literary world

Chapter 363 Prestige

Chapter 363 Prestige
In the darkness before dawn, Liu Qianqian, whose face was hidden in a cascade of long black hair, got up lazily.

Amidst the rustling of the toothbrush rubbing against the teeth, Fang Nan yawned and said, "When you are free, you can watch Collins' "The Hunger Games."

"The Hunger Games?" Liu Qianqian skillfully rolled up the black stocking of her right leg, stepped on the bed with her left leg, and picked up another sock: "Famous?"

"It's an online novel. It's okay to sell in North America. I finished filming "The Martian" and plan to take the time to film the first part."

While Fang Nan was speaking, he looked at the slender left leg in front of him with regret.

Legs are good legs, straight and fine.

But the blue and purple scars are too affecting the perception.

This is the sorrow of every female hit star.

"Then I know." Liu Qianqian stretched her legs and dangled in front of Fang Nan while she was happy, "I'm leaving."

Liu Qianqian returned to the production team of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Ancient City", while Fang Nan stayed in the caravan where he didn't worry about eating and drinking.

His wishful thinking was very loud.

According to the Hollywood film production formula, the crew was suspended for 3 days, and Mao Jiangui hurriedly asked him to go back to appease the troublesome employees.

Once the crew is suspended for more than 7 days, Warner Pictures President Kevin is afraid that he will spray Mao Jianguo to death, and then personally ask Fang Nan, a local director, to mediate.

Fang Nan knew this, so he chose to attack the opponent's weakness.

Of course he also has losses.

Several companies under his name jointly invested in "The Martian", and the crew was suspended, and he was also losing money.

The good thing is that he doesn't have to worry about stains on the financial report, which will affect his personal promotion.

Mao Jianguo was different. He had Kevin, the president of the branch company Warner Pictures, eyeing the performance, and Kevin served as the director of the company, unless the other party didn't want to be transferred to the Warner Group headquarters.

But obviously not possible.

Therefore, the two people living in the middle of the pyramid can't afford to be injured, and they will never let the crew stop for a long time.

So when Ma Dayong was entangled early in the morning when dozens of people aggressively demanded extra salary for the crew and the same treatment as foreigners, Mao Jianguo didn't get angry immediately.

He patiently explained to everyone that the unequal salaries are determined according to the actual conditions of the two countries. It is a fantasy for a lady sweeping the floor in her decades to earn 2 yuan a month in the crew.

Ma Dayong stared like a copper bell, and sent out a soul torture, "Why not?"

"There are a few foreigners in the crew who make jokes every day, and they can earn thousands of dollars without doing shit. We do so much work every day, but what we earn is not worth a finger of theirs?"

"If the crew were filming in the United States, if we were members of the American union, would you dare to exploit like this?"

"If "The Martian" was a Chinese film, it would be understandable that our salary would be low. Who would make the market smaller and the box office less. But "The Martian" is controlled by Warner Bros. The film will eventually hit the global market, and the box office will definitely be high. Shouldn’t our salaries go up?”

After Ma Dayong finished speaking, he was sweating in his heart. This paragraph was too long, and he memorized it all night.

Mao Jianguo was speechless.

He's a producer, not an economist, and he doesn't want to waste time talking to a bunch of workers about how the national economy affects the private economy.

"You can negotiate with Fang and Zhao Zhu, he is your boss. If you don't want to work, please leave my crew." Mao Jianguo waved to the large truck outside the crowd while speaking.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Ma Dayong did something unexpected.

I saw him pushing and getting out of the crowd, before the big truck loaded with props started, he rushed to the tire of the truck with a brisk stride, fell down, and hugged the tire of the truck tightly with both hands.

"Wt, are you crazy?" Mao Jianguo looked terrified.

How much money will be lost if there is a fatal accident and the crew cannot be completely shut down.

Mao Jianguo's blood pressure soared, his neck and head were all red.

In the dark, Zhao Zhu and Yu Hai saw Ma Dayong's genius, they were both surprised and happy, "Ma Dayong's ramming is still very useful at critical times." Zhao Zhu laughed happily.

Yu Hai smiled and echoed: "Could it be that Brother Nan likes Brother Yong, and now Mao Jianguo is going to be blinded. In case of accidents, should we show up to protect Brother Yong?"

"There will be no accidents. The truck driver is not stupid. If he moves, he will be sued for his life."

"Foreigners in the production team will not just look for trouble. Mao Jianguo has just been transferred back to Warner Pictures, so he doesn't have that much prestige. What's more, when the production team is suspended, they will not lose a penny. They will help Mao Jianguo when they are full and free?"

After Zhao Zhu shared the information in his head with Yu Hai, he tricked Yu Hai again and said, "When the sun comes out, ask someone to bring some water and bread to Ma Dayong, and let him resist, and tell other people not to be idle, and make more noises." .”

Mao Jianguo, who was facing the big sun, was so embarrassed, angry and anxious, sweating profusely.

But Fang Nan, the instigator of all this, lived a very happy life.

He sent Liu Qianqian away in the early morning, turned off her external mobile phone, and went straight to the artist boutique supermarket on the Bund to stock up the refrigerator in the RV with ingredients.

At noon, he parked his RV in the suburbs, cooked two side dishes, opened a bottle of red wine, and drank alone facing the paddy field outside.

After running in the afternoon, taking a shower, lying on the bed with lingering fragrance, watching TV and reading books, life is called a beautiful one.

If it wasn't for Happy Twist's performance in Pujiang, Shen Teng and Ma Li would like to see him, and he even wanted to sleep in the suburbs for a night listening to the singing of birds and insects.

Happy Twist made money.

In the first half of this year, I made a small 400 million yuan, part of which came from performance income.

Part of it is due to the fact that Shen Teng, Ma Li, Wei Xiang, and Chang Yuan have gained popularity through frequent Spring Festival Gala, and thus received some commercial performances and endorsements.

Having earned so much money, Fang Nan never took it. Ma Li was very afraid and wanted to resign from the management position. The reason was that the money was hot and there were many disputes. Some members wanted to take some out to eat and drink all day long. or something.

"Have you been fully paid?" Fang Nan asked.

Ma Li glanced at Shen Teng who was looking around: "Everyone said it was pretty good."

"Then what are you afraid of? How many people are there now, and someone who earns such a small amount of money a year is tempted?"

"It's a small amount of money for you, but it's a lot of money for others." Ma Li said depressedly, "There are two hundred people in total."

"It's really tiring for one person to manage two hundred people. You can promote two people to manage daily affairs. You are still in charge of actors. If actors have special requirements, let them call me in person."

Fang Nan categorically refused to resign and still trusted him so much. Ma Li didn't know whether to be happy or depressed, but she nodded in the end and said, "Brother Nan, Teng Ge also has something to say."

Fang Nan looked at the cautious Shen Teng: "Do you want to do something else? I still don't want to go to the Spring Festival Gala anymore."

"Brother Nan, you're amazing, you're right on both counts."

After flattering Shen Teng, he explained: "The pressure of going to the Spring Festival Gala is too great, and I always forget my words. The increasingly strict review makes a lot of side-ball burdens unusable. The script writing is very painful."

"You have only participated in this year's Spring Festival Gala three times, and Zhao Benshan has participated in it for so many years."

"Brother Nan, times have changed. I don't think Mr. Zhao wants to go up anymore."

"You decide for yourself." Fang Nan nodded and said no more, "You can do something else if you want to. Are you interested in variety shows?"

"I'm interested in both, but it would be even better to be able to make movies." After Shen Teng finished speaking, he covered his mouth and smiled embarrassedly.

Fang Nanzhuo said: "Participate in variety shows first, I don't have time to create a movie script for you right now."

Shen Teng was overjoyed, and he got under the dining table excitedly and shyly, and Ma Li couldn't help joking: "Oh, Brother Teng, don't drop the halazi on the floor, the floor is precious."

Fang Nan chuckled and reminded the two of them: "Shen Teng, Ma Li, after you return to Beijing after the performance, report to the Fangnan Cultural Variety Show Planning Team and tell the person in charge that the two variety shows that Shen Teng and Happy Twist participated in are called "Let's Travel Through Time". "Let's Go" and "Happy Comedian", someone will arrange it at that time."

After Shen Teng and Ma Li happily agreed, Fang Nan invited them to have a light meal in the car, and then let them leave.

at the same time.

The crew of "The Martian" and Huang Dayong and others are still arguing over the salary.

The difference from the first day was that Ma Dayong’s trump card was gone, and Mao Jianguo secretly drove the truck with props into the studio under the cover of night, and unloaded the goods overnight.

But even so, the crew is still on hold.

The set is full of quarrels, and there are always people hanging around in front of the camera. How do you film?

On a messy set, how could the actors get involved?

For this reason, the male number one Matt Damon expressed strong dissatisfaction to Mao Jianguo through his agent, and reminded Mao Jianguo that he and the crew only signed a 90-day contract.

The actors were under pressure, the staff watched the show, the visual effects studio in the United States, and the editing room in London kept urging the camera, Mao Jianguo couldn't bear it at all.

He didn't call Fang Nan.

Instead, at [-] noon on the third day, after seeing Ma Dayong and his party swaggering into the studio again, they chose to seek help from the police uncle.

When it comes to foreigners, the Oriental Movie Metropolis is a key project of the district and city, and a major project registered by the state. The director of the film crew, Fang Nan, is also well-known internationally, and many people will pay attention to his every move.

Therefore, the leaders of the institute attached great importance to it and personally led the team to the scene.

After the two parties finished their presentation, the leader felt a pain in the head.

It's wrong not to allow the crew to film, but what Ma Dayong and his team said seems to be fine. They don't worry about the shortage but the inequality. For the same position, Warner has come up with two kinds of salary contracts. Wouldn't ordinary people be angry?

At least hide it tightly!
The leader drooped his eyebrows, glanced at Ma Dayong, who signed a contract with Tangtang Film and Television, and said, "Isn't Director Fang Nan on the set? I haven't seen you for so long."

Mao Jianguo wiped the sweat from his forehead wearily: "Fang has caught a cold these two days and is in the hospital to see a doctor."

"Sick? Which hospital?"

"He didn't say anything." Mao Jianguo was depressed. God knows, he never called Fang Nan at all.

The leader completely understood, but the foreigner in front of him was just a fool, not even understanding China's most basic excuse.

Fang Nan was sick?
Even a layman would know that he deliberately made you, a foreigner, feel bad.

The current situation is obviously a power struggle for the crew.

After clarifying the ins and outs of the matter, the leader meaningfully warned the people headed by Ma Dayong to use legal means to ask for salary.

Afterwards, the leader left in a hurry.

The crew was filming normally until the afternoon, when Ma Dayong and others came again.

After entering the studio, they formed a group of three and a team of five to protest against unequal pay for equal work.

Mao Jianguo made no choice, announced that the filming would stop in the afternoon, and called Fang Nan's number. A series of busy messages annoyed him.

After sleeping for a while, Mao Jianguo received a call from the production coordinator before he woke up at dawn.

The actors headed by Matt Damon asked about the specific start time of filming, and they wanted to return to China first.

Mao Jianguo couldn't hold back at all, and frightened, he called Kevin, the president of Warner Pictures, to discuss a salary increase.

Kevin was dumbfounded and yelled in the car heading to the party: "Are you crazy? Or do you think I'm a fool? Pay an ordinary worker 2 yuan? Or Chinese people! What is their average salary? 800 or 1000 RMB?"

Fang Nan thought that he would have to wait at least a week before returning to the set, but on the fifth day, Kevin's call came.

Compared to Jianguo with a stunned head, Kevin, a Japanese-American, was much smarter. While he saw through Fang Nan's tricks, he never mentioned it. Instead, he cared about Fang Nan's physical condition.

After Fang Nan revealed that he was just overworked, the other party thanked him all the time and said that he would ask the crew to buy him some supplements.

Or a sea dog whip?

Kevin even made an obscene joke that any man can understand.

Not long after Kevin called, Lilith, Williams' agent, told Fang Nan again.

Vice President Williams decided to contact Kevin in person and asked him why a producer who knew nothing about Warner could interfere with the creation of an internationally renowned director.

Mao Jianguo is indeed the producer of "Parasite".

But more people know that Williams' contract director Fang Nan is the real reason for the success of "Parasite" awards and box office success.

Under the double attack from inside and outside, Mao Jianguo was mentally exhausted, so he took the initiative to contact Fang Nan again. Fortunately, the phone was connected.

He could finally take the initiative to apologize, and sincerely begged the other party to come back as soon as possible.

Fang Nan's, who was far away in the suburbs, hung up the phone with emotion.

Between face and money, foreigners really don't care about face.

On the phone, Mao Jianguo resumed when he was the deputy general manager of China Film Warner Hengdian, and he got goose bumps all over his body.

The actors clamored that the smog was too severe and they wanted to return to China. Fang Nan didn't dare to spend any more time beating the dog in the water. On the sixth day when the crew was suspended, he drove to the Oriental Movie Metropolis in an RV.

After leaving for six days, the studio of "The Martian" became more bleak, and many props were covered with dust-proof covers.

There were also more noises, Ma Dayong and others were laughingly smashing the mahjong, a group of outsiders were watching, lying corpses laying corpses, throwing basketballs throwing basketballs.

Young actors who are not very famous either chat or exercise self-discipline.


Zhao Zhu coughed twice, but Ma Dayong was still unmoved. He slapped the mahjong and laughed wildly, "Zimo! Give me money, give me money, why are you standing up, wanting to renege on your debt? Lord Ma is a relative of my old Ma ancestor, if you owe me money, you are courting death."

The three poker players remained silent, staring straight at Fang Nan who was wearing a casual suit behind Ma Dayong.

At the same time, the sudden silence of the scene caused a group of foreigners to stop communicating one after another, looking for a place where the voice would disappear.

Then they saw a very astonishing scene. Ma Dayong, who gave them a boxing lesson yesterday, smiled flatteringly at Fang Nan like a child who did something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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