literary world

Chapter 365

Chapter 365
"There's something wrong with you. You blocked the door in the last restroom? Not only the women's restroom was blocked, but the men's restroom was also blocked. Why don't you bring an adult toilet with you?"

Coming out of the bathroom, Fang Nan, who was out of breath, gave a face to the actress waiting outside on the spot.

He is also familiar with actresses and has worked with them before.

An Yixuan in "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

He really couldn't figure it out, how could a girl who used to be a bit arrogant, who liked to be a dick, think she was so superior to others that she couldn't go to the bathroom at the same time as ordinary people!

Accidentally kicked down an iron plate, An Yixuan said in embarrassment: "Brother Nan, I have an obsession with cleanliness."

Fang Nan cast a mocking glance at An Yixuan, turned and left.

He had nothing to say, he had already sentenced this person to death in his heart, but the other party seemed to agree, because his ultimate goal was to marry into a wealthy family.

When it comes to Hong Kong and Taiwan's popular actresses looking forward to marrying wealthy families, Fang Nan has to admire the pattern of some female stars in domestic entertainment.

Because Fan Bing, who once yelled "I am a wealthy family" and "I am the connection", and domestic entertainment actresses such as Xiaohua Yang Function born in the 80s have realized their personal value through personal hard work.

Compared with female stars in Hong Kong and Taiwan who became famous and filmed for the purpose of becoming a wealthy family, the pattern of domestic entertainment female stars is not one or two points.

Aside from An Yixuan and the others, not long after returning to the car, Huang Weiming came from nowhere and said with emotion: "It's not easy to be an actor now, there are too many demands."

Fang Nan hung up the towel: "What do you mean, what are you doing here?"

Huang Weiming explained: "We will shoot CCTV's customized TV series "The Love of Terracotta Warriors Between Ancient and Modern Wars" and set up a scene here. An Yixuan is the lead actress in the crew, and she just talked about you."

"Don't cooperate with this woman after she has no brains. What's the situation?"

"The male number one and the female number one each bring a bunch of security guards. They are more picky about food, drink and housing than the other. They have to rest when they have a headache and a cold. They are not as dedicated as they were in previous years."

"Then what do you do as a director? You are not an unknown new director, just let the actors be so presumptuous? Who is the male number one?"

Fang Nan responded to Huang Weiming's complaint.

Huang Weiming is also an old director. He may not be well-known to the outside world as his deputy all the time, but people in the circle will not know his qualifications?
The actors of the crew dared to jump up and down like this. Isn't it because Huang Weiming wants to be a good guy himself?
"Male number one Du Chun."

Fang Nan called him a good guy, one of the protectors taught by the Knife Master, the producer of "The Love of Terracotta Warriors in Ancient and Modern Wars" was too good at finding actors, and he easily combined a pair of crouching dragons and phoenixes.

"You go back and tell them directly, just say what I said, either restrain your personal behavior and make a good movie, or leave the crew by yourself."

After giving the order, Fang Nan said again: "Brother Weiming, you too, as a director, how can you spoil the actors?"

"Don't worry about this actor bringing money into the group, that actor has a brand platform, and the dramas that come out are easy to sell these messy things. The task of an actor is to make movies. If you don't make movies well and like to pretend to be ugly, you will scold me to death, and something will happen. There is me."

Huang Weiming: "The reason why the industry has become like this is because the general environment has improved. After actors earn a lot of money in a play, they start to ask for good treatment and enjoy it. If you do this, there will be no actors to use."

Fang Nan sneered: "No, don't worry about offending me."

The general environment has indeed affected the atmosphere in the circle, causing many artists to get lost.

But as long as Tang Tang's film and television production level is strong enough to win the audience's reputation, there will be no shortage of actors who want to cooperate.

There are two words that best describe a celebrity—commodity.

Good products will indeed be favored by many people, but good products cannot be separated from the excellent producers behind them.

Actors will never be popular for long without good works.

Therefore, as long as Tangtang Film and Television has a good quality control, becomes a benchmark in the industry, and wins the audience's reputation, there will be no shortage of actors.

Because whether it is a commodity or a good medicine, the common people have to pay for it.

A film and television company named Noon Sunshine in Yuanshikong is actually working in this direction, but the company's size is too small.

The next day.

Fang Nan made a special trip to the crew of "The Love of Terracotta Warriors" before his own crew started filming.

During this period, he didn't do anything, just walked around with his hands in his trouser pockets, and looked at a few leading actors, which made everyone in the crew feel chills down their spines and fell silent.

Because of the Hong Kong Film Festival, he was an outsider, and netizens called Fang Nan a stinking piece of shit.

But when the insiders were in front of him, he really had to be cautious.

The chairman of the country's leading film and television production company can't decide the life and death of an artist, but he can really determine the artist's stardom.

Back on the set, the crew of "The Martian" started work on a new day, shooting material with Jessica as the main perspective shot in the space station.

In an entire green screen studio, Jessica was wearing black gym clothes and sitting on a white chair that was incompatible with the scene environment, looking ahead.

"Ka, Jessica, your eyes may be a little more thoughtful. After all, you are in the dark and endless outer space. Not long ago, you lost another companion when you were exploring Mars."


Jessica Chastain changed her sitting position, then slowly emptied herself, staring ahead without blinking.

"Lieutenant Colonel Lewis."

"Please speak." Even though Jessica agreed, she looked forward unmoved.

Fang Nan praised without hesitation: "OK, good! Give Jessica a wire and take a shot."

Jessica was able to win the Oscar for the Best Actress statuette. She really has two brushes. The ability to make personal adjustments and understand the director's requirements is very fast.

And the next shot is to shoot Jessica from one cabin in the space station to another cabin, and watch the video from the ground with the members, so that they know that Mark is still alive.

The shot of walking in the space station has no lines, and it is very boring to shoot. A group of people either look up at Jessica being pulled forward slowly by Wia, or watch it from top to bottom.

Until the walking movements were all completed, and all members of the space team stood in front of a screen transformed from an LCD TV, Fang Nan couldn't help but put down the materials in his hand to observe the performance.

The black actor raised his plate: "Hey, director, can I have this cake?"

Fang Nan shrugged indifferently: "You can play freely."

The Black Lives Matter movement in the United States took place in 2013, but Hollywood, which leads the world's cultural trends, has long realized that there cannot be black people in movies.

"The Martian" has not escaped this law.

If you don’t comply, "The Martian" has to compete with other movies for popularity and schedule before it is released in North America. Otherwise, it will be maliciously spread by rivals in the same schedule, or the movie discriminates against black people, which will affect the box office.

Sounds evil, but it is.

Fortunately, this situation is not too serious at the moment. Giving black actors a small supporting role or an important passer-by role can prevent the film from being artificially boycotted.

In a few years, it will be amazing when Snow White becomes Snow Black.

This is the case of the black actors in "The Martian". It is not necessary to start from the plot, but it is very important to start from reality.

Shooting continues and images pop up on the screen.

"Hi everyone, I'm Mitch, Mitch Henderson, I have some news, I don't think it's necessary to hide it, Mark Walter, he's still alive, I know it's unbelievable, and I know you'll have a lot of questions, but the main thing is The amazing thing is that he is alive and healthy and we found out about two months ago."

This video is very long, and the purpose is self-evident. Let the space team know that their companions are alive and decide to save them, thus adding a layer of humanistic care to the movie.

Don't underestimate this plot and humanistic care, this thing is very useful, saving relatives, companions, and human beings is a movie plot that will never go out of date.

After all, human beings always yearn for the good and avoid the dross.

The award selection of the Venice Film Festival, the three major European film festivals, is even more inclined to films with humanistic care.

"Are you ready, everyone? I want three emotions. Except for Jessica, everyone else ranges from relaxation and surprise to disbelief. Jessica, your last emotion must be self-blame."

After Fang Nan finished speaking with a smile, several foreigners either complained about "difficulty" or shouted "ohmygod", and the scene was once very lively.

Fang Nan didn't give them any extra time: "Okay, let's start."

The foreigners in the crew, whether they are actors or behind-the-scenes, don't care much about his status as a director, and they are also very talkative. If he doesn't stop him, this group of B can stand and brag until the end of the work.

"Everyone stand at the designated position, five four three two one, action."

In the monitor, the actress, the space station system operator, covered her mouth with one hand: "God, it's crazy, two months, my God."

The medical officer and the European astronauts put on shocked faces.

The supporting roles were swept away, and Fang Nan looked at the main seat facing Jessica. The performance was okay, but he felt very old. He remembered that Jessica was only a year or two older than him.

Fang Nan stopped and changed several angles before finishing the shot.

"I left him behind." Amidst Jessica's tearful remorse, the space team prepared to return to Mars.

At the same time, "The Martian" also ended the indoor studio scene, except for a few people, all the crew moved to KP County.

Before leaving, Fang Nan accepted an exclusive interview from CCTV.

There are many Chinese elements in "The Martian", and because Fang Nan is the director, the extremely backward scene of the China Space Agency in the original space-time movie will not appear. Therefore, the Chinese film market is bound to be a big ticket warehouse.

Therefore, Warner actively communicated with China Film and China Space Administration, and received a lot of help in publicity and shooting.

The crew will go to the Huaxia Space Agency to shoot scenes. After the movie lands in China, many Chinese astronauts will make noises to promote the movie and so on.

NASA is not far behind.

According to Fang Nan's knowledge, NASA wanted to obtain more research and development funds.

They not only provided the crew with up to 50 pages of scientific theoretical basis and helped design a variety of props, but also conspired with Warner to release a notice of the discovery of water on Mars on the eve of the release of "Mars Movie".

So much so that Fang Nan couldn't help feeling that sometimes reality is more absurd than movies!

"Director Fang, hello!"

"Hello, hello." In studio No. 25, where the equipment was being disassembled, Fang Nan shook hands with Xiao Cui and his female companion, and apologized, "I really wronged you. Did not walk out of the studio."

Probably since "Lost in Thailand", his interview invitations have not stopped. Unfortunately, he is not keen on always saying a few words all day long, or promoting success, so almost all small interview invitations are rejected.

After he finished filming "Assassination of Novelists", "The Wind", and "Parasite" won the Oscar, he rejected even more interview invitations.

"Xiao Cui Talking About Things" that I especially came to the door is one of them.

Sitting down on their chairs, Xiao Cui looked around and joked: "Special circumstances are treated specially. For the sake of Director Fang, it is not wrong for us to make this trip, so it will be treated as a public tour. Uh, speaking of people, please don't move." You, we can only go to the door, this doesn't seem to be your home."

"It's the 25th studio of "The Martian". It's a coincidence that you guys came here. If I'm one step behind, I'll run away."

"You don't have to run, what are you running for? "Xiao Cui Talking About Things" upholds the principle of making the guests feel at home, but today it seems that we feel at home, but the environment is not good enough."

Fang Nan smiled and replied, "Aren't you also a director? You will get used to it sooner or later."

"I can't be a director, what I do is planning, the director is too tired, and I can't make much money." Xiao Cui looked at Fang Nan's shoes and teased: "I see that the shoes on your feet are not expensive, there are 500 yuan money?"


Xiao Cui deliberately said to the hostess: "Look, the director really doesn't make money!"

Without discussing it in advance, Fang Nan couldn't figure out Xiao Cui's routine, so he said honestly: "Some directors may not make money, but my director's salary is very high, tens of millions of RMB per movie."

"Then you still wear shoes worth a few hundred dollars?"

"There are also good shoes. You can wear them for special occasions. Usually, what do you pay attention to with these things? Don't you just want to wear them comfortably? You can't walk if you buy pure gold and gemstones."

"So you are a great director, art comes from life, and a director who is divorced from life cannot make good movies."

Fang Nan was curious: "So today's theme is the chaotic luxury of the entertainment industry?"

The theme is this, Fang Nan is very hard to be satisfied, what is the point of this, isn't there more problems in the town than this thing?
"No, no, the content of today's program is to talk about the differences in film production between the East and the West, and of course you can also talk about other things." Xiao Cui scratched his forehead and said badly: "For example, your word-of-mouth declined sharply in the second half of the year. Excuse me, you have been scolded online for several months, do you know about this?"

Fang Nan nodded: "I've heard about it."

"What do you think of this? Or how do you feel in your heart after you know it?"

"I don't feel like it. Life is too short. If I struggle and worry every day why I am scolded and talked about, I can't do anything in my life. If you want to do the Hong Kong Film Festival, then try it. It doesn't matter if you succeed or fail." , I don’t regret doing it myself, that’s very good.”

"So, do you think that film festival can't be done?"

Fang Nan smiled and asked, "Which one is that?"

"It's the prefix of Jing, you should understand."

"If you can't do it, everyone in the circle, including the General Administration, the Film Bureau, the Cultural Center, and the organizing committee, know that the first two sessions will definitely be very prosperous. They spend money to invite foreign stars to stand on the stage, but the more they go The second Xumjiang Film Festival."

Seeing that Little Reminder was still waiting for an in-depth chat, the hostess hurriedly interrupted: "Stop, this topic is over."

Little Cui didn't know what to do, and asked another weird question. The director surnamed Feng and the actor Sun were fighting on the Internet.

Fang Nan blurted out: "There is a pit in the brain!"

Afterwards, the two chatted about the differences between Chinese and Western film production. On this topic, Fang Nan spoke very thoroughly and deeply. He believed that there are really many things that China needs to learn from, and they should study hard.

"When is 'The Martian' coming out?"

"In North America, it should be the Independence Day holiday next year. We are still talking about it in China. It may be National Day or Christmas."


When the sky was about to get cold, Fang Nan set foot on a fiery red desert.

What caught him off guard was that, before he could start working again with a surge of emotion, the "Zhou Libo Show" broadcast during the National Day period pushed him into another public limelight.

(End of this chapter)

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