literary world

Chapter 346 There are dreams in life, each is wonderful

Chapter 346 There are dreams in life, each is wonderful

"Congratulations, Mr. Fang, I hope you can influence more people in the world and the governments of various countries through more excellent literary and artistic works!"

Under the flashing light, Fang Nan said "thank you" with a smile while receiving the certificate of honor issued by the UN-Habitat official.

The award he received was called the Special Honor Award of the United Nations Habitat Award.

He never asked anyone to apply for the award.

The reason why UN-Habitat took the initiative to award it to him is because "Parasite" won the Oscar for Best Director and Best Foreign Language Film. After the two awards, its influence doubled, and the number of countries that introduced film copyrights increased again.

At the same time, more countries have chosen to expand the screening and the second round of broadcasting.

Up to now, the cumulative number of viewers worldwide has exceeded 1 million, and it has been shown in 192 countries.

The more audiences, the bigger and more topics will be discussed. For a while, the residences of the poor all over the world have attracted attention.

The low-level people in several countries even took to the streets to call on the government to renovate their residences. For this reason, some countries had to spend part of their funds to improve dilapidated houses in their slums.

Therefore, UN-Habitat believes that Fang Nan has made contributions to the world's human settlements and deserves a special honor award.

Size is an award, and it was presented at the door, so Fang Nan didn't refuse, and arranged today's press conference with a smile.

The Habitat officials and the Huaxia leaders who accompanied them finished their impassioned speeches, and Fang Nan also made a scene in front of the reporters and two officials.

What will pay more attention to the world's human settlements in the future.

I will fulfill the responsibility of a director and improve the living environment of the world through works.

The media at the scene were dissatisfied. UN-Habitat is only a subsidiary agency of the United Nations. Many people have never heard of the Habitat Award Honorary Award, so they are not interested.

What they wanted to know was what Fang Nan was doing after he won the Oscar and didn't go out for a stroll or put on a show on the show.

You are the first Chinese director.

Counting Ang Lee who won the American nationality, you are also the second best director Oscar in Asia, okay? If other directors won the Oscar, they would blow the sky away, even farting is delicious.

How many media reporters are waiting for you, Fang Nan, to open your mouth to drain people. You f*cking play Shenyin, what a f*cking waste.

Realizing that they were redundant, the Habitat and other officials voluntarily chose to leave.

Fang Nan had no choice but to face a group of reporters alone.

Shaoqing, the first expatriate reporter from the Tomato Entertainment Channel that Hu Wen clicked on got up and said:

"Director Fang, what do you think of "Avatar" released at the beginning of the year? "Avatar" broke all the domestic box office records set by "Assassination of Novelists". Many netizens commented on the two films, "Assassination of Novelists" The special effects and "Avatar" is like playing house in comparison!"

Fang Nan smiled and teased, "Thank you for saving me face. I know that with the appearance of "Avatar", there are some extreme comments against me on the Internet. It can be said that the scolding is very ugly."

"Some netizens scolded me and edited me up, and it made sense. Our ancestors said that love is deeply responsible. The reason why these netizens scolded me so harshly was because they saw the gap between us and others. It contains a meaning of hating iron but not steel."

“What they lack is a little bit of personal accomplishment.”

Having ridiculed himself and fought back against the keyboard man, Fang Nan restrained his smile and said seriously: "So I want to say that no one can deny that "Assassination of Novelists" is the best special effects movie in China so far."

"Therefore, while we should not underestimate ourselves, we must recognize one thing. The film technology presented by "Avatar" is indeed unparalleled. However, Huaxia still has filmmakers and technical teams that have not given up resistance. They have been catching up. Never stopped!"

After a burst of applause, Hu Wen pointed to the next reporter.

"Hello, Director Fang. I'm a reporter from Zhalang Entertainment. My question is, is the female lead in your next play Fan Bing? That's when you met Fan Bing at the airport on the day you returned to China. The reporter's photo shows that you two had a good chat. joy!"

"There is no cooperation for the time being. The female character in "The Wandering Earth" is a little girl, and Fan Bing is not suitable."

"The Martian?"

"If you have read the novel "The Martian", you should understand that "The Martian" is a one-man show for male actors."

"Hello, I'm a reporter from the movie channel. I want to ask Director Fang why he refused to be the image ambassador of the first Beijing International Film Festival in 2011. Is it because he is not optimistic about the Beijing Film Festival, or is there something hard to say? Since he keeps saying that he is a Chinese film People, shouldn’t they make a due contribution to the Beijing International Film Festival?”

The reporter's question from the Six Princesses Channel under the film bureau made everyone at the scene look at each other in dismay.

This is what is called ruthlessness, and what is called daring to ask, it is different if there are people behind it.

The reporters looked at Fang Nan after muttering. This question is very difficult and terrible, and they, a bunch of lip service reporters, couldn't think of an answer for a while.

After all, a bad answer will offend people, not ordinary people.

The filmmaker's immediate boss.

Offending the upper class by making movies is much more serious than offending the lower class parents [audience]. After all, the lower class are easy to fool, and the upper class has orders.

Hu Wen, the host of the reception, looked at Fang Nan.

She was ready to be mobbed by the media, as long as Fang Nan frowned, she would forcibly end the reception.

At the scene where needles could be heard, Fang Nan smiled, and joked again: "You said you were looking for an image ambassador, how can I be an image ambassador for the Beijing International Film Festival with my image?"

"If I become this image ambassador, Ms. Gao will be the first to bury me. You don't know, she is praying day and night that the baby in her belly will only inherit my pair of eyes."


"Perfect answer!"

"Mother Fang Nant is getting wiser and wiser!"

"It should be said that it is getting more and more slippery!"

Reporters at the scene responded with warm applause and cheers.

At the same time, Hu Wen urgently clicked on a media that has a lot of cooperation with Tangtang Film and Television.

After 10 minutes, Fang Nan answered questions about movies, Gao Yuanyuan, children, etc. without leaking anything, and did not leave the hotel gracefully until the scheduled time came.

As soon as he got in the car, Secretary Xiao Zhu handed over Fang Nan's personal mobile phone and said, "Miss Zeng called. She has come to Pujiang and wants to see you."

"Ah? What are you talking about?"

"She sent the address of the hotel, and said she wants to meet up. I told Lao Han the address."

"Let's go then."

When Shangri-La Hotel saw Zeng Li and the child carrying a schoolbag, Fang Nan asked curiously, "What's the situation? I didn't hear you say you were coming over last night."

"I'm going to fly to the UK. My mother has a little health problem. I asked Xiaozhuo for three days off, and I have a Labor Day holiday. I will be back by then."

Fang Nan hurriedly asked, "What's the problem? Do you want me to go with you?"

He and Zeng Li are real but not named, so it is his responsibility to support the elderly.

Zeng Li wondered: "Isn't "The Wandering Earth" scheduled to launch on May 5?"

Fang Nan nodded: "Yes."

Zeng Li raised her brows upside down: "Then you are coaxing me? Come on, if I come back late, after May [-]st, you can take time to take care of Zong Wanzhuo in kindergarten for a few days."

Go to kindergarten?

After the middle class in the kindergarten became a preschool class, our daughter has voluntarily downgraded to the small class, and it doesn't seem to matter if she can't get in.

But Fang Nan didn't dare to say this clearly, Zeng Li had already made a huge concession in terms of the child's study, and if he provoked the other party, the other party would say that he would cruelly break the promise.

Glancing at the hotel room, looking at this one, touching that one, Fang Nan thought to himself, "Then why don't you take her with you?"

His girl is frighteningly lively, he's really afraid that she won't be able to handle it for a long time.

Zeng Li became even angrier: "I'm the one who co-authored her? I have to take care of my mother while I also have to take care of your daughter."

"Yes, yes, I forgot that you have to take care of your aunt. Now, I will take care of your daughter. I guarantee that you will still have one nose and two eyes when you come back. When will you leave?"

Zeng Li rolled her eyes: "Fly from Pujiang tomorrow."

Hearing that he was leaving tomorrow, Fang Nan was overjoyed and pulled on the other party's pair of soft clothes: "This is good, this is good!"

The paparazzi were rampant outside, and the three of them dared not go out at the same time, so they had to hide in the hotel and chat.

When Fang Nan was about to squint, Zeng Li suddenly said, "Hey, China Opera wants to hire me back to represent an acting class. Do you think I should go back?"

"Aren't you tired? Do you know how envious I am of your current life? When you come out to do things, you must first learn to watch your words and expressions. Every time you say a word, you have to think about it for 2 minutes."

"When you talk to your superiors, you have to say something, but at the same time, you have to praise the other party just right. When you talk to your subordinates, you have to show more wisdom than the other party, so that the other party does not dare to make small moves behind their backs. How many brain cells are wasted every day. "

"What about you! I really want to come out, and I'm just a teacher! Not so many big people talk to me."

Fang Nan pointed his ass at Zeng Li indignantly: "I'm doing it for your own good. If you are tired of being a tea shop owner and want to teach and educate people, why don't you run a school that teaches acting? If you are the principal, you don't have to be a sandwich biscuit." gone."

"The more you say it, the more outrageous it is!"

Zeng Li slapped Fang Nan's buttocks, but after a while she couldn't help but feel tempted again.

The relationship between her and Fang Nan was just like this. She lost her name but lived a comfortable life.

As the saying goes, full and warm.

When she lived a comfortable life, she found that she was either serving the tea shop or serving her daughter.

Just wanted to do something more fulfilling.

Therefore, the first time Teacher Chang mentioned to her about going back to the Chinese Opera as a substitute teacher, she had the seeds of becoming a teacher in her heart. After Fang Nan mentioned running an acting school, she felt that running a school seemed to enrich herself.

She didn't know that her current state of mind was something that Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian had discussed - the meaning of life.

But Zeng Li, like Liu Qianqian, was still at a loss.

Liu Qianqian said that she wants to be the most popular actress and star in the world.

But because the difficulty is too great and the hope is slim, I can only learn from an ostrich, hiding my head and talking to myself, and full of hesitation.

Zeng Li is worse than Liu Qianqian. She may have found dozens of life goals, but she is hesitating which one to choose.

Fang Nan is very direct.

Because of his regrets in his previous life, in this life, "I want to be a great international director, win awards and box office with both hands, and both hands must be tough"!
After a few years, when his first goal in life was in full swing, he burst out with his second and third goals.

I want to hate Hollywood science fiction movies.

I want to try to see if Huaxia can create an internationally renowned film festival like the Cannes Film Festival.

I have spent my whole life promoting Chinese culture, whether watching Chinese movies can become the mainstream of the international film market.

So far, Fang Nan has a perfect life plan.

He felt that if he had to bite the bullet and do these few things in this life, whether he succeeded or failed, it was nothing more than a successful journey in life!

You can smile at Jiuquan!

So Fang Nan lives very comfortably and soberly, and doesn't worry about what to do today, what to do tomorrow, what to do this year, what to do next year like most people in the world.


Thong Wanzhuo heard a soft snoring sound, Fang Nan tugged Zeng Li who was staring wide-eyed and said: "Hey, my daughter is asleep, hurry up."

The hormonal gun fired soon.

But Zeng Li has a nail in his heart, and his mood is obviously not high, so that he looks like a curious baby.

"Hey, if you really want to open an art school, how large should it be?"

"Hey, which area do you think you should specialize in?"

"Hey, will it be difficult to apply for various certificates?"

Fang Nan, who used to be an old scalper, lived in Bengbu, still playing or not, should he be so perfunctory in doing things?
Rambling all night.

The next day.

Zeng Li flew to the Daying Empire, Fang Nan and Zong Wanzhuo looked at each other, "Girl, how do you want to spend these few days?" Fang Nan asked Zong Wanzhuo.

Thong Wanzhuo said in a Beijing-accented milky voice, "Then you can figure it out."

Fang Nan was depressed: "Then go to work with Dad."

After packing up her luggage, Fang Nan dragged Thong Wanzhuo to Tangtang Film and Television. After joining the company, the little girl immediately rose to become a super star, and she really received countless attention and heated discussions.

People are more popular than dead people.

It doesn't matter that Thong Wanzhuo can be reincarnated, she even appeared in "Time Magazine" at a young age, killing all the domestic first-line stars who boasted.

Moreover, Fang Nan brought his own child into the company for the first time.

The most important thing is that the child was not born to Gao Yuanyuan, Fang Nan's real wife.

So that such a girl will be the focus wherever she goes.

Thong Wanzhuo was allowed to entertain himself on the sofa, while Fang Nan took care of his business for the day. During this period, Thong Wanzhuo wanted to go out for a walk, but he just told him not to go out of the biggest door, and let the secretary pay more attention.

"Your daughter outside? The one in Time Magazine?"

Fang Nan looked at Shi Nansheng speechlessly: "What's this called? I'm just a girl."

Shi Nansheng teased, "When will Gao Yuanyuan be born?"

"Yes, I have two children, are you alright?" Fang Nan asked angrily.

"The filming of "The Wandering Earth" will start soon. This is the list of invited guests for the launch conference. Take a look and see who will be added. I will invite you tomorrow."

Fang Nan glanced at it, then handed back the dense list of celebrities to the other party: "That's enough, why invite so many celebrities."

"Then I invited you according to the list." Shi Nansheng hesitated for a while, and then said: "After the 29th Hong Kong Film Awards came to an end, the Xiangjiang filmmakers were arguing fiercely. Is it necessary to disband the Hong Kong Film Awards? Maybe we can create another international in Hong Kong." Film Festival."

"Fist to fist can't beat others, but do you think you can pierce a fist with two fingers?"

"You can relay my following words to the Xiangjiang filmmakers: Stop deceiving yourself and others. I am not capable of creating an international film festival alone, and neither are the Xiangjiang filmmakers. Together, we may have a chance."


"You have been in Tangtang Film and Television for two or three years, and you have a thorough understanding of the country. You shouldn't ask such a stupid question. I'm not saying that the mainland is not good, but that the Hong Kong platform has more advantages when it comes to film festivals. There are very few limitations...”

Shi Nansheng said anxiously: "The Beijing International Film Festival will be launched next year. Have you ever thought that once the reform of the Academy Awards is successful, the company may be affected by you."

"Don't always make conspiracy theories. We and the company will have a good life. As long as we don't break the law and discipline, we are doing things seriously and doing useful things, and we will definitely be recognized."

"Building a film festival around Xiangjiang, if the film festival is completed, mainland netizens may not buy it, and you will probably be scolded as a pig!"

"Hi, the netizens in the mainland are very powerful, but they are not so small. They know a lot. They usually quarrel and swear, but they always remember that Xiangjiang is a little brother."

"Of course, at the beginning I was bound to be talked about for a while. After a long time, they will flatter me."

"That's it, that's it. By the way, you can tell Xiangjiang's filmmakers, producers, and singers to support the reform of the Golden Image Awards. Tangtang Film and Television welcomes them to come to the mainland for development, and maybe provide some employment opportunities."

Shi Nansheng looked disbelieving: "There are so many people, how can you provide employment opportunities."

Fang Nan smiled and remained silent.

Xiangjiang has so many celebrities that can't arrange it?
"Ace vs. Ace" will come out, and the appearance fee will be [-]. One season will invite hundreds of stars to nostalgia, and they will arrange stars who support reform.

One show isn't enough?
Then throughout "The Masked Singer", put on the headgear and sing.


"Hey, what's the matter?" Fang Nan looked at the girl leaning against the door frame.

"I want to pull papa!"

Fang Nan stayed in Bengbu: "Girl, can we be a little more refined?"

(End of this chapter)

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