literary world

Chapter 359 I Only Believe In Myself

Chapter 359 I Only Believe In Myself

8 month 28 number.

Wang Hao's first comeback concert ended with crazy shouts.

For concubine fans, this concert is perfect and incomparable.

After six years, the sound of nature is still the same, and they once again enjoyed the ethereal voice.

Their idol appeared in a white dress under the slowly moving white leaves in the snowflakes flying all over the sky, breaking the so-called post-modern princess era.

The princess is still there.

In people's eyes, against the backdrop of the crystal curtain, she is as ethereal and graceful as an elf in the snow.

What makes concubine fans even more gratified is that their diva did not care about words like gold when they held concerts in the early years, and their bodies were stiff.

At the comeback concert, she laughed like a child and had an awkward dance.

When she sang "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" with the guest vocalist Fang Nan, she had many intimate interactions.

【Fang Nan, Concubine needs you! 】

On the night of the concert, countless concubine fans excitedly invited Fang Nan to participate in the next concert of the concubine through the social software Aite Fangnan.

But Fang Nan fans are more direct.

Make an album, and we will hold a concert in the future.

With so many well-known songs written, it is more than enough to hold a four-hour concert.

Both kinds of remarks were rampant when the next day came.

Not only Fang Nan's fans persuaded, but also more fans and the media echoed.

Zha Lang Entertainment even used the income from the first show of Wang Hao's comeback concert to settle accounts for Fang Nan.

There are 18000 seats at the concert site, and it is estimated that there are 10000 grandstand seats left after excluding the area behind the stage.

The venue ticket is 2500 yuan.

According to a rough calculation, the single ticket revenue of Wang Hao's Beijing concert will reach 2000 million.

A concert is more profitable than a movie with a medium investment, and the risk and cost are smaller.

As long as Fang Nan practiced more basic singing skills, holding a concert would also be a money-making weapon.

The songs he wrote in the past few years gave him a natural advantage.

Some people support it, and some people oppose it.

An editor of Sanlian Weekly posted a long article on Weibo in the morning, accusing a group of movie fans and the media of bad intentions. It was extremely stupid for everyone to playfully ask Fang Nan to put down the guide tube and pick up the microphone.

In order to prove that his point of view is true.

The editor analyzed from the righteousness of the family that it is not easy for the country to cultivate a great director who is famous abroad.

Afterwards, he argued based on his professional status that if Fang Nan went to develop his singing career, he would lose everything.

He even criticized Fang Nan by name, convincingly believing that Fang Nan lost the spirit of young people after he won the Oscar for Best Director.

Either on the news all day, or as a guest singer.

No longer assume the responsibility of being an industry pioneer like in previous years, and dare to criticize the chaos in the industry.

Have the courage to criticize the wrong actions of some big directors such as Zhang Dahuzi, Chen Shishi, Feng Dapao, Wu Baige and so on.

At the end, the editor was emotional again. With the passage of time and the rise in status and wealth, Fang Nan, who was still young, seemed to follow the trend, becoming mature and prudent, and unwilling to offend others.

He sincerely hopes that Fang Nan can regain his original aspirations, and at the same time produce good works, he might as well be the original Fang Dapao.

Fang Nan was very depressed.

He was only a guest singer for a while, but as for going online like this.

He has enough things to do, and they are difficult enough. He doesn't have that much energy, ability, and right to restrain the weird people and things in the circle.

As soon as Fang Nan finished feeling emotional at home, a strange thing happened.

Big S invited him to the wedding.

"with who?"

After Fang Nan asked, he regretted it. He asked too much, but at the same time he was very puzzled. At the Charity Bazaar dinner not long ago, he witnessed Zhang Yuqi cheerfully presenting an award to her boyfriend Wang Xiaofei.

More than two months later, Wang Xiaofei is going to marry Big S.

God is not miraculous, meaning is not unexpected.

How do you manage this kind of thing?
"And Wang Xiaofei, you didn't watch the news."

"I don't like hot eyes." Fang Nan cursed, and said, "I don't necessarily have time, let Yuan Yuan go."

He actually doesn't have much friendship with the two daughters of the Xu family. He once participated in "Kangxi Is Coming" hosted by Xiao S, and collaborated with the boss on "A Chinese Ghost Story".

But the two daughters of the Xu family had found a good godfather, and he and Yang Kui had been friends for a long time, so it was really hard to refuse the other party's invitation. After all, the two daughters of the Xu family had to call him uncle.

After putting down the phone, his son woke up crying, helpless Fang Nan hastily called Gao Yuanyuan who was working outside.

"when are you leaving?"

"Immediately." Fang Nan began to load the files.

"I really can't figure it out, why do you have to work so hard to do a film festival, and still do the Xiangjiang Film Festival. If the film festival is successful, how many people will remember you; It’s like losing an award.”

Gao Yuanyuan complained while breastfeeding the child.

From her point of view, her family has earned enough money and fame, and now they have a son, so they don't have to worry about life. Is it bad to stay at home with your wife and children?

The whole family is happy together, why not travel around the world when you get bored?

I have to do a film festival, toss money, toss myself, the key is to see no rewards, maybe I will become a villain in the end.

Wang Jinghua told her that Fang Nan refused to join the preparatory team of the Beijing International Film Festival, and went to persuade the reform of the Academy Awards. Many people in the capital were dissatisfied, thinking that his heart was not in the country, but in the capital.

So she didn't understand.

Fang Nan sat on the side of the bed, put his arms around Gao Yuanyuan's shoulders, and said kindly: "I used to have the same idea with you, and I only wanted to make movies. I have learned about life in the past two years, so I want to leave some stuff in the world."

Gao Yuanyuan rolled his eyes and curled his lips again: "Hurry up and go, you say you look like an old man in his seventies and eighties."

Fang Nan laughed and took his bag and left.

When they arrived at Yinding Bridge, a team of 32 people including finance, negotiators, planners, architects, and security guards led by Yan Hong happened to arrive at the Xiangjiang team, and Fang Nan got into the car without saying a word.

He doesn't have that much time to argue, this trip to Xiangjiang is bound to be a one-hit kill.

So he brought a number of entourages and proposals, some of whom were professionals responsible for explaining the development location of the movie palace planned by the company, as well as the interior and exterior styling of the movie palace.

Some managers are responsible for explaining how to arrange Xiangjiang filmmakers, behind-the-scenes work going north, and remuneration and so on.

After the plane rushed into the sky, Yan Hong said: "After we land, there should be reporters asking you about the kidnapping and massacre of Xiangjiang tourists in the Philippines. Brother Nan will take it seriously when the time comes, and don't be led astray by Xiangjiang reporters."

"Understood." Fang Nan nodded and said, frowning: "Don't dislike each other, we are a family."

Yan Hong denied it categorically: "It's because I don't like some Xiangjiang filmmakers. People like Huang Qiusheng and Du Wenzhe are really disgusting too much."

Fang Nan was curious: "Have they come to the mainland to film in the past two years?"

"Du Wenzhe once filmed a movie, but it was stopped."

"For a person like him, you can join forces with Tangtang Film and Television and Tangtang Cinema to issue a joint boycott statement. We want to develop in a low-key manner, but it is understandable to make an exception for people like Du Wenzhe to be high-profile."

"The earth has become a global village, but no matter which country, people who pick up the bowl to eat and put down the bowl to scold their mothers will be disgusting."

Yan Hong nodded happily: "I see."

During the conversation, the passenger plane landed, and Fang Nan and his party walked out of the cabin with the flow of people.

The people who came to pick him up were Fang Nan's old acquaintance, Jiang Zhou, the president of Emperor Entertainment, and the manager of the Tangtang Film and Television Branch led by Shi Nansheng. They said that the branch is actually an office.

Fang Nan was stopped by Xiangjiang media reporters before the two parties collided.

A group of reporters did not mention the Hong Kong tourist incident. Every issue is closely related to the reform of the Academy Awards. After all, this incident has been arguing for half a year from March to almost September, and it cannot be hidden no matter how hard it is.

The question was related to the film festival, but the question was quite tricky. Outside the security area, some reporters loudly asked Fang Nan why he used power and money to force the Academy Awards to take an unknown path.

Another reporter questioned that Fang Nan's move was to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao with a military order, and destroy the Golden Statue Awards. The next step is the Golden Horse Awards, and then the Mainland's Golden Rooster Awards, Hundred Flowers Awards, and Huabiao Awards will follow the trend.

At that time, filmmakers from Xiangjiang and Taiwan had to bring their works to the north to participate in the competition.

Fang Nan was amazed at the reporter's brain power.

Ignoring a group of reporters who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, Fang Nan stepped onto the waiting bus in three steps at a time.

After Fang Nan and Jiang Zhou sat down after shaking hands, Shi Nansheng smiled and said, "Yesterday, the existing board of directors of the Academy Awards made a new proposal."

"What?" Fang Nan was curious.

"You apply to become a Xiangjiang native."

Fang Nan couldn't help laughing: "Whoever suggested it, whoever suggested it should help me apply."

He, a rich man with a ranking of more than 10 in the mainland, suddenly applied to go to Xiangjiang. What is the next step?Crazy or something, the person making the suggestion is either downright disgusting or has no brains.

The airport was not too far from the hotel we had booked. As soon as we got off the bus, Wen Jun, chairman of the board of directors of the previous Academy Awards, who was also a reformist, and several Xiangjiang filmmakers greeted us.

Seeing Fang Nan coming down, Wen Jun immediately said: "We've been arguing for too long, it's best to reach a conclusion today, and promise as much as you can."

Fang Nan nodded and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the result will be announced today, or it will be broken up in two. If it continues, I don't have time, and the board of directors has to start preparing for the 30th Academy Awards, right?"

Wen Jun was taken aback, what does this kid Fang Nan mean? It would be a lot of fun to let him go halfway.

Entering the hotel, getting on the elevator, at the entrance of the Fugui hall in 508, Yan Hong straightened Fang Nan's coat, and then nodded at Shi Nansheng. The heavy door opened, and Fang Nan stepped in slowly with a smile.

Cheng Long, Huang Baiming, Liu Dehua, Wang Jiawei, Wang Jing, Xu Laoguai, Zeng Zhiwei, Chen Jiashang, Huang Weiming, Du Qifeng, Gu Yule, Wu Baige, Liang Jiahui, Zhang Jiahui, Alan Tam and other filmmakers and singers he does not know About thirty or forty people.

It has gathered most of the filmmakers who are still active on the screen in Xiangjiang.

But Zhou Xingxing, Tony Leung, Chow Yun-fat, Jacky Cheung and many other directors, celebrities, and singers who did not come, these people are not keen on these things, it doesn’t matter if the Academy Awards reform is not reformed, they no longer care so they don’t participate.

"Xiangjiang has a lot of good actresses, why didn't they invite them? Didn't the rumors say that we treat men more than women?"

Fang Nan waved to familiar people and asked Shi Nansheng with a smile.

"The time hasn't come yet, it will come in a while, and it will surprise you."


Fang Nan had a question mark in his head, why was he surprised?
After a while, he was surprised that the female general Shi Nansheng invited was not weaker than the male stars and directors on the scene.

Lin Qingxia, who quit the film industry a long time ago, is a husband and a child.

Hui Yinghong, who is half-hidden and half-retired.

Xu Anhua, Zhang Aijia, Wang Mingquan who has served TVB for decades and is known as Sister.

Wu Junru dragged Chen Kexin, Zhang Bozhi Xie Tingfeng.

Cai Shaofen and Yuan Yongyi brought their husbands one after another.

After that, there were representatives from several major film companies in Xiangjiang.

"The people agreed upon by the two parties are here." After Shi Nansheng finished speaking, Fang Nan cleared his throat and said:
"First of all, thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedule to discuss whether to apply to the International Film Producers Association for the Hong Kong Category A Film Festival seminar."

"To be honest, I am very happy to see everyone gathered together. I always thought that there are not many domestic filmmakers who have the same ambition as me. These days, everyone is busy with money and living. Who cares about Huaxia? It’s a convincing film festival, even if you haven’t won an Academy Award, you still expect to win a category A film festival trophy?”

"I never expected that Brother Cheng Long and Sister A are here today, and even Sister Qingxia flew to Xiangjiang. I was very moved to see everyone being so active. The Hong Kong Film Festival is what everyone expects. The general trend!"

While Fang Nan paused to drink tea, Wen Jun looked at the Chen family next to him, seeing that he was at a loss for words, he probably didn't expect Fang Nan to play such a trick.

However, Fang Nan will indeed change the concept secretly. Everyone gathered together today to determine whether the Academy Awards should be reformed, confirm the reform of the Academy Awards, and then apply for the Xiangjiang Category A Film Festival.

I didn't think that Fang Nan would play tricks, he first asked everyone if they want to set up a category A movie that has nothing to do with everyone and has no profit, and after everyone nodded, he would say that there is a film festival, and there is no need for the Academy Awards exists.

Wen Junzheng was conspiring, and Cheng Long, who was straight-hearted, took the lead in slapping the table to express his opinion that China needs a film festival with international influence.

After Cheng Long finished speaking, Huang Baiming, Wang Jiawei, Huang Baiming, Huang Weiming, Xu Laoguai and others all agreed.


Just as the Chen family was about to speak, Fang Nan slapped the table and got up, and said proudly, "Since everyone has unanimously decided to do the Hong Kong Film Festival, then let me first talk about what I can do for the Hong Kong Film Festival."

Next, Fang Nan sent everyone the concept drawings of the movie palace that he planned to fully invest in, and at the same time told everyone how he planned to arrange the Xiangjiang filmmakers going north.

In a word, go to variety shows first to familiarize yourself with the rhythm and customs of the mainland.

For this reason, he announced five variety shows that can be arranged for Xiangjiang filmmakers in one breath, namely the popular programs "running man" and "The Voice of China".

We are preparing variety shows "King of Masked Singer", "Ace Vs Ace", "Let's Time Travel".

"If you have a good behind-the-scenes, you can also introduce them to me. The next three programs will require a lot of behind-the-scenes. Of course, everyone here may be more willing to play roles because they have already become famous. We have no objection to this and will arrange as much as possible for you. Participate in mainland film and television dramas."

"If you have any doubts, you can ask Brother Weiming first. He has worked with me for many years and knows me best. In addition, you can also ask Director Xu, and Empress Cai who just finished her role in "The Legend of Zhen Huan". .”

"Someone may ask, Xiangjiang still has many ordinary directors and second- and third-tier stars. It doesn't matter, we also need such directors. As you may know, I have a holding video website called Douyin under my name. This website will arrive in the next two years. Three years will require a large number of online film and television dramas, and my original intention is to make Douyin video into Hollywood’s Netflix.”

"So, I don't think there are too many directors, but only few." Fang Nan said with a smile.

Seeing that everyone was looking at Fang Nan's plan with great concentration, the Chen family slammed the table and said, "Fang Nan, don't try to keep me silent, I'll just ask, why can't the Golden Statue Awards and the Hong Kong Film Festival coexist. Everyone raised their heads to look at Fang Nan. Fang Nan snorted and said with a chuckle, "Because I believe in my character, but I don't believe in yours. You are not only against outsiders, but even against insiders. How can I trust you?" "

Wen Jun: "Director Chen, it's almost done. You, the chairman of the board of directors of Jiuming, are the only members of the board of directors who are still suspicious of Fang Nan's malicious intentions. Why bother?"

Cheng Long: "The Academy Award remains unchanged today, and will disappear automatically tomorrow. Why wait until that day."

Old Monster Xu: "Director Chen, Mr. Fang is very sincere. Building a movie palace is not a small number."

Johnnie To: "I said a few years ago that if the Academy Awards are not reformed, they will always be a mess. It would be better to ruin them."

Sandra Ng: "Is it to turn the trophies of the Hong Kong Film Awards into film festival trophies?"

Fang Nan nodded and explained: "Originally, I planned to make the Oriental Pearl, but later I found out that the Golden Image Award is the best. It can be regarded as a continuation. From now on, it will be called the Best Film Award at the Huaxia Xiangjiang International Film Festival - the Golden Image Award."

Wang Mingquan: "Mr. Fang, I support you. I hope you can help Xiangjiang's lower-level filmmakers and behind-the-scenes."

Fang Nan said with a smile: "There is no one who helps others, everyone helps each other and benefits each other, I provide a platform, Xiangjiang filmmakers work to make money, and help me make money by the way. In addition, I also sincerely invite sister, Sister Qingxia to participate in a mainland film in the future A variety show, it would be very interesting to think about it.”

Brigitte Lin smiled and said, "I'll forget it, old lady."

Everyone was chattering, but the fate of the Golden Statue Award and the Chen family had already been decided.

Finally, through on-site voting, the members of major Hong Kong film associations were contacted by phone to vote for Chen Jiashang to withdraw from the board of directors, and the Hong Kong International Film Festival was officially established.

Of course, there are many things to do later.

First of all, the organizing committee of the film festival must be established and the candidates for the organizing committee must be selected.

Afterwards, the organizing committee decided on the type of film festival, finalized the holding time, and applied to the International Film Producers Association for the Hong Kong Film Festival to be a category A film festival.

Then the organizing committee elects the chairman and judges of the first Hong Kong Film Festival.

Afterwards, multiple departments will be set up, such as film selection department, financial department, and many other things.

(End of this chapter)

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