literary world

Chapter 35 Happy off the set

Chapter 35 Happy off the set
On the fifth day of the lunar new year.

The crew of "Yi Tian" returned to the Four Seasons Hotel one after another.

Needless to say, verbal New Year greetings, the title should have the meaning.

The only person in the entire hotel who received a red envelope was Shi Xiaolong. His child was only thirteen or fourteen years old, and he had to hand over a red envelope no matter what he said to someone, "Get rich in the new year."

Fang Nan followed suit. As soon as Shi Xiaolong opened the door and shouted, he handed over the red envelope stuffed with 10 yuan.

"It's a pity, how cute it was when I was fighting with a pacifier in my mouth when I was young, it's long disabled."

Fang Nan was muttering while standing in the corridor. The coordinator of the film crew sent him a filming notice. After taking a look, he slammed Gao Yuanyuan's door.

Someone responded, and he opened the door and walked in to see that Gao Yuanyuan and Jia Jingwen were lying on the bed in woolen sweaters with their backs to the door, playing with their mobile phones, and the air conditioner was whining.

"Tomorrow I put on makeup at [-] o'clock and leave on time at [-] o'clock. The announcement is here." Fang Nan announced with a shake of his hand.

"Close the door, the air conditioner is on." Gao Yuanyuan turned around and said.

Fang Nan shook the A4 paper: "Take the notice, I have to notify other people."

There are people in the corridor from time to time, it's not very good to see, and although the paparazzi in the mainland these days are not as powerful as the later generations, they are not guaranteed to come out, and a few bold ones sneak in.


Gao Yuanyuan supported the bed with both hands and jumped up, got out of bed, walked around Fang Nan and closed the door, then said to Fang Nan, "Break our bones, for the past few days of Chinese New Year, I'm tired and paralyzed."

At the same time, Jia Jingwen stood up from the bed, "Hey, I have to try it too, Yuanyuan praises your craftsmanship to the sky, how comfortable, how comfortable!"

Fang Nan looked at Gao Yuanyuan with a sad face, "Didn't you tell me that you sold me just after the new year?"

She specifically told Gao Yuanyuan back then that she was afraid of encountering today's situation.

Don't toss the two of you comfortably, and the two say you are stingy.

Tossing hard, let alone being tired, wastes time and delays work.

As for the two of them looking at him differently, they have the idea of ​​having sex and having a friendly fight!
Fang Nan was not so blind.

People in their 20s love to play and make trouble, and it is true that they love to make friends.


The reason why the ratings of the 03 version of "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji" exploded is that the main actors are in their best years.

"I didn't tell anyone else, she was the only one." Gao Yuanyuan pointed at Jia Jingwen with a smile.

Fang Nan nodded helplessly: "You two wait for a while, I'll post the announcement first, and come back later."

Just walking halfway out, Fang Nan met Zhao Zhu, and Fang Nan immediately threw the group B notice to him.

"Who will come first?" Returning to Gao Yuanyuan's room, Fang Nan stood beside the bed and looked at the two of them.

Gao Yuanyuan took a look at Jia Jingwen: "Jingwen, it's her first time, she's very curious as I said, you should use less strength."

Fang Nan's head was full of black lines, and Gao Yuanyuan's inadvertently spoken vernacular was comparable to his old driver.

"It was too thick, and the cardigan came off."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, Jia Jingwen lifted the sweater to reveal the white T-shirt inside without any hesitation.

"Lie flat and relax."

Fang Nan reminded him while rubbing his hands, and when his hands became hot, he pressed Jia Jingwen's thin shoulders.

For the next half hour, clicks and groans filled the room.

After a set of procedures was completed, Jia Jingwen, who was facing up, revealed only one word from the whole body - lazy!
"It's so comfortable that I don't even want to move my toes." She opened her mouth, sweating profusely.

Fang Nan pointed to the sweat on his forehead: "You guys are refreshed, look how miserable I am, my body is covered in sweat."

Gao Yuanyuan was in a hurry, her long hair was pulled into a bun, and she lay down on the bed, "It's my turn, hurry up."

Fang Nan wiped off the sweat stains on his forehead: "It's agreed to be the last time, after this time, don't look for me, and spend your own money to go to the old Chinese doctor's shop for the massage."

"He's a director anyway, why are you so stingy." Gao Yuanyuan said in a low voice.

Fang Nan was out of breath: "This is what the director should do? I'm going to give it a massage right now."

After all, he did it anyway, and half an hour later, Fang Nan was exhausted, and returned to his room with heavy steps.

However, there are also gains from this trip. I have a good relationship with the two leading actresses in the play, but it seems to be of little use.

The next day.

It was still dark outside, Fang Nan was woken up by the alarm clock at 2.30 at night, pushed the clinical Zhang De, got dressed and got out of bed.

As soon as the production crew was in operation, his good days would come to an end, and irregular waking and sleeping times became the norm.

"Props loading."

"Don't forget, there are three cameras today."

"Go and see if the actor's makeup is good, and let the makeup artist hurry up."

"Is the car full of gas? Let's go to the suburbs today and run a long way."

"Zhao Zhu, you go to the art side and get today's location photos."

Zhao Zhu: "Director Fang, I took it last night."

Fang Nan nodded, glanced at the list in his hand: "Oh, then go and get a temporary tent."

Zhao Zhu: "Director, there is no rain or snow today, what are you doing with a temporary tent?"

Fang Nan glared: "You can get rid of shit in the wild, what about actresses? That ass is so pink, do you think it's the same as your rough ass?"


When he was seriously joking to cheer up the crew, he got a light kick on his right buttocks.

Looking back, Jia Jingwen was holding the hem of the skirt with both hands, and just put down her feet, beside her were Gao Yuanyuan and Su Youpeng who had put on black makeup.

"They were still dazed in the morning, and I used jokes to cheer them up." Fang Nan patted his buttocks and explained with a smile.

Jia Jingwen and Gao Yuanyuan got into the car with a "hum".

On the contrary, Su Youpeng was good, he put his hands on Fang Nan's side and stood next to him, helping out with directions from time to time, and chatting and laughing with Fang Nan.

He has experienced a lot since his debut. In the past two years of filming in the Mainland, sometimes he could not keep his eyes open even after filming for several days in a row.

Therefore, he knew that people like Fang Nan were good.

After loading the car, Fang Nan got into the staff's car and went straight to the outskirts of Huairou.

At the shooting scene that the artist was optimistic about, Fang Nan arranged the shooting equipment at the request of the photographer and lighting engineer, and the people were free.

And today he doesn’t need to be an interpreter. Su Youpeng is also in Group B today.

"You have to dance like this, dance like this."

When Fang Nan put on his military overcoat and went back to the set, Ma Yucheng was gesticulating with his hands and teaching Gao Yuanyuan how to use the Nine Yin White Bone Claw.

Fang Nan glanced at it, feeling bored, he leaned behind a big tree and secretly threw sunflower seeds into his mouth.

Filming is like this, when you are idle, you die idle, when you are tired, you die exhausted,
 Test the waters on Sunday, next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, book friends who think this book is still eye-catching, please help to look through this book.

(End of this chapter)

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