literary world

Chapter 370 The Thirteen Stooges

Chapter 370 The Three Stooges

February 2rd is New Year's Day.

On February 2st, Fang Nan invited Mr. Han and the others to drink tea and have some snacks at Yizhuo Teahouse deep in Wudaoying Hutong.

I didn't talk about work-related topics, but more about tomorrow's Spring Festival Gala.

Some leaders who came from the scene of the Fifth Trial tried to find out the possibility of Fang Nan directing the Spring Festival Gala again, and the situation at the scene was not much better.

Fang Nan flatly vetoed it. Being a director for the Spring Festival Gala was more stressful than making a film for him, and he didn't like to suffer from it.

Directing the Spring Festival Gala is actually similar to making a movie. As long as the film comes out, the chief director already knows the quality of the program, and he bites the bullet and applauds it.

He didn't want to do it.

Because even if he comes out again, it won't boost the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala.

Zhao Benshan said very clearly that the common people are receiving social education throughout the year, and at the end of the year when you watch the Spring Festival Gala, you still have to educate them, so it’s no wonder the ratings are good.

When it was snowing again, Fang Nan arrived at Yonghe Villa.

After posting couplets, hanging lanterns, and finishing some strenuous work at home, Fang Nan sighed and speeded up his work as the snow became heavier.

In the past few days after returning from London, he discovered something that other people are happy when they are idle, but he is suffering when he is idle. The reason is self-evident.

There is a house in the east city, another in the west city, and far away in the Pujiang River, there is Liu Qianqian who is becoming mature and occasionally eccentric.

If he was on the set, he would be busy all the time, he would take turns texting and making calls to the big guys, and the days would just go by like this.

It's hard when you're free.

After leaving the courtyard for too long, Gao Yuanyuan asked why he stayed outside for so long.

After staying in Yonghe Villa for a while, Zeng Li would occasionally say "Gao Yuanyuan's tutor is really good".

Liu Qianqian was far away, but she knew that he was unemployed at home, and there were more information calls.

On such a day, Fang Nan said it was too difficult!
"It's okay to post two couplets less, you can go to the movies with me."

Fang Nan: "Huh?"

"Not far away, over to Beijing Film Studio, watch Hai Lu's "The Piano of Steel"."

Fang Nan was puzzled: "The final stage of "The Piano of Steel" has been completed? But what do you want to see?"

Zeng Li said: "It's mainly for you to see."

Fang Nan understood, Qin Hailu was trying to save the film.

Tang Tang Film and Television invests in the production of so many dramas in a year, and the resources for publicity and distribution will definitely be focused. The investment of "The Piano of Steel" is small, the actors are unknown, and there is no special means to compete with other major dramas in Tang Tang Film and Television.

"Then go."

Fang Nan nodded and got off the stool, took the woolen coat from Zeng Li's hand, and waited for him to drag Zong Wanzhuo out of a certain room, and the three of them went downstairs together.

The family of three stumbled to the place, "The Piano of Steel" director Wang Meng, actors Qin Hailu, and Wang Qianyuan rushed out to meet them, and sat down in the small cinema after exchanging greetings.

After a while, the movie screen appeared. The first scene was a folk band playing mourning music at the funeral in the light rain, but was soon stopped by the family members of the deceased. Compared with mourning music, the family members wanted to send a happy song to the funeral. go to loved ones.

The happy ditty of the accordion at the funeral made the scene in the movie look very humorous, but Fang Nan looked relieved.

Of course he has seen "The Piano of the Piano", but it does not prevent him from watching it again with great interest, it is a good movie.

Just watching the plot of the movie, many people may think that "The Piano of Steel" is about a father who built an all-steel piano with a group of good buddies in order to compete with his divorced wife for custody of his daughter.

In the movie, the father's love for his daughter is full of family affection, and the help of many friends makes the movie full of friendship.

But if you look at "The Piano" in combination with the background and era in the movie.

The audience will suddenly find that the family affection, friendship, love, humor expressed in the movie, and even the reason for building an all-steel piano are just a cover.

The director is only expressing through a series of events and characters, he misses every bit of the city that is gradually disappearing in memory.

After the movie subtitles appeared, Fang Nan, who was holding his daughter in his arms, clapped his hands lightly, and praised sincerely: "Good movie!"

Wang Meng hurriedly got up happily: "Thank you, thank you Director Fang!"

After Fang Nan asked him to sit down, he asked curiously, "Which film festival are you going to? If you choose, you have the potential to win awards!"

Qin Hai said bluntly: "I said Mr. Fang, are you teasing us? "The Piano of Steel" has a small production, a small cast, and small actors. How can foreign film festival selectors pay attention to it?"

Fang Nan ignored Qin Hailu, who looked at him from left and right, and said to Wang Meng, "In my opinion, going to the Tokyo Film Festival is more appropriate, but Director Wang, I would rather go to another film festival for "The Piano of Steel"."

The little Jiujiu in his heart was seen through but denied, Wang Meng asked curiously: "Which film festival does Director Fang mean to go to?"

Fang Nan laughed and said: "Xiangjiang Film Festival! Of course, it is up to you to decide whether to go or not. Don't give birth to the idea that rejecting Xiangjiang Film Festival will offend me and other fools. Tang Tang Film and Television welcomes you to continue to seek cooperation at any time .”

"Director Fang, needless to say, I am willing to go. Although I am not optimistic about the Xiangjiang Film Festival like many people in the industry, I am also willing to contribute some strength."

"Then thank you. The first two editions of the Xiangjiang Film Festival did not have awards, but the top ten films will be awarded. The quality of "The Piano of the Steel" should be fine, and it will be screened domestically by then."

After talking about the business, everyone went their separate ways, but Qin Hailu, who is currently single, chose to spend the Spring Festival with Zeng Li and his wife. Fang Nan was very happy about it. At least for a few days before and after the Spring Festival, Zeng Li and his wife would not be alone.

On the way home, Zeng Li asked, "When will you join the group after the Chinese New Year?"

"About April or May, "Gravity" will have to be prepared for a few months, but I guess it will be difficult to relax. The later stages of "The Wandering Earth" and "The Martian" need to be paid attention to, and some programs have to be recorded to promote the movie .”

Zeng Li regretted, "I was counting on you to come to the school to give a speech."

"Good guy, Qingbei invited me to give a speech, but I won't go. You'll be tricking me." After thinking for a while, Fang Nan said, "Call me at a fixed time."

The relationship between the two is no better than that of outsiders. Zeng Li has something to ask, and he has to agree as much as possible. Compared with his little time, Zeng Li has given up too many things.

When the four of them arrived at Yonghe Villa, the sky had completely darkened, Fang Nan stopped staying any longer, and changed to Gao Yuanyuan's Mercedes-Benz to rush to Yinding Bridge.

Two days before the Spring Festival, Fang Nan stopped running around.

The courtyard house needs to be dusted, lanterns hung, and couplets posted in more rooms, and the Chinese New Year will be over after all this is done.

During the Spring Festival this year, Gao Yuanyuan carried forward the spirit of marrying a chicken with a chicken and a dog with a dog, and did not think about going back to her parents' house for the New Year. In her words, we are now a family of three.

Fang Nan snorted and said lightly, but it was sharing the work.

He hangs lanterns, and she watches from below; he puts up couplets, she holds the child in her arms to act as a conductor, she pushes the child for a walk, and he is preparing the New Year's Eve dinner.

While complaining, a guest came to the house, Fang Nan cheered up, thinking that there was free labor, but in the end he just killed but didn't bury him.

Fang Nan said to Ni Ni, Si Shi, and Yang Fun angrily, "Stop making trouble, and do whatever you like."

Ni Ni bought a house in the capital. In order to increase the popularity of the new house, he chose to spend the Spring Festival in the capital this year. Si Shi and Yang Fun are locals, so the three cobblers came together to pay homage to him in the early years.

It's a pity that I can't do anything, but I want to have a meal.

In the kitchen, Ni Ni squatted down to ask for scissors: "Brother Nan, I'll cut your nails."

Fang Nan patted the scissors on Ni Ni's hand angrily: "Why do you always miss words when you speak? Cut the nails of the chicken's feet."

Gao Yuanyuan reminded: "Ni Ni, there are cotton gloves in the cupboard, take a pair."

Of the three guests who came uninvited, she is the most familiar with Ni Ni. She had collaborated with "You Who Came from the Star". In the play, Ni Ni played her previous life.

He Sishi is also okay, Sishi guest starred in "No. [-] in the World".

She is the most unfamiliar with Yang Fun, but Yang Fun knows how to watch people order dishes, and has a sweet mouth, so she is willing to keep people for dinner, but Fang Nan suffers.

Finding a capable job for the three maids, Fang Nan began to mix the ingredients. Seeing that the three of them were done, he stewed the chicken feet in a pressure cooker, sprinkled with seasonings and pickled peppers, and finally fished them into a porcelain jar and handed them to Ni. Ni: "Put it outside in the snow."

Ni Ni was confused: "Huh?"

"Ah, do it, my chicken feet with pickled peppers are absolutely delicious."

While waiting for the chicken feet with pickled peppers to taste, Fang Nan temporarily fulfilled his duty as a host, and took a few people around the courtyard.

Then the girls who came to Fang Nan's house for the first time were dumbfounded.

In a row of inverted rooms, except for the tool room, there is a whole room full of exquisite rockets, tanks, various ships, and aircraft models of different sizes.

There is a whole room full of various models, even photographic equipment they have never heard of, some equipment they do not know.

The most outrageous room is filled with dazzling trophies and certificates of honor in various shapes and colors at home and abroad.

Ni Ni excitedly stuffed the phone into Fang Nan's hand: "Brother Nan, take a photo of the three of us, and it will be on the hot searches tonight."

"What's the point of showing off my trophy as a hot search? If you have the ability to make more good works, you will win an award."

Fang Nan was not forgiving, but he still granted the wishes of the three of them.

Yang Function was not without frustration and said: "The three of us probably won't get so many trophies in our lifetime."

Fang Nan smiled and retorted: "Don't worry about whether you can get it or not, you have to dare to do it first."

The three girls in front of him are the best on the small screen, the popular actresses, and the four little Huadans.

But the word-of-mouth of the work is simply hard to describe, I am afraid it is not as good as the three cobblers.

But regardless of good actors or bad actors, it is right to expect their works to be affirmed and win awards.

Some fans often use the box office to belittle the trophy, but they are actually being set by the idol's agency. This is well known to sober insiders and outsiders.

Box office is a fictitious thing.

It will be surpassed step by step by the latecomers as time goes by.

Today's audience thinks "Avatar" is very good-looking, and the box office is very high.

100 years later, the audience will probably say that "Avatar" is a garbage movie with garbage visual effects and a useless plot.

Today's "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is very good-looking. Audiences 100 years from now won't remember how much it sold at the box office, but if they think about it, they will think the movie is good, because "I'm Not the God of Medicine" touched the softness in most people's hearts.

In this regard, commercial films are relatively unsuccessful.

After taking a few photos, Fang Nan led the three of them to the backyard and went down to the wine cellar to choose two bottles of red wine.

After a lap, the three of them made a summary for Fang Nan's family.

Lots of wine, lots of models, lots of cameras, lots of trophies, if summed up in four words, it means a big family and a big business.

Lunch was eaten in the main hall remodeled by Erjin. Fang Nan's family of three and three guests drank and chatted while admiring the catkin-like snowfall.

During the period, the corners of Fang Nan's mouth twitched from time to time. The three girls really could eat a plate of chicken feet with pickled peppers that he had planned to keep until the third day of the Lunar New Year, but the three of them ate it up with their legs crossed.

I have achieved what I really can't do, and I don't have anything left to eat.

If the three of them weren't popular actresses with high income sources, whoever married would be unlucky!

Not long after the three of them left, the lights of Fang's house were turned on, and the rumbling sounds in the distance began to increase.

The children in the family were too young, so Fang Nan didn't think about going to the designated place to set off fireworks. He and Gao Yuanyuan ate a bowl of noodles and went to bed in a hurry while playing with the children and watching the Spring Festival Gala.

The 2011 Spring Festival Gala was really not good. Some old faces were really friendly. Fang Nan smiled knowingly when "I Miss You" came out, but the work really made him unable to laugh.

Ask him to give a comment, and he will probably say that the spirit is worthy of recognition. There is no way but to encourage him from the side.

I stayed up until almost 12 o'clock at night, and waited for Zhao Benshan's "You at the Same Table".

Some plots in the skit were okay, but a single mother who asked for donations and needed help came out with a national cellar to thank the donors, which made people speechless.

There are trips to Sanya that pop up from time to time, which is really frustrating.

After watching the program of my favorite cross talk actor, the annual Spring Festival Gala is about to count down, and Fang Nan felt tasteless after watching the whole show.

This year's Spring Festival Gala, the sketch cross talk show is very good.

The singing and dancing are too entertaining to see good or bad.

Many entertainment stars have been invited, but they can't find any bright shows.

Taiwanese supermodel Lin Chiling even participated in two programs, Fang Nan really didn't see how this supermodel deserved such treatment.

The next day, early in the morning.

Fang Nan was woken up by Fang Qin who was babbling on the bed. He reached out and touched his son's bald head: "Touch the head, I haven't had any troubles for a year."

Gao Yuanyuan slapped Fang Nan's arm off: "Go away, what troubles does he have?"

"Just a few hairs, can you be free from worries?"

After teasing Gao Yuanyuan with a cold joke, Fang Nan jumped out of bed, he was like iron and steel, and he was so hungry that he didn't eat a meal.

No matter how tens of billionaires are, they still have to eat and take care of their wives and children.

It is said that the emperor used a golden hoe to do farm work, but he didn't even have a golden hoe, but as far as he knew, those people in the several chambers of commerce he worked in were actually very low-key.

The biggest difference from him is that there are more servants at home, who can stretch out their clothes to eat and open their mouths.

During the Chinese New Year, besides work, most of us also eat, chat and fart together as a family.

When going out, it will be full of style.

After breakfast, Fang Nan hid in the study and read on the phone. In the past one or two years, the time he spent on practicing martial arts has decreased a lot, but the number of books he read has doubled.

He also read some esoteric books on finance and management, and his brain hurts, but he can't help it. There are too many properties under his name, and he doesn't read a lot, and he is easy to be fooled by others.

Moreover, some social occasions also require him not to say anything, but he has to dabble, at least not to make himself look like an idiot.

(End of this chapter)

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