literary world

Chapter 366

Chapter 366
The host of entertainment broadcast of Beijing TV Station:

It is said that there is a lot of right and wrong in the entertainment industry, especially in 2010.

In the past, director Feng Dapao had a spat with Sun Haiying on the Internet.

Another netizen questioned that the actor's salary was too high, and many celebrities came forward to speak out.

And recently, Zhou Libo, who claims to be Shanghai-style and clear-mouthed, even satirized Fang Nan's bad temper and playing big names on the newly launched "Zhou Libo Show".

Let's take a look at the scene together, by the way, don't forget the big Easter egg at the end of the show!

"If You Are the One 2" Promotion Site:
Feng Dapao first said that although the contract with Huayi has expired, he will not leave Huayi. He and the Wang brothers have worked hard to make Huayi so big, and they already have feelings for each other.

Secondly, it is a fool to bombard Sun Haiying again!

He also said that it was rumored that he gave Sun Haiying movie tickets, even if he tore up or burned the movie tickets, he would not give them to fools.

Several film and television drama conference sets:

Chen Baoguo: Now the market economy, since it is a market economy, the actors' remuneration is naturally determined by the market, of course, it can also be adjusted artificially. Personally, as long as I have a good script, the remuneration does not matter.

Yuan Li: I think everyone should make money.

Huang Weiming: It is a bit high. First of all, we should guarantee the production funds.

The host of "Zhou Libo Show":

On July 2010, 7, "Tangshan Earthquake" directed by Feng Dapao was released simultaneously in mainland China and Xiangjiang area, which also caused a major earthquake.

Feng Dapao is my favorite director, not because of his appearance, but because of his talent.

I have said long ago that people with ugly faces can do their jobs very neatly.

This point is also perfectly reflected in the director surnamed Fang, isn't it, a face is worth seeing with only a pair of eyes.

But their films are so good that they can make people cry as well as laugh, which is much better than domestic directors who only make some dumbfounding films.

And he has a lot of heart and a lot of energy. In my works, I have praised him.

But what about this temper?

While speaking, Zhou Libo walked out of the host stage, frantically swung his right leg and said "咻咻" at the same time, which made the audience roar with laughter.

Laughter is laughing, trouble is trouble, as the director surnamed Fang, I can be regarded as an art teacher, and I have to say, when will the sci-fi blockbuster come out, it will not be difficult to deliver after a few years, if it doesn’t come out, you will almost expire.

Heavy eggs:

Fang Nan, the guest of the new issue of "Small Reminders", revealed that his personal film salary is nearly 6000 million RMB.

Entertainment broadcast hostess:
In the question and answer between Director Fang Nan and Xiao Cui, he not only revealed his super high salary, but Director Fang, who has not appeared in the public media for a long time, also stated that he did not have the energy to pay too much attention to outside discussions.

But this time, whether Director Fang will fight back against Pujiang TV's "One Week Libo Show" column group or the host Zhou Libo.

After the new "Zhou Libo Show" was released, it caused an uproar among netizens.

They scolded Fang Nan for several months, but they scolded Fang Nan for doing the Hong Kong Film Festival but not helping the mainland to organize film festivals. As for Fang Nan's character and film art, they never doubted.

Character and attitude are not blown out by movie fans.

During Fang Nan's film promotion period, he could easily find videos of high-end watches that refused crowdfunding from fans.

In order to prevent fans and fans from crowdfunding and giving gifts, he even disbanded the official fan support club.

Fang Nan has tens of millions of fans on Weibo and blog, and movie fans, but these years, he has never endorsed a commercial product. During the movie promotion period, media reporters and movie fans asked why. Fans, fans are hurt.

He Qianqian, the current big bar owner of 'Fang Nan Bar', is because Fang Nan helped him get ahead, so he changed from a fan of Fan Bing to a fan of Fang Nan, and then became the owner of Fang Nan Bar.

During the promotion period of the film, Fang Nan took pictures with every fan and was all smiles.

Answer every fan's question with patience.

Fang Nan's sincerity towards fans is well-known among movie fans.

Looking at what he has done for the society, according to statistics, he is currently sponsoring hundreds of students with excellent academic performance to go to school.

In 06 and 07, because a rural teacher left a message on his blog, he built a comprehensive primary school in the name of his company. This school has helped many people, and the number of comprehensive schools has also increased in recent years. increase.

Peek into one spot and see the whole leopard.

Such a person has been programmed to play big names and has a violent temper?

It is true that Fang Nan was rumored to be irritable when filming, but which actor did not praise him for always being right and wrong?

Fang Nan's fans were very dissatisfied and irritable.

Fang Nan has two points that can be ridiculed and questioned. Apart from giving up the judges of the Beijing Film Festival to be a Hong Kong Film Festival and scandals, no one can just talk about Fang Nan's flawed character.

Not to mention insulting Fang Nan's appearance!

And compare people to vicious dogs, mad dogs?
Baidu Post Bar.

Fang Nan Bar:
Theme: Nanmi is just getting old, not dead.

Poster: Lovely Qianqian [Big Master].

Content: Time flies, and I have been in Fangnan Bar for several years without knowing it. At that time, I was an ignorant girl, and now I am married and have children, but I still remember that all the fans in Fangnan Bar were full of enthusiasm at that time, and everyone discussed every part of Brother Nan. film and television.

The magical love in "A Chinese Ghost Story".

The elegant fight of "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

"The Nobody" cried and laughed.

Later, the special effects of "Assassination of Novelists" made Nan fans amazed.

At that time, all Nan fans firmly believed that Fang Nan's appearance saved Huaxia movies.

His "Nobody Knows" let the audience know what montage is.

His "Assassination of Novelists" is the best visual effects movie in China.

His "Painted Skin" is China's first fantasy and magical film.

His "The Wind" is China's first spy movie.

His "Parasite" topped Cannes and won the Oscar for Best Director.

So, in those years, all fans of Nan took Brother Nan as an example, followed his low-key life, did not fight or grab, watched Fang Nan's movies, and experienced all kinds of things in the world.

But today, the hearts of many Nan fans have been shaken. Instead of focusing on Nan Ge's movies and maintaining Nan Ge's image, they are entangled in why Hong Kong Film Festival is held.

I'm curious, why can't Brother Nan do the Hong Kong Film Festival?

Why do Nan fans now become so indifferent when Brother Nan is insulted wantonly by a column!

Is it because the young director who brought us a lot of joy, a lot of visual experience, and is dedicated to promoting the development of Chinese films is really so humble?
Or is he just too doting on his fans?
Or our Southern fans have long been a piece of loose sand in the eyes of outsiders, so there is nothing to worry about!

If so, I want to say that Nanmi is only a little older, but not dead yet!
Fang Nan, if you still have blood, please follow me and go straight to 'Shanghai Pai Qingkou', 'Zhou Libo', 'Pujiang Satellite TV', this time, we will not grow any grass!
Vice bar owner Zhao Ritian@喜欢的草费: My lady, why are you going here?

Lovely Qianqian: Let's step on 'Shanghai Pai Qingkou' and 'Zhou Libo', let's smash 'Pujiang Satellite TV'.

Zhao Ritian: What if you never come back?
Lovely Qianqian: I will never come back!
Rose with thorns: Gone and never coming back!
I will give you a big mouth: I will never return!
Art World: Before a blade of grass grows, it will never return!
2456: It's time for the bar to come out and uphold justice. Recently, there are too many traitors and rhythmic fans in the bar!All I can say is that this time I will kill every single one of them!
6471: It depends on the owner to beat a dog. What kind of dog Zhou Libo dares to be sly and angry, Brother Nan!

Floor 5424: Fangba goes out to fight, not a single blade of grass grows!
14522: If you don't come back, you won't come back!
115414: It's time for the ghosts and clowns to see the unity of the southern fans!
"Old Li, is it because you are too tired from work recently, how could you make such a big mistake? Taili and Fang Nan have a lot of business contacts with Tangtang Film and Television and Douyin Video, and the cooperation has always been good. The city, district and Several companies under Fang Nan's name are still working together to build the Oriental Movie Metropolis, at a critical moment, why do you have to take Fang Nan out for a stroll?"

"I received a call from the city early in the morning, and the leader specifically asked if there was some misunderstanding. Fang Nan didn't offend you, did he?"

Li Gang had a bitter expression on his face: "No, no, these years, it was not me and Fang Nan who have been connecting with each other, so that Taili and Tangtang Film and Television can reach a strategic partnership. He changed the script on his own, and hit everyone out of hand."

"Why did he change it? Did he have a problem with Fang Nan? Or is his personal consciousness too low?"

"Actually, it's so fucking popular, and then it's gone forever." Li Gang felt stuck in his heart, and said honestly, "I haven't had time to ask yet."

"Go and ask, you can't do this, you have to have a degree in ridicule, and you have to look at the person. After this thing is over, I should also strengthen the host's ideological awareness in the stands. what."

Li Gang nodded: "Okay, Longtai."

The middle-aged man behind the desk opened the drawer, found a business card and said, "Go and ask about the situation, I'll give Fang Nan a call."

After returning to the office, Li Gang's forehead in late autumn was already covered with cold sweat, which shows how much pressure the leader put on him.

In the officialdom, who doesn't understand the simple truth that the fewer words, the bigger the matter.

Long Tai specially found a business card to call Fang Nan. What about strengthening his ideological awareness and calling from the city, in fact, they all hinted that he had a big matter and he had to weigh it himself.

Knowing the stakes, Li Gang looked at Zhou Libo who was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, feeling uncomfortable all over his body, wishing to jump up and strangle him to death.

Zhou Libo is an influential host and actor who has been cultivated independently by Taili in recent years.

"Zhou Libo Show" is also a popular show that he strongly promotes. Everything is so perfect, but this guy has no brains to offend Fang Nan.

How many people in the entertainment industry want Fang Nan to die, and this is their turn?Go f*cking blindly meddling.

Li Gang, who was squinting at Zhou Libo, became more and more annoyed as he thought about it, and couldn't help but slap on the desk, which made Zhou Libo, who didn't know why, jump.

Zhou Libo bared his teeth and said with a grin: "Director Li, why are you so angry so early in the morning? Did you call me here for something? Recently, while I was recording a program, I was running the road show of "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance: The Four Great Talents". I wanted to sleep more."

"Running a road show?" Li Gang suppressed his anger, and sneered: "Who told you to change the script after you came on stage? You teased Feng Dapao, and it's fine if you play around the corner. Who gave you the guts to tease Fang Nan?"

Zhou Libo said with an innocent face: "What's the matter, Fang Nan can't say it? Just a little teasing? Besides, I was praising him the whole time, praising him as a great director, praising his movies that can make people cry and make people cry Laughing is a good word.”

Seeing that Zhou Libo brought his death on stage to the audience, Li Gang slapped the table again in a rage, his face turned even redder.

But in the end, he just waved his hand disheartened.

In his heart, Zhou Libo, who was still stubborn when he was about to die, was hopeless, and he just regretted the resources injected into him by the stage.

Li Gang sighed and glanced at Zhou Libo, who had both low EQ and IQ.

"Mother Xipi, you are really blind. How could you praise such a person? What's wrong with making fun of Fang Nan? Fang Nan is one of the country's foreign cultural propaganda outlets. Zhou Libo should read the news more, and he should know that the big leader is going abroad. In the interview, Fang Nan must be mentioned whenever we talk about film culture, do you really think that international fame is just a joke?"

"Jingle Bell"

Li Gang said angrily: "Say."

"Director Li, Mr. Yan of Fangnan Culture asked you to talk about the "runningman" contract. In addition, Mr. Yan said that in view of Pujiang TV's hatred of Fangnan, the chairman of Fangnan Culture, Mr. Yan thinks that "The King of Masked Singer", "Happy Comedy" "People" may have to be put on hold temporarily, all employees of Fangnan Culture can't stand the chairman being humiliated."

Li Gang had a headache: "Really so direct?"

Secretary: "Exactly!"

"Set me the fastest time."

After hanging up the phone, the ringtone rang again. Li Gang said "Hello" a few times and no one answered. Feeling annoyed, Zhou Libo picked up the phone: "Why? The Artist Cinema belongs to Pujiang United Cinemas. They didn't take down "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" without permission. 2", they are blatant revenge!"

"toot toot"

Zhou Libo said frustratedly to Li Gang who had been watching him all the time: "It's dead."

Finally unable to bear it anymore, Li Gang stood up and patted the desk for the third time: "Get out, get out!"


Zhou Libo was notified that "Zhou Libo Show" was temporarily off the shelves.

At [-] o'clock in the evening, he was notified again that the new program he cooperated with Anhui Provincial TV Station had to be terminated.

The successive bad news made him exhausted, and he wanted to log on to his personal Weibo and post bar to seek comfort, but what he didn't expect to see was an environment of Weibo and post bar that was even more broken than his heart.

After suffering until late at night, he got his wish and went to the hot search on Weibo, but what he saw was a screen full of bad news.

Beat the old man.
Eat soft rice.
Turn off the computer and mobile phone, stay up all night until dawn, go out and buy a delicate breakfast and bring a few newspapers, but when I get home, I see the big headlines published in newspapers such as XX Daily, Youth Daily, etc. — Host Art and virtue?

Turning on the TV, what I saw was Fang Nan's hateful face again.

"It's good to wear clothes that are comfortable. I pursue famous brands and luxury goods all day long, and I have to stand on my toes when I walk two steps. How tiring I am!"

"The director's salary of "The Wandering Earth" and "The Martian" is about [-] million yuan. My money has long been inexhaustible. Making money is no longer my goal in life. Drive the development of Chinese films and make a Good film festival, promoting Chinese culture is my main goal for the rest of my life."

"It doesn't matter whether it is successful or not, the main thing is whether it is done or not!"

Zhou Libo threw the remote control with a 'click', and kicked the sofa while crying and laughing: "Straight mother thief, straight mother thief!"

 Drinking with friends today, post late!The following plot speeds up!
(End of this chapter)

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