literary world

Chapter 352

Chapter 352
It is said to be a backstage for entrepreneurs to rest.

The real phenomenon is that there are not many celebrities. Fang Nan can call out male and female celebrities and models who can't be named, one by one, shuttling in front of various entrepreneurs like flowers and butterflies.

Zhang Yuqi is holding her boyfriend Wang Xiaofei.

Shuang Bing accompanied Dazhi Kang and Cao Wei on one left and one on the right.

Huayi Wang Jun and Wang Lei are surrounded by young model sisters Hua Wang Shishi and Wang Yuanyuan.

Stars and singers such as Jiang Yiyan, members of South Korea's Wonder Girls, and Lin Xilei are not idle, and they are caring for executives or bosses in the fields of finance, enterprises, and the Internet.

On the contrary, Zhao Yanzi probably got married, gave birth to a child, and started to do business again. His behavior seemed a little graceful and decent.

"Damn, I really don't have to come to this stupid charity dinner, it's a bit too crazy."

Fang Nan frowned at the ugly faces shown by the people in the background from time to time.

Compared with this group of people, he felt that he was like a little white lotus that emerged from the mud without being stained, and he was truly romantic.

"Mr. Fang."

"Fang Nan."

"Director Fang!"

"Brother Nan."


"Mr. Dai, Mr. Cao, Manager Qian."

Fang Nanchong nodded his head to the people who were familiar with Su Zhikang, Wang Jun, Zhang Lan, etc. After Su Mang had introduced the other executives and bosses, he exchanged greetings again, and finally gave a perfunctory nod to the most familiar people in the entertainment industry.

"Come and sit, what do you want to drink?" Su Youpeng, who claimed to know Fang Nan best, asked.

Fang Nan glanced at this old friend, feeling a little resistant in his heart, the guy's behavior just now made him suspect this guy's current orientation.

There were quite a few people who knew Fang Nan well in the backstage. As soon as Su Youpeng spoke, Huang Xiaoming, Shuang Bing, and Jiang Yiyan either yelled to give up their seats, or stood up and dragged him from Su Mang's hand.

In the end, it was Li Bing who came out on top, dragged Fang Nan to his seat, and became neighbors with Sluggish Kang and Cao Wei.

She herself raised her buttocks and sat comfortably on the armrest of the sofa.

"Director Fang, I brought you a glass of red wine."

"Thank you."

Fang Nan glanced at the tall girl who was almost bare-chested in front of him. From his experience, she was at least a D.

"Are you a model or an actor?" Fang Nan was curious.

Fang Nan's small movements failed to escape the girl's gaze, and seeing Fang Nan's curiosity at this moment, the girl couldn't help but tighten her arms, and said with a charming smile, "Hi director, my name is Gong Xinliang, I am currently an actor and graduated from Tsinghua University. "

"Really, then you are the most educated actress in the industry." Fang Nan expressed shock.

Li Bing said with a smile: "Xiao Gong's academic qualifications are indeed very high."

"You Huayi actors?"

"Well, Xiao Gong debuted in Director Feng's "If You Are the One" in 08."

Fang Nan said "Oh" and lost interest, his eyes jumped over Li Bing's thigh, and looked at Cao Wei: "President Cao, tell Zha Lang's Weibo operation team not to hang on to me all the time, are you annoying?"

When Gong Xinliang looked disappointed, Cao Wei, who was named by Fang Nan, was stunned, and then smiled: "Mr. Fang, is it a good thing to be on the trending search? It means that the popularity is high, and everyone loves to know about your updates."

Fang Nan frowned and leaned forward, with a displeased expression on his face: "Because of a trivial matter, people pay attention to you every day. Can you bear it? I'm a director and I don't have any works online. What kind of attention do I need?"

The current Zhalang Weibo has not yet spent money on hot searches.

Slag Lang, Netease, Penguin, and Sohu Weibo platforms will even actively put some eye-catching events on the trending searches in order to grab users.

Because of his great fame and many young netizens who knew him, he became a victim used by Zha Lang to attract traffic.

This is the real reason why Fang Nan's nose is not his nose, and his eyes are not his eyes.

"Mr. Fang, if you mind so much, then we will never let you be on the trending searches in the future?"

"Mr. Cao, you like to talk so much? Why do I frequently appear on the hot search, and your team doesn't know? Weibo is to serve the public. You are so fooling users and viewers. You are not afraid of going astray. I don't think you may do it as a CEO. long."

Fang Nan's words were terribly sharp, and the melon-eating stars beside him couldn't help but look at each other, timidly pacing away from the "war" area without showing any trace, for fear that the gods would fight and mortals would suffer.

But contrary to everyone's expectations, even though Cao Wei was reprimanded face-to-face by Fang Nan for his incompetence, he didn't dare to come back with sarcasm, and took a sip of red wine without saying a word.

Fang Nan cast a glance at the other party, seeing that he stopped speaking, and pointed the finger at Dai Jikang again, and he smiled and said, "Mr. Dai, how is Zendai doing now? Have funds to develop the land on the Bund? At least cover it up for me." Cover up your ugliness."

Sluggish Kang said perfunctorily: "Mr. Fang, don't be joking. You don't need me to cover up your ugliness. The ecological office building is so beautiful. The cultural palace, multi-purpose theater, and apartment buildings are almost finished. They have already become a complex of buildings."

"Damn it, this guy is getting more and more evil as he gets older. Seeing that he died, he should be dragging the land price and waiting for someone to take over the offer. Maybe this is the calculation that was made early in the morning."

Knowing what he had in mind, Fang Nan didn't bother to have more sex with a group of people, so he stood up on the armrest.

"Oh, you want to crush me to death." Li Bing scolded Fang Nan's back as he went out.

Back in his rest room, Huang Bo, Liu Qianqian, Si Shi, Ni Ni, Chen Kun and other Tang and Tang film and television artists were either talking nonsense, touching up makeup, or even playing cards.

Compared with the artists outside, their smiles are more sincere.

Tangtang Film and Television did not restrict them to participate in outside wine bureaus, and to accompany them to eat and sleep to find supplementary resources for themselves. Everything is based on personal wishes, and the company just does not introduce customers.

But how to put it, artists do some things in order to obtain resources and become famous, most of them are for money.

And Tangtang Film and Television is the largest film and television production company in the country. It plans to produce 15-20 films and television films a year, and invests in more films and television, so Tangtang Film and Television has no shortage of resources for artists.

With resources and money, Tang and Tang artists are not very keen on going overseas.

Furthermore, the reluctance of artists from the Tang Tang Film and Television Department to join the dinner has something to do with the artist's own personality.

Several major actresses in the company, Zhou Xun, Hai Qing, Mei Ting, Liu Qianqian, Liu Sishi, Ni Ni, and Yang Fun, were Yang Fun who was more ambitious, after all, she was the most famous actress in the company right now.

Compared with some other actresses outside, several other actresses have more salty personalities.

After talking a few words with her artistes, Su Mang shouted to walk down the red carpet, Liu Qianqian, Si Shi, and Ni Ni walked out of the backstage first with their skirts on, Fang Nan looked from behind, Liu Qianqian was wearing a golden suspender dress with her back exposed Fragrant shoulders.

Ni Ni low cut leopard print skirt.

Si Shi is fairly conservative, wearing a simple black mermaid skirt.

"Why, are you two going to take the sexy route?" Fang Nan asked Liu Qianqian and Ni Ni.

Turning her head around, Liu Qianqian said contemptuously, "This is considered to be a sexy route? The front is very tightly covered, okay?"

Ni Ni even said sarcastically: "Brother Nan, do you want to be so old-fashioned that I'm also sexy?"

Fang Nan glanced at her chest with almost no grooves: "You are really fine, anyway, the front and back are flat, you can't tell, Sissy will probably be on the news tomorrow."

Same level before and after?

Huang Bo, Chen Kun, Liu Qianqian, Chu Peijun and other manager assistants laughed like crazy, and Ni Ni's eyes widened even more. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, they would definitely chase Fang Nan and tear them apart.

Noisily stepping onto the red carpet, Fang Nan and the others were surprised that Liu Sishi became the most popular among them.

The lion cubs shouted at the mountains and the tsunami, and held up the support signs that covered the sky and the sun, and everyone who watched was terrified.

"Sishi, you are completely popular!" Ni Ni exaggerated with a grin.

She and Liu Sishi were the earliest acquaintances, and they knew the popularity of this sister. Tang Tang Film and Television's annual star magazine, Liu Sishi has always been the one who needs to be helped to stand in the center.

From today's perspective, Liu Sishi finally made it through.

Standing on the red carpet interview platform, Fang Nan took the initiative to pass the microphone to Liu Qianqian who was next to her. Liu Qianqian took the initiative to pass it to Ni Ni, and Ni Ni continued to pass it down. Everyone tacitly asked Sishi to speak.

But this girl is naturally timid and fearful of society.

First, he pushed and fought with Ni Ni, but he couldn't do it. Holding the microphone, he blushed and smirked, and stuttered again. Fang Nan couldn't stand it anymore. He grabbed the host's microphone and said, "Let me ask, Sishi, why did you Starring in "Scary Step by Step"?"

"Uh, um."

Liu Sishi held the microphone tightly with both hands, and waited for a while, looked at Fang Nan, and said in a low voice, "Didn't you ask me to act?"

This answer almost made Fang Nan spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Even if it's because the character is good, it doesn't matter if the script is good, what do you mean he let him act?

Fang Nan slowed down, and asked again: "Then in "Scary Step by Step", do you like Fourth Master or Eighth Master more?"

After Fang Nan finished asking, there was another tsunami.

After "Scary Step by Step" aired, countless viewers debated endlessly about whether Maertai Ruoxi liked the fourth master or the eighth master in the play, and Fang Nan asked the audience's heart.

"Uh, um."


Fang Nan interrupted the stuttering Liu Sishi: "Tell the fans, why are you looking at me?"

"Well, uh, it seems to be about the same. I like both of them." Halfway through speaking, Liu Sishi unconsciously looked at Fang Nan, as if asking if the answer was okay.

He didn't know that Fang Nan had already vomited blood in his heart.

What the hell is it that a woman likes two men?

The fans beside the red carpet were really dissatisfied with Liu Sishi's answer, and screamed, let's make a noise.

The next moment, Fang Nan hurriedly returned the microphone to the temporary host Ye Xuan, and if the recording continued, Liu Sishi would lose her popularity.

"Okay, thank you Director Fang, Sishi, and Sissy, Huang Bo, Ni Ni, and Chen Kun. In fact, I want to say that Maertai Ruoxi may like Director Fang more. Look, she is still watching with affection Director Fang."

After the host finished speaking, Liu Qianqian, Ni Ni, Huang Bo, and Chen Kun all turned their heads to look at Liu Sishi. In an instant, Liu Sishi's face turned red as if she was about to bleed.

The fans in the audience erupted in an instant.

Fang Nan looked at Xuan Ye with a confused face.

Can you say something like this at will?
Is this being lowered in advance or what?
Realizing that Fang Nan was staring at her with an unfriendly expression, Ye Xuan hurriedly remedied: "Haha, just kidding, just kidding, Director Fang already has Ms. Gao, everyone, please come in, please come in."

Depressed, he entered the infield and sat down at the table. Fang Nan looked at Liu Sishi, who almost had unnaturalness written on his face, and his head hurt.

Fortunately, Su Mang came in time, so that he wouldn't let his imagination run wild: "Mr. Fang, sit at another table and help me take care of my international friends."


"Halle Berry."

Fang Nan directly refused: "Storm? I'm not familiar with her, so I'm not interested."

After Su Mang left, Fang Nan discussed today's auction items with Huang Bo and Chen Kun.

There are a total of 12 items, ranging from jewelry to luxury goods to models to famous paintings. The highest starting price is Zeng Fanzhi's oil painting - Taiping has an image.

Huang Bo laughed and said, "Brother Nan, which one do you like? I'll hold up a sign for you later, and I promise you it will be good."

"You are stupid, why are you doing these meaningless things, you won the auction, are you ashamed to withdraw?"

"Retire? Is there any guest to help filming?"

"Otherwise? Auctions of millions of things here? Of course there are some people who have been taken advantage of, but most of them retreated afterward, and the big guys are just holding on to it."

Chen Kun said embarrassingly: "I bought a Dior ceramic artwork for 80 last year."

Fang Nan nodded: "It doesn't matter if you really like it, I bought it too, but we are thin-skinned, so I'm sorry to return it."

"Brother Nan, this pen is quite suitable for you. I'll take a picture and give it to you."

Liu Qianqian pointed to the pictures of Chow Tai Fook's limited edition art pens and special edition diamond accessories.

Fang Nan was speechless: "I'm mentally ill. How can I buy a fountain pen worth more than 30 yuan to sign documents? After a few days of use, throw it away if it breaks? You can't spend it like this if you have money."

Liu Qianqian almost exploded with anger.

If you look at the introduction, you can die. I didn't see the item introduction saying that "Shining Moments" reflects the beautiful state of mind of a woman.

Extend the shining diamonds out of the shape of "annual rings", one by one, remembering every wonderful moment on the way of growth, those unforgettable memories seem to be vivid in the eyes, releasing the long-lasting The beauty of new rings?

Is it a question of money?

This is a girl's problem!

After Liu Qianqian finished speaking, Ni Ni said again: "Brother Nan, I took this Hermès folding chair and gave it to you. This chair is absolutely tall on the set!"

Fang Nan asked her, "And then?"

Ni Ni covered her mouth and said happily: "Then you give me the only kiss sapphire necklace in the world, and the starting price is only more than 30."

"You have a good plan."

While Fang Nan was chatting with a group of his actors, the auction started with a song "nobady".

It was the Hermès folding chair that Ni Ni was talking about. The starting price was 9 yuan. He really raised his cards frequently, and finally succeeded in winning it with 8 yuan, taking Fang Nan into the army.

When it was the turn of the sapphire necklace, Fang Nan had no choice but to make a move, and fought with Wang Xiaofei, and finally snatched the sapphire necklace at a price of nearly 80, knocking Ni Nile's ass off.

Ni Ni had a present, so the other two naturally couldn't wait too long. Fang Nan bought a bag, a handbag, and a pair of Tiffany couple watches one after another.

After this trip, the money was spent, and nearly 400 million was spent.

There were 12 auction items in total, and he bought four of them by himself.

Counting that Liu Qianqian snatched a pen with 110 million yuan, and Ni Ni bought a folding chair with 20 yuan, their table took half of the auction items that night.

It provoked the envy of many stars at the scene.

They all came here for sugar daddy, and it turned out that the star of Tangtang Film and Television is a rich man himself, and he is more popular than others.

When it came to the last auction item, which was very peaceful, Huang Bo even competed with Sluggish Kang, Huang Xiaoming, and Wang Jun, and finally shocked the audience with a loud "800 million".

Fang Nan was surprised. He had known Huang Bo for a long time, and this was the first time he knew that Huang Bo liked to collect art.

"If you like art, just go to the museum and have a look. There is no need to take it home. Do you really want to be a treasure handed down from generation to generation?"

After Fang Nan persuaded Huang Bo, whose face turned red after drinking, he said.

Chen Kun, Liu Qianqian, Ni Ni, and Si Shi also echoed, "Yes, Brother Bo, that's what works of art are all about. They can't be eaten or used, and 800 million is too much."

They are rich, but they are really reluctant to spend 800 million at once.

After Huang Xiaoming smiled and shook his head at his hometown Huang Bo to give up, Wang Jun waved: "850 million."

Huang Bo put up a sign: "900 million!"

Wang Jun made a small move: "1000 million!"

Huang Bo stood up abruptly, gesturing to raise his placard again, but the host Ke Lan hurriedly interrupted and walked towards Fang Nan's table.

At the same time, Fang Nan frowned and said seriously: "Huang Bo, you are not joking."

Huang Bo smiled mysteriously, and when the host Ke Lan asked "Why do you like this oil painting so much, let me give you an artistic interpretation", he smiled and said: "Actually, today I just made a temporary cameo as a camera assistant, just like fishing Put that bait!"

Huang Bo's answer made Ke Lan completely unable to play, and everyone at the scene was stunned.

Can you say such a thing?
Regardless of whether it is true or false, it cannot be put on the bright side. You are the bait, and Wang Jun is the fish that eats the bait?

So he is a sand sculpture?
But now Wang Jun is more like a bull demon king with smoke coming out of his nostrils, his face is terribly cold and terribly red.

Huang Bo is playing too big, does he think of himself as Fang Nan?
Just because Fang Nan doesn't take Hua Yi seriously, doesn't mean he can do it, he doesn't know how to live or die.

When everyone was discussing, Huang Bo also realized that he seemed to be playing too big, and his smile gradually disappeared due to the extremely quiet scene.

"1100 million!"

Fang Nan glanced at Liu Qianqian, and Liu Qianqian gently raised the No. [-] card knowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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