literary world

Chapter 364 Playing a big name?

Chapter 364 Playing a big name?
Mao Jianguo thought that as a producer, he could always win and win.

But he didn't know that Fang Nan was so disrespectful of martial arts when he broke down. He only tried a little trick, and he was helpless and voluntarily returned the director's rights.

He wanted to persevere and persevere.

But the indifferent eyes of the crew completely annihilated his ambition to continue to fight for power with Fang Nan.

During the 6-day shutdown of the production crew, he ran around like a headless chicken but couldn't solve anything and was watched by everyone, it was too bad.

On the contrary, Fang Nan stunned the audience just as soon as he showed up.

Then with one sentence, the team headed by Ma Dayong started to fight among themselves.

"We can talk about anything, but it is impossible for the crew to talk to everyone and choose a representative."

What a joke, there are too many people, so you can't be brave. If you catch a representative and throw it in a small black room, and then use three or five big men to force him, you can't agree on anything.

If you can't reach an agreement, it's because of the problem with the representatives you elected yourself.

In the end, Fang Nan appeased Ma Dayong and others with a salary subsidy of 1000 yuan per person.

After a lapse of 6 days, the crew restarted work.

The first thing Fang Nan did was to reshoot the scene where Matt Damon was happy to see the potatoes sprouting.

"How do you want me to laugh?" Matt Damon asked Fang Nan.

Fang Nan no longer struggled with which English word matched the smile he wanted, but said: "What I want is for the child to get a beloved toy's smile on a botanist."

"Innocence?" Matt Damon frowned and said two words.

Fang Nan nodded happily: "Yes, there is still stability."

Matt Damon is dumbfounded, innocent and steady, so whether to laugh or not.

While he was thinking, the photographer turned on the camera.

As a last resort, he gently put down his coffee cup and walked towards the camera as he did in the last shooting, and then pretended to glance at the plastic shed full of water mist inadvertently.


He stretched out the plastic shed and got in, and a touch of green jumped into his eyes. Matt Damon squatted down, but at the same time he was burning with anxiety, whether he should laugh or not.

At a loss, Matt Damon said "hello" to the green leaf in front of him, and then stroked it lightly.

Fang Nan smiled: "Very well, it's over."

Matt Damon looked at Fang Nan in a daze, there was no hello in the script, he didn't think about Fang Nan but shrugged and said, "This feeling is better than any smile!"

The photographer and other staff also looked at Fang Nan: "Have you passed?"

The crew had started work for a week, but it was Fang Nan's first time taking over the filming, and then they realized the difference between Fang Nan and Mao Jianguo.

When Mao Jianguo was in charge of the shooting task, they played freely. There was no problem with the props, the actors were out of the shot, and the lighting was clear and timely for close-ups.

And Fang Nan does everything by himself, and he will tell the director of photography and lighting director in advance the layout of the camera, the desired brightness, color temperature, including the actor's position, walking position, and angle of view.

Comparing the two, everyone understands that Fang Nan is the real professional.

Without Fang Nan, the filming of "The Martian" would not be possible, because the film is not only Matt Damon's solo show, but also a group play. The inexperienced Mao Jianguo would definitely be in a hurry when filming a group play.

Just like the next play.

Studio 26.

The four walls of the recording studio were turned into green screens, which were completely covered.

The model of the lifter that Ma Dayong blocked two days ago was fixed on the sand table in the center of the studio, and there were not only many large-function blowers around the sand table, but also several cameras with hard shells.

Several actors who arrived in advance put on their space suits and were ready to go.

Fang Nan, who was wearing a canvas earmuff, arrived and said to the air, "Give Mark some clothes. Is the power of the blower enough? What's the scene like when it's fully turned on? Which camera is the main angle of view? How do you plan to shoot?"

The upcoming shot takes place at the opening of the film.

[The scientific researchers encountered a huge storm on Mars during the Mars sampling process, Mark was hit and blown away, and the captain Jessica asked the rest of the crew to return to the launcher. She was looking for Mark and had to take off in such a scene, probably Two to three minutes footage. 】

Fang Nan asked, and the people in charge of the hydropower and photography teams chattered a lot.

The director team and photography team are very confident, all the shots are completed together, and 17 cameras can easily capture the shots of every actor, including Matt Damon flying in the air.

The person in charge of water and electricity patted his chest and assured that the waiting meeting at the scene would definitely be full of dust, like the end of the world.

Fang Nan was very happy, and we will wait and see.

I didn't expect to wait for two hours, and all the time was spent arguing with actors' agents, union personnel, and insurance companies.

They are very worried about the safety of their actors and clients.

In such a situation, Fang Nan was helpless. Hollywood filming is indeed so strict, and big stars are protected by powerful agencies and lawyers.

Small actors, even group performers, are protected by the actor union.

Even in animal plays, special Niang's animal association personnel are specially stationed in the crew to supervise the production.

If you call someone cowardly in this regard, Fang Nan is afraid that he will look down on him.

Cheng Long is such a famous desperate Saburo, at least he has to find Wu Xing to dance as a demonstration.

The two gangs were arguing non-stop, Fang Nan was chatting with the actor, and at the same time gave Zhao Zhu a wink, meaning to take him out and buy some dollars, so that he could subsidize the purchase of props afterwards and finish the job.

The effect of Meidao was surprisingly good, and after a while, the crew officially started filming.

Amidst the sound of "buzzing buzzing", the yellow sand danced wildly. Fang Nan, who was walking close to the wall, tightened his canvas hat, and at the same time directed Yu Hai and others to control Wia to fly Matt Damon, who was hanging in mid-air, away.

Later, after Jessica fell to the ground accidentally, he took the initiative to grab a handheld camera and approach Jessica in the vortex.

After 3 minutes, the recording stopped.

Several actors collapsed on the sand stage as if they were dehydrated. Fang Nan came back from watching the monitor and said, "Continue to touch up makeup", which almost made everyone faint.

This scene is not too big, because it took 3 full days to finish filming in the seven and a half hour working system.

Fang Nan was also very helpless. The plot of "The Martian" was relatively weak. With a domestic team, he could finish filming in a month.

If the director is replaced by the quick shooter Wang Jing, I think 15 days is enough.

It's a pity that the main members of the film crew are all foreigners. Let the group drink less than one meal and work overtime. They will either talk loudly or talk to you non-stop. annoyed.

Fang Nan still lived in the trailer outside the studio, because the film crew got off work early, he could even go outside the gate of Oriental Movie Metropolis to buy some fresh vegetables to reward himself every day.

The construction of the Oriental Movie Metropolis is still accelerating. After the 52 studios are completed, they will be provided to Fangnan Culture, Tangtang Film and Television, Dream Literature, Light and Shadow 13 Swordsmen, Douyin Video, Artist Cinemas, and Kuwo Music Company under Fang Nan’s name. The 22 six-storey buildings in China are also in good condition.

At present, several companies are doing decoration and layout according to the company's needs, and at the same time, they have already started to relocate, and they are expected to move into the new office space by the end of the year.

Yesterday Yan Hong called Fang Nan and asked how to compensate the resigned employees.

Fang Nan is very annoying, is he a vampire or Zhou Papi?Questions are redundant.

He has money. In terms of personal finances, two companies went public in May, and he got a few hundred million from selling shares. Apart from donating [-] million, the rest of the money basically remained unchanged.

Fangnan Culture is even worse. Fangnan Culture is the most profitable company under his name besides Tangtang Film and Television, and its market value in the future will definitely exceed that of Tangtang Film and Television, which mainly focuses on production.

This company has accumulated too many copyrights.

There are thousands of copyrights at home and abroad, ranging from the copyrights of film and television dramas that have been released to film and television scripts, variety shows, music, lyrics, popular novels, operas, comic sketches, and even commodities.

Moreover, due to the increase in the number of online authors of Dream Literature, the number of Fangnan cultural copyrights has also risen sharply.

Not only that, Fangnan Culture is also the controlling party and organizer of the Beijing Performing Arts Center and the Xiangjiang Film Festival.

With the development of the timeline, Fangnan Culture will definitely become an invisible giant company.

Putting the stir-fried dishes on the table, Fang Nan ate while thinking about where to put the extra money. After much deliberation, he still decided that it would be best to use some of the money to buy the stocks of big companies such as Moutai, Penguin, and Alibaba in his memory.

And let Tang Tang Film and Television start together, so as to distribute dividends to more partners and strengthen the centripetal force of employees.


Fang Nan tilted his head and found that it was Jessica, so he hurriedly asked someone to get in the car.

Jessica Chastain is pretty good. Except for an assistant, there is no agent to follow her. When it is her turn, she doesn't like too many BBs.

"Why didn't you go back to the hotel? Do you want to try the dishes I cooked myself?" Fang Nan asked her.

Jessica looked terrified: "No, it's too greasy."

"Then eat a tomato." Fang Nan smiled, washed a tomato for her, and asked curiously, "Do you want to chat with me about the script?"

Jessica took a bite of the tomato and spread her hands: "The script is nothing to talk about. "The Martian" is Matt Damon's one-man show, and my role as the heroine is pitifully small."

Fang Nan understood in seconds, and glanced up and down at Jessica, who is less than 1.7 meters tall, has blond hair and a pretty face.

He now has 2 options.

One, implying that the other party can add scenes by himself, and after the transaction is completed, shoot a few material, which can be regarded as a free prostitution.

Two, he put pressure on the editors in the London studio to add material to the finished film, and everyone took what they needed.

Fang Nan thought about it seriously, and decided that the risk was too great to forget. Liu Qianqian was filming "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" next door.

Although people knew that he was not a very good character when it comes to women's sex, but he couldn't blatantly mess around in front of others. He didn't take Liu Qianqian seriously.

Jessica is sorry.

At the end of the day, he gave Fang Nan his private number, and probably wanted to tell Fang Nan that if he was interested, he could call her anytime, anywhere.

In the end, she also hinted nakedly to Fang Nan that she has a very close friend named Anne Hathaway who is more famous than her.

Of course, Fang Nan wanted the picture in his head to be staged in reality, and with his current fame in Hollywood, it seemed that he was almost there.

Fang Nan sneered, "I'm a bit lecherous, but I'm a serious person.

Singles and singles are okay, but singles and doubles are against gentleness, courtesy, thrift, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust.

I fell asleep until dawn, and the filming continued, and the set returned to Studio 25, because the potatoes in the greenhouse had grown a lot.

After the filming teams were ready, Fang Nan smiled at Matt Damon: "I don't need to teach you how to shoot, just scratch your head and pose."

Matt Damon looked helpless: "Yes, but please stop translating the four words of Huaxia into English, it sounds like a headache."

He and Fang Nan had a good time working together. Fang Nan was not as strong as in the legend, and he was willing to let the actors play on their own, provided that they acted in his heart.

Fang Nan's greatest help to the crew and actors was to give the set a backbone.

No matter which actor or team encounters troubles on the set, he can easily solve them or give effective suggestions based on his personal or director experience.

Without Mao Jianguo's constraints, without big scenes, and thanks to Hollywood's formulaic procedures, the shooting of "The Martian" became easy and enjoyable, and several sets of material could be shot in a day.

Seeing that the efficiency is so high, Fang Nan always told Zhao Zhu to learn from foreigners' work experience, and told Yu Hai to steal from foreigners' mechanical equipment. Many production crews in China are still learning from Lavia.

Not only that, he also appointed Tang Tang Film and Television to send a few young people with good brains to the crew to act as observers.

Ma Dayong couldn't stand it anymore, and every day he finished work and ran outside Fang Nan's RV, cursing and insinuating that someone was a foreigner.

Fang Nan's counterattack came quickly and quickly, he jumped out of the car and kicked Ma Dayong's ass, and by the way gave him the comment of being arrogant and short-sighted fool.

Back then, in order to collect Huaxia's martial arts moves, Hollywood once offered Li Lian a sky-high price. After Li Lian refused, he approached Zhou Zhaolong.

Then audiences all over the world saw Hollywood-style fighting techniques.

If Hollywood filmmakers are as short-sighted as people like Ma Dayong, the fighting methods of characters in "Captain America", Black Widow and other movies may still be stuck in Hollywood in the 80s. Anti-strike ability stage.

Captain America, Black Widow and the enemy you punch, I fight, Hollywood movies will be so popular?The box office will be that high.

Fang Nan always said that stupid people are not scary, people who are stupid and lazy and think they are the most terrible.

After finishing work at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Nan has a lot of time. After eating every day, he takes a walk around, and then starts a video chat with his son and daughter when he comes back.

But as the old saying goes, God naturally likes to find fault with happy people.

After finishing another day of work, Fang Nan saw a hideous scene.

A small crew, a familiar little star staged a scene for him, what is called playing big names.

One person goes to the toilet, while a group of people block the door.

This incident had nothing to do with him as a wandering passer-by, but after a gust of cold wind, he had a stomachache, and was blocked outside the men's room by a group of people of all kinds.

Fang Nan covered his stomach while staring at the men's bathroom, and shouted, "What the hell, you don't know me, Fang Nan? Which cast is there?"

Not bragging, he has never encountered a male or female star playing big names in the past few years of filming.

Li Bing, Chen Kun, Huang Bo, Zhou Xun, Zhao Yanzi, Huang Xiaoming, Su Youpeng, Xu Shanzheng, Wang Bao, etc. Which actors dare to play big names in front of him.

Playing a big game in front of him is not lighting the lamp in the toilet-looking for shit [death]?
However, he also knows that as time goes by, celebrities earn more and more money and become more and more inflated, and it is inevitable that they will encounter such things in the future, but he did not expect it to happen so early.

"Director Fang Nan? Don't stop Director Fang Nan."

Fang Nan turned his head to look at the women's restroom with a look of surprise, and for a long time, the one who didn't let him go to the men's restroom was an actress, what a joke.

But it was impossible to see who it was, Fang Nan gritted his teeth and rushed into the toilet with a face of pain.

(End of this chapter)

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