literary world

Chapter 34 Spring Chapter

Chapter 34 Spring Festival
When the firecrackers go off, every year!

Fang Nan is 23.

During the first Spring Festival in the first year of his return, he was not too demanding, having wine and food, eating hot pot and watching TV was enough.

After buying some beef and mutton, and borrowing a hot pot from the back kitchen of the hotel, Fang Nan hid in the room.

More than half of the crew had left, and the rest were drinking on the first floor. I just called him, but he didn't go.

He can speak Cantonese, but people from a different place are chatting about nostalgia, so what is he doing in it?

Beef and mutton were poured into the boiling water, and some spinach and bean sprouts were added. After a while, the aroma in the pot began to overflow slowly. Fang Nan, who was lying on the bed, turned on the TV with his nose flapping.

The Spring Festival Gala is a well-known variety show in the whole country.

What are you watching for the Spring Festival Gala?

Everyone has their own tastes, some like singing and dancing, some like celebrities, but the most popular people must be the language genre.

From Fang Nan's point of view, it is not an exaggeration to say that Uncle Ben Shan, Feng Gong, Niu Qun and a group of sketch comedians hold up the annual Spring Festival Gala.

"Last year it seemed to be selling abductees, but this year it's time to sell cars."

Fang Nan was thinking about what Uncle Ben Shan was going to sell this year, when his phone rang, he took it over to have a look, Zeng Li's message: Eat, what are you eating?

Fang Nan: Hot pot.

Zeng Li: What delicious food did you buy?

After a long time, Fang Nan: Beef and mutton, then spinach, bean sprouts and so on.

Zeng Li: Hey, you're pretty good at eating.

Just as Fang Nan was about to go back, the message came again, Zeng Li: How is work?The director did a good job, did he train people?

Fang Nan just typed two words, Zeng Li: The two actors in our group are very handsome.
Fang Nan was dizzy, his hand was disabled, and he hated Balabala typing the most, so he simply dialed Zeng Li's phone number, thinking about what to say and finishing his sentence, he didn't want to hang up immediately on the other side.

Zeng Li: Why, the family is having dinner.

Fang Nan became furious, muttering "Isn't this teasing people?" He dropped the phone, got up, lifted the lid of the pot, and filled it with wine.

At the same time as the opening dance of the Spring Festival Gala started, Fang Nan started to eat and drink by himself.

Comparing the liveliness on the TV and the desertedness outside the TV, if you want to say that you are lonely, you are somewhat lonely.

However, Fang Nan, an old bachelor, has lived like this for decades, and the feeling of loneliness just hit, and his mind went away after a while.

If there are no relatives, let alone a lover.

People in his line of work are more or less afraid of love. There is no such thing as a good woman in the entertainment industry, but there are really few.

Anyone who knows the business knows that if an actor wants to become famous in the entertainment industry, the shortcut is never acting skills, but someone who needs to support him with real money.

Even a popular actor, without a financial backer, without a solid relationship with a famous producer or director, will eventually disappear from everyone.

Because there are only a few good shows throughout the year, and if they are gone, they will be gone. If you don’t make it this year, you won’t make it next year. After two or three years, the popularity of the audience will be gone.

Therefore, how to quickly and effectively maintain the relationship between sponsors and famous directors is a matter of opinion.

Of course, there are also some actors who are good at communication and dealing with people, and they really only make good relationships through communication.

The chaos in the industry is well known to the world, but few people know that the business that has anything to do with this industry is also extremely open.

For example, Fang Nan's group of two little girl make-up artists, if Fang Nan is holding back a lot, he can get started with teasing, and then let her do some easy work afterwards and it's over, it's so cheap.

Generally speaking, the era is progressing, so everything is open, but the entertainment industry full of fame and fortune is more open.

So Fang Nan in the whirlpool chose to be alone to the end in his previous life.

As for this life, he hasn't thought about it yet, he doesn't have the time.

Getting up to add some hot water to the hot pot, Fang Nan continued to drink by himself until Uncle Ben Shan's "Selling a Car" ended, and his New Year's Eve dinner also ended.

When tidying up the table, he tilted his head to look at it, and he was taken aback, unknowingly, a bottle of white wine had gone to the bottom.

After taking a shower, he went to bed, just as the skyrocketing fireworks were rising outside, facing this rotten color, Fang Nan fell asleep with his head covered.

The next day, New Year's Day.

"Boom boom, boom boom"

Fang Nan poked his head out of the bed, glanced at the foggy sky outside the window, and said, "The door is unlocked."

"Director, I'm here to wish you a happy new year!" Chen Xiuli opened the door and walked into the room.

Fang Nan, who was about to sit up and get dressed, saw that it was Chen Xiuli, who played Xiao Zhao in the play, and quickly lay down again, and said with a smile, "Sister, I also wish you New Year's greetings, but I haven't gotten up yet, please forgive me what."

Chen Xiuli is a Malay, the only actor in the crew who did not go back for the Chinese New Year.

This girl is very miserable, because she is a semi-newcomer, she signed a four-month contract with the crew. People she likes call her A-mei, and her actual age is two years older than Fang Nan. There are not many crew members, and she can be called seriously. The actors he directed.

"It's okay, go to sleep, I have to go to pay New Year's greetings to others." Chen Xiuli said with a smile and retreated.

After waking up, there is no reason to go back to sleep. After getting out of bed, Fang Nan didn't rush to wash up, but first called a group of people he knew to say New Year greetings.

The first one, he called Lai Qingshui, the director of the play.

As for the boss of the crew above Lai Qingshui, he thought about it or let it go, the county magistrate might as well take care of it now.

Lai Qingshui was followed by Ma Yucheng and other crew members.

At the stall for New Year greetings to Huang Weiming, he asked for Cai Yinong's number again.

In the end, it was Zeng Li's turn. She was the most familiar, so we might chat a little more.

During the phone New Year's call, Wu Gao and Huang Mao's New Year's call also came, and they talked in a mess, and it was almost time for lunch.

Lunch is easy to handle, and then eat the leftovers from last night, but this time, he didn't dare to drink too much wine, if he drank like last night, it would be really bad.

After eating and drinking, Fang Nan went downstairs for a stroll, and found that the rest of the crew were honestly bragging and playing cards, so he went back to his room and took out his notebook.

He wants to take advantage of the free time during the Spring Festival to watch and write two scripts, or two songs.

After pondering over the script and song for a while, Fang Nan had an idea, and came up with a bad idea on a whim, and then he buried his head in foreshadowing for a while.

Script Name: "Interstellar"

Creator: Fang Nan
Outline: The earth's crops are often lost due to climate change and blight. Cooper, a former engineer and space shuttle pilot of the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is forced to become a farmer to help solve the food crisis.

Cooper's 10-year-old daughter, Murphy, found books falling from a shelf in her room for no reason and thought it was a ghost phenomenon.

Not long after, a sandstorm left binary coordinates in Murphy's room. The two drove to the coordinates and found that it was the North American Aerospace Defense Command.
Christopher Nolan?

I wrote the script of "Interstellar" in advance, and even listed in detail how to use the camera, where to shoot, what scenery to use, and how much corn to plant, and then registered the copyright. I see what Hollywood will do then.

Shoot, I sue you.

If not, let’s save it and shoot it ourselves later. It’s not impossible to make a domestic sci-fi film.

On the afternoon of the first day of the Lunar New Year in 2002, after Fang Nan came up with this disgusting idea in a flash, he was as happy as eating shit candy,
(End of this chapter)

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