literary world

Chapter 362

Chapter 362

As soon as "The Martian" started filming, contradictions began to emerge.

Crew producer Mao Jianguo and director Fang Nan fought eagerly for the rights to the crew.

Moreover, Mao Jianguo's attitude is extremely tough. Fang Nan is not Coppola, Spielberg, or James Cameron.

The tens of millions of box office of "Parasite" in North America is not enough to prove itself.

Therefore, the crew of "The Martian" must abide by the Hollywood producer-centered system, and the crew's major events and minor emotions are uniformly dispatched and directed by the producer, and the entire process is assembled and modeled.

As a director, Fang Nan can raise questions and suggestions, but he must obey the producer.

That's his bottom line, and that's what Warner Bros. Pictures means.

Fang Nan was very angry.

He has been filming for so many years, only when he was filming TV dramas in his early years, when he was filming the first film in his life "The Unknown", the producers of the crew would jump out from time to time and point fingers.

After "The Unknown", who dares to have a BB with him in the crew!

Not to mention that someone dared to jump out and grab the director's right.

What kind of old lady is Mao Jianguo doing somersaults—it's so boring!

Not only that, but he's also a bald monk with a stroke-slanted mouth and slanted eyes!
Does he have the ability to shoot well?

Fang Nan was very angry.

"The Martian" is the first North American commercial film he shot. The box office is very important, so it can be said that there is no room for loss.

Because before that, he did not hesitate to use the feature film "Parasite" to push himself to North America.

He also promoted himself through kung fu and bottle cap kicking activities to maintain his popularity in North America.

With so many foreshadowings made, if "The Martian" fails at the box office, he can't imagine whether he will spit blood on the spot.

More importantly, once "The Martian" fails, it will definitely affect the results of his subsequent science fiction tetralogy.

Under the premise of so many interests, if someone on the crew of "The Martian" dares to interfere, he dares to launch a crew war. He is not aggressive, but now he must fight, and one side must be subdued.

A new day has come.

At No. 25 Tudou studio, Fang Nan exhaled his cigarette, frowned and looked at Mao Jianguo, who was blushing and thick-necked, urging the assistant director to start the machine.

The cameraman in the camera looked at Mao Jianguo, then at Fang Nan with a cigarette in his mouth, and saw that he was silent, so he had to turn the camera on Matt Damon, the lead male.

The "how to be happy" debate yesterday was quickly finished without Fang Nan's clamor.

Fang Nan sneered, stomped out the cigarette butt, picked it up and held it in his hand, and said to Zhao Zhu next to him in a weak voice, "Zhu Zi, I got a bit cold from the air conditioner last night, I have to rest for two days, you cooperate with Producer Mao to shut down the crew Get it right."


Zhao Zhu's small eyes were extremely shocked. Brother Nan asked for leave due to illness?
What a joke, he and Fang Nan have known each other for so many years, let alone asking for leave due to illness, even if he has a broken arm or a leg, he will have to stay on the set.

Zhao Zhu was puzzled, and Mao Jianguo said at the right time, "Fang, your cold is very serious?"

"Your body is sore and weak, just rest for two days." After Chong Mao Jianguo said lightly, Fang Nan told Zhao Zhu in an emphatic tone: "Remember, cooperate with Mao's producer, and make sure not to delay the crew's progress."

"oh oh!"

Zhao Zhu understood at once, glanced at Mao Jianguo and nodded slowly.

He saw the quarrel yesterday, and he was still chatting with Ma Dayong and Yu Hai at dinner. The crew of "The Martian" would definitely not be peaceful. He didn't expect Fang Nan to be impatient so soon.

Fang Nan got on the sightseeing car and left the studio, Zhao Zhu also Shi Shiran withdrew from the studio.

He understood what Fang Nan meant, and he had a plan in his mind. He had to find someone to plan how to do it.

Yu Hai and Ma Dayong, the two leaders of the martial arts team, quickly took their positions. When Zhao Zhu told the story, Ma Dayong stared at him and said, "This matter is easy to handle. In the evening, find someone to surround Mao Jianguo and give him a big competition." Take it out, send the person directly to the hospital, or everything will be resolved."

Zhao Zhu snorted: "I don't need to look for you."

It's actually normal for the crew to fight on the sidelines of the law. In the early years, the crew fought more fiercely. During Cheng Long's filming of "Mythology", there were even hundreds of fights between the crew and the local extras.

During the filming of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Liu Bei, the big-eared thief, also took the two brothers Guan and Zhang to steal corn from the farmer's uncle's cornfield.

But tonight is different from the past. The media and paparazzi are very powerful now. Once the crew's fights and thefts are exposed, it will be a big event. It may affect Fang Nan's image.

Fang Nan's current status is not ordinary.

Zhao Zhu knew it with his ass, and Fang Nan would not let him use violence to solve the problem.

"Fighting is definitely not allowed. There are so many foreigners in the film crew, and there are so many media outside. It might arouse international public opinion. We need to find a legitimate reason." Yu Haidao.

"Yu Hai thinks the same as I do. As for the legitimate reason, the salary of domestic employees is lower than that of foreigners, so we don't need to do anything else. You guys take the lead in making a fuss to prevent the crew from starting work. As long as it lasts for a week, Warner will definitely Make Mao Jianguo look good."

"Hollywood's filmmaking mode is different from that in China. You only see that the set is busy. But you don't know that in the United States and London, there are more staff working on "The Martian". Start work, no footage sent back to London, the United States for editing, adding special effects, sound effects, will lose a lot of money,"

Ma Dayong quit, glaring at Zhao Zhu and said, "You have all kinds of bad ideas, how can Yu Hai and I take the lead? Our 20 martial artists get red envelope subsidies every year. If we take the lead, we won't be scolded for being ungrateful?"

Zhao Zhu said unhappily: "I didn't ask you to really smash it, just obstruct the filming."

"That's not okay, the reputation is bad." Ma Dayong asked Yu Hai: "Yu Hai, are you going?"

Yu Hai smiled wryly and said: "It's not whether we will go or not. It's whether other people are willing to go without telling the truth. Wu Xing always remembers Brother Nan's goodness. No one will agree to causing trouble in his crew."

"Damn, you really can't support the wall with mud."

Zhao Zhu glanced at the two of them with disgust, and said, "That's how it is. You tell 20 martial artists the truth, and then encourage temporary martial artists. Dozens of ordinary employees and even cleaners make a fuss together. If you can't, find more People act as family members. In short, no filming is allowed until the salary issue is resolved.”

Ma Dayong was speechless: "You are too outrageous. Foreigners pay hundreds of dollars a week, and cleaners earn hundreds of dollars a month. The two currencies are equivalent, right?"

Zhao Zhu slapped his ass and stood up: "Stop talking nonsense, just do it this way, you start tomorrow, and I'll leave tonight, for a few days."

"By the way, try not to hit people, let alone actors. Brother Nan will take over in a few days."

After Zhao Zhu finished speaking, he went straight back to the set.

On the other side, Fang Nan got on the sightseeing car and walked around outside to enter the recording studio of "Exquisite Ancient City".

The filming of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: Jingjue Ancient City" has also started. The crew built five scenes in four studios: underground fortress, Liaojin ancient tomb, Gena arsenal, nine-story demon building, and Jingjue ancient city.

There is also the luxurious trio of actors Chen Kun, Huang Bo, and Liu Qianqian. Fang Nan reckons that the audience will buy it when the movie comes out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got off the car while looking at the high desert hole, Liu Qianqian's assistant, Feifei, ran over and complained: "The book fans are not satisfied, and Sister Qian's black material is also flying all over the place, and she has been harassed all the time."

Fang Nan was a little curious.

It's normal for book fans to be dissatisfied. A thousand book fans have a thousand Hamlets in their hearts. As long as the movie is made well, the book fans' perception will naturally change.

What the hell is black material flying all over the sky and being harassed?

Liu Qianqian hasn't had any new dramas for quite some time, and there's no new black material.

Harassment is even more puzzling. With Liu Qianqian's current position, apart from no awards, the commercial box office is rattling, and the crew is all her own, who can give her face?

Not to mention harassment.

"What black material? Phone harassment?"

"I'll show it to you."

Feifei took out his phone with excitement, and after a while of crackling, he held it up to Fang Nan.

Fang Nan took a closer look, Guigui, a picture of Liu Qianqian half lying down.

Belle played lightly.

"There is no AI face change now." Fang Nan thought about it, and blurted out: "It's fake, there are serious PS marks."

He is very familiar with Liu Qianqian's bust, it's not that big.

Feifei anxiously said: "We know it's fake, but netizens don't know. After Song Dazui mentioned this picture on Weibo, it has been spreading wildly in the past two days."

Fang Nan was speechless: "Song Dazui again?"

He has also been scolded a lot in recent days, and he has never surfed the Internet, so he knew that Liu Qianqian had been exposed again.

And it was Song Dazui who broke the news that Liu Qianqian was transgender.

This kind of person is really a brown candy, no matter how much you can shake it off, Fang Nan asked Liu Qianqian, she also wondered, she never offended this person at all.

In the final analysis, she is too popular and has traffic.

It was difficult to solve the problem, so Fang Nan asked what the harassment was about.

"Brother Nan, do you know Zhou Liboxiu?"

Fang Nan thought about it, he had seen some in his previous life, but not in this life.

Seeing Fang Nan nodding and shaking his head, Feifei said, "Zhou Libo Show is a talk show on Pujiang TV Station. The show comes once a week. The host is Zhou Libo. It has been very popular in the past two years."

"Isn't it October? They wanted to invite Sister Qian to be a guest on the National Day. Sister Qian didn't want to participate, so they kept sending people to persuade them regardless of the time and place. Yesterday was even worse. They went to the hotel to knock on the door at night. , especially annoying"

As Feifei was talking, he suddenly hesitated, and his eyes were full of timidity when he jumped behind Fang Nan.

Fang Nan turned his head and saw that what Feifei was talking about just now was Zhou Libo with greasy hair on the sightseeing bus?
"Zhou Libo came to find Qianqian by himself?" Fang Nan asked in surprise.

"No, it's the young man driving the car. He's very aggressive." Fei Fei leaned towards Fang Nan involuntarily while speaking in a low voice.

The sightseeing bus barely stopped when it was less than three meters away from Fangnan.

And Zhou Libo, who was crossing his legs in the car, seemed to have only seen Fang Nan until now. He smiled and raised his hand to greet Fang Nan. After that, he put down his right leg and slowly got out of the car. .

When Fang Nan looked at the two of them still, a familiar voice sounded in his ear, "It's like a wronged soul, give them a good meal." With her ponytail tied up, her face and body covered in dust, Liu Qianqian looked ashamed. said angrily.

"I'll go, you just climbed up from the sand?"

"if not?"

Liu Qianqian gave Fang Nan a white look, and at the same time, Zhou Libo, who was wearing a vest and a white shirt inside, appeared in front of the three of them.

"Director Fang, hello, hello, I've wanted to chat with you about art and love affairs for a long time, haha." Zhou Libo extended his hand enthusiastically.

Facing the hands in front of him, Fang Nan didn't even lift his eyelashes, snorted coldly, and said sarcastically, "What are you talking about? Embarrassing chat? I allow you to enter my world, but you are not allowed to be in my world." Walking around in the world, right?"

Scratching Zhou Libo, Fang Nan looked at the young man coldly: "Are you blind? Can't you see such a thick parking line? Or is it that I haven't been to Pujiang TV Station for several years, and now the people from Pujiang TV Station are so rampant when they come out?" Ji, can you treat someone else's house as your own?"

"If that's the case, I don't think Li Gang will be a leader."

After Fang Nan finished his last sentence, the young man couldn't help but shudder. Li Gang is the director of the production center of Pujiang TV Station and their immediate boss.

And it is still compiled.

But Fang Nan dared to arrange it straightforwardly in front of them?

The young man glanced at Zhou Libo, seeing that his brows were covered with wrinkles without saying a word, he got into the car quickly and drove the sightseeing car to the designated location.

When he came back again, he saw Zhou Libo, who was usually crazy on stage, said with a mean smile: "What Director Fang scolded is that the young people nowadays are really reckless. Director Fang finished scolding, now it's my turn to speak?"

"It's your turn, my company has produced a lot of programs over the years, from the earliest "Boys and Girls" and "Runningman" on your Pujiang TV station, to the current "Voice of China", and even CCTV's " China on the tip of the tongue."

"But no matter what kind of program it is, and which channel the program is broadcast on, it is always to invite guests with great sincerity. The guests refused, and we regret that we can only look forward to working together again next time. You are good. If you refuse, you will pester them. If pestering is useless, you will harass them. , knocking on the door in the middle of the night."

"What? Are you going to blackmail or intimidate or kidnap?"

"Is Zhou Liboxiu very popular? It doesn't matter if you frankly talk about the customs of the north and the south. China has a vast land and resources, and sweet tofu nao and salty tofu nao are all national characteristics."

"But you think your little tricks can escape my eyes? In order to gain attention and stir up popularity, you repeatedly pointed the camera at the laughing audience of all kinds with bad intentions, which caused controversy among netizens and increased the antagonism of ordinary people. What you have done makes me sick, you are a Chinese in vain."

"I can tell you today that any artist under the name of Tang Tang Film and Television who dares to participate in your show will get out of the company forever."

"Now, you can go away first."

Fang Nan's calm words seemed to contain monstrous waves, and Zhou Libo's face turned purple, his nose flapped wildly, and he seemed to be on the verge of being out of breath.

But in the end, he just gave Fang Nan a hard look, turned around and walked towards the sightseeing bus without saying a word.

Fang Nan shouted at the young man who gave him a glance before leaving: "Did you pay for the sightseeing car? You didn't pay for the car key."

The young man had no choice but to turn his head back, put the car keys into Fang Nan's hands, and then catch up with Zhou Libo who had temporarily changed his course.

Seeing the two walking away, Feifei first jumped three feet high with joy: "Brother Nan, you are too handsome, Zhou Libo is so popular, you can scold him whenever you want."

Fang Nan turned his head and smiled at the two people behind him: "Little case!"

"Wow, Brother Nan, you're so brave today." Liu Qianqian put on a fangirl face on purpose.

Fang Nan was dissatisfied, what is this called, he has always been very brave, maybe Liu Qianqian didn't believe it, so he hung up the front of the RV that night and drove Liu Qianqian to a rooftop parking lot.


The two got up romantically, and finally one appraised that the other was really brave, and the other appraised that the other was not that big, and opened the skylight to admire the sky full of stars.

"I recorded it on my phone."

"Why are you recording that thing?"

"A gentleman is magnanimous, and a villain is always close, and a villain who is worried about gains and losses usually uses despicable hands."

Fang Nan fell asleep in a daze, still wondering in his sleep, is there a difference between a gentleman and a villain in doing this?

(End of this chapter)

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