy Director Cai invite them to dinner for me, and besides, when will Cao Guozhong come?"

Secretary Zhu looked at his watch: "We'll be there in about an hour."

"It's done, go eat some desserts and drink some hot coffee. In March, the wind on the river is quite cold." Fang Nan nodded and walked towards Wang Shajing and the others.

"Director Fang, the four of us had a brief discussion and came up with a suggestion. You should let several of the company's plays register for the 29th Academy Awards as quickly as possible, so as to relieve the urgent need for the Academy Awards."

"Let's go back and urgently discuss reforms with members of the major film associations in Hong Kong. What do you think?"

Fang Nan glanced at Liang and Li Shaoxia, seeing that her attitude was quite sincere, he nodded after a little thought: "No problem, I trust you."

He is not afraid of the Board of Directors of the Academy Awards going back, he is still young, and he can still struggle for decades, and the Academy Awards can't go anywhere in Xiangjiang.

Of course, if the board of directors behind the Golden Statue Awards is bent on doing bad things, he will have nothing to say about entertaining himself and enclosing himself in this life.

Fang Nan agreed, Zeng Zhiwei and the others stood up to express their thanks, no matter what, this year's 29th Academy Awards will not be reduced to a laughing stock.

"Fang Sheng, may I have the liberty to say something more, can I invite you to attend the 29th Academy Awards?" Huang Baozhu said seriously.

Fang Nan directly vetoed it: "I'll forget it, there are many things to be busy."

Huang Baozhu and the others looked at each other with wry smiles, and after sitting for another meeting, they took the initiative to get up and say goodbye: "There are a lot of things to deal with when we go back, so we will leave first, thank you Fang Sheng for your hospitality."

"Then see you later!" Fang Nan smiled and shook hands with several people one by one.Watching the few people go away, Fang Nan walked out of the rest area, and drove a sightseeing car to the riverside alone.

At this moment, the surging river in front of him was like his surging heart.

After fighting fiercely with the Academy Awards for three years, today, the Academy Awards finally surrendered.

The softening of the Academy Awards means that he has jumped from being a chess onlooker to a chess player.

What should I do next?

Build a Chinese film trading platform around the reformed Golden Image Awards? ,

"Boss Fang."

Fang Nan, who was full of thoughts, suddenly turned his head. Cao Guozhong couldn't help but stared at those sharp eyes, and said after a while, "Mr. Fang, Secretary Zhu called me to come over."

"I asked him to call, let's go, go back, the sun is going down, and the sky is getting cold."

After Fang Nan nodded and finished speaking, he got on the sightseeing car and drove straight back, Cao Guozhong became more and more frightened.

He himself knew what he did. Although it was the company's development strategy to buy land and build a multi-purpose cinema with money from finances, Fang Nan did not approve in person.

On the whole, his behavior is much more outrageous than Wang Liang giving more than 30 yuan to a female star for her birthday.

Now he can only comfort himself, the chief financial officer is Fang Nan's confidant, without Fang Nan's nod, the finance department cannot approve the money, so Fang Nan knows it and tacitly accepts that he can get a few more lands.

Returning to the rest area again, Fang Nan stopped leisurely and gracefully sitting down to have snacks and drink coffee. After taking a simple shower, he recruited Cao Guozhong to his car.

Then, signal the driver to go back to Pujiang.

The car slowly left the golf course, got on the expressway, and soon drove out of the border of Jiangyin to Pujiang.

Cao Guozhong was furious.

Fang Nan asked him to rush from Pujiang to Jiangyin at the fastest speed, and he rushed there without saying a word, but Fang Nan drove him back without saying anything.

To tease him?
Certainly not.

Fang Nan wasn't that boring, and in his capacity, he wouldn't be so boring.

There is only one explanation for his seemingly absurd approach - warning!
Fang Nan used a round trip to warn him meaningfully, don't forget who everything you own comes from!
"After the four multi-functional cinemas in Wuxi, Hangzhou, Yangzhou, and Suzhou are completed, are you planning to break away from Pujiang United Cinemas and apply for your own cinema license?"

Fang Nan opened his mouth suddenly, and Cao Guozhong, who was still trying to figure out what the boss was thinking, quickly calmed down and said, "Yes, by then we will have seven multi-purpose cinemas and 100 screening halls, which can accommodate 60 to [-] people a day. Cinema."

Fang Nan nodded noncommittally, and asked another question: "I heard that the four movie theaters will all be H-shaped after they are built. What do you say?"

It is said that?

listen to who?
He directly said that he had seen the drawings, Cao Guozhong was depressed, but his face was full of smiles and said:

"H is a word for harmony, which symbolizes harmony and wealth. After the design drawing came out, we asked some famous gentlemen in the circle to look at it, and they all agreed!"

"As for how to use the H-shaped building, we plan like this, one branch is used to build a multi-functional cinema."

"The other branch is to follow Mr. Fang's order to build a supermarket, but after discussion with our company's senior management, ordinary supermarkets are already full of streets, so we plan to build a boutique supermarket."

"Mr. Fang may not have heard of boutique supermarkets. This concept is called blt. It was first proposed by China Resources at the end of last year. It is mainly used to meet the needs of fashionable white-collar workers."

"Meet the needs of white-collar workers? Why not meet the needs of everyone? Huaxia is developing rapidly. In the future, everyone will pay attention to healthy eating. Since you guys know how to learn from other people's concepts, why don't you develop your own brains on the basis of the predecessors? Hole?"

"A catty of ordinary apples costs a few dollars. If you take it to a boutique supermarket and indicate the origin, picking date, delivery date, and update the freshness of the apples at any time, this catty of apples may sell for more than 10 yuan per catty. You Do you think people will buy it for their health?"

"You can even spend money to let the technology platform make a special QR code for the supermarket, so that customers can scan the QR code to learn more detailed information about the product."

"You can also do short-distance delivery services, so that customers can enjoy the goods of boutique supermarkets without leaving home, easily make customers feel dependent, and increase the stickiness between supermarkets and customers."

Cao Guozhong was dumbfounded by Fang Nan's whimsical ideas. After a long time, he excitedly said: "Mr. Fang is quick-witted, and he is really a god.

"I am not opposed to expansion, I am opposed to unrestrained blind expansion, and I am opposed to some extraordinary measures for expansion. The company's public relations team for specific personnel will be disbanded on the spot. If you continue to mess around, you will either go to jail or I will surrender. !"

"You're at the place, go down."

Fang Nan turned a deaf ear to Cao Guozhong's flattery, and immediately kicked Cao Guozhong out of the car after he finished speaking with a cold face, and then directed the driver to drive to Dongfang Movie Metropolis.

Looking at the exhaust of the car, Cao Guozhong wanted to cry but had no tears. How did he get to the place?

(End of this chapter)

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