literary world

Chapter 373

Chapter 373


After Secretary Zhu rushed onto the stage regardless, Mao Jianguo and others, followed closely by the director of "Vision".

He rushed to the stage, seeing the panicked five hostesses on the sofa, and the glass shards all over the floor, the director of Mediterranean was cursing on the spot.

Fang Nan's eyes turned cold, and he ordered Secretary Zhu to say, "Give me a slap in the face."

Secretary Xiao Zhu felt very embarrassed. As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, and a hero does not suffer immediate losses. After all, they are in other people's territory. Can they really copy the plot in the movie?
"I guess I can't beat it."

Secretary Xiao Zhu muttered while weighing the strength of the two sides.

Secretary Xiao Zhu frequently looked at the editors and directors such as Mediterranean Sea, and Fang Nan's eyes were not friendly. Mao Jianguo, who could understand some Mandarin, jumped out decisively.

"Fang, don't mess around, things are bad enough." He wanted to cry without tears.

They were just here to promote the movie "The Martian". Before the movie was promoted, Fang Nan smashed up the place first, and it was during the live broadcast, under the watchful eyes of everyone. He reckoned that this would be it, and someone on the Internet probably already set the pace .

What best director Fang Nan used violent means.

What about violence against vulnerable groups.

What discriminates against women.

Even more rhythms that people can't think of even if they break their heads.

There is no doubt that the major media will smear Fang Nan less, because whether it is other publishers trying to grab the Independence Day schedule, or Disney trying to save the reputation and face lost in the live broadcast accident, they will frantically go to Fang Nan, "Mars" Rescue" poured dirty water on his body.

After this battle, the publicity journey of Fang Nan and "The Martian" has been very difficult, and now, no matter what, there is no chance to throw dirty water on the opponent.

Violence is out of the question.

Once Fang Nan really makes a move, it will be completely over. At that time, no matter how rich Fang Nan is, no matter how willing to spend money to find lobbyists, it will not help, because even the number one Yingjiang is unwilling to face domestic difficulties. organizations fighting for rights.

Fang Nan understood what Mao Jianguo whispered in his ear, but his attitude was rather dismissive.

Rights organizations are troublesome, but they don't completely ignore the facts and tell nonsense with their eyes closed.

As long as you are a normal viewer, after watching "Vision", you should understand that he got angry with the two hosts, not because he is crazy, but because the hosts are distorting and discriminating against his motherland. .

As the director, Mediterranean not only didn't stop it, but also scolded the guests loudly. Does this prove that "Vision" itself is a show with crooked ass.

In this case, what if he just slaps the Mediterranean Sea twice?

It is true that among the five hosts, there is a black female host and a Latino host, and the two hosts are friendly to Fangnan, but this does not prove that "Vision" has no problems.

As for Mao Jianguo, who was too anxious, he was just afraid of making trouble again. "The Martian" was boycotted. What happened to Fang Nan and Huaxia had nothing to do with Warner.

Thinking of this, Fang Nan rushed to the director of Mediterranean Sea and said viciously: "You dare to show your teeth again, and I will smash your mouth? Don't think that I can't do it with a few staff members around me!"


Just as Hai Hai was about to speak out, he was dragged by the people around him. After the two whispered for a while, Hai Hai said: "You must apologize to Abby and Meghan, the five hosts, and compensate the loss of the program group. You have to pay for the live broadcast. The accident pays."

"This is going to blackmail people." Fang Nan glanced at the other party coldly: "I will compensate you, just wait, Xiao Zhu, let's go!"

After leaving the studio, Fang Nan and the others went straight to the gate of ABC. On the way, Secretary Zhu, who was hesitant to speak, was forcibly interrupted by Fang Nan waving a bloody hand.

"Walt Disney, ABC TV, the "Vision" program group and the two hosts Abby and Meghan must apologize!"

"What the hell, I'm going bankrupt and I'm going to file an apology lawsuit with Disney. Xiao Zhu, tell Yan Hong and Shi Nansheng about the situation, and ask them to bring people to Yingjiang to form a lawyer team."

Lilith said suddenly: "Maybe I can help too."

"WMA can still make this money?"

Lilith nodded happily: "Of course, wma can also help you contact some interest organizations that are beneficial to you. With their help, the chances of winning the lawsuit will be very high, but you have to spend some money."

Fang Nan was speechless, once again realizing the pervasiveness of capital.

"In addition, you will cooperate with WMA to put pressure on Warner. As the largest investor of "The Martian", Warner has too few resources to "The Martian". We should ask the cable TV station under Warner's name to report this matter positively. .”

"I know, let's see how the public opinion ferments, and put pressure on Warner together to make them do a good job of publicity." Fang Nan nodded and said.

Warner has few resources to lean on "The Martian", and he knows very well that the schedule of "The Martian" is to put it bluntly, to block the gun.

The schedule of "The Martian" is really good.

But looking around the schedule, we can see that Warner has sinister intentions.

On June 6, "Transformers 29" released by Paramount was released.

On July 7, "Captain America", which is still released by Paramount, will be released.

It's not a big deal that "The Martian" was attacked by two Paramount films back and forth, because July 7 is the release date of "Harry Potter and the Holy Grail of Death" invested and released by Warner.

In this way, "The Martian" and "Transformers 3" were separated by 6 days, and "Harry Potter" were separated by 7 days. They were not only attacked back and forth, but also stabbed by their own people.

Warner's calculations are very good. They want "The Martian" to block the box office offensive of the sequel movie "Transformers".

He also wants to use his sequel movie to grab the box office after the failure of "The Martian".

"The Martian" in Warner Pictures really belongs to whether uncles don't love grandma or don't love them.

Therefore, Warner has very few resources to tilt towards them.

Fang Nan also understands this, but he doesn't believe in evil, and believes that "The Martian" can kill a bloody road, and teach the snobby Warner a good lesson.

What he didn't expect was that before the battle for the box office started, he would personally be caught in a storm of public opinion in a foreign country.

According to incomplete statistics:


The instigator who caused tens of thousands of housewives, women and men to accidentally break the utensils was Fang Nan, the invited guest of the talk show "Vision".

The scene of him smashing the glass with one punch is too shocking.

Viewers who don't know "Vision" may not take it seriously. Ying Jiang has always emphasized democracy. Members of Congress often fight because of political differences. Breaking a piece of glass on the show is no big deal.

The loyal viewers of "Vision" don't see it that way, they feel it's scary, and the guest of the last issue of "Vision" was Ao Guanhai.

Compared with Ao Guanhai's refined humor, Fang Nan is too violent.

The most hateful thing about him is that some families have beautiful glasses and dinner plates in pairs, and they become single.

It is a tragedy that many eagle sauce families have an extra expense.

As a result, some female viewers began to sue Fang Nan on multiple social platforms.

Some people even called out Fang Nan roll thick eagle sauce.

Fang Nan was not alone. Some calm viewers condemned the discriminatory chat content of the program group, and many people said that this was not the first time Abby and Megan made such a mistake.

They are most likely hidden racists.

A war of words started.

On YouTube, the largest video website, the video of [Oscar best director Chinese director Fang Nan angrily smashes the studio of "Vision"] uploaded by netizens has seen more than 10 views in one hour.

There are tens of thousands of comments in the comment area below the video.

All kinds of comments are mixed.

There are those who clamor against violence.

It is required to respect the rights and interests of the moderator.

Some netizens directly abused Fang Nan and asked him to apologize and get out of Ying Jiang.

There were also a few non-Yingjiang locals who spoke out for Fang Nan, but due to the small number of people, they seemed weak, and those who were beaten were retreating steadily.

But one day later, the locals who spoke out for Fang Nan ushered in a new force from across the ocean.

The English comments written by these allies are very difficult to read, some are even incomprehensible, but they are full of momentum.

Do your best to ridicule.

001: abc broadcasting company, why didn't walt disney move to philadelphia?
Is it because there are too many homeless people sleeping on the streets in Philadelphia, which will take up a lot of ABC's reporting time, so that there is no time to discredit others?

047 netizens:

Count the sensational incidents that have occurred in Eagle Sauce over the years, the following is a long list.

year 1996:……

You're welcome, please call me a data emperor, and I have been focusing on gun violence in Yingjiang for 30 years!
By the way, there are Yingjiang girls who are willing to get out of the sea of ​​suffering, you can leave a message under my comment, the word is very big!

741 netizens:

One of the most disgusting countries in the world, wherever you go, you will be in trouble.

1087 netizens:

Criticizing this and that all day long, without looking at your own virtues, Yingjiang has learned nothing from Huaxia over the years, just like the phrase "family ugliness must not be publicized" left by our ancestors in Huaxia!

In addition to the domestic netizens who actively supported Fang Nan, there were also Maoxiong netizens who had the same combat prowess.

Even European netizens.

Surprisingly, few Japanese and kimchi-country netizens supported Fang Nan.

Some netizens in the two countries discussed that Fang Nan's handling of this matter was not generous enough, out of style, let alone smashing other people's things.

There are even more dark-hearted people, who played their true colors as white-eyed wolves, and didn't think of Fang Nan bringing several actors from the Kimchi Kingdom to the Oscar stage.

For this reason, some Chinese netizens are crazy about Aite Fangnan's Weibo, Twitter, and Facebook.

Leave a message under the Fangnan Youtube video, let him see the disgusting faces of some netizens in the Kimchi Country, and forcefully ask him not to take the stars of the Kimchi Country to make movies, a group of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves.

The Youtube video comment section is in chaos.

Twitter is no less popular with many well-known figures in North America.

But the topics discussed on Twitter were more esoteric.

Netizens from many countries staged a big discussion about whether Abby and Megan are so-and-so activists.

And, whether the abc radio talk show "Vision" is a discriminatory program.

During the discussions among netizens, some politicians would come out from time to time to show their sense of presence, and join forces to crusade or defend "Vision", ABC TV, and Disney.

Under such circumstances, Fang Nan contributed money, Warner contributed, and wma cooperated with the three-party cooperation to form a cooperation, and public opinion gradually came to Fang Nan's favorable side.

Under their guidance, the incident became more and more troublesome, and the trend gradually changed from violence and protection of women's rights to discrimination against Fang Nan.

These days, Wang Wang has not yet come to power, and many rednecks have not been beaten to death. In the face of anti-discrimination and other social organizations, they often choose to retreat instead of tit for tat.

The red neck did not end, and the abc radio station played by Fang Nan's three parties plummeted.

But soon, Disney, the holding group of abc, came to an end.

The public opinion war they carried out was to firmly grasp Fang Nan's discrimination against women.

The overwhelming same title hit, and Warner was caught off guard for a while.

During this period, Fang Nan was once blocked by many protesters in the hotel and unable to leave the house.

He suddenly went out to record a program, followed by a few protesters holding up [Respect...] signs from time to time.

"Fang, let's directly announce the news of suing Disney. Our current momentum is very weak. If we continue to develop, many people will believe Disney's malicious marketing."

In the hotel room, Mao Jianguo said listlessly.

Fang Nan gave Warner a lot of money to guide the wind, and the effect was really good at first, but after Disney came out, they couldn't bear it.

After all, the influence of Disney's news media is not weaker than that of Warner, and even stronger than Warner.

Moreover, Disney's marketing team is also very powerful, they don't want to market whether Fang Nan's behavior towards Abby and Megan is appropriate.

It's crazy marketing. The actress in "Parasite" plays either a thief, or a lady who dislikes the poor and has extremely low quality.

In addition, Disney also learned from the crew of "The Martian" that there are no black female actors in "The Martian."

Two proper marketing is a bit fatal to their team. For this reason, many non-profit organizations are reluctant to speak out for them.

Fang Nan smiled and shook his head: "Wait a minute, wait until this wave of firepower is stronger, you go back and tell Warner's cable stations, I will give them another promotion fee in two days, and ask them to cooperate with the promotion."

Mao Jianguo was puzzled: "What are you promoting? You should announce the news of suing Disney to the public now, and then spend some money to buy a celebrity scandal from the paparazzi, and everything will be resolved."

Fang Nan still shook his head slowly: "It's settled, but I also lost. It doesn't matter if I lose, but I can't add stains to the country. Therefore, if the lawsuit is to be fought, the public opinion must also turn to our side."

Mao Jianguo, who was dazed by the public opinion war, was very confused, and Fang Nan didn't explain further.

People like Mao Jianguo only have personal interests in their eyes. As long as they have money, they can live freely anywhere. They rarely have the concept of a country, and they will not understand his persistence.

He can't retreat.

"dong dong dong"

"Hey, Fang, it's settled. Sandra Bullock is willing to pay 1500 million US dollars to star in "Gravity." Correspondingly, she will cooperate with your promotion, and you can call her agent at any time."

"anything else?"

Lilith smiled: "Similarly, all the actresses in "The Hunger Games" will cooperate with the promotion, including the two black actresses."

"Very good. The day after tomorrow, I will launch a general attack on public opinion. Didn't Disney say that I discriminate and disrespect? I will let Disney and North American audiences see what a heroine movie is, and what is real respect!"

"This time, let's make a beautiful comeback!"

(End of this chapter)

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