literary world

Chapter 351 Fang Qin, please advise!

Chapter 351 Fang Qin, please advise!

out of the airport.

For the first time, Fang Nan brutally pushed away the reporters and paparazzi surrounding him, and got into the car.

Yuanyuan was born.

There were signs of childbirth in the early hours of the morning, and at [-]:[-] in the morning, a baby boy was born, a week earlier than the due date, which caught Fang Nan by surprise.

That's why he looked anxious.

After being treated roughly by Fang Nan, the media didn't get angry at all, they boarded the car one after another, and followed closely behind.

In the first half of 2010, there were a lot of breaking news in the entertainment industry. Ah Sa revealed her hidden marriage and divorce, Zhao Yanzi gave birth to a daughter abroad, and Zhang Ziyi was caught in multiple marriages.

Gao Yuanyuan's reputation is not weaker than the four major female roles.

Another companion is Fang Nan.

Fang Nan has too many identities.

Oscar Best Director, No. 18 on the Forbes Fortune Ranking, and an important director in China's entertainment circle, and other multiple identities, and has a high professional exposure rate.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that Gao Yuanyuan gave birth to a child that has attracted much attention.

A group of reporters squatted at the airport instead of the hospital, because the entrance of the hospital was occupied by more reporters and had nowhere to get involved.

Yan Hong's car arrived at the hospital at high speed.

As soon as Fang Nan, Yan Hong, Yan Hong's assistant, and the driver got out of the car, hundreds of media reporters on the scene rushed up in a swarm, and then all kinds of questions swarmed in, making Fang Nan's scalp numb from the noise.

"Director Fang, Miss Gao gave birth to a boy, have you decided on a name, or what's your nickname?"

There were too many people at the scene, so Fang Nan couldn't escape for a while, so Fang Nan had no choice but to wait for the security personnel, ask the assistant and the driver to give out red envelopes, and said with a smile: "Yuanyuan gave the child a nickname, Little Balloon, I don't know if she will Will change, the name has not been decided yet."

"Director Fang, Miss Gao gave birth to a boy, what gift do you have prepared?"

Fang Nan was puzzled: "What gift are you preparing?"

"When the actresses in Xiangjiang marry into rich families, they will have different gifts when they give birth to children."

"I'm not a rich man, and Yuanyuan and I are not together for fame and fortune, so we don't like to engage in formalism. Gifts can be given anytime, anywhere, and there is no need to choose a specific day."

After answering two questions, Brother Gao and the security personnel came out to pick him up, and Fang Nan rushed out.

After entering the hospital, all the way into the delivery room, there was no one in the living room, and Mrs. Gao's voice came from the bathroom.

"It's easy to sweat after giving birth, and I'm wiping Yuanyuan's body." Brother Gao pointed to the bathroom.

Fang Nan nodded, stepped into the delivery room, and saw Gao Yuanyuan's parents staring at a baby on the bed.

"Why did you come back?"

Gao's mother's tone was not very good, but she couldn't blame her. Fang Nan stayed in Pujiang for two months, and even failed to accompany her daughter at the critical moment of giving birth.

Giving birth to a woman is a life-threatening event. As a parent, watching Gao Yuanyuan being pushed into the delivery room alone without the company of his lover, naturally feels distressed.

Fang Nan didn't hear Gao's mother's resentment, and came to the child as if being pulled by someone, and was pulled to kiss the other's little hand, looking at the little face that hadn't opened yet with silly joy.

He knew in his heart that this was the power of the blood, and it had also appeared when he first saw Zong Wanzhuo.

It wasn't until a more attractive sound of "You're back" behind him forced him to look away.

Gao Yuanyuan, who was wearing pajamas and staring at Fang Nan obsessively, became more mature, his face became more fleshy, but it showed more charm.

"Yuanyuan, thank you for your hard work."

Fang Nan hurriedly got up, lovingly pushed Gao Yuanyuan's water-stained hair behind his ears, and then helped him sit on the bed.

Father Gao saw that Fang Nan and the two were very affectionate, as if they had a thousand words to say, he got up and said, "Xiao Fang, you are back, then you should take care of Yuanyuan, and your mother and I will go back to sleep for a while, and come back tomorrow."

Fang Nan hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, grandpa, aunt, brother and sister-in-law, you all go back and rest, I will guard here, and there are also nurses, and a few people from my company."

As soon as the Gao family left, Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan guarded their son, whispering to each other.

Leaning slightly, Gao Yuanyuan said: "How is Fang Long? We met when we were filming "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji."

"The name of the dragon, you have to have a strong destiny, and the dragon is dissolute. I work in film and television. If this little guy is dissolute in the future, then it's okay? So you can't take the dragon."

"Then give the little balloon a four-letter name, Fang Yitian Slaying the Dragon." Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help it.

Fang Nan was speechless, wanting our son to die immediately?

In the end, he still pondered for a while, and chose the word "Qin".

Gao Yuanyuan was puzzled: "Fang Qin? What do you say?"

Fang Nan said with a smile: "Qin, respect. In ancient times, there was a distinguished imperial envoy. The emperor issued an order saying that the imperial appointment meant importance. "Book of Rites · Nei Ze" also said that all prestige is prepared as Qin, and it can be used for prestige. Fear, Yi means imagery, so Qin is a very precious word."

"I hope this little guy will achieve something in the future and be respected by others."

Seeing how hard Fang Nan chose such a good name, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but smile: "So good? Then my son's first name will be Fang Qin, his nickname will be Little Balloon, and his baby name will be Tiger Baby!"

Fang Nan laughed, there are too many names.

"By the way, after I moved into the delivery room, several people in the industry gave gift money, and it was almost [-]. What do you think should I do?"

Gao Yuanyuan got out of bed while talking, and brought in a few gift bags from the living room outside. Inside were stacks of red notes and blessings.

"Su Mang: 26666 yuan, that Su Mang from Harper's Bazaar?"

"Yes, she came the day before yesterday and chatted with me for a long time."

"Did she reveal what she wanted to do?"

"She wants to make a full moon wine for Little Balloon."

Fang Nan was speechless, this group of people were really crazy about money, they didn't even spare other people's children.

Thinking of his one-month-old son going to see the red carpet, surrounded by male and female stars wearing false masks, and surrounded by countless sponsor advertisements, Fang Nan was physically disgusted: "When you recover, find a chance Return the money to Su Mang."

"It's not easy to pay back the money. My mother said, people congratulate you on having a baby, but if you withdraw the money, is it a mistake to congratulate you or something? People will discuss it behind your back."

"Damn, it's true, social veterans like Su Mang really know how to fit in every stitch!"

"In the future, you are not allowed to swear in front of your baby."

Fang Nan felt embarrassed, Gao Yuanyuan pinched his arm as a warning, and then heard her say, "You might as well pay her back the favor and attend the charity dinner the day after tomorrow".

Fang Nan thought about it, this suggestion is also good, if you can't pay back the money, you can pay back the favor, and you can't let people criticize you for ignoring favors.

The two chatted for a while, Yan Hong came in with the assistant and the driver after sending out the red envelopes, Fang Nan told the other party about the matter, Yan Hong readily arranged for the assistant to call Su Mang.

"Don't pick up the plane and act as my agent in the future. At least you are the president of a company with a market value of 10 billion yuan."

Yan Hong disagrees: "I don't do this often. Besides, Dream Literature has been handed over to Hou Qiang, and Fangnan Culture's daily operations have also been formalized. I should serve as the only contracted director of the company. The salary is more than 1 million."

Fang Nan gave Yan Hong an angry look at Yan Hong, who had reason and evidence: "Has CCTV bought "A Bite of China"? Did the princess take part in the photo shoot for Kuwo's ​​promotional photos?"

"I bought it. They have 24 advertising units this year, and the advertising bidding fee is nearly 110 billion. There is plenty of money. The Kuwo commercial is also finished shooting, and you can see the princess when you open the page."

"That's not bad." Fang Nan nodded, affirming that CCTV and the princess could handle it.

Yan Hong said again: "But the princess also has a request. She has scheduled an official comeback concert in Wukesong in August. You have to show your face."

Fang Nan nodded happily: "No problem, the ticket has arrived, just let me know."

He is very interested in Wang Hao's comeback, even though Wang Hao is not his idol.

But people, if you have experienced a lot, you will especially miss those people and things you experienced in your youthful years. The princess who was popular on both sides of the Taiwan Strait in the 90s happened to run through Fang Nan's entire teenage years.

Why do many post-80s and post-90s in China crazily tout Hong Kong male and female stars.

Well, the Xiangjiang movie at that time was really popular and good-looking.

Two, it was because of a certain moment in the movie that the star left a deep memory in my heart when I was still in Sao Nian.

In this regard, Fang Nan is not exempt.

He has no favorite stars or idols, but he still has a good impression of Wang Hao, Dou Wei, Lin Qingxia, Maggie Cheung, Wang Zuxian, Zhou Xingxing, Leslie Cheung and other stars.

Fang Nan agreed to participate in the concert, but Yan Hong laughed instead: "You are free of admission, you are a singing assistant."


Yan Hong couldn't help laughing: "I'm not kidding, really, this is the condition for the princess to agree to shoot the cover of Kuwo, and I agreed to it for you."

"The concubine also said that it's not like she hasn't heard of you singing in that bar back then. She commented on your singing skills as amateurish, but not unpleasant. As a singing assistant guest, you can choose a song with a low key to be on stage. "

Fang Nan was depressed: "I said you are so attentive, you are picking up the plane and preparing red envelopes, fishing, right?"

"Don't worry about it. The KTV-level singing voice is already very powerful. A few audience members understand the syllables. That's it. I'm leaving. Yuanyuan, take a good rest and urge Brother Nan to practice singing."

Gao Yuan, who watched the excitement and was not afraid of big things, said happily, "Hey, don't worry!"

After Yan Hong and the others left, the delivery room was cleared up, but after a while, the baby cried, and Fang Nan immediately became flustered.

At night, he felt even more uncomfortable, or the child was hungry and peed, and woke him up with crying.

Either he was sleeping soundly and suddenly woke up, and then he stared at the child and snorted from time to time.

Seeing that he was nervous regardless of the day or night, Gao Yuanyuan pretended to be angry and drove him back home. Fang Nan was too thin and haggard, and the crying of the child and the ringing of the mobile phone tortured him all the time.

"Then I'm leaving. Please ask for more security when you leave the hospital."

In the delivery room, Fang Nan reminded Gao Yuanyuan before attending the Bazaar charity dinner.

The child was delivered naturally, so he didn't need to stay in the hospital for a long time, but even so, he couldn't wait for Gao Yuanyuan and the child to go home after being discharged from the hospital. A lot of things were waiting for him in Pujiang.

After attending the Bazaar charity dinner tonight, he has to fly to the Pujiang overnight.

"Don't worry, many people are with me. Take care of yourself. By the way, practice your voice more. It takes 10 years to sing a song. Don't ruin your reputation."

Fang Nan laughed and slapped Gao Yuanyuan's face.

After leaving the delivery room, Fang Nan directed the driver to go to Yonghe Villa first, he came back rarely, and had to see Zeng Li and his daughter.

Yonghe Villa.

Zeng Li still had picturesque eyes, and didn't lift her head when she saw Fang Nan, crawling on the desk to write and draw.

Fang Nan glanced at it and saw it was an acting class or a body class, knowing that it was preparing for the establishment of an art school, so he didn't bother her.

The two of them were chatting without saying a word, when Thong Wanzhuo rushed in like a little black charcoal head, startling Fang Nan.

"Hey, girl, we're a girl, we need to pay attention to the shade of skin color, it's not good-looking if it's too dark. Your father doesn't want you to be too white, but at least you have to inherit your mother's wheat color."

After Fang Nan educated his daughter, he regretted it, and Zeng Li's eyes were thrown over like knives.

"Actually, your mother is quite fair, and not too old." Fang Nan hurriedly made amends.

Time was running short, Fang Nan didn't dare to stay longer in Yonghe Villa, and after helping Zeng Li polish the various educational regulations of the art school, he took advantage of his daughter's time to pack her clothes and ran away.

The Oriental Movie Metropolis was so much fun, the little girl wanted to go again, and Fang Nan was crying and laughing.

The 2010 Bazaar Charity Night was held at the Workers' Stadium in Sanlitun, which might be ironic to those with rich imaginations.

But today's theme is very high - charity and environmental protection.

In response to the country's call for honesty, half of the original variety of delicacies have been removed. Of course, red wine can be drunk, dances can be danced, and the red carpet that is clamped into the lives of celebrities is indispensable.

"Fang Qin doesn't serve the full moon wine, so don't help me out."

The first time he saw Su Mang, Fang Nan smiled.

"Fang Qin? Has Director Fang decided on the baby's name? Qin, the emperor has appointed him, Mr. Fang has great ambitions, please come in quickly, but let me tell you, you are willing to give up the full moon wine in the small balloon. Yuanyuan is also reluctant to be a sister, let's have a private one."

Su Mang interpreted the Chinese characters self-righteously, and at the same time pulled Fang Nan's arm very affectionately into the backstage.

There are a lot of acquaintances in the backstage, Beijing circle, Northwest circle, and there are celebrities who rely on Tangtang Film and Television Company circle.

After greeting Lu Yi and his wife, Huang Yi, Xu Ruoxuan, Zheng Zidan and others, Fang Nan went straight to Huang Bo, Liu Qianqian, Liu Sishi and others.

Unexpectedly, Su Mang dragged him and changed direction directly.

"You are in another rest room, go and chat with Mr. Zhalang Cao, Sluggish Kang, Zhang Lan, and Wang Lei." She covered her mouth and pressed Fang Nan's ear.

"Sluggish Kang? Scumbag Cao Wei?"

Fang Nan hesitated, he was afraid that he would see these two people, so he couldn't help it for a while, locked the door, and lifted their skulls.

Damn it, Tangtang Cinemas and Dazhaokang's technology company jointly won the 8-3 land. After a few years, Tangtang Film and Television will be finished according to the municipal plan, and there is still only one wall around Dazhaokang.

The supported buildings of Tangtang Theater are ugly.

How the hell is he in the financial crisis all the time, the financial crisis caused the company's funds to break down, but now he has money to do charity?

And the grievances between him and Cao Wei are even more obvious, he is still hanging on Zhalang Weibo.

When Yan Hong asked to cancel, the other party said, "The reason for going to the homepage is because Mr. Fang's network is too hot. There is absolutely no shady, no black box operation."

(End of this chapter)

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