literary world

Chapter 374 What a coincidence, isn't it?

Chapter 374 What a coincidence, isn't it?

In order to compete with ABC and Disney to the end, Fang Nan took the initiative to give up the profits and secretly signed several main actors of "Gravity" and "The Hunger Games".

The signing of film actors seems to have nothing to do with the Fang Nan violent incident that has been raging in North America recently, but Fang Nan's marketing team and lawyer team are all confident, and fully believe that the public opinion in the future will be completely on their side.

Fang Nan's move was too terrific.

"Gravity" is definitely the heroine. All the plots of the movie are designed around the heroine. The heroine is bold, smart, loves life, and loves family.

As the director of such a play, how could Fang Nan discriminate against women?

Look at The Hunger Games again.

"The Hunger Games" is also a big heroine movie.

In the movie, the heroine Katniss took the initiative to stand up and become a tribute in order to protect her sister. Her strong, fearless, anti-oppression, and peace-loving characteristics are all praises for women.

The most important thing is that the heroine in the movie is of Asian descent, and most of her supporting roles are also from ethnic minorities.

Fang Nan was willing to take big risks to direct and invest in such a female movie. One can imagine his attitude towards female friends.

You know, which Hollywood giant film and television company is not more keen on investing in sequel movies these days, Marvel movies.

Fang Nan is making original films from the perspective of women, but is adapting novels written from the perspective of female authors.

"Fang, I have to say that now I have reason to suspect that you are making a fuss on ABC on purpose, otherwise I really can't figure out why you planned to shoot "Gravity" and bought the copyright of "The Hunger Games" in advance. If you deny it, All I can say is that God is willing to be on our side."

After watching the main actors of the two films, Mao Jianguo was full of emotion.

Fang Nan was speechless, how stupid he was to consume the country for movies.

It is true that he does have his own different views on some domestic matters, or some matters in the industry, but even so, he has a sincere patriotism.

In fact, he has some behaviors and styles that everyone looks like. He admires that when people have problems at home, we close the door to discuss and solve them ourselves, and open the door to go outside.

So when ABC and Disney's marketing smear storm against him met with "Gravity" and "The Hunger Games", Fang Nan really could only say, "Isn't this a coincidence, isn't it!"

He really didn't have any plans, he didn't think about marketing himself, everything really came together.

Another two days later, the voice of attacking Fang Nan outside became louder, causing Fang Nan to slap a wave of face in North America, but it was full of bad comments.

Just now, Fang Nan and Jessica Chastain, the lead actress in "The Martian", Sandra Bullock, the lead actress in "Gravity", Collins, the original author of "The Hunger Games", starring Liu Qianxi, and supporting black actors Amandla, together with the former president of the American Women's Organization, was interviewed by The Hollywood Reporter, one of the two major entertainment weekly magazines in North America.

Jessica: "It's a beautiful country, ohmygod, their food is super delicious, especially the big plate chicken eaten in the desert."

The Hollywood Reporter:
"The director is a humorous person, how do you feel about him?"

Jessica: "OK, Fang is a very dedicated and nice person. Whenever I want to drop the steel wire, he will always come to teach me the precautions and tell me not to be afraid. I can't believe why there is such a thing. So many people slandered him."

Jessica was very cautious. Although she agreed to participate in today's interview, she did not dare to offend Disney too much, so she kept saying that Fang Nan was good, and the public opinion against Fang Nan was a misunderstanding.

The Hollywood Reporter:
"Sandra, you have accepted a new film and decided to cooperate with the same Oscar director Fang Nan. Why did you not mind the controversy outside and take on "Gravity"?"

Sandra: "Compared with the outside debate, I value the script more. You know, "Gravity" has a very good story. The character I played in it is very brave and loves the family. So I don’t believe Director Fang who wrote the script of “Gravity” discriminates against women.”

The Hollywood Reporter:
"Okay, I want to ask Crystal, "The Hunger Games" is completely different from "Parasite" and "Young You". It seems that you prefer to make a feature film, why did you choose to adapt a novel this time? The Hunger Games?"

Liu Qianqian is called Liu Qianqian in China, and Crystal liu in North America. The straightforward translation into Chinese is Liu Jingjing. The real meaning refers to a girl who shines like a crystal.

This name is so ugly that Liu Qianqian herself doesn't like to use it.

"Maybe it's because "You Are a Young Man" and "Parasite" won awards abroad that gave you a big illusion. I also made a lot of commercial films in China, so it's not surprising that I chose "The Hunger Games"."

"Also, I'm very excited to get the role of "The Hunger Games", Katniss is very special, a character that I have never met before."

The Hollywood Reporter:
"Why so special?"

Liu Qianqian: "She is braver than boys, which reflects that women can also strive for self-improvement. I really like this character written by Collins."

The Hollywood Reporter:
"You have known Fang for a long time, and you are also an actor in his company. What kind of person do you think he is?"

Liu Qianqian: "A director who works very seriously and is willing to respect any actor."

The Hollywood Reporter:
"So the public opinion outside is just a rumor?"

Liu Qianqian: "Of course, I want to say that rumors stop with wise men."

After Liu Qianqian, the Hollywood Reporter interviewed the previous chairman of the women's rights organization and several other actresses. Needless to say, there were all kinds of compliments.

Finally, the Hollywood Reporter looked at Fang Nan.

Fang Nan's request is very clear. First, ABC needs to apologize, and second, the two hosts, Abby and Megan, must withdraw from the "Vision" program group.

Then Fang Nan took the initiative to explain that his legal team will apply to the Los Angeles court to submit an apology procedure tomorrow. This is a face war.

In the end, Fang Nan said sincerely to the interviewer: "I am a filmmaker who is not interested in politics at all. My biggest wish in this life is to make more good movies that audiences love to watch, that I personally like, and that give voice to marginalized people. Please respect Huaxia who gave birth to him and raised him."

Interviews with leading media in North America.

Last year's Oscar for Best Actress, the chairman of the previous rights organization and many other well-known actresses spoke for Fang Nan.

In addition, multiple media under Warner's name cooperated with the publicity.

After the new issue of "Hollywood Report" was published, the effect was immediate. Fang Nan's naked eyes could clearly see that there were a lot fewer protesters guarding outside the hotel, but there were a lot more banners and trash.

What relieved him the most was that Disney and ABC TV were once again underwhelming. The other party seemed to have completely died down, and they never re-marketed the topic of Fang Nan.

Yan Hong returned to the hotel after negotiating with Disney in the court again, Nan Nan excitedly said: "Disney is sure to suffer. They will either lose the lawsuit or take the initiative to apologize. There is no chance of winning at all. Today's momentum is even weaker."

Fang Nan turned the chair and looked at Yan Hong curiously: "Are there any conditions?"

"As long as we withdraw the lawsuit, the planning, editor and director of "Vision" will resign voluntarily, and the newly appointed director will apologize to you in private."

Fang Nan frowned: "Abby, Megan?"

"Abby's father is a state senator, and Meghan's family is not ordinary. Compared with her three other accomplished hosts, the reason why these two become hosts is because of background, not education or education. seniority."

Fang Nan suddenly realized: "No wonder the speech is so low-level. Since ABC avoids the serious and ignores the minor, the lawsuit will continue. Regardless of their identities, they must resign."

"I will communicate with lawyer John. I will go back to China tomorrow. There are a lot of things to do after the company moves to Pujiang."

Fang Nan nodded: "You go back and do your work, let the lawyer team find Lilith if they have something to do."

"Okay, but I think it's better not to delay the matter for too long. We can't make the relationship too rigid with Disney. Who knows if we will part ways with Warner one day? The longer the matter drags on, the more people in China will be willing to step on you Come on, your image in China has just improved."

"What? Someone in China jumped out again? Is it a public knowledge or a competitor?"

Before Yan Hong could speak, Fang Nan scolded angrily: "Mother, some people in Huaxia are really low-spirited, old beauty spits, this group of people can drink water for three years!"

"Ouch, Brother Nan, you're too disgusting, I'm leaving!" Yan Hong hurriedly covered her mouth and slipped away, watching Mao Jianguo beaming in the corridor: "Hey, Fang, are you going to have a baby again?"

"Is B deliberately entertaining me? I don't know whether Gao Yuanyuan, Zeng Li, or even Liu Qianqian is pregnant, but he does?" Fang Nan looked at the other party with ill intentions: "What do you mean?"

Mao Jianguo happily imitated the appearance of Yan Hong just now.

Realizing that he wanted to split, Fang Nan's face turned bright: "Hurry up and organize the promotional activities, and then fly to Europe? I'm going to fly to Xiangjiang later."

"Soon, it's already re-planning. Today I'm talking to you about the cooperation of "The Hunger Games."

"Isn't Warner as uninterested as he is in "Gravity"?"

Mao Jianguo swayed his middle index finger: "Nonono, Warner is very interested, because the two films are now very famous."

Fang Nan looked disgusted, and the other party was unwilling to let Warner Investment share the risk.

After he spent tens of millions of dollars on this lawsuit, and in a disguised form, he made the marketing of "Gravity" and "The Hunger Games" known all over the world, and the other party wanted to take advantage of it again.

"I can only say that it's a pity. Warner should know that the preparation of "Gravity" was early, and the capital has already been settled. "The Hunger Games" also found all the investors a few days ago."

Mao Jianguo looked horrified: "Impossible, it's only been a few days since the decision to shoot "The Hunger Games", how could it be possible to find an investor so quickly?"

Fang Nan snorted, the more rigorous the venture capital projects of the Hollywood giants, the better, the contract book can be as thick as an 800-page online pirated novel, but Huaxia's capital is different.

Some time ago, when Fang Nan was going to reverse public opinion for himself with two films, "The Hunger Games" really had no capital.

After several companies under his name invested in "Gravity" and bought a large amount of stocks last year, it was really difficult to take out 6000 million US dollars at a time.

So "The Hunger Games" at that time was just a decision, and Liu Qianqian was a heroine.

But Fang Nan just made a few phone calls to the country, and the newly established exclusive account for "The Hunger Games" began to receive a large amount of money, and many companies such as China Film, Shanghai Film, Huaying, Hengdian Film and Television, etc. shot.

Is it true that Fang Nan, who has been outside for so many years, lacks Hollywood's money to make movies?
He just wants to take advantage of Hollywood's resources. He wants to make movies. How many domestic companies, private equity funds, and banks are rushing to invest.

The films made by the combination of Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian should not be too popular in the domestic film market!

Fang Nan just wanted to make money, and wanted to take advantage of Warner's global distribution capabilities to play with Warner all the time. He didn't understand such a simple truth, and the president of Warner Bros. Pictures really had no brains.

Seeing the electronic contract on Fang Nan's computer, Mao Jianguo was stunned on the spot, "What kind of efficiency is this!" He exited the room in a daze, ready to go back to clean up.

When it was mid-April, the bad public opinion about Fang Nan had completely turned around. Fang Nan was not in a hurry to be happy, and while recording the show with the main creative team, he consolidated the potential audience at the box office.

Under the arrangement of his publicity team, he went to a hospital in Manhattan to visit a sick girl.

He made a sudden appearance during the holding of several non-profit organizations, and while donating with publicity fees, he discussed legal rights with everyone.

He accepted the invitation of the Organizing Committee of the 37th Film and Television Saturn Awards and awarded the Best Actress trophy to the winner Natalie Portman.

He participated in an exhibition held by NASA with many science fiction fans.

In June, all activities in North America ended, and Fang Nan and the main creators of "The Martian" flew to Europe to continue publicity.

During this period, in order to prevent the "Vision" incident from happening again, the publicity team specially recruited two temporary agents for Fang Nan to review the content of the program.

But how should I put it, many foreigner hosts are really restless, and the content of the program changes anytime and anywhere, and it is almost the same as if it is not.

Compared with the job, salary and treatment and expressing personal emotions, it is a fart.

Their natural looseness and freedom.

Of course, it also has a lot to do with high welfare. If he doesn't have a job, he will fight with you every day, and he won't vote.

Therefore, Fang Nan was stumbling all the way through the publicity, answering the questions that could be answered, and talking empty words around the questions that could not be answered.

It took 10 days to cover most of Europe, and then the group flew to Japan.

This is the second time for Fang Nan to go to Japan. The last time he had a cultural exchange with the team, he was strictly controlled and not allowed to run around. He didn't take a good look at the country. Now he will relax and look outside the cabin. Smack your lips.

"President Fang, what's the matter?" Secretary Zhu was curious.

Fang Nan looked at the reptile-like shadow below and said, "This place is difficult to fix."

"What do you mean?"

"A long worm floating on the sea can't advance, retreat, or dive. If you say it's difficult to deal with, it will cause trouble sooner or later."

Secretary Zhu happily said, "Mr. Fang also understands Feng Shui?"

"A little bit, a little bit."

 Just in case, this chapter was posted earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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