literary world

Chapter 350

Chapter 350
In the middle of the tea room in the banquet hall of the Pujiang Grand Theater, Fang Nan almost broke his heart to prove that he did the Hong Kong Film Festival not for money or profit, but to compete with himself.

Several leaders felt that he was dishonest.

Let him apply to become a member of the China Federation of Literature and Art, so that Fang Nan can be given an identity in a disguised form when the election is held in December next year.

Let Fang Nan become one of his own.

If you think about it, you can't be the vice chairman of the federation, the secretary of the secretariat, and you are also a member of the presidium of the federation.

Fang Nan thought about it again and again but didn't agree.

The Art Federation is an excellent unit. It has a high status as a national unit and enjoys state subsidies.

National cultural associations and awards such as the Film and Television Artists Association, Film Artists Association, Dramatists Association, Golden Rooster Award, Hundred Flowers Award, Huabiao Award, etc. are all affiliated organizations of the Federation and undertaken by affiliated organizations.

Once he enters the Cultural Federation and becomes the vice chairman of the Federation, he will break through the hierarchy and honor his ancestors.

But he still refused.

He doesn't have that much time for meetings.

He also doesn't have more energy to care about other arts besides movies, and it's okay to help with publicity, and he doesn't have the energy to study the development of support.

Furthermore, his international status is currently too high or too low, so he needs to hide his strength and bide his time.

For this reason, Fang Nan told several leaders about an incident he personally experienced not long ago.

He teamed up with Warner Bros. Pictures on The Martian.

In order to promote the film, Warner specially invited NASA [American Space Agency] to provide technical and theoretical support.

Similar cooperation between NASA and Hollywood has been going on all year round, and they are familiar with it.

So I readily agreed to open some places such as the rocket launch site and the control room to the crew for the crew of "The Martian" to take pictures and take pictures.

But just an hour before Fang Nan flew to Manhattan, he was notified that he was temporarily removed from the NASA list.

The United States is officially over, and NASA is strictly prohibited from opening the door to Fang Nan, a member of the "The Martian" crew.

Even though Fang Nan is the director of "The Martian"!

The reason sounds ridiculous.

Fang Nan is not American, white is one of them.

Second, Fang Nan is not white in China.

He is a consultant of China Directors Association and Film Association.

He is also a member of the Writers Guild.

His company has cooperated with many official organizations in China, such as the Oriental Movie Metropolis with the Pujiang government, and the Performing Arts Center with the Beijing government.

How can such a Chinese director enter NASA, which has many high-tech technologies?

Knowing that NASA banned him alone, Fang Nan was very calm at the time.

He has traveled to more than 20 countries around the world over the years, and the more he stays outside, the more he encounters similar incidents. The experience of humiliation is deeper than those of ordinary immigrants who yell at home that the outside is more beautiful.

I know that complaining to outsiders will only show my weakness and incompetence.

Fang Nan donated money to the China Space Administration one after another.

He thought about organizing a film festival.

He made sci-fi films and tried to build his own film industry.

But before all this is completed, he is not suitable for carrying too many identities.

He still has to go to North America to search for US dollars. He is not short of money personally, but he needs a lot of money to open the way for film festivals, the film industry, and a cultural export plan with a well-conceived plan.

As a result, he rejected the offers of several leaders to let him into the federation.

The amateur status plus money to open the way, plus the stronger and stronger country behind him, will make it easier for him to implement his personal plan step by step.

Fang Nan made up his mind, and while the leaders frowned, they couldn't say anything more.

They have seen more of the world, and they know that some foreign people and institutions, and even the government, are really stubborn.

Generally, companies invest in the West to drive employment and make money, and the West welcomes them.

But if you find that the investment company and the official are unclear, it's like stepping on each other's tail, and it's especially easy to jump.

"Then let's go to the venue. The awards ceremony is about to begin, and several of us are going to present awards."

When a leader spoke, Fang Nan and the others got up and walked towards the venue. On the way, a leader reminded Fang Nan again.

It is said that it is a critical moment for the country's great development. As a medium of communication, filmmakers should put a layer of shackles on their cameras from the bottom of their hearts.

There are already enough foreign media to smear China, so don't let your own people add to the chaos.

Especially an internationally renowned director like Fang Nan.

After Fang Nan nodded understandingly, he continued with a smile: "Western media such as the BBC use malicious P-pictures in computer software and add filters to smear the ugly faces of other countries. Sooner or later, they will be seen through."

"P-picture? Isn't it a shot taken in a dirty place?"

"Of course there are dirty and messy photos, but most of the pictures have been retouched, the background color has been adjusted, and then special angles have been used to achieve the effect of smearing. In fact, there is no technical difficulty."

"Is this the honest media advertised by the West?"

"The enemy will not die if he wants to kill me!"

Several bigwigs sighed.

Fang Nan felt very at ease. Huaxia had already gone through the most difficult period of time and was developing slowly. With the progress of the times and technology, such things will become less and less in the future.

As for how long the two parties will compete, there is no way of knowing.

Laomei and Huaxia are like two students in the same class.

The former has always been at the top in terms of performance, while the latter is secretly striving to improve. The former sees that the latter's performance is getting better and better, and there is even a possibility of overtaking the former. Should the former not be jealous and use means to suppress it?

When the former finds that the latter cannot be suppressed by various methods, he may learn to adapt slowly, and this process will be very long.

After all, Lao Mei has been the boss for too long, and the trauma in her heart is too deep!
After entering the venue, the awards ceremony hadn't even started yet, and he didn't know if he was waiting for them. Seeing this, Fang Nan took the opportunity to say goodbye to them.

He just wants to do something silently, and he doesn't want to and doesn't like to get involved in politics too much. This vortex is too big.

Fang Nan was about to leave, but the leaders of Pujiang Wenguang stopped him. The chairman of the jury for next year's film festival has not yet been decided, and they have been waiting for him to let go.

The opponent punched him sincerely, but Fang Nan still didn't appreciate it. He really didn't have time.

From the end of this year to the beginning of next year, he will either be filming "The Martian" abroad, or busy with the Hong Kong Film Festival.

Moreover, what can he do if he is the chairman of the judges for one session.

Even through his personal influence, he invited several rebellious foreign literary directors as judges, some international film producers, and even cut off some films from other film festivals, thus making the 14th Pujiang Film Festival a star-studded event.

But what's the point of such a film festival.

What the film festival needs is a complete set of perfect systems, and individual abilities are always limited.

After standing and chatting with Pujiang Wenguang, the staff also found a seat for Fang Nan, with Cheng Long, Kong Li, Li Lianlian, and a group of foreign friends.

Before and after it was either a big shot in the circle or a popular star, and I don't know if it was reserved, or which big name was invited.

"Is there any entry for the competition?"

After sitting down, Fang Nan asked Kong Li behind.

Kong Li became famous early, and when Fang Nan made her debut in China, she was already working abroad.

In these years, apart from letting go of prejudices and coming back to shoot Lao Mouzi's "The Golden Flower", the rest of the time has been wandering in Europe and North America.

It's a pity that Hollywood gives too few opportunities for Chinese actresses.

Several of her Hollywood productions have been less than stellar.

In "Miami Vice", she played a female boss of a drug lord, and there were many passionate scenes, which were deleted for nearly 30 minutes in China.

The North American box office of "Young Hannibal" starring in the film was unbearable, and it was fine if it couldn't land in China. It even won the 28th Golden Raspberry Award, which almost ruined Kong Li's career in Hollywood.

I can only say a sad tear.

But her achievements are still the envy of many domestic actresses.

These days, acting in a Hollywood movie means turning from a national star to an international superstar.

Because of this, the young Fang Nan has a particularly high status in the hearts of domestic film and television practitioners.

Fang Nan and Kong Li met for the first time.

In the past, we used to communicate on the phone. When Fang Nan was furious about the Golden Statue Awards, netizens followed the clues and figured out that Kong Li is a Singaporean. He made a special phone call to apologize.

Therefore, the two of them can be regarded as having a good relationship, and there is not much strangeness in sitting in the front and back rows.

Facing the rare domestic director Fang Nan who has made his mark in Hollywood and even won an Oscar, Kong Li lowered her legs and said with a smile:
"I'm here to promote "Sea of ​​Spy". Chow Yun-fat, one of the leading actors, didn't come, so I can only bite the bullet and participate in the film festival. By the way, these two are the male lead John Cusack, and the director Mikael Haverstrom."

Fang Nan shook hands with the two international friends.

Actor John and director Mikael, the former will star in "Heroes" with Cheng Long in the future.

The latter will cooperate with Stallone in "Escape Plan" in a few years.

But in Hollywood, he is still not even considered as a second-rate director or actor, and he is not enough to look at him.

But even if it can be sought after by the organizers and sit in such a good position, it is considered to be the right place.

"I heard that Gao Yuanyuan is going to give birth, when are you going to serve the wine?" Cheng Long in the front row turned his head and asked Fang Nan.

"No." Fang Nan flatly denied it.

Cheng Long was surprised and said: "Are you making a mistake, this is not a show? I still want to drink your son's wedding wine."

Fang Nan teased him and said, "Pull it down, you didn't dare to show it yourself, your son was even born in the United States."

Cheng Long was speechless, and pointed Fang Nan to sit upright.

After a while, listening to the excitement behind, he turned his head and said to Fang Nan, who was having a hot fight with actresses such as Tang Wei, Lin Xinru, Lin Chiling, Gui Lunmei, and Gigi Leung: "I will treat you to dinner tonight, and you can stand up for me tomorrow." tower."

Fang Nan was curious: ""Kung Fu Dream"? I heard that in order to support his son's debut novel, Will Smith participated in the promotion of the whole process. With the fame of the two of you, do you still need someone to help you stand?"

Cheng Long gestured his hands and exaggerated: ""Kung Fu Dream" is a big dark horse abroad, but hits the streets in China. It has been released for two days, and the box office is less than 1000 million."

Fang Nan was dumbfounded: "The movie has already been released? So you all participated in the film festival to promote the movie?"

"There are many people now, I will tell you later."

Cheng Long glanced at the row in front of him with a look of bafflement.

Kong Li has a quick temper, and whispered with shameless faces, and said bluntly: "Is there anything I can't say, isn't it just that the more than 300 celebrities in the official promotion are actually here to use the platform to promote the movie! We all are!"

Fang Nan was speechless, this operation was indeed quite embarrassing.

A group of them whispered to each other below, and the ceremony on the stage had already begun.

After the three sets of dances, the [-]th Movie Channel Media Awards were presented first. In this session, "Ocean Paradise" became the big winner.

In the end, he won three awards: the Movie Channel Newcomer Director Award, Best Actor, and Best Film.

The film director Xue Xiaolu and her coat of arms took the stage one after another.

"I feel connected to the big brother, and the coat of arms starred in "Ocean Paradise". You have contributed a perfect performance. Thank you Tangtang Film and Television, thank you Nan Ge, the investment department of genre films and literary films you set up for Tangtang Film and Television is lit up My different life!"

On the stage, Xue Xiaolu, who received the best film from the movie channel, smiled happily.

After the [-]th Film Channel Awards, it was the Asian Newcomer Award. Two of the four award-winning films came from South Korea, one from China, and one from the Philippines.

Fang Nan hadn't seen the movie, so he could only clap his hands.

But I am ashamed to say that among all the shortlisted films tonight, he has only watched one or two, and he watched them in his previous life.

After the newcomer award, it's time for the main competition.

There are a total of 10 awards in the main competition unit. In addition to the awards for best film, director, male and female lead, photography, music, and screenwriting, there are also jury awards, special awards from the jury, and the Golden Goblet Award for artistic contribution.

Judging from Fang Nan's experience in participating in many awards ceremonies at home and abroad, he will come on stage after the first best music award, and present Du Kefeng with the best photography award.

Therefore, Fang Nan took the initiative to get up and move backstage slowly. He is a person who doesn't like to trouble others.

Then B was completely embarrassed.

After the best music, it was not the best photography award, but a special award from the judges.

Fang Nan grabbed the Tianling Gai, lit a cigarette, and thought, "It should be the next prize."

Waiting and waiting, but none of the hosts of the night called him to come on stage to present the awards. Seven or eight minutes later, the French director who was the award presenter for the best screenplay and one of the judges of the film festival walked backstage.

Fang Nan was speechless. At this point, he was too lazy to go out. After the best screenplay, what else could be awarded besides the best photography award?
Then another 5 minutes later, Cheng Long came in in a hurry: "They say you go to the toilet? What are you doing sitting here?"


Cheng Long stared: "Are you mistaken, I'm presenting the Best Actress Award!"

Fang Nan felt nervous: "Damn, they put the Best Cinematography award behind the Best Actress? It won't be the Best Actor after that."

Cheng Long joked gruffly, "It means you're famous."


Fang Nan couldn't help sighing, he didn't know what to say, thinking about him tomorrow would be an indispensable topic.

He didn't know whether the organizers really thought he was a big name and deliberately put him behind to present the award, or used him as a shield.

In short, the organizer did not behave properly, which made him unhappy.

Fang Nan inadvertently stayed in the background for a few minutes.

The staff responsible for leading him went crazy.

The Golden Goblet Awards had finished awarding Best Screenplay and Best Actor and Actress, and when it was Fang Nan's turn to present Best Cinematography, the presenters were gone.

I ran to the toilet a few times but no one was there.

More than 30 minutes have passed since the discovery of Fang Nan's disappearance.

It wasn't until Cheng Long left the stage after the awards presentation that the sweaty staff knew that Fang Nan was already backstage.

"I invite Director Fang Nan to come on stage and present us with the Best Cinematography Award at the 13th Golden Goblet Awards."

With this sound, Fang Nan felt like hearing the sounds of nature, and stepped onto the stage. Standing in front of the microphone, Fang Nan smiled and said:

"Photography is a comprehensive art. You need to understand composition methods, lighting techniques, color matching, etc."

"But at the same time, photography is also an art of idealism. Only the idealism can capture a perfect existence. Then this photographer always believes in a certain kind of perfect existence. In fact, he has become a perfect prisoner."

"Congratulations to Kefeng Du, the winning work is from Ireland's Narcissus!"

After finishing speaking in Mandarin, Fang Nan spoke for a second time in English amidst applause like floods.

"Thank you."

After hugging Fang Nan, Du Kefeng smiled and said, "Thank you to the film festival and all the judges."

"I have worked with many Chinese directors. I am most impressed by Wang Jiawei and Fang Nan. Their various requirements for the camera made me rack my brains. Wang Jiawei's blur and Fang Nan's frame style. But I also have to admit that they are The best director in the world, I hope we have more opportunities to cooperate!"

Host: "Thank you Director Fang, thank you both."

After Fang Nan handed out the awards, he stepped down from the stage, and then came the jury awards, best director, and best film.

In the end, the Italian film "Kiss Me Again" won the best film, and the other two awards were won by Chinese director Liu Jie's minority film "Bi Luo Snow Mountain".

"Bi Luo Snow Mountain" was also the big winner of the night, winning 4 awards in total.

But as soon as the ceremony was over, director Liu Jie found Fang Nan instead of rushing to the celebration banquet.

"Bi Luo Snow Mountain" is a movie with a theme of ethnic minorities, and it is incompatible with the themes of movies that can make money in China's current film market. He is hesitant about the box office.

Fang Nan was in a difficult situation.

There are several movie theaters under his name, but they still belong to the United Cinemas, and there are no special circumstances that require unified management. He doesn't want to say that.

Another one, since Liu Jie chose not to please the audience and acted like a little girl, Fang Nan also looked down upon him.

Just as Liu Jie left with a gloomy face, the director who claimed to be Peng Haoqiang approached him again.

Even if Fang Nan didn't know him, he didn't give him a good face:

"You think that too many advertisements in movies affect the movie's perception, I can understand, and I deeply agree."

"But I also heard that you sat with Wu Baige and Feng Dapao in the film chairman forum, so Wu Baige didn't place a lot of advertisements in the movie, or Feng Dapao didn't place advertisements?"

"You are also a leader among the younger generation of directors in Hong Kong, and you should have seen a lot of films. Have you seen "If You Are the One"?"

Seeing the other party nodding his head like a slap in the face, Fang Nan said coldly: "That day, if you scolded Feng Dapao and Wu Baige together, I would respect you as a man, and if you scolded one and avoided the other, you would be a coward. goods!"

After finishing what he wanted to say, Fang Nan left without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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