literary world

Chapter 371 My Favorite

Chapter 371 My Favorite

Many people have an illusion.

After the first day of the Lunar New Year, time flies, and in the blink of an eye, I have to go to work again, running around for my life.

The same is true for Fang Nan, who stayed at home for a day in the first day of junior high school, and went back to her natal home with Gao Yuanyuan in the second year of junior high school.

In the third year of junior high school, he found an excuse to spend a day with Zeng Li.

On the fourth day, Zhao Zhu came to the door.

"Sandra Bullock, George Clooney is very interested in "Gravity" and working with you, but the salary is also very high. Sandra's agent wants 2000 million US dollars, and George wants 1500 million."

In the study, Fang Nan picked up his son's little butt, shook his head and laughed: "Even though Sandra won the Oscar for Best Actress last year, she is not worth 2000 million. She is worse than Julia Roberts." a piece."

"George Clooney is even more outrageous. His work "In the Clouds" last year was a complete failure no matter whether it was an Oscar or a Golden Globe. How could he have the confidence to ask for such a high salary? If he continues to bargain, he will give up if it doesn't work."

"That's what I said, but they said there's no guarantee that 'Gravity' will be a success, and that it could be Sandra's first film after she wins an Oscar."

"These are all excuses. I'm still worried about her box office base. Sandra's salary is at most 1300 million, and George's is about 1000 million. Some other conditions can be compromised. For example, the crew pays more salaries for several assistants."

Zhao Zhu was helpless: "Then I'll fly to North America again."

"What does NASA say? Can it help?"

"They are interested, but they just provide some simple shooting locations and shout a few words by the way."

After Zhao Zhu finished his answer, he continued: "Warner asked you to go to North America to record programs in March, and then Europe, Japan, South Korea and other places. The domestic promotion is that after "The Martian" is released, all the cast and crew will come to China together."

"By the way, the release time has also been set. The world premiere will be on July 7th. That will happen to be the Independence Day holiday in the United States. It also happens to be a summer vacation in China. In addition to Tangtang Film and Television, there are also China Film and Light. CJ Entertainment, Japan and Europe"

"Okay, okay, don't tell me these side details, talk about the preparations of the "Gravity" crew."


Amidst Fang Qin's humming, Zhao Zhu explained the production cost of the "Gravity" crew and the main behind-the-scenes personnel.

"Gravity" has a total investment of 300 million US dollars, except that Lionsgate once again chose to believe that Fang Nan invested [-] million US dollars.

The remaining US$9700 million in production costs will be covered by Fang Nan's four companies, Tang Tang Film and Television, Fang Nan Culture, Douyin Video, and 13 Swordsmen.

Because the production team may invite two big-name actors to escort the film's box office, in order not to further reduce the production cost, the investor paid Fang Nan a basic film salary of 500 million US dollars, plus 2% of the global film box office share.

This kind of gambling-like salary payment method is common in Hollywood, mainly to avoid the super high salary of big-name stars taking too much production cost, thus affecting the quality of the movie.

Even in Hollywood, which has a global market, the remuneration of tens of millions of dollars for a big-name star makes investors feel helpless.

And this kind of salary has another advantage, forcing stars to take their work seriously, because the movie box office is linked to their salary.

Fang Nan considered waiting a year or two to promote the pay-sharing model at Tang Tang Film and Television.

After all, he has been there before, knowing that the remuneration of some stars in Huaxia is also very scary. They don't care whether they are worth the money or the size of the market.

Even invented a cool unit of measurement.

Such a high remuneration of a star leaves too little funds for the producer. The quality of a movie is not only related to the story, but also closely related to the production cost.

What Fang Nan didn't expect was that during the Spring Festival, he asked a group of people, including Gao Yuanyuan, and none of them were willing to agree to take a share of the salary.

The reason is very strong, and there are too many uncertain factors. Honestly asking for more money to be placed in the personal account is the main thing, and the others are secondary.

In layman's terms, what does a good show and a bad show have anything to do with me, as long as it doesn't delay making money.

After Zhao Zhu finished his meal and left for North America, Fang Nan carried the child back into the study, "I'm planning to come back to filming this year too." Gao Yuanyuan came in with a fruit plate.

Fang Nan looked at Gao Yuanyuan in surprise, "So fast, what should the child do?"

"Stay with me on the set, just recruit a few more assistants, can't you?"

Fang Nan nodded noncommittally: "It's okay, did you get any good show?"

"Sister Hua passed on two scripts, and I thought they were okay, so I let her take them."

"Who is the director and what is the subject matter?" Fang Nan was curious.

Gao Yuanyuan hugged his son with outstretched arms: "Du Qifeng, it's an urban love theme, and a literary love theme."

"Du Qifeng actually likes you so much, you give two plays at once?"

Fang Nan thought about it and said: "But he is more bossy than me in the production set. If you bring your child into the set, he will probably curse. If you really want to go, I have to vaccinate him."

"Then you call and talk about it, and ask the crew to recruit a few more assistants by the way."

Fang Nan was speechless, Johnnie To's Galaxy Movie had a lot of money, and a lot of good movies were made, but many of them couldn't enter the mainland, and they always followed the route of low-budget movies.

"Let Wang Jinghua find it for you. Spend your own money. It's embarrassing for a local tyrant like me to take advantage of the crew."

"I paid for the crew to recruit people, but I didn't ask the crew to pay the wages."

Gao Yuanyuan was very dissatisfied. Fang Nan used the self-confidence of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman. She loves to take advantage of small things so much. No matter how small her net worth is, she has accumulated tens of millions over the years.

Being dragged up by Gao Yuanyuan, Fang Nan walked out of the study while searching for Du Qifeng's number.

The two of them didn't meet much, and they met on a few occasions, but they were both well-known figures in the industry, and they knew each other fairly well, so there was no need to hide their words.

On the phone, after Fang Nan introduced Gao Yuanyuan's personal situation, after the other party said that it was not a problem, he brought up another matter, don't take intimate scenes.

Just because he can tolerate Gao Yuanyuan's participation in filming, doesn't mean he can tolerate some messy shots of her being staged by the director. His net worth of tens of billions is indeed vain, but after all, many people agree that he has to face.

If Du Qifeng can't grasp the heat and let him get angry, if he doesn't keep it in place, it will make Yinhe Ying feel uncomfortable.

After the friendly exchange between the two parties, Fang Nan went back to the study room, and Gao Yuanyuan pointed to the thick stack of equity transfer documents and other documents in the drawer, and asked in surprise, "Why did you buy so many shares in the company?"

Fang Nan didn't take it seriously: "There was a lot of money last year, so we can't put it in the bank for ashes."

"That's too much, Moutai shares, Penguin shares, various technology stocks, and what else is Xiaomi?"

Fang Nan chuckled. He didn't expect Lei Datou to call him when the newly founded Xiaomi raised 2500 million US dollars in its first round of financing last year. This is probably the charm of wealth.

Lei Datou coaxed, "Mr. Fang, I want to start a new business and make a mobile phone. Would you like to support a wave?" After taking away 500 million US dollars from him, the number of emerging companies looking for Fang Nan to support increased.

As a result, there is now a drawer of equity transaction documents.

Fang Nan reckoned that with these documents in the drawer, as long as he waited for a few years, he would at least rank among the top five, if not the richest man in China.

The whole of February passed while Fang Nan was grinding the script and communicating frantically with the post-production teams of "The Martian" and "The Wandering Earth".

Fireworks are in full bloom in March.

Gao Yuanyuan, three assistants and two security guards set off for Xiangjiang.

Fang Nan also packed his luggage and prepared to head to North America.

But before that, he took a trip to Beijing Xuri Art Training School founded by Principal Zeng.

"Rising Sun and Lan Xiang seem to sound similar." Near Changping University of Posts and Telecommunications, Fang Nan joked while looking at the signboard of Rising Sun School.

Zeng Li rolled her eyes: "To achieve Lan Xiang's scale, it will be a disaster."

Fang Nan laughed and stepped into the door.

There are four five-story buildings in the school campus, one of which is occupied by the rising sun, and a restaurant, and the other three are various training classes. The ages of students range from 5 to 18 years old. There are many kinds of training for singing, dancing and piano.

The environment of Rising Sun School can be said to be completely worthless.

But even so, all of Zeng Li's savings were spent.

She is no better than Gao Yuanyuan, Gao Yuanyuan herself is a first-line actress who is always online, with high pay, many endorsements, and a miser, so her net worth is tens of millions.

Zeng Li quit the circle early, before she quit the circle, her popularity was not very high, and she didn't make much money, but she had invested in several real estate properties, and had already sold two of them in order to set up Rising Sun.

Fang Nan was thinking about asking the bank manager to put a sum of money on Zeng Li's card, when he heard Zeng Li say: "There are a lot of people here, don't digress, the main purpose is to give speeches to the students of Rising Sun, and to speak something understandable .”

"Why, you still promote it?"

"Don't be smug, I didn't publicize it for you, it was revealed by the student exchange."

Fang Nan's head hurt immediately. He didn't like to be a teacher for others, especially for those who were famous in the industry. His views were contradictory, and it might be a public opinion storm.

Going up to the small screening auditorium on the fourth floor, there was a room full of dark heads. Fang Nan glanced at the front row and saw some familiar faces. He quickened his pace a little: "Director Tian, ​​why are you here?"

Sitting in the front row is director Tian Zhuangzhuang, who became a professor at Nortel after being banned for five years.

Next to him is his student Guo Fan, the director of "The Wandering Earth" in the original time and space, next to him are young directors such as Lin Hao, and some second- and third-tier actors.

Tian Zhuangzhuang smiled nonchalantly and said, "It's a pity to miss the best director's speech at the Oscars. Of course I want to listen to it."

"Then you have come to the wrong place. Rising Sun trains behind-the-scenes personnel, so what I am going to talk about is how to be a good behind-the-scenes."

"Just a movie."

Fang Nan nodded with a smile, shook hands with Lin Hao and others and stood on the podium.

"First of all, I would like to thank Principal Zeng for his kind invitation, and secondly, I would like to thank everyone for coming to listen to some of my nagging, which may not be very pleasant, so let's start directly."

In today's speech, Fang Nan didn't have a clue, but only one theme - the importance of behind-the-scenes movies.

Fang Nan:

All of you here are practitioners in the film and television industry, or students who are planning to work in the film and television industry, so I think everyone understands the importance of the people behind the scenes of the film.

If we say that the script determines the upper limit of a movie.

That Fuhuadao determines the lower limit of a movie.

For a film with a poor plot, if the persuasive way is done well, the film at least conforms to the era in which the plot is located, and conforms to the characteristics of the characters, so that the audience will not be out of the drama.

On the contrary, if a movie with a good plot is persuasive, it will make the audience feel confused.

I don’t know if you have watched "Three Kingdoms Seeing the Dragon Unloading Armor" released in 08 and directed by Li Rengang. To make people play.

As a result, after the movie was released, many viewers complained about it, word-of-mouth fell again and again, and the box office also slumped.

If Fu Huadao had been made more in line with the era in which the plot of the movie was set, I believe the box office of this movie would be even better.

The importance of serving Huadao to a movie can be seen.

I hope that all the students will study hard at school and take the behind-the-scenes work seriously after graduation, and don't think that putting makeup on actors is a trivial matter that can't affect the movie box office.

What's more, you can't belittle yourself and say that you are serving others, thinking that such a job is despicable.

Speaking of this, a classmate suddenly raised his hand.

Fang Nan nodded at him: "This classmate, please tell me."

"Director Fang, the behind-the-scenes work is generally decided by the director or a professional director. Our suggestions may not be listened to. What should we do then, give up work and stick to our own opinions?"

"If your economy is very rich, I hope you stick to your point of view. If you want to support yourself and your family, then yell at the trash crew and let it go. After all, no matter how good the ideal is, no matter how worthy of persistence, you have to eat enough Only then will you have the strength to do it.”

After everyone smiled knowingly, Fang Nan's speech continued.

Next, he talked about the important role of behind-the-scenes in the industrialization of films. During the period, he compared Chinese films with Hollywood films of the same year, allowing more than 300 people at the scene to clearly see the huge gap in the number of jobs.

The difference between a film with hundreds of behind-the-scenes positions and a film with only a dozen or twenty positions is the roughness of the film's subtleties.

Fang Nan looked at another student: "Speak."

"Director Fang, I'm asking this on behalf of netizens, so you gave up feature films to make sci-fi films?"

"There is indeed this factor. Sci-fi films need a huge service channel to support them, which can push forward the industrialization of Chinese films. Do you know how many people participated in the production of "The Wandering Earth"?"

"500? 1000? 2000? You can be more courageous."

Seeing the silence below, Fang Nan laughed and said, "There are 7000 people serving this film, and there are nearly 200 experts in various disciplines such as electricity, optics, aerospace, and computer, and nearly [-] doctoral and master students."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, there was a lot of discussion in the audience. Apparently, everyone did not expect so many people to participate in a movie. Even the doctor came to grab his job.

"In addition to the 7000 people serving the movie, there are actually more people who are busy working on the movie in other companies, such as the largest prop company in China, the workers in the clothing factory, the car workers in SAIC, and so on."

"Of course, I want to emphasize that I have not given up on feature films. When I finish a few sci-fi films, I will return to my favorite feature films. Firstly, making sci-fi films is to dissatisfy Hollywood, secondly, to meet everyone's visual needs, and thirdly In order to slightly promote the industrialization of Chinese films."

"I actually prefer feature films. After watching sci-fi films, it's enough to say 'really cool'. Feature films are worth savoring slowly."

"However, there must be many younger students at the scene who didn't think so, and secretly scolded me for having a pig's nose with green onions-pretending to be like a science fiction movie, a visual blockbuster is good!"

Fang Nan smiled slightly: "I want to say that you don't need to be silent, you can criticize in person, and you can use social platforms to criticize. There is no perfect person in the world, and I will say wrong things, so I also have the courage to accept criticism."

"But I also believe that the thoughts and concepts of these people who silently scold me will gradually change as they grow older. When you have experienced more things and matured psychologically, you will have a different perspective when watching blockbusters and everything. Change, instead of trusting some unscrupulous media and blindly following the trend."

(End of this chapter)

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