literary world

Chapter 353 Challenge

Chapter 353 Challenge
There are still many kind-hearted people in the world.

After Fang Nan stood up for Huang Bo and signaled to Liu Qianqian to bid 1100 million, Dai Zhikang jumped out and bid 1300 million for Taiping Youxiang, finally becoming the top bidder of the night.

Seeing that Halle Berry awarded the Peaceful Image to Daikang, Fang Nan applauded sincerely.

If he really made him spend more than 1000 million to buy an oil painting, he would feel that he was dumb.

He was not entirely disinterested in works of art, but he saw no need to keep them for himself.

As an international director, it is necessary to cultivate the ability to appreciate artworks, but it is also enough to understand the stories, meanings, and events behind the artworks.

The last item was auctioned, and Su Mang took the stage to give a speech, first singing praises, and then announcing the night's results.

The auction of 12 works of art brought in nearly 2000 million yuan. This achievement is gratifying, and so much money can help many people in need.

But whether it will help or not, no one knows, anyway, just listen.

In recent years, many people in China are happy to do charity, and they are more hypocritical, and they don't care about one or two more people or organizations that engage in fake charity.

After the dinner was over, Fang Nan patted the scary Huang Bo, who was pale in the second half, as a comfort.

There is nothing wrong with Huang Bo's emotional intelligence, and it's not a big deal to be embarrassed occasionally, but there are some areas that need to be strengthened, for example, the gap in status.

Huang Bo is really popular in recent years, "Thailand", "Crazy Racing", "Bullfighting", "Assassination of Novelists" have made him a first-line actor in China.

But whether it is a first-line actor or a first-line star, they are always just wage earners in the entertainment circle, and there is a difference between capital and resources.

"Director Fang, Brother Bo, Kun'er, Sissy, will you all be together for the second half?"

After the camera was turned off, Su Mang toasted with a red wine glass.

"I can't go, I have to fly to the Pujiang River at night." Fang Nan immediately refused.

Huang Bo, Liu Qianqian and others also shook their heads at the right time, "Then your flight will not be delayed, and the future will be long." Su Mang smiled and walked to the next table.

"Boss Fang, I offer you a toast."

"Hello, Ms. Huo." Fang Nan held up the goblet, and touched Huo Wenxi, who had Xiangjiang's last ace manager.

Huo Wenxi is also a powerful woman.

The rebellious star Nicholas Ting-feng became famous in the streets after being hit and run in an accident, and the mainland crew beat people, and it was through her operation that they managed to turn the tide.

After the Rashi brother's photo incident happened, she was also in charge of it. Jiaojiao became a simple little girl, and thus entered the audience's field of vision again.

If Huo Wenxi hadn't worked in Emperor for more than 10 years, all kinds of relationships were intricate and deep-rooted, and Fang Nan even wanted to recruit him to Tangtang Film and Television.

After drinking the wine, Huo Wenxi lightly opened her red lips: "Director Fang, when will you pick our Emperor's star? Our two companies have been working together for so long and have been very happy. President Yang, President Jiang knows that you will attend the banquet tonight , and let me say hello for you."

"Let's wait for the board of directors of the Golden Image Awards to make a final decision. At that time, I have a huge plan for Xiangjiang's film and television industry personnel to go north to work. I guarantee that everyone will make money."

Fang Nan thought with a smile.

Some people on the board of directors of the Academy Awards are assholes and short-sighted people. The more people put pressure on it, the better.

"Can I hear the plan in advance?"

"No, I have to catch a plane. You just need to know that I'm a man of one mind."

After Fang Nan finished speaking proudly, he waved to Huang Bo and the others, and walked out with his legs upside down.

Outside the gymnasium, seeing Chu Yujun and others who had been waiting for a long time, Fang Nan nodded and "Let's go".

Arriving at the Pujiang River in the middle of the night, Fang Nan headed straight to the Oriental Movie Metropolis.

In the Oriental Movie Metropolis, which is as bright as day, dozens of teams of "The Wandering Earth" are still working, and they didn't slack off just because he left.

Fang Nan nodded frequently as he watched the scene where there were only some rules.

"The Wandering Earth" was filmed for nearly two months, and the first two months were regarded as a running-in period. Various problems emerged, and everyone was in a hurry and anxious.

Now it seems that the running-in period has passed to a stable period, and all affairs are moving forward steadily step by step.

After that, it should be the acceleration period of practice makes perfect.

Fang Nan reckoned that according to the current progress, it would take another two to three months to finish all the scenes.

"Lu Qing? In the middle of the night, you don't sleep at home and go to work the next day. What are you doing here? What's wrong?"

Walking into the director's studio, Fang Nan suddenly found a familiar figure from behind, and at first glance, it was indeed Lu Qing.

Lu Qing took off his glasses and wiped the corners of his eyes: "Let me take a look at the rest of the studio, whether it is enough to build a scene on the surface of Mars and a spaceship."

"Warner's location team finished their research? How should I say it?"

"The exterior team suggested shooting in Jordan, where there is a red desert like Mars, and the interior scenes were set up in a studio in Budapest, Hungary."

"Negotiating with Warner that "The Martian" must be filmed in China, and there is also a red desert at the booth next door to KP County in China. The Oriental Movie Metropolis is bigger and taller than the studio in Budapest, which is more suitable for setting up scenes on the surface of Mars, and you can also run Mars rovers. Place a full-scale human center."

Fang Nan did not hesitate at all, and flatly rejected the research team's suggestion.

He built such a big Oriental Movie Metropolis for the convenience of making sci-fi movies.

His head was pumped, so he left his studio unused and rented an expensive studio abroad?

As a co-investor of Oriental Movie Metropolis, he is also obliged to drive the profitability of Oriental Movie Metropolis. A large crew can support many workers and drive local consumption. If he doesn't help his own people, he will help foreigners?

In other words, his influence in North America is not enough, and he has not conquered North American audiences with mainstream movies.

Otherwise, he even wanted to use his own actors in "The Martian".

Lu Qing explained: "Warner knows that there is a red desert in KP County, but they are worried that the geographical location of KP County will easily affect the personal safety of the crew."

Fang Nan became even more angry: "It's a fart. Tell Mao Jianguo that the safety of the actors and crew who are willing to come to China to film "The Martian" will be guaranteed by us."

"Oh, by the way, it will be daytime in North America, I told him personally."

Realizing the jet lag, Fang Nan took out his phone, sat in Lu Qing's place, and logged into his MSI.

After a little leaning, Mao Jianguo's voice came. Fang Nan told the other party straightforwardly that "The Martian" must be filmed in China. Of course, he also explained the reason.

Labor is cheap and shooting costs are lower.

The studio facilities are not worse than foreign countries, even better than foreign countries.

Safety is not the slightest problem.

Mao Jianguo did not agree in person, but said that he would seriously communicate with the actor's agency and crew.

He has stayed in China for a few years, and he knows that China is not as scary as the western media made it out to be.

In the end, he reminded Fang Nan that the crew of "The Martian" is about to start operation, and his social software has to post news.

Fang Nan agreed to come down and make a video for Yan Hong to upload to YouTube.

After solving this matter, the production crew happened to call it a day, and Fang Nan also returned to the RV outside the studio.

In order not to waste time on the road, he specially transferred several real estates from Tangtang Film and Television for the rest of the main crew.

The sun and the moon alternated, and Fang Nan lived the life of 007 again, revolving around the crew of "The Wandering Earth" every day.

But it's much easier than it was at the beginning, and the teams have gotten along well.

With the addition of the Manhattan Swordsman team, great progress has been made in terms of technology.

In late July, the location team took the lead in completing all the scenes.

At the same time, the dungeon scene was completed at the same time, and everyone began to work around the space station.

Among them, Wu Jing is the worst one. He will either lie in a cold dormant cabin as soon as the record is played.

Either hang in mid-air wearing a space suit that weighs tens of kilograms, or crawl hard without a real object.

According to his disclosure to the visiting reporters of the movie channel, the most tiring scene is actually the weightless and floating performance required by the director.

After interviewing Wu Jing, the visiting reporter found Fang Nan who was still dancing on the phone. After waiting for a long time, the other party put down the phone contentedly.

"Director Fang, do you have time for an interview?"

Fang Nan nodded: "Ask."

"A lot of netizens think that you made "The Wandering Earth" is not worth the loss. The production time of "The Wandering Earth" is too long. With this time, you may have already filmed three movies."

"Not at all, let me think about it."

Fang Nan muttered and calculated: "The last play is "The Wind". "The Wind" was filmed in March last year, and it will be August soon. It has been a year and five months!"

"It's really possible." Fang Nan himself was startled.

"But it's not worth the loss. Only by making blockbuster films can we improve our film industry. There must be someone to do it. If no one does it, we will always lag behind Hollywood."

"Director Fang, according to the current progress, when will "The Wandering Earth" meet the audience at the earliest."

"The release time should be brought forward. Our visual effects work has made great progress. I estimate that we will meet the audience next summer or during the Spring Festival."

"Then the audience and I will wait and see "The Wandering Earth"!"

After the reporter finished speaking, Fang Nan took out his cell phone again before he could ask another question, and walked straight out while muttering something. The two visiting reporters from CCTV looked at each other and smiled wryly.

But soon, the two of them rubbed their eyes at the same time.

Fang Nan came back, followed by a group of tall, blond foreigners, that's it?
Matt Damon in "Bourne," "The Departed"?
Jessica Chastain?

Kate Mara in Brokeback Mountain?
The two visiting reporters were a little confused.

The Pujiang Film Festival didn't invite a few Hollywood stars last time, Fang Nan went out, and the Hollywood stars were handy?
The two hurriedly greeted this windfall.

Fang Nan understood, and introduced to Matt Damon and the others beside him: "These two are reporters from China National Television, Matt and Jessica, maybe you can introduce yourself?"

When Fang Nan opened his mouth, several Hollywood actors did not pretend to be pretentious, and immediately expressed their pleasure to work with Fang Nan.

Jessica Chastain has yet to appear in "X-Men Dark Phoenix."

She has never won an Oscar for Best Actress, and in order to please the director Fang Nan, she even said a non-standard "Hello" with an excited face, which made the two reporters very happy.

After a brief interview, Fang Nan took a few people to the set of "The Wandering Earth".

Mao Jianguo was stunned to see the exquisite and unparalleled space station of "The Wandering Earth".

It has been less than two years since he left Huaxia, and it is really unimaginable how Huaxia's film industry can make a scene that is not weaker than Hollywood so quickly.

Fang Nan chuckled, what should I do?
Do it to death and spend money on it.

How do outsiders know that the general manager of the largest film and television prop production company in China has to live in a studio because the props in the space station are ultra-modern and look so realistic and realistic.

With this perseverance, with the help of many experts and sci-fi authors, and Fang Nan piling up money regardless of the cost, no realistic fake props can be made.

It's not that he was asked to engage in semiconductor chips.

Several actors were also surprised.

Before they came to Huaxia, they were terrified.

After coming here, although what I saw and heard along the way was not as colorful as New York, Pujiang is indeed an international metropolis.

When they arrived at the Oriental Movie Metropolis, looking at the dozens of tall studios and the towering aerial cranes outside, they could imagine how prosperous this place would be in the future.

Taking a group of people around the space station and the dungeon, Fang Nan brought them into the director's booth.

The group of them, except Matt Damon, came to practice hanging wire to find the feeling of weightlessness.

The others, Jessica and Kate Mara, were all arranged by Warner, and they came to meet him, the director, which was equivalent to the last audition.

After chatting casually, Fang Nan revealed this, except for Matt Damon, it doesn't matter who the other actors in "The Martian" are.

As for why Matt Damon is not the number one male.

This is about Matt Damon's impression of Hollywood producers and directors.

That is a naturally honest, weak, pitiful and helpless face. Seeing this kind of person in danger, the audience will naturally activate their desire for protection.

Otherwise, why would Spielberg send a team of American soldiers to save it specially.

That's how Hollywood makes movies.

"Hey, Fang, I have some good news for you. Warner Bros. has decided to shoot "The Martian" in China."

"In addition, Hongshahe Scenic Area was chosen as the location for "The Martian". Artists and technicians will leave for KP County tomorrow to survey the terrain and decide on the location. At that time, some personnel may be needed to cooperate."

Fang Nan agreed immediately: "No problem."

"By the way, I said last time that I asked you to use social software to promote the movie. Why didn't you move?"

Fang Nan patted his forehead: "Forgot, I will record a video and upload it later."

"This is the publicity schedule Warner gave you, just follow it until "The Martian" lands in theaters."

Fang Nan glanced at it, showing off, posting a question about Mars, participating in a charity event, putting up a movie poster, all kinds of messy propaganda methods aimed at him personally.

"I see."

The crew had guests, and Fang Nan called off work early that night and brought everyone to taste Chinese delicacies.

Seeing the Chinese food that is different from the taste of Chinatown, several Hollywood actors were quite puzzled. Fang Nan explained with a smile what is called orange if it is born in Huainan, and orange if it is born in Huaibei!

You foreigners usually eat turkeys that are fed with fodder, how can you taste as good as domestic free-range grass chickens?

Various seasonings will also change due to climate change.

Then it caters to the tastes of the local people.

Arranging a group of people to stay in the hotel, Fang Nan went back to the set and had a drink with Wu Jing and the others. After drinking two bottles of beer, Fang Nan had a flash of inspiration and said to Wu Jing, "Record a video for me."

"What video did you record at night?"

Fang Nan got up and changed into a pair of white sneakers: "Show Chinese Kung Fu."

"It's a rare rest, what kind of punches are you punching, are you tired?"

"Hurry up, I'm going to upload on Youtu." Fang Nan urged while taking three half-drunk white wine bottles.

Wu Jing and the others didn't know what Fang Nan was going to do, but on the set, the director was the biggest, so they had to get out of the RV, grabbed the camera and followed Fang Nan into the studio.

In the bright studio, Fang Nan arranged the three liquor bottles in unison, looked at Wu Jing and asked, "Can you do it by kicking the lids off?"

"It's clever, can you do it?"

Fang Nan chuckled, "Turn on the camera."

While speaking, the camera was turned on, Fang Nan rolled up his trouser legs and turned around, the lids of the three wine bottles flew away in a whirl, everyone cheered loudly.

Warner asked him to show his kung fu and bring the rhythm of the movie "The Martian". On the way back, he hadn't figured out a good way to find someone to fight against the law, and he was easily questioned as an actor.

When I was drinking just now, I had a flash of inspiration, and I felt that kicking the bottle cap can not only show my ability, but also stimulate the topic, which is the best choice.

Now it seems that he really is not old.

"I am Fang Nan, and I am now challenging Wu Jing!"

After pointing at the camera and saying the challenge, Fang Nan turned off the camera with a "click".

(End of this chapter)

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