literary world

Chapter 361

Chapter 361

With the arrival of the school season, Fang Nan sent Wanzhuo, who was thinking of kindergarten, to school, and he was also preparing to enter a new round of work.

Before leaving, Gao Yuanyuan urged step by step: "Recently, keep a low profile, don't post random updates and talk on the Internet."

Fang Nan laughed, he told Gao Yuanyuan not to keep looking up news on the Internet to get angry, why did it go the other way?

In the past few days, news about Fang Nan planning the Hong Kong Film Festival, investing in the construction of a movie palace in Hong Kong, and guiding Hong Kong filmmakers to work in the north has spread across the Taiwan Strait and the three places.

There are very few people who support it.

Netizens in Xiangjiang are dissatisfied that the 30th Golden Statue Award has just disappeared.

Taiwanese netizens ridiculed that there is no soil for film festivals in China.

Mainland netizens didn't understand the most, and scolded Fang Nan for turning his elbow outward.

Even many of Fang Nan's movie fans and people in the industry are also conflicted. They think that if a large number of Xiangjiang actors go north, the living space of mainland actors will be squeezed.

The public opinion intensified, thus forming all-round insults and abuse against Fang Nan personally.

The magnitude, breadth, and speed of the turmoil have never been encountered by Fang Nan since he became famous.

Compared with the turmoil of scolding and slandering him in the past, it is like a firefly compared to a bright moon compared to this turmoil.

And there's an even bigger difference.

In the past, when he was scolded and hacked, there would always be movie fans, friends in the industry, mainstream media, and even official media who would immediately stand up to help him.

This time, everyone, the media, disappeared.

Friends in the circle, Tang Tang film and television artists have received orders not to express their opinions.

Even so, it can be seen how embarrassing Fang Nan's current situation is.

There was one person who spoke up to support Fang Nan, Sister Feng who washed dishes on the other side of the ocean. His occurrence made Fang Nan's scolding even worse.

Fang Nan didn't try to defend himself against the doubts and insults from the outside world.

Before he chose to do this, he had thought of commenting on it for future generations, so why should he be so pretentious now.

There is no perfect person in the world, and everyone will be scolded, so just calm down.

But it did add a layer of trouble to Gao Yuanyuan and his family.

While thoughts were flying, the passenger plane rushed into the clouds and landed at Hongqiao a few hours later.

After leaving the airport, he returned to Tang Tang Film and Television for a high-level meeting first.

At the meeting, he stated that he has a lot of affairs, and in the future, unless he is forced to, he will no longer intervene in the business of Tangtang Film and Television, and the management of the company will be decided by the senior management led by Cai Yinong.

In case a group of high-level executives were going to lose their minds at the same time, he made two backup moves.

First: He found a management team for Tangtang Film and Television that is not involved in operations. They will regularly check the development, operation, investment, accounts, and procedures of Tangtang Film and Television, and check for omissions.

Second: He set up an employee union for Tang Tang Film and Television, and the chairman of the union was Xu Ying, the first employee partner.

A real trade union, everyone understands it, is an organization that benefits employees and causes headaches for all entrepreneurs.

But Fang Nan was really willing to give up some of his benefits to do such a thankless task.

He has two considerations.

First, in the next few years, a good environment will drive the vigorous development of the film and television industry, and employees with experience in the film and television industry are very valuable and popular.

In addition, a good trade union system will allow employees to find a sense of belonging and greatly enhance the company's ability to resist risks.

As long as Fang Nan does this well, even if one day Tang Tang Film and Television has too much burden, he can pull in a group of people at any time to get rid of the burden and start over.

After the meeting, Fang Nan shook hands with more than 20 high-level executives one by one, like an honorary retiree shaking hands with an old colleague to say goodbye.

Oriental Movie Capital.

As soon as Fang Nan's car arrived, Zhao Zhu greeted him, and said with a happy smile, "It's really comfortable to work with foreigners. When work is over every day, the sun is always high."

Fang Nan ignored Zhao Zhu, glanced at the strange young man next to him, and stretched out his hand while pretending to be curious: "Who is this?"

Zhao Zhu said, "I will translate."

Fang Nan got excited: "One of your mother's producers needs an interpreter? You've been to Korea, Thailand, and several countries over the years, and you haven't learned English yet? You won't be able to communicate with foreigners in English within half a year. Exchange, go back to school for further studies.”

It is true that he did not stay in the preparatory team of "The Martian" all the time, but he did not lose contact with the crew, and he could see all the big and small things of the crew.

Zhao Zhu, a Huaxia Fang producer, is well aware of the fact that he is always accompanied by an interpreter.

It's not a big deal.

If it were someone else, Fang Nan wouldn't care about it, it was just an extra expense for the crew, and Warner Bros. Pictures is the main controller of "The Martian".

If Zhao Zhu failed, he planned to take Zhao Zhu to Hollywood for development in the future.

As soon as Fang Nan stretched his legs and got on the sightseeing car, Zhao Zhu muttered in self-pity, "I hit the muzzle of the gun" before following with the translator.

Arriving at No. 20-28 studios where "The Martian" is located, Fang Nan got off the car first, and saw Ma Dayong dragging the wire while chatting with the heroine Jessica Chastain hanging in the prop spaceship, mouthing Shit, it's just a scolding meal when you go up.

"Brother Nan."

Fang Nan looked past Ma Dayong and smiled at Yu Hai on the other side: "Put Jessica down."

"How do you feel? Have you had similar experiences?" Fang Nanfu asked Jessica with a smile after he stood up.

Jessica Chastain is not well-known for the time being, but in the future, she will be dubbed a model worker by domestic netizens because of her seven films a year.

Sister Model Worker smiled sweetly and cheerfully: "No, but I am very willing to try!"

Fang Nan is the biggest director she has worked with since her debut in 2006.

Palme d'Or, Golden Bear, Oscar for Best Director.

She never imagined that she would cooperate with such a talented director who was two years younger than her.

"The Martian" is also the best source of commercial films she has received since her debut, and the joy in her heart can be imagined.

"As long as you like it." After Fang Nan nodded with a smile, he climbed up the ladder and stepped into the prop spaceship.

The so-called prop spaceship is actually just a rectangular passageway painted white, one side of the passageway enters, and the other side is covered by a green screen, in order to use special effects technology to create the interior of the spaceship.

But Fang Nan was still amazed.

The props were brought from Warner's warehouse, and they were made exquisitely and meticulously. It looked like it had been painted with a layer of white paint, but it glowed brightly. It was very sci-fi, and he couldn't tell what it was made of.

Fang Nan was squatting to study the lines, white paint, Mao Jianguo, another producer of "The Martian", shouted: "Hey, Fang, our potatoes are growing, when are you going to start filming?"

"The actors will shoot when they are ready."

While Fang Nan was speaking, he looked at the place below where there was no one and jumped down. The model worker, who was bluffing, swears: "fuck!"

She regretted it instantly after yelling, followed by a burst of "sorry".

Fang Nan was not angry at all, the behavior just now seemed a bit dangerous to outsiders.

What's more, the place where the other party lives is clamoring for the world's number one democratic country all day long. It's not uncommon to swear at him as a director. I don't know how many times I have scolded the president of the United States in Hollywood movies.

People's Snow White can be photographed as Black Snow Princess, which is evident.

Follow Mao Jianguo to Studio 25.

Fang Nan saw a ridge of potatoes growing happily, and pulled a seedling. A potato the size of a child's fist was dragged out. He nodded, "Send a notice to the actors, and the filming will start in studio 25 tomorrow."

"The Martian" doesn't have many special effects shots. Fang Nan chose to shoot all the scenes where the protagonist grows potatoes on Mars and drives the Mars rover to the base.

For this reason, he specially asked people to build a small vegetable greenhouse in No. 25 shed to grow potatoes. The day when the potatoes grow up is the time for shooting.

Of course, there are not many special effects in the movie, which is also due to the thin script.

"The Martian" is a soft sci-fi.

Probably the story is about six astronauts whose scientific research project on Mars ended, and when they returned to the base to leave Mars, they encountered a big storm. A botanist named Mark was blown away by the storm and separated from everyone.

The five members thought that Mark was dead, so they drove the spaceship away. Unexpectedly, Mark was fatal. Not only survived the storm, but also returned to the base.

But problems arose one after another.

Not only has Mark lost contact with NASA, but the food stored in the Mars base is only enough for more than 100 days, and the next spacecraft to land on Mars will be 4 years later, how will he support the arrival of the spacecraft.

When deciding between life and death, Mark, a botanist, took out the only box of potatoes in the base.

At this point in the plot, the basic context of the movie is formed.

But if you want the audience to resonate with the potato master on Mars and let the audience walk into the movie theater, such a plot alone is too weak.

So it was necessary to connect with the ground forces and show the world audience what Mark did on Mars, an outstanding achievement.

In layman's terms, this is the G-spot of the movie.

Of course, there must be a good ending in the end.

A finishing touch full of humanity.

After Mark made contact with the ground, another series of accidents occurred, and finally the food was unsustainable.

So, Nasa urgently launched a rocket containing food to Mars, but unexpectedly regenerated, the last rocket failed to launch, just when Nasa and the audience all over the world were worried and desperate.

Huaxia Space Agency offered to help, and the Helios rocket flew to Mars with a full load of food.

On the other hand, the space team performing missions in space, knowing that their companion Mark is not dead and is waiting for rescue on Mars, the space team headed by Jessica directly cancels the mission requested by NASA, turns the direction of the spacecraft and heads for Mars.

With the efforts of the whole world and under the eyes, Mark, who has gone through a lot of hardships, finally successfully merged with the space team in the spacecraft.

The story of The Martian is as simple as that.

Even because it is a science fiction film, there are many scientific matters in the plot that are ambiguous.

Even with so many slots, the box office of "The Martian" still won a big victory.

The reason why the box office is so high, Fang Nan can see clearly.

The theme is attractive and the rhythm is well grasped.

Intensive big and small rhythms, G-spot, let the audience hooked.

For example, when the space agency held a funeral for Mark, some disgruntled staff members of the space agency suddenly discovered changes on Mars.

For example, the protagonist broadcasts his potatoes live to audiences all over the world.

In Fang Nan's mind, "The Martian" is actually a cool movie.

The next day.

"The Martian" started filming in Oriental Movie Metropolis.

The entire filming team, except for the director Fang Nan, the other main members are all from America and Warner Bros.

This group of people has rich experience in making commercial films, and the various teams collaborate very well according to the script, so that the shooting is particularly smooth.

If it wasn't for the assistant director who occasionally came to ask him if the props were satisfactory or if the actors' performances met his expectations, Fang Nan would probably feel that he was a bit redundant.

But in any case, the director is the soul of a movie.

So after Mao Jianguo yelled "OK" lightly like drinking water again, Fang Nan went to the shooting scene and asked Matt Damon and the shooting team to do another one.

"Why? What's the problem?" Mao Jianguo was puzzled.

Fang Nan said coldly, "Because I am the director."

"Fang, you have to get used to the way Hollywood crews work, and I'm the producer of the crew."

"It's none of my business if you're the producer. I'm the director. If I say no, I won't."

A group of foreigners were staring at them, but Mao Jianguo had worked with Fang Nan a few times, and he thought he was reading the plot, he frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

"Matt's act of seeing the potatoes sprouting buds is no good."

"I saw it and Matt was happy."

"I want him to be happy from the bottom of his heart, wholeheartedly, a kind of happiness that proves himself and sees hope, like the rest of his life after a catastrophe."

For a while, Fang Nan was full of heart and soul, and for a while he was happy for the rest of his life after the catastrophe. Mao Jianguo, a foreigner who didn't have a lot of Chinese vocabulary, was completely dumbfounded: "What are you talking about?"

There are only 26 letters in English. How many words can be formed with such a few letters?

Describe happiness as [happy], more happy is surprise [surprise], at most add [very] in front of it, Fang Nan's bastard comes from his heart, ghosts understand?
Fang Nan scratched his head.

Indeed, there are too many Chinese words, tens of thousands of them, and they are not as strict as French, basically every word has one meaning.

There can be multiple combinations in Chinese, and the meaning of the word is also neutral. 'Convenience' may refer to going to the toilet, or it may mean having free time.

And if the grammar changes, the meaning of the words will change again. How can we say that Chinese is the most difficult language in the world to learn.

But in any case, Mao Jianguo, who doesn't know farts, can't dictate to the crew of "The Martian".

After several rounds of explanations and disputes, Mao Jianguo became unhappy: "Matt is very happy."

Fang Nan laughed angrily: "Fuck you, you know how to make movies, and if you mess with my crew, I will throw you out. If "The Martian" is a big hit, just stay aside."

"Fuck, Fang, what are you going to do? He is already very happy, all of us can see it, and the audience can see it too, what do you want to be happy about?"

"He is happy, but did he shoot well? He, an actor who debuted in a literary film, interprets his heartfelt happiness like this, which is worthy of his advantage? You are too focused on the schedule, and you don't think about the audience's feelings after the film is released. Feeling, you are fooling around, muddling along."

Fang Nan looked at Mao Jianguo with great contempt: "It's no wonder that Warner Pictures is like Wang Erxiao's New Year's Eve. Every year is not as good as every year. You high-level people are too perfunctory and too scheming."

Mao Jianguo was furious, and rolled up his sleeves as if to compete with Fang Nan. Fang Nan looked at each other with disdain, and the two of them looked at each other cross-eyed, and the foreigners around him shouted hysterically.

"04:30, call it a day."

Fang Nan glanced at the high sun outside the window, glanced at his watch, and patted his body to get off work.

(End of this chapter)

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