literary world

Chapter 348 The company goes public, and the wealth soars

Chapter 348 The company goes public, and the wealth soars


Before 'Dream Literature' landed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange GEM.

Hou Qiang, vice president of the company, accepted a short interview with the host of CCTV Economic Channel.

Facing what the host mentioned, the crazy marketing of dream literature in the market for the listing of the first online literature company, concept stocks, and film and television IP is hype, Hou Qiang smiled slightly, and said neither humble nor overbearing:
In the past three years, the business of Dream Literature has grown rapidly.



In the first quarter of 2011, Mengmeng Literature's net income increased from 2010 million yuan in the same period of 4820 to 1.387 million yuan.

Our online literature library (including works created by the community) has about 520 million works, and 5970 million words of works are uploaded to the literature library every day.

According to Openbook data, in 2010, among the three best-selling literature books in China, two were published by Dream Literature.

In addition, Mengmeng Literature is actively building an IP system. "Scary Step by Step", which is currently being broadcast nationwide, is the first IP drama jointly launched by Mengmeng Literature and Tangtang Film and Television.

At present, another novel of Dream Literature "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is also in hot production.

We are also vigorously promoting the filming of the popular novels "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" and "Tomb Raiders Notes".

It also signed contracts with foreign publishing houses to promote the "Three-Body" series to the world.

Therefore, dream literature is not a concept stock in the true sense.

There are more than 500 million series of books in our company's database, and more than 100 million writers are real valuable assets.

I really believe in the words of Chairman Fang Nan of the company, the future world - content is king!
"Mr. Hou, hurry up to the stage and ring the bell immediately."

After a while.

A series of "bang bang bang" sounded in Shenzhen, and Dream Literature successfully landed on the Shenzhen stock market, becoming the first Chinese literature stock.

The stock price soared 121% at the opening, with a quoted price of 28 yuan and a market value of 31 billion yuan. As of the close, the company's share price was reported at 43.12, an increase of 154%, and the company's market value was 44 billion yuan.

Dream Literature was successfully listed, and the stock price soared, which also drove Fang Nan's personal net worth to skyrocket.

He himself felt nothing.

As long as he doesn't have to worry about food and drink, and has money to make movies for him, he no longer cares about having a few steel coins in his pocket.

And the money has long been inexhaustible. As long as there are no prodigal sons in the descendants, it will not be used up in 10 lifetimes. It doesn't matter if there is more or less in the pocket.

It's an outsider's orgasm.

American Finance Magazine, a magazine that compiles the world's pig killing list [Forbes Rich List] once a year, specially congratulated Fang Nan through Facebook Aite.

Congratulations to Fang Nan's net worth exceeding 220 billion.

What Fang Nan is currently ranked 17th in the China Rich List, following the real estate company Country Garden, and the next one is Wang Yida.

There are even multiple property valuation reports posted to show the authority of the data.

In short, all kinds of information that can be said but can't be revealed are clean, which makes Fang Nan disgusting enough. For this reason, he specially assigned double security for Gao Yuanyuan and Zeng Li's mother and daughter.

So far, things are not over yet.

In mid-May, Douyin Video successfully landed on the A-share market again.

It is the second domestic video website company listed in technology stocks after Kuliu Video.

Compared with Dream Literature, whose market value soared to more than 40 billion after its listing, Douyin Video is still burning money, and its market value is only more than 10 billion, but it cannot hold back the confidence of shareholders.

Compared with the internal conflicts after the listing, the Ku[-] videos of senior leadership leaving frequently.

The Douyin video has ten billionaire Fang Nan in charge, and he didn't choose to cash out immediately.

Shareholders are optimistic, and investors are also optimistic, so even if Douyin is burning money, the stock price has always shown an upward trend.

After the company issued a notice to shareholders that [Fang Dao will bring two new scripts to Douyin Video], the stock price once rose sharply.

Subsidiaries of Fangnan Culture and Light and Shadow 13 Swordsman went public one after another. As the boss behind the scenes, Fang Nan's personal wealth skyrocketed, and at the same time he was chased by media reporters.

Various reports about Fang Nan were lengthy.

Mainstream media, Internet media, national TV stations, local TV stations, economic columns, entertainment programs, friends, relatives, colleagues, campus gossip, Internet gossip, business people, ordinary people's gossip, all kinds of discussions and discussions about Fang Nan The information is varied.

He is too young, only 31 years old.

Such a young man won many international awards in his profession.

It is too shocking to be so successful in business.

On the economic column, the invited guests described Fang Nan as a monkey grandson born out of nowhere, who would become a blockbuster if he didn't go out of the mountain.

On the entertainment program, celebrities who have worked with Fang Nan said that Fang Nan is a genius, and every time he succeeds, he seems to come at his fingertips.

According to internet gossip, Fang Nan either became the illegitimate son of a certain business tycoon, or had no clear relationship with a certain high-ranking official.

After dinner, the common people discussed what Fang Nan, a wealthy man with a net worth of more than 200 billion yuan, ate and drank every day.

Young people on campus, especially Internet majors, regard Fang Nan as their idol.

Celebrity effect and rich man's status, for a while, the news about Fang Nan was overwhelming, occupying all media platforms except China Central Television, Fang Nan was tormented like he wanted to die.

He is long past the point where he needs a lot of media attention and exposure.

He also knows that the richer he is, the more low-key he should be.

The good thing is that there are not many people who hate the rich in China at present, and no capitalist arrogantly clamors for 996, let alone the word "lay down", so he will not be shouted and beaten by everyone.

But even so, Fang Nan still chose to spend a lot of money.

After cashing out 3 million yuan from Dream Literature, Fang Nan first donated 1 million yuan to his hometown to let the local government repair the country roads.

After that, he once again donated 1 million yuan in R&D funds to the space agency in the name of supporting the national aerospace industry.

What's more, he took out 2 million yuan and planned to build 5-10 comprehensive schools in poor areas.

In addition, he transferred a sum of money to the escrow agency.

This money is used to pay for 100 elementary and middle school students who have excellent grades but are forced to drop out of school due to various reasons, and who are about to drop out of school.

That's enough money for 100 kids to finish college.

He has donated academic funds to many domestic universities and scientific research institutions,

When several charitable organizations came to the door, Fang Nan took out 1000 million points again, and did not stop until the cumulative amount of donations reached [-] million.

The external donations came to an end, but internally, Fang Nan was not stingy.

He permanently increased the salary of 100 yuan to the existing ordinary employees of Fangnan Culture, 13 Swordsmen, Happy Twist, and Tangtang Cinema, which are 500% owned by the company.

Added 100 yuan to the salary of the existing ordinary employees of Tangtang Film and Television, Dream Literature, and Douyin Video, which are not 200% owned.

After throwing money and hype and getting likes from all directions, Fang Nan took his heart back and hid in the Oriental Movie Metropolis with peace of mind to grind "The Wandering Earth".

The story of "The Wandering Earth" is actually very simple. It can be summed up in one sentence: In the future, scientists will discover that the sun will age and expand, and it will swallow the earth if it continues, so they come up with an idea to use tens of thousands of planetary engines and steering engines to push the earth into the depths of the universe. place, trying to find a new sun.

Such a huge project will naturally be difficult.

As a result, there emerged a touching story like Liu Peiqiang's family because they saved the earth.

Making "The Wandering Earth" was not difficult. The problem-finding-problem-solving narrative structure that is commonly used in movies is nothing more than common for an experienced director like Fang Nan and a major international director.

Fang Nan is also very good at mobilizing the audience's emotions, ensuring that he can clearly arrange the audience.

What really made Fang Nan's head hurt was that "The Wandering Earth" had so many fine props of various sizes and densely packed, as well as the visual effects technology that technicians had to tackle from time to time.

In addition, there is the issue of censorship.

This point, Fang Nan did not expect at all in advance, "The Wandering Earth" is a sci-fi film, and the script review was quickly passed, how could there be a problem with the review.

But the General Administration really sent two staff members to the Oriental Movie Metropolis to ask him, Hangzhou is frozen and a mess?
Fang Nan nodded.

The other party asked again, the Pujiang River was also sealed?Can only clearly identify the two buildings of the Oriental Pearl Tower and the World Trade Center?

Fang Nan nodded again.

The other party lives in Bengbu?Frightened: "The capital?"

Fang Nan was depressed, the earth took off and almost collided with Jupiter, ordinary people have to wear civilian spacesuits when they go out, so asking the capital is not superfluous.

The two staff members did not dare to argue with Fang Nan, and flew back to the capital sadly.

Fang Nan continued to shuttle between the director group, art group, special effects group, and photography group.

Director group.

Fang Nan watched the family scene where Wu Jing bid farewell to his son while driving the joint space station towards Jupiter.

"You, your emotional drama is really killing people."

Wu Jing is not bad, and his skills are top-notch in the country, but the emotional drama is over.

"No, let's do it again."

Wu Jing also understands his personal situation. When he and Fang Nan collaborated on the TV drama version of "A Chinese Ghost Story", Fang Nan always laughed at him and Xuan Xuan's love scene, making it impossible to see love at all.

"But I have to say something, the green cloth also affected my performance. There was nothing in front of me, and I pretended to control the machine while bursting into emotion."

Fang Nan said unhappily: "Don't be so stubborn, hurry up and come up with another one. You really want to guide me. I'll ask Chen Xiao and Guan Xiaotong, who play the roles of your son and adopted daughter Duo Duo, to come over and see if the three of you can have a good relationship and create chemistry." reaction."

"A dead horse is a living horse doctor, so I have to trouble them."

Chen Xiao and Guan Xiaotong quickly stood at the designated position of the visual effects director.

"Third, do you want to brew it?" Fang Nan asked the three people who were staring at each other.

Chen Xiao is a newcomer who has made a cameo appearance in a movie, not to mention acting skills, but when she entered the huge "Wandering Earth" set, she was like a headless chicken.

In Yuan Shikong, Fang Nan's biggest impression of this person was that he married Xiaolongbao. He had never heard of how good this person's acting skills were, but his appearance was often mentioned.

It is almost a joke to expect him to drive Wu Jing.

Guan Xiaotong who has not sung "You Chacha" is just a little girl, how could she know how to guide Wu Jing to perform.

If it wasn't for Fang Nan's presence, the three of them would have laughed out loud.

In the end, it was Fang Nan who said, "Wu Jing, when someone is in front of you, you should tell Chen Xiao and Xiaotong, and imagine the crimes you have suffered in Xiangjiang these years."

Fang Nan's words really had an effect.

After a while, Wu Jing's eyes gradually turned red, Fang Nan hastily withdrew from the camera and signaled Lin Hao in the director's booth to get ready.

Lin Hao: "All departments are preparing"

"There is no unrelated personnel at the scene."

"Camera camera in place."

"The lights are in place."

"The Wia equipment is fine."

"props ok"

"The set is fine."

"The radio is fine."

"Actors are fine."

Huang Weiming: "Let's play the game record."

""The Wandering Earth" has 131 scenes, 28 shots, and four actual shots. Let's start."

In front of the green screen, the bearded Wu Jing rarely spoke at a low speed, lowered his voice, and said with red eyes: "Son, I'm sorry, Dad is going to perform another task. This is the most important task in Dad's life!"

Chen Xiao spoke outside the court: "You said that when I can see Jupiter, you will come back, you lied."

Wu Jing: "You were four years old when I left, and now you have grown up. Dad told you that Dad is in the sky. As long as you look up, you can see Dad."

"Stop, the first half was pretty good, and the second half is more emotional."

At the end of it again and again, Fang Nan affirmed Wu Jing's performance, but at the same time demanded better.

Wu Jing wiped the corners of her eyes and said with a smile, "Shall I let the tears come out?"

Fang Nan clapped his hands excitedly: "Hey, I want you to be in this state now, smiling and crying, you know, smiling and crying with gratification on your face."

"Brother Nan, you want to play me to death, design such a difficult performance for me."

"It's okay, it's okay, keep your emotions, and start shooting right away."

After talking to Wu Jing, Fang Nan turned to Chen Xiao who was beside him and said, "Chen Xiao, you'd better bring the emotional scene as well, this scene itself has you."

"I see, Director."

In 131 scenes, 28 shots were actually shot for the sixth time, and Wu Jing finally completed the scene with a smile on his face and tears in the corners of his eyes.

Wu Jing felt a sense of accomplishment.

Because of Fang Nan, Fang Dapao said, don't watch this scene for less than a minute.

But it is definitely worth 500 million yuan. When the movie was released, at least tens of millions of viewers cried because of this scene.

When one shot is completed, the day's shooting is equivalent to the end.

"The Wandering Earth" may take half a day or a day to set up and prepare for any simple shot.

The director team only shoots one or two shots a day.

So after a scene was over, Fang Nan fled to the art team as quickly as possible, and continued to discuss every setting detail of the dungeon with the staff of the art team and the props team.

Cyberpunk-style dungeons are chaotic, dirty, and complex with various people.

But the Chinese elements cannot be missing.

Everyone had a big brain hole, and moved mahjong, lion dance, street game machines, billiards and other national quintessence and fun into the dungeon one by one.

All of these appeared with suggestions and opinions from Fang Nan, which showed how heavy his workload was.

The entire 10-square-meter recording studio has tens of thousands of props large and small from "The Wandering Earth", as well as stacks of documents and drawings. Because he is the director, he has almost touched all these documents and props.

"The Wandering Earth" started filming from May to the end of the month. In more than 20 days, he simply lost 6 catties.

Sometimes he was so tired and sleepy that he became numb, and he wondered whether he was a capitalist or not.

Other capitalists set up 996 and 715 work patterns for employees, so he made himself 007!

(End of this chapter)

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