literary world

Chapter 349 Ambition exposed

Chapter 349 Ambition exposed
Oriental Movie Capital.

"The Wandering Earth" recording studio, dungeon.

Fang Nan was chatting with Huang Bo, who played the guest role of the first brother in the dungeon, how to interpret a middle-aged man's relaxation and look away during the countdown of life, and Huang Weiming walked over.

"Fang Sheng, I'm back."

Fang Nan smiled wryly: "Call me by my name, the director is fine, Fang Sheng Fang Sheng sounds very uncomfortable."

As he became a well-known local tyrant, some Xiangjiang people in the company unconsciously began to call him "Sheng". Even Huang Weiming, who had known him for almost 10 years, could not avoid the custom.

Huang Weiming didn't take it seriously: "Just get used to it."

He is also an old man, he has experienced many ups and downs, can he not know that people with high status are humble and that ordinary people are the real fools?

So what if he and Fang Nan have known each other for 10 years? After 100 years of knowing each other, there is still a huge gap in status and class between the two.

"What did you talk about this time?"

Fang Nan no longer struggled with address, but asked about business.

Huang Weiming has been working as his assistant for these years, or he has directed the TV dramas produced by Tangtang Film and Television alone, and he has been in the mainland like a fish in water.

Chinese people believe in the belief that one person can attain Taoism and ascend to heaven.

After gaining both fame and fortune, Huang Weiming either introduced old TVB employees to join Tangtang Film and Television, or arranged to follow the group, so he is very prestigious in the Xiangjiang film and television circle now.

So much so that the board of directors of the Academy Awards specially invited him back to participate in the third round of seminars on the reform of the Academy Awards.

"It is confirmed that the Golden Image Award trophy will remain in its original state. The members of the Golden Image Award Preparatory Committee and the Board of Directors have confirmed the first and second rounds of judges to be selected from major associations such as the Mainland, Xiangjiang directors, actors, songwriters, and media through voting. , the first round of reviewers were 500 and 200 respectively."

"The third round of award-winning films will be decided by the 9-member jury hired by the board of directors."

Fang Nan nodded: "It seems fair, you continue."

"In addition, the organizing committee and the board of directors rejected the guidance of official organizations and participated in the future Xiangjiang International Film Festival."

"And then they reach out to you for money."

Fang Nan laughed loudly: "The Golden Statue Award has long been a beggar. I paid the money as it should be in the question. What kind of money do they want? What does Nan Sheng say?"

"I mainly need two money, one big and one small, and the small money is to pay the welfare of the staff of the organization."

"Big money" Huang Weiming hesitated and said: "They want you to invest in building an Academy Award movie palace. Vice President Shi did not refuse this proposal. But at the same time, he also asked the organizing committee and the board of directors for the Academy Award Perpetual right to operate."

Fang Nan laughed: "Permanent management right, can you agree?"

"Aren't we stuck here? Fortunately, there are many details to be discussed, and we are not in a hurry to get a result."

"Then let's talk slowly, it's done, let's finish shooting today's scene." Fang Nan pinched his sweat-stained forehead.

He's been a little anxious lately.

The crew of "The Wandering Earth" was very worried. The film had a large amount of engineering work and the level of industrialization could not keep up. This caused frequent problems and the filming had to be suspended again and again.

Many extras left the crew for this reason.

The working hours are too long, wait for pat, thirteen or four hours a day.

In normal times, many group performers might suffer because of high wages, but now it is June, the temperature in the Pujiang River is as high as 34 degrees, and more than 2000 people are still crowded in the underground city. In such an environment, let alone group performances, Fang Nan himself Everyone can't stand it.

Huang Bo's acting skills were as good as ever, and he easily completed the task assigned by Fang Nan in just two or three times.

Fang Nan was very happy, and he kept his spirits up and made persistent efforts. He finished filming all the shots about Huang Bo before the end of work in the morning, without adding visual effects. Two shots in half a day, it was considered extraordinary performance.

"Go out for a rest and get ready for dinner."

When Fang Nan spoke, the extras crazily got out of the chaotic dungeon studio full of iron bumps. Fang Nan and the director team looked at each other and smiled wryly.

"Brother Nan, Secretary Zhu is here to remind you to attend the closing ceremony of the Pujiang Film Festival. Have you come out of booth 5?"


Fang Nan threw the walkie-talkie to his assistant, and walked out together with Huang Bo and others.

Seeing Xiao Zhu, Fang Nan was curious: "Going so early, is there any meal arrangement?"

"What are you thinking? It's 13 o'clock soon, wait for you to wash up before rushing over, the red carpet is about to start." Secretary Xiao Zhu was speechless: "The organizing committee didn't mention the meal."

"Then why are you in a hurry, the sky will fall and you have to wait for me to finish eating."

After receiving the lunch box handed by his assistant, Fang Nan lay down on the table, planing a meal in a stormy manner, without leaning forward, he slapped his thigh and said angrily, "Did Yuan Yuan call me?"

"Miss Gao sent a message that she has been admitted to the delivery room ahead of schedule."

Fang Nan felt relieved: "The expected date of delivery is the 25th? Forget about the days before and after the 25th."

Xiao Zhu nodded superficially, but complained in his heart: "Apart from filming, you have nothing to do. Events and activities have been pushed out long ago. Zhao Benshan, who claims to be a farmer, is more like a listed boss than you. He is so busy that he even bought a plane."

Although he no longer cared about walking the red carpet of any film festival, Fang Nan politely and quickly planed out a lunch box, washed it, and headed towards the Pujiang Grand Theater at top speed.

During this period, it was inevitable to be complained by the secretary again.

At least change to a shirt and leather shoes, at least put on a bow tie.

T-shirts, white sneakers on the red carpet?
Fang Nan was really taken aback by what he said. It was his first time participating in the Pujiang Film Festival, so he didn't know if there was a dress code for the Pujiang Film Festival.

In the middle of the journey, he called his acquaintance in the organizing committee, and he was relieved when he heard the other party kept urging, "You should come, it will be fine if you come."

The Pujiang Film Festival was founded in 1993. The early sponsor was the Pujiang Film and Television Bureau. At first, it was held every two years. After a few years ago, it was held once a year. The film festival awards and the media awards sponsored by CCTV were combined. So there are actually two awards given out each year.

One is the Golden Goblet Award at the Pujiang International Film Festival.

The other is CCTV's movie channel media award, which also has the best film, the best actor, and the best actress.

In a few years, the planning and sponsoring units of the film festival will become the National Film Bureau, CCTV, and the Pujiang government.

The main venue of the film festival is Pujiang Film City, and there are also eight cinemas in Daguangming as branch venues. The Pujiang Grand Theater that Fang Nan went to is actually the place where the closing ceremony awards are presented.

When the car arrived at the underground garage of the Grand Theater, Fang Nan was surrounded by reporters before he got out of the car. He wondered why so many media reporters were squatting in the parking lot of the theater.
"Director Fang, Yuanyuan is about to give birth, are you expecting a boy or girl?"

"Both men and women are the same, I am not patriarchal."

"Fang Dao, your net worth exceeds 200 billion, how does it feel?"

Under the escort of the security guards, Fang Nan stretched out his arms angrily as he moved forward: "Don't listen to the Forbes gang, if I really have 200 billion, what kind of movie will I make? Look at me, I'm all out of skin." See, it's harder than you reporters."

"Will you walk the red carpet later?"

"I don't know, just listen to the arrangement of the staff."

"Director Fang, which movie do you think will be the big winner tonight?"

"You have to ask a few judges, I haven't seen the movie either."

"Director Fang, Dapao Feng bombarded the Hollywood studio and producer Weinstein as a liar at the film forum the day before yesterday, and has deceived many domestic filmmakers. What do you think of this?"

"Let's pay more attention and be more cautious. In fact, Weinstein's reputation in foreign countries and Hollywood has not been very good. As long as we are not blinded by money and ask more people, we will not be deceived."

"Director Fang, it was also on the forum the day before yesterday that a director bombarded Gao Yuanyuan for making a shameless commercial. Do you know about this?"


Fang Nan stopped in front of the elevator entrance, and looked at the questioning reporter: "You heard me right, bombarding Gao Yuanyuan? How long has it been since Yuanyuan made a movie, and when did he make a commercial?"

While Fang Nan asked the reporter, he looked at his secretary, Xiao Zhu.

"At the film festival chairman forum, directors such as Wu Baige, Peng Haoqiang, He Ping, and Feng Dapao bombarded the placement of film advertisements, specifically mentioning the movie "Du Lala's Promotion" and the TV series "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower"."

"During the period, Peng Haoqiang spoke fiercely, describing "Du Lala's Promotion" with more than 30 advertisements as amazing, shameless, and made the film industry look like a service industry."

"There is such a thing, I know."

Fang Nan entered the elevator with a smile, his ambiguous attitude made all the reporters puzzled.

After getting out of the elevator, Fang Nan walked towards his lounge under the guidance of the staff.

The rest area is actually the banquet hall in the theatre. The organizer used screens to divide it into large and small lounges. Because there was no door, people who noticed or didn't notice Fang Nan became curious.

For a while, various whispers sounded in the rest area.

Who?Dress like this!
Is it the staff?
Don't even think about getting in if the staff dress like this.

It seems to be Fang Nan!
No way, Fang Nan dressed like this?
Some people commented, some probed their brains, and even those who were familiar with Fang Nan stopped them directly.

"Why did you come here? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"I'm not the protagonist, what are you doing here so early?"

While speaking, Fang Nan, Li Lianlian and other creators of "Ocean Paradise" shook hands.

"Sit with us and chat."

Invited by Li Lianlian and Xue Xiaolu, Fang Nan thought about it and was about to sit down when Li Gang jumped out from behind: "We'll talk at the celebration party of "Ocean Paradise", Mr. Fang can't sit down now."

"Why?" Fang Nan was annoyed.

"A lot of people are waiting for you to show up, let's go."

Fang Nan didn't know what to do, he apologized and walked back with Li Gang, and was greeted by various people along the way.

Peng Yuyan leaned over and said, "Director Fang, long time no see."

Fang Nan stopped and looked at him: "A work has been shortlisted? What kind of work?"

"No, no, there are no entries in the competition, we are here to promote "Love Close at hand", it is an action romance movie."

Fang Nan nodded and said no more. He didn't expect Zhao Yanzi, one of the judges of the main competition unit of this year's film festival, to hold him back after he took a few steps.

"When did you come here? Didn't you see it?"

"Just arrived, Director Li will no longer catch a young man."

As Fang Nan said, he glanced at the other judges at home and abroad in the rest area. Before Wang Xiaoshuai and the others stood up, he stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "The last test is over. Congratulations for successfully completing the task."

The reputation of the seven-member jury in the main competition is somewhat shabby.

The French judge Leo Carax didn't have much to show for his work.

Japanese judges and American judges are only minor celebrities in their own countries.

Fang Nan simply didn't know the Israeli judges.

And it's fine that the chairman of the jury chose Wu Baige, and there are Zhao Yanzi and Wang Xiaoshuai as members. Such a lineup is hard to convince.

But it has little to do with Fang Nan, he is just an award presenter.

Li Gang was very angry.

Take one step and stop three steps, when will it end?

A group of stars from both sides of the strait and three places frequently came to Fang Nan to say hello, but Jiang Di Kyu and Lee Da Hae from South Korea kept bending down and doing shit.

It's not even easy to say "Hello".

After half an hour of stuttering along the [-]-meter-long corridor, Li Gang took Fang Nan to the corner, turned left and right, and knocked on a carved wooden door.

"Smoking area?" Fang Nan asked.

"The tea room in the banquet hall." Li Gang gently pushed the door open, revealing the face of the person inside.

The deputy leaders of film, Pujiang Media, General Administration, Culture and other outlets are impressively listed.

The other is Mr. Han and Bona Yudong of China Film Group.

Seeing Fang Nan, someone laughed and said, "Here, bring the tea up and listen quietly."

Fang Nan understood, sat down on the chair, and said helplessly: "Everyone, "The Wandering Earth" is a sci-fi movie, don't take it so slowly. No, you guys will also go to the crew tomorrow to visit the film, a positive energy movie that does not deceive old men."

Fang Nan was very distressed. As for a movie, he asked him to explain over and over again.

The city has nothing to criticize.

Not too many people die.

Playing "Contra" in the movie, I also asked if it can be replaced by a sports game that is good for physical and mental health, and can it still make people live?

That is to say, he was born late, 20 years earlier, and he worked hard to become a famous old artist, and he ran to the office and knocked your desks up.

"Don't be emotional. We believe in your personal awareness, but yours is a modern movie after all, and it is not listed first in China. Naturally, the censorship is strict. If you change it to a novelist martial arts movie, someone is looking for you?"

After the immediate boss finished speaking, the leader of the General Administration said again: "We will check for you, but you still don't appreciate it. When I applied for state subsidies, I saw that Tangtang Film and Television ran faster than anyone else. Why didn't you complain?"

"You like to complain so much, do we still have to work? You filmmakers and audiences scold us less? Who do we complain to?"

"Okay, I won't complain anymore, so will I be allowed to shoot?"

The leadership of Wenhuakou finally set the tone.

"It should be shot, it should be reviewed, but we must ensure that each shot is healthy and uplifting, especially foreign-related shots."

Fang Nan scratched his head, doing what he likes to do, that is him, any other director would have cut it directly.

"Fang Nan, I have another question. In the past two years, the films produced by Tang Tang Film and Television did not participate in the Academy Awards. I will not comment for the time being. That is your company's choice."

"I just want to ask, what do you think about the reform of the Golden Statue Awards and Hong Kong International Film Festival? You want to take the lead in organizing the International Film Awards? How do you plan to handle all aspects?"

Facing the boss's boss's boss, Fang Nan revealed his ambition without any concealment for the first time: "Yes, I want to lead the Xiangjiang International Film Festival. I really don't have experience in film festivals, but I deeply think that , it is easier to do the Xiangjiang Film Festival than the Beijing Film Festival.”

"Why?" Yu Dong asked deliberately.

Fang Nan glanced at him: "I don't know, but I just have confidence!"

(End of this chapter)

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