literary world

Chapter 347 Internal Competition

Chapter 347 Internal Competition
Fang Nan: "Is anyone there?"

Thong Wanzhuo followed closely behind: "Is there anyone? No one, hurry up!"

Fang Nan was speechless, locked the door, and rushed in with Thong Wanzhuo.

The little girl is lively and not afraid of strangers, and she is especially popular with the female employees of the company. After a while, she ate a lot of weird snacks, and now she is in a hurry.

Pushing open the first door with her knees, Tso Wanzhuo looked at the adult toilet which was bigger than her own with big black eyes, and then at Fang Nan: "I will fall."

"You're so annoying, I'm dragging you."

Fang Nan couldn't help but tore off the little girl's pants, and hugged her to sit on her.

After a while, the little girl's brows gradually relaxed, Fang Nan also heaved a sigh of relief, and then he heard the other party say: "Father, there is a beautiful sister behind!"

Fang Nan turned his head and saw Liu Qianqian with a short ponytail standing outside the door at some point, looking at the two with a red and white face.

"When did you come back from Europe? Why didn't you respond just now?" Fang Nan was speechless.

"What's the answer? I want to see who the person with the loli accent is!"

"Oh Liu Qianqian, this bad woman, why is her mind so dirty, that's a baby!"

After a slander, Liu Qianqian blamed herself again, and then reluctantly said: "Just came back, Miss Xi Jun asked me to come back to attend the launch conference of "The Wandering Earth"."

Fang Nan didn't like Liu Qianqian's answer, did he really go crazy?

Do you still want to be popular, or do you want Qian Fan?
He said extremely annoyed: "My good fellow, it wasn't Mr. Chu Yu who called you personally, and you still haven't come back, right?"

"I won't go to the Academy Awards, I also gave up on "Cloud Atlas", and I can't come to the company's meetings. After filming "Those Years", I have been on hiatus for more than half a year. It will take a few months at the earliest to find the next film before joining the team. , do you want to be so capricious?"

"I'm a director. After a few years of filming a movie, the audience will praise me for keeping improving. How much popularity will you lose as an actress if you take a break for a year or two?"

After a few words of reprimand, Fang Nan said earnestly, "Don't always have such a high vision. There are hundreds of movies in China every year, and there are only two or three movies with good reputation and box office. You have to take care of some above-average roles."

Liu Qianqian said angrily, "You're treating me like a child, just take care of your daughter, her ass is about to get wet."


Fang Nan turned his head to look, and couldn't help but look terrified.

He turned his back to talk to Liu Qianqian, completely forgetting about his own daughter, Zuo Wanzhuo's whole body was bowed, almost sitting in the urinal.

Knowing that he had made a big mistake, Fang Nan hurriedly pulled his daughter up to stand up.
And Zuo Wanzhuo, who realized something, howled loudly immediately.


"Don't cry, don't cry, who are you blaming, I'm talking to my sister, why are you so engrossed in listening, you don't even know you slipped into the urinal?"

Liu Qianqian snorted: "What kind of sister is called Auntie!"

Thong Wanzhuo tugged on her jacket and howled wildly, but Liu Qianqian leisurely corrected the wrong address. Fang Nan's head hurt badly: "Don't worry about auntie or sister, go out and find a basin and bring me some warm water."

Two, one, one, and three people chattered into a ball, another door of the women's toilet opened, and Yang Function, whose thighs were numb, stepped on his high heels and walked over: "Sister Qian, Brother Nan, do you need help?"

Fang Nan was stunned, what's wrong with this?
I asked several times if there was anyone, but neither of them hummed at all, so they like to pretend to be dumb and eavesdrop on privacy?

Chao Wanzhuo's crying made people feel uneasy, Fang Nan no longer entangled in Liu Qianqian and Yang Fun's bad taste, and said to Yang Fun: "Help me find Secretary Xiao Zhu, and tell him to go to the car to give to Chao Wan Take a pair of pants."

"I go now."

Yang Fun and Liu Qianqian left one after another.

After a while, the two returned with trousers, washbasins, and towels, and behind them were their managers and assistants. A group of people filled the toilet and watched Fang Nan wash his daughter as if watching a play.

Under the guidance of the crowd, it took Fang Nan a long time to tidy up Zong Wanzhuo clumsily.

"Auntie, please help me deal with the water stains on the ground."

"It's okay, Mr. Fang, this is my job."

Fang Nan nodded and walked out of the bathroom with a smile, and patted the little girl's buttocks with her head buried in her arms, and said, "Now you know how shy you are? Don't eat any more random snacks today!"

As soon as she sat down in the office with her daughter in her arms, Liu Qianqian came and sat down on the sofa by herself, her thighs crossed and she began to taunt Fang Nan: "Now you realize how hard Sister Lizi is."

Fang Nan glanced at her: "You know again? Li Zi doesn't know how willing she is to take care of Xiao Zhuo. If you have a baby, I'm sure you'll like it too."

Liu Qianqian looked disdainful: "Cut, you want to learn from Picasso? I'm afraid you think I'm a fool! I'm free, free, and very happy!"

Fang Nan was depressed, why did he want to imitate Picasso and use his children to trap women?
He just explained that maternal love is great, okay?
He never had any ulterior motives to cause the woman he had a romantic affair with to get pregnant unexpectedly.

But a philosopher said it well, never argue with a woman.

Therefore, Fang Nan took the initiative to ask Liu Qianqian about her work plan for this year.

Tang Tang Film and Television has developed to this day, and he is no longer involved in planning the development route of artists.

Liu Qianqian is Scorpion Baba—the only one.

Fang Nan just wanted to hear what she planned to do after giving up "33 Days of Broken Relationship" without hesitation.

"I'm competing for the female role in the movie version of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern". It is said that "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is the company's key project for the next five years. Is it true that both film and television dramas should be taken care of?"

Fang Nan nodded, snatched the mouse from Thong Wanzhuo's hand, glanced at the "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" project schedule, and asked curiously, "Do you want to play Ms. Yang in the movie version?"

"That's right." Liu Qianqian nodded in agreement.

Fang Nan glanced at the script of Ms. Yang's character in the document, and the script said: Ms. Yang is a young woman with black hair like clouds, beautiful eyebrows and beautiful face
Looking at it from the front, Liu Qianqian's appearance really fits well.

The second half of the character design is much worse. Ms. Yang in "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" has foreign blood and has a hooked nose.

"If you lose weight again, it is quite in line with the first half of the personality."

For actors, weight loss is not a big deal, Fang Nan's attitude is more important, "You want to vote for me?" Liu Qianqian asked.

Fang Nan was surprised: "Why, is the internal competition so fierce? Still have to vote?"

Liu Qianqian looked at Fang Nan like an idiot. She didn't know how big her company was and whether there was any competition?
"You do the math yourself. Even if you don't know the outside actors, the company's female artists include Zhou Xun, Mei Ting, Hai Qing, Si Shi, Ni Ni, Function, and me."

"Excluding Sister Xun, Sister Ting, and Sister Haiqing who may not be very suitable in age, there are three remaining competitors. It is considered fierce."

Fang Nan nodded, it was fierce enough.

It was so intense, he couldn't intervene indiscriminately.

Liu Qianqian has an unusual relationship with him, it can be said that they are very close, but in the end they are also company artists.

If he couldn't level a bowl of water, it would be unfair for him to help Liu Qianqian with the other three actresses.It will be criticized and criticized.

The reason why he didn't want to touch his own actress was for this reason.

Moreover, whether Liu Qianqian or the other three female artists, each has a lot of fans and fans, the only one who is relatively weak is Yang Function, so whoever chooses not to choose will have to be scolded.

He is not afraid of being scolded by netizens and fans, but he is not a cheap bone. He likes to rush to make people talk about it.

Thinking of this, Fang Nan hastily threw away this hot potato.

"You guys compete fairly, I have to work on "The Wandering Earth", "The Martian", a lot of things."

"Fang Dong, you ordered lunch."

"Oh, bring it in." Watching Xiao Zhu put the dishes on the desk, Fang Nan asked Liu Qianqian, "Are you going to eat at home, or where?"

Braised ribs.

Mapo tofu.


A crucian carp.

Black-bone chicken soup.

Liu Qianqian smacked her lips: "Is there enough food?"

Fang Nan's egg hurts: "I'll just be polite, you'd better go home and eat, the dishes are all in small portions."

Liu Qianqian: "I won't go home to eat yet."

Zong Wanzhuo, who was standing in front of Fang Nan, was unhappy, and knocked on the table with his spoon: "Go home and eat by yourself."

Liu Qianqian was very angry, she stretched her arms, and pinched Tso Wanzhuo's chubby face: "You little heartless, when you were young, your aunt bought you so many toys."

"The toys are all bought by my father."

Tuo Wanzhuo, who had thrown the memory of Liu Qianqian to the Java country earlier, yelled.

Liu Qianqian quit, like a three-year-old child must compete.

In the end, she insisted on wringing her fingers and recounting the toys she had bought. She was so surprised that she let out a series of "oh" from her small mouth.

Fang Nan became impatient: "All right, all right, let's eat together."

After finishing lunch, Liu Qianqian went home after ordering, and Fang Nan took Wanzhuo to the Oriental Movie Metropolis.

The Dongfang Movie Metropolis, which straddles the two towns of Pujiang River, is very large, and the outer wall is beyond the horizon at a glance. Entering from the main entrance, Fang Nan's car drove for a long time before arriving at the concentration area of ​​high-tech video studios that were being finished.

Get out of the car, walk into the main entrance again, and enter the largest studio in the largest concentration area. Wanzhuo's small mouth became O-shaped again: "Dad, this house is super big!"

Fang Nan smiled and patted his daughter's head.

The rectangular recording studio they were in was more than 10 times the size of a normal recording studio, and it was specially built for Fang Nan's filming of "The Wandering Earth".

The contractor will restore the entire studio to 12 normal high-tech studios after he finishes filming "The Wandering Earth".

No way, the setting area of ​​"The Wandering Earth" is more than 10 square meters, and only Warner's largest studio in the world can meet this setting requirement.

The recording studio is currently divided into several areas: Dungeon, Space Capsule, Rest Area, R&D Area, and Props Area
And there are various weird props on the open space outside the recording studio, including two empty shell planes.

"Dad, Handjob"

Thong Wanzhuo dragged Fang Nan, trying to change the opponent's route, but Fang Nan had no choice but to hand over his daughter to the secretary, and drove the sightseeing car to the shooting area by himself.

"Director Fang."

"Expert Liu."

"Brother Nan, here we come."

"Well, have you eaten lunch yet?"

Along the way, Fang Nan was greeted by people. In the recording studio, there were nearly 3000 people working hard on "The Wandering Earth". When the filming officially started and all the actors settled in, there might be as many as 4000 people in the recording studio.

In addition, there are nearly 3000 special effects personnel.

For this reason, Light and Shadow 13 Swordsman spent a lot of money to outsource special effects teams at home and abroad for the first time.

They really can't do it.

Even though they have completely given up doing TV special effects, the special effects of "The Wandering Earth", "Journey to the West", "Flying Swords of the Dragon Gate", and "The Martian" undertaken by the company have made them feel terrible.

After all, the company only has a total of more than 1700 people. After allocating 1500 people to "The Wandering Earth", the special effects artists were really stretched and had to outsource some simple special effects.

There are many people in the recording studio, and there are as many as 113 experts of various types. In the script, the engine jet that moves the earth is designed by several experts based on their personal work experience, and with the help of some assumptions, and finally based on the seismograph.

In addition, there are exoskeletons and various weapons that cannot be separated from military experts.


"You look relaxed?"

In the space capsule area, Wu Jing wearing a space suit is getting familiar with the feeling of weightlessness with the help of the staff and Wia.

Wu Jing's face darkened, and she complained: "It's so easy, the clothes weigh dozens of catties, and I'm exhausted. I haven't asked you for an extra salary yet."

"Come on, Uncle Renda is so old, isn't he also wearing an exoskeleton weighing more than 40 kilograms, and he was still running just now."

"Uncle Da is too perverted, hey, let me go down for a rest."

Seeing Wu Jing who was gently put down and carefully took off his space suit, sweating profusely for a while, Fang Nan couldn't help laughing and said: "Well, the filming will officially start the day after tomorrow, and I don't think there will be time any later. I invite everyone tonight Have a drink."

Wu Jing was speechless: "You are not kidding, there are about 2000 people at the scene."

"I'm not joking." Fang Nan said to Zhao Zhu seriously: "Zhu Zi, ask the field manager to bring some people out to carry beer and order cooked food. After dinner, remember not to leave any rubbish in the studio."

"Got it, your phone is ringing."

Zhao Zhu knew a lot about Fang Nan's affairs. Brother Nan felt that Dream Literature and Douyin Video had confirmed their release date and were going to make money, so he panicked.

"Hello, who is it?" Fang Nan was curious: "Pujiang International Film Festival Organizing Committee, is there anything wrong?"

"Oh, hello, hello, award, who is it for? Him? Best photography award? OK, I'll go to participate then."

Wu Jing was curious: "Who is so big, it deserves you to present the award!"

Fang Nan, the best director of the Oscars, is the only one in the country, and the film industry can count on one hand the people who can invite him to present awards.

"Du Kefeng, the director of photography in "Young You", this year's Pujiang Film Festival will give him the Best Cinematography Award." Fang Nan explained.

"Oh, then it's really worth a trip. By the way, Xiangjiang has been talking about you a lot recently."

"Even you got the message?"

Fang Nan didn't think so, walked out of the space capsule, touched his pocket, took out a cigarette and handed Wu Jing a cigarette.

The two smoked a cigarette outside, chatted about Hong Kong filmmakers and domestic filmmakers, and before they knew it, they chatted until night fell. In the evening, Fang Nan accompanied the crowd to order two bottles of beer, and hurriedly left with his sleeping daughter in his arms.

In the next two days, he participated in the launch conference of "The Wandering Earth" step by step.

After that, he took off his suit and white shirt, put on a more casual jacket and T-shirt, and led his daughter into the most familiar studio.

 I thought about it last night and forgot it, so I have no idea today, so I just wrote this when my waist hurts.

(End of this chapter)

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