literary world

Chapter 360 The Logic of Robbers

Chapter 360 The Logic of Robbers
The film festival is determined by voting.

Fang Nan and the others discussed the candidates for the organizing committee.

In terms of personnel, Shi Nansheng and the reformist team had already drawn up candidates, and a list was placed in front of Fang Nan and others.

Chairman of the organizing committee: Fang Nan, chairman of Tang Tang Film and Television, Fang Nan Culture and other companies.

There are also eight members of the organizing committee and organizations. The first place is Hou Gao, the Hong Kong cultural commissioner appointed by the Hong Kong government.

Hou Gao represents the Hong Kong government and acts as a link between the film festival and the Hong Kong government.

The second member is Xia Jianjun, the general manager launched by Yindu Organization.

Yindu Institution was established in 1950. In 1982, it was a Chinese-funded film organization formed by the merger of Great Wall, Phoenix, Xinlian, and the newly established Zhongyuan Film Company.

At the beginning of its establishment, it was the only large-scale state-owned film company of Huaxia Film outside of China.

Produced by the organization, he has co-produced many high-quality films such as "Shaolin Temple", "The Overlord of Western Chu", "Heroes", "Lust, Caution", and "The Unspeakable Secret".

Yindu is also the only institution in China that can directly distribute movies in the mainland without going through the review of the General Administration.

However, what Fang Nan valued more was that each chairman of Yindu was appointed by the country.

As for Hou Gao, Xia Jianjun actually played a supervisory role in the organizing committee.

The third member is Cheng Long, an international movie star.

The fourth member is President Jiang of Anle Films.

The fifth place is Jiangzhou of Emperor Entertainment.

The remaining three members are from the three associations of Xiangjiang Photography, Director and Screenwriter respectively.

Eight members plus a chairman of the organizing committee constitute the organizing committee of the Hong Kong Film Festival.

On the evening of the day when the organizing committee was established, Fang Nan and the eight members agreed that the [-]th Xiangjiang Film Festival would not set up a jury panel for the time being, and would not set up an award ceremony. It would take two years to promote the film festival and turn the film festival into a small script , Film market.

In this way, the filming fund department of the Hong Kong Film Festival was established.

Fang Nan invested 2000 million for director applications all over the world who are aspiring to become directors, but suffer from lack of funds to shoot their debut films.

"Fang Nan, it is said that there is a golden coast beside Qingshan Bay in Tuen Mun. The Hong Kong government had a plan two years ago to build an artificial golden beach on the coast and create a new tourist route. You might as well put the movie palace there. "

Fang Nan put down his lunch box and asked Hou Gao: "The government has no plans? The transportation is convenient? The current population of Tuen Mun is about 50. How many theaters are there?"

Hou Gao laughed and said, "The Gold Coast is just a plan. Tuen Mun belongs to the New Territories and there are many theaters."

Fang Nan understood: "Let Nan Sheng go and have a look tomorrow."

As soon as he finished speaking, Cao Guozhong called.

News about the Golden Statue Awards in Xiangjiang and the mainland, and about Fang Nan spending hundreds of millions of dollars to build a movie palace in Xiangjiang has spread all over the sky. After he learned about it from the secretariat, he immediately thought it was a good job.

He is the boss of a movie theater, and he is very aware of how profitable the Cannes Film Festival is. The booths, movie tickets, associated hotels, and even red carpet invitations in the movie palace can be sold for money.

Therefore, he felt that the Hong Kong Film Festival Film Palace had something to do.

Of course, the prerequisite for the movie palace to be profitable is that the festival must be successful first. In this regard, he chose to trust Fang Nan.

Cao Guozhong was very interested, and Fang Nan also knew that the company was indeed rich, so he nodded and said, "Then bring the team over to talk."

After hanging up the phone, everyone voted to hold the film festival in mid-July.

Everyone has considered this time for a long time.

After all, it is necessary to keep the distance from some internationally renowned film festivals as much as possible.

It is too close to the three major European film festivals, not to mention that all the film sources have been robbed, and world-renowned directors are definitely willing to accept the competition PR of the Cannes Film Festival.

In addition, they have to be distinguished from several domestic film festivals.

Pujiang International Film Festival in June.

The Beijing International Film Festival, which is being prepared, is scheduled for mid-April.

The Changchun Film Festival is held in October.

In addition to the three major domestic film festivals, the Berlin Film Festival is held in February, Cannes in May, Venice from late August to early September, and Tokyo and Busan Film Festivals in October.

In this way, they can only choose the time period of the hot summer in July.

July is indeed not very good, because it is only two months before the end of the Cannes Film Festival, and the film sources and good entries on the market may have been scooped up by Cannes.

And the Venice Film Festival will be eyeing after July.

But there is no way, for the Xiangjiang Film Festival, July is already the best time.

What's more, as long as the film festival really produces effects and fame, it may also be able to draw a wave of blood from the gradually sluggish Venice Film Festival.

The nine-member organizing committee headed by Fang Nan finally breathed a sigh of relief after formulating procedures and researching and replenishing department staff until midnight. Even though Shi Nansheng's team had drawn up most of the institutional framework of the film festival in advance, they were still exhausted.

After supper, Fang Nan sent the eight people to the car one by one. Although tired today, he was satisfied enough.

"It's weird today that no one has mentioned how long we've been running the festival."

Fang Nanchong smiled at Shi Nansheng and Yan Hong: "When the Xiangjiang Film Festival becomes as popular as Cannes, people will immediately ask. Now, it's unnecessary to ask."

Everything in the world is inseparable from the word interest.

The Xiangjiang Film Festival is now impoverished, with a gloomy future, and the devil cares who is running it. The Academy Awards Board of Directors has been clung to this problem at the beginning, and it was nothing more than deliberately making things difficult for Fang Nan.

"I'm going back to the capital tomorrow. Nansheng, you have to stay for a while. After all, you are the most suitable place to deal with. Then, Cao Guozhong will come to discuss matters about the movie palace tomorrow. You will guide him."

After a short break, Fang Nan met Huang Baiming, his father and son, and Wang Jiawei in Chaoyang.

"Brother Baiming, the appointment for the afternoon tea was missed, but I'll treat you two to breakfast."

After laughing at Huang Baiming and his son, Fang Nan said to Wang Sunglasses: "Director Wang, although you didn't join the organizing committee, there is a high probability that you will become the chairman of the jury for the first Hong Kong Film Festival. You can usually do your best. .”

"Then let me give you a suggestion."

Fang Nan was surprised: "Please tell me."

"Incorporate the Asian Rising Star Director Project launched by Andy Lau a few years ago into the affiliated organization of the film festival."

Fang Nan nodded happily: "It's indeed a good idea. I'll find a time to chat with Brother Hua."

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Liu Dehua really rang the box on time, Fang Nan thought he was seeing a ghost when he saw the person coming, and then he noticed Zhang Weijian who was behind the other party and realized that the other party was also looking for him.

"Brother Hua, sit down and have some lunch together. Last night I chatted with Mr. Xia and the others too late, and I got up late."

"Brother Nan, don't mess with me." Liu Dehua finished speaking with a gloomy face. After pulling out two chairs and sitting down with Zhang Weijian, he patted Zhang Weijian's back and said, "Brother Nan, children are ignorant, so it's the same. It's been many years, you adults don't remember villains."

Fang Nan was depressed, did he hold grudges so much?

He had a little conflict with Zhang Weijian in 2001, it has been almost 10 years, what did he do to Zhang Weijian?

The opponent really wanted to die because he hit Xiao Bailong.

However, it also has something to do with Zhang Weijian's background is not strong enough, and he is not popular enough at the moment. As the same person, Nicholas Tse's backing of the Emperor made him flourish, and several films landed in mainland movie theaters.

Liu Dehua made the opening remarks, Zhang Weijian hurriedly got up and apologized, and even Huang Heng got up to apologize, and a good breakfast was turned into an apology meeting.

Fortunately, Fang Nan didn't put on airs or shake his face, and the atmosphere that followed was quite harmonious.

After the dinner was over, as Fang Nan wished, the new star director became a non-affiliated organization under the film festival organizing committee.

In the future, while the new star directors are distributing money, they will sign an additional contract with the recipients of the money. The films of the directors who receive the funds from the new star directors will have priority in participating in the Hong Kong Film Festival.

As for the copyright of "Ip Man" that Huang Baiming and Wang Jiawei have been arguing about for a long time, under Fang Nan's mediation, the two also expressed in due course that they would no longer splash dirty water on each other.

Fang Nan himself wondered, Huang Baiming's "Ip Man 2" will definitely be released next year.

Wang Sunjing's "Ip Man" will take 12 or 13 years. The interval between the two films is so long, what is there to be noisy about?
If it is for hype, Fang Nan said that there are not many movie theaters under his name, and next year there will be about ten or twenty movie theaters, and the screens will cost more than 300 yuan.

But I am also willing to use 100 screens of several movie theaters to give "Ip Man 2" a good schedule and show it for a longer period of time. Isn't this more cost-effective than spending money to hype and talk?

The two had no objection, and the breakfast round ended perfectly.

Before Fang Nanfei returned to the capital, he had a special meeting with Cao Guozhong. This man was a little drifting, and he had to beat him whenever he had time.

Seeing Fang Nan, Cao Guozhong was the first to complain: "The name of Tangtang Cinema is really bad, not to mention, we have already separated from Tangtang Film and Television."

"What name did you say you wanted to change?"

"I think the current patriotic upsurge is getting higher and higher, so how about People's Cinema, People's Cinema?"

Fang Nan almost spat out a mouthful of old blood: "What nonsense, you were a top student at a prestigious university in your early years. Don't you know how heavy the word "people" is? Ordinary people can bear these two words, let's start with one."

"It's called artists, artist cinemas, artist theaters."

"That's it, you go to work. By the way, you apply again for the documents for building 10 movie theaters in Shancheng, Jiangcheng, Kunshan, Changzhou and other places. I will approve it when I go back. Do things carefully."

Fang Nan returned to the capital alone, and it was already past the lunch break when he landed, so he didn't go back to No. 28 courtyard, and sneaked into Yonghe Villa.

The last time he saw Zeng Li and his daughter were attending Harper's Bazaar, he said it was several months.

As for how long I haven't stayed in Yonghe Villa, I can't remember for a long time.

Luckily, Zeng Li was quite caring, knowing that there were no aunts or confinement sisters in No. 28 courtyard, and Gao Yuanyuan took care of the children alone, so she never complained that Fang Nan was going back and forth like wind.

In the living room, Tong Wanzhuo grinned and wailed at Zeng Li who was on the sofa, Fang Nan laughed and said, "Why are you crying again?"

Turning around to see Fang Nan, Tso Wanzhuo rushed towards him with open arms, howling even more vigorously.

Fang Nan picked up his daughter and wiped her face distressedly: "Don't cry, don't cry, you've become a cat with a painted face, what's the matter?"

"It's not that yesterday the kindergarten let me pick up the books. She kept nagging about going to the kindergarten. How many times did she tell her that the kindergarten didn't open, didn't open the door, and she started nagging again after taking a nap. I beat her up."

Fang Nan looked at his daughter speechlessly: "You are arguing so much that you have to go to school, and you really don't do well in the exam in the future. How can you let me be a father?"

Zeng Li put down her pen, glanced at Fang Nan who was sitting with her daughter in her arms, and said angrily, "Why are you so embarrassed? You have to bear the main responsibility. It's not that you keep calling happy education and happy childhood. She should go to the big class to learn calligraphy this year. I have learned the basics, and now I don’t know anything except somersaults, and I worry about it.”

"In the future, if you are called a parent by the school because of Zong Wanzhuo's academic performance, you should go to the teacher and humble yourself, and you will go to the parents' meeting, and take the place of your good girl who can't read a few words to make a review."

Fang Nan's father and daughter looked at each other in dismay as Zeng Li watched.

"As for what? You have to fully trust our daughter's little head. With our IQ, how can the daughter be any different?" Fang Nan picked up the kindergarten middle class books on the coffee table while Wang Po was selling melons and boasting.

After looking at it twice, Fang Nan couldn't help being speechless. After flipping through the history books for six-year-old children in kindergarten, he muttered again: "Actually, there is something wrong with this book."

Zeng Li was blown away when he heard it.

In order to reduce the burden on his daughter, Fang Nan is going crazy?
Can you even think of an excuse for the problem with the book?

Zeng Li clapped the document in his hand, and said with high spirits like a hen guarding his cubs: "If there is any problem, please explain it to me."

"Have you ever understood the origin of the feudal social system? This term actually refers to the state structure of small countries in Western Europe. Feudalism refers to the system of enfeoffment. Many emperors in ancient China did entrust land to their heirs and nobles."

"But even so, the enfeoffment system in ancient China is nothing compared to the thousands of fiefdoms in Western European countries in the Middle Ages. The key point is that even if some dynasties in ancient China implemented enfeoffment, they still had centralized power in the court, which is completely different from the enfeoffment in the West. system."

Speaking of this, Fang Nan sneered, and said disdainfully: "But for some reason, some of us who are engaged in education now like to take the initiative to put other people's crooked hats on their foreheads, and never question whether it is right or wrong."

Seeing Zeng Li's brows frowned, Fang Nan said again: "Let me tell you a short story that is not too old."

"You should be familiar with the history of the Opium War and the Eight-Power Allied Forces."

"But do you know how the West justifies its crimes? They use public opinion to wantonly slander and smear internationally, saying that China is backward, closed and closed, and the sick man of East Asia."

"You have to be beaten if you close the country? What kind of bullshit logic is this?"

"It was backward at that time? The Qing government was the largest trading country in the world at that time, and Huaxia's exquisite goods earned ship after ship of silver from Western countries."

"All these slander and bad labels are just the Western bandit colonists trying to cover up their own unspeakable crimes."

"However, there are some people in China who are willing to accept the Western view of whitewashing. As long as this period of history is mentioned, you will insist that you were robbed and killed because you were backward and closed to the country. Instead, you will not accuse the West of numerous crimes! What, Is it reasonable for them to rob, kill, and commit war crimes?"

"How brain-dead such a person is, how without independent thinking."

Zeng Li pondered for a moment, and when she found that she had nothing to refute, she said angrily, "You have an independent mind, so you don't study?"

"It's not that you don't read, it's that you want to instruct our daughter to look at things dialectically, some articles in textbooks."

"I teach, why are you going?"

Fang Nan's face changed in a second, and he said flatteringly, "I'm busy, you spend more time with her."

"I'm busy too. In mid-September, I will start classes."

Fang Nan pursed his lips, but complained in his heart: "A total of 39 students have been recruited. It seems that you, the principal, are very busy."

(End of this chapter)

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