literary world

Chapter 375 Xiaozhuo's Friendship

Chapter 375 Xiaozhuo's Friendship


At the promotional meeting for "The Martian" held by the film production and distribution company Dongbao Co., Ltd., Fang Nan and the main creators smiled at the media audience.

However, compared to Matt Damon and Jessica Chastain, who are not big names in Hollywood, the Japanese people and the media are more curious about the Asian-born director Fang Nan.

Fang Nan's films have received too many honors.

Whether it is Japanese domestic audiences or some western film critics and filmmakers, they all agree that he is a master of structural films.

"Before I left the UK, my assistant bought me Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings". I admire this writer who participated in World War II. He single-handedly made a country without myths have myths!"

Seeing that Fang Nan was reading a British novel recently, the Japanese media at the scene were disappointed, and asked, "Which Japanese director does Director Fang like the most?"

Fang Nan understood: "Of course it is director Akira Kurosawa, the world-recognized film master. It's a pity that he passed away in 98, so I didn't have the chance to meet him."

"I remember he left a sentence before he died 'I never shoot what I don't want to shoot, I'm not interested in directing films that force me to win the box office, whether it's good or bad, the director's belief must be true to himself, objective I really admire Director Akira Kurosawa's pure and deep attitude towards movies, but unfortunately I still can't do it at this stage."

Fang Nan really admires the film master Akira Kurosawa, whose image style has influenced many filmmakers in the world.

But Fang Nan couldn't agree with this film master's attitude towards personal life.

In 1970, Akira Kurosawa and Fox collaborated on "Tiger Tiger Tiger", but was fired by Fox halfway because the progress of the film was too slow.

Take life too lightly.

Fang Nan would not be so stupid.

If a movie fails at the box office, it’s good to start over. Being scolded a few times will not lose a piece of meat. Whoever doesn’t get scolded, a person who is healthy and safe chooses to give up his life is a coward’s performance.

After answering a few questions from the reporter, Fang Nan threw the topic to the two leading actors. After more than an hour, the promotion ended, and Fang Nan and his group flew to Seoul non-stop.

Compared with Japan, Fang Nan has a deeper relationship with Korea.

Therefore, the distribution company CJ Entertainment invited many Korean film peer platforms to help promote it.

Park Chan-wook, Song Kang-ho, Jun Ji-hyun, and Girls' Generation even had a singing and dancing performance, and the event was very lively.

Fang Nan clapped his hands to the white legs on the stage, and asked Wang Liang beside him, "You've been here for a long time, do you have any inspiration?"

"Hou Weidong searched for a love-themed script for me, and I will join the group after a while. By the way, the female lead is going to find Han Jiaren."

After Wang Liang emphasized that the heroine is Han Jiaren, he said: "After filming the romance film "Introduction to Architecture", I want to try some other themes. There are many themes that can be filmed in Korea. Brother Nan, you know about the "Melting Pot" incident." No? They made it into a movie and it will be released in September this year. I heard from Hou Weidong that some film companies are still thinking about making "Su Yuan", anyway, the filmmakers here are pretty awesome!"

Fang Nan was puzzled: "From what you mean, are you planning to go back to China?"

"I want to stay here. There is a lot of room for creativity here. After filming "Introduction to Architecture", I plan to make a Korean version of "Infernal Affairs". It will definitely be great to put a big frame on the Korean political arena."

"Isn't Wang Liang's inspiration the Korean movie "New World"?"

Fang Nan was depressed: "No matter how hard you are, you are still an outsider. Local filmmakers have to worry about this and that when they shoot messy themes. You may not be able to do it. If you don't do it, there will be big problems."

There are indeed many themes of movies that can be made in South Korea, but there are also many political games behind them. He despises the behavior of using movies as a tool of attack.

"It's okay, it's okay to co-produce with a big local production company or with a Hollywood company."

"You and Hou Weidong can figure it out, don't get in too deep." Fang Nan applauded and stopped talking.

After the performance of Girls' Generation, Fang Nan and the main creator appeared on stage again to promote "The Martian", and everyone praised "The Martian", Korean and Japanese movies, food and other things.

I have to admit that most people in the world prefer to hear praises rather than expose their faults, and Fang Nan is also willing to join in.

Floating, the higher the better, anyway, he doesn't live in Tokyo and Seoul, so he won't fly in mid-air where his hands don't touch the sky and his feet don't touch the ground.

In the evening, Fang Nan took time to meet with Han Jiaren and discussed it. Fang Nan wondered if Han Jiaren had a new girlfriend.

If there is, he wants to give up on each other while they are not playing with each other.

There is never a shortage of beautiful women around him, so there is no need to hold on to one or two.

After playing friendly battles for a long time, the taste tends to change. Yiyan, Xiaolu, Ziyi, and Xiaozhou who had had in-depth exchanges with him were very good.

At the beginning, Liu Tao was too frequent, and Liu Tao would tease him from time to time after his comeback.

Han Jiaren insisted that she didn't want to have a boyfriend in the next few years, Fang Nan had no choice but to let him squirm.

After traveling to dozens of countries and returning to the capital, Fang Nan felt a little better. Gao Yuanyuan and his son were in Xiangjiang, but his daughter was at home, at least to comfort his homesick heart.

"Crack", the door opened.

The aunt at home grabbed Thong Wanzhuo who was wearing a long skirt, and Thong Wanzhuo was wearing a knitted hat, and pulled the big golden retriever into Fang Nan's arms.

"What are you doing?" Fang Nan was curious.

"Director Fang, are you back?" The aunt explained: "The kindergarten has assigned a summer homework of taking the bus safely, and I will take Xiao Zhuo to take the bus."

"Hey, Cotton Alley Kindergarten is pretty good, and the assignments are meaningful."

Fang Nan touched the little head of the girl who rushed over: "Auntie, you can take the rhubarb back, I will take her to do homework, and I haven't taken a bus for many years."

After asking for a few dollars in change from his aunt, Fang Nan and his daughter walked out the door one after the other.

Yonghe Villa is quiet amidst the hustle and bustle. There are subway lines 2 and 5 outside the villa area, and there are many bus lines, so it doesn’t take father and daughter to travel far.

But like Fang Nan said, he hasn't taken the subway or bus for a long time. It may be too much to say that he is out of touch with society, but he has to think about where to get on and where to get off.

Fang Nan looked at the stop sign for a long time, slapped his forehead, and asked his daughter, "Where do you want to go?"

"The kindergarten teacher didn't say anything."

"Do you want to go to the zoo?"


Thong Wanzhuo is not very interested.

Fang Nan guessed it was because the zoo was in Xizhimen Outer Street, not far from home, and Zeng Li often took the little girl where to run, so the little girl looked unhappy, but he did have limited time.

"Wait until his father has more time, can he take you to a distant place to play?" Fang Nan discussed.

Unexpectedly, when he said this, the daughter's eyes burst into tears instead, attracting the attention of many passengers on the platform.

"What's the matter?" Fang Nan knelt down and asked concerned.

The little girl cried and said, it turned out that a child who was very close to her in the kindergarten was sick, and said that she would be separated and never see her again.

Even Wanzhuo and Ai Ai couldn't tell how ugly Maoyin was, so Fang Nan was confused, so he had to call Zeng Li.

Hearing that the little girl was suffering from blood cancer, and that the terminal illness in biology cannot be solved by money, Fang Nan had no choice but to comfort Zong Wanzhuo and said, "Daughter, Dad is not a superman, so he can't help your classmates, but we You can visit your classmates."

Fang Nan changed the bus route of the zoo and went to Xiehe. Before and after boarding the bus, he taught Wanzhuo to line up politely and give up his seat to the elderly, children or vulnerable people.

At the hospital, after Fang Nan found the little girl's family, the three adults looked at the two little girls sitting on the floor separated by the glass wall with mixed emotions, chatting about each other's gifts and animation books.

"Mr. Fang, thank you for bringing your daughter to see Yaya."

Fang Nan nodded: "They cherish this friendship very much!"

 A little less today, let me find the rhythm.

(End of this chapter)

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