literary world

Chapter 376 World-Class Marketing

Chapter 376 World-Class Marketing
Fang Nan, who had seen too many intrigues, once thought he was a cold person.

Over the years, there were not many things that moved him.

Some people and some things in 08.

He couldn't remember any more, but today, a friendship between two kindergarteners made him feel particularly complicated.

On the way home, Tso Wanzhuo was in a low mood. In Fang Nan's memory, it was the first time in Fang Nan's memory that her daughter showed an adult loneliness. He couldn't believe it.

His daughter is not yet six years old.

Fang Nan didn't know if Yaya, who was wearing a full set of protective clothing and had to hide inside the protective clothing even to hold a toy, and to hide behind the glass wall even to talk to her, had brought too much impact on Zong Wanzhuo.

Back home, Fang Nan looked at the time, knelt down and said to Wan Zhuo, who had been in a low mood, "Honey, it's not that Dad doesn't want to help your classmates, but that Dad doesn't have the ability to help little girls."

The little girl asked curiously: "Then who can help Yaya?"

Acute blood cancer is a real terminal illness. This fact is too cruel to his daughter. Fang Nan thought for a while and said slowly, "Maybe he is the best medical scientist in the world."

"Papa can't be found either?"

Fang Nan wiped away Tso Wanzhuo's tears, hesitated for a long time: "Unfortunately, Dad can't do anything about it."

"Oh, then I know." Tso Wanzhuo went back upstairs.

After Fang Nan got in the car, he called Zeng Li, the child was a little bit shocked today, so he had to tell Li Zi to take care of it.

"President Fang, there is still some time before the publicity meeting, where do you want to go?"

Fang Nan shook his head at Secretary Zhu. He was very happy to be home, but now he was in the mood to wander around: "No more transfers, let's go to Tsinghua University."

"I received a message that someone over there is going to block you."

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Fang Nan laughed at himself, "What mistake did I make again?"

"That's not true. Some people from the Small Animal Protection Association want you to speak up to boycott the lychee and dog meat festival held spontaneously by the Yulin folks tomorrow."

"I don't have that ability. Let's negotiate with Tsinghua University and let us enter through another door." Fang Nan said without turning his head.

There are too many things in the world that are unclear. The chicken or the egg, the country before the family, or the family before the country, whether human nature is more good or more evil, and the turmoil in the country in the past two years There is a lot of debate about whether to eat dog meat.

Fang Nan really didn't want to get involved in these matters.

Every incomplete point of view he throws out will become a tool for one kind of people to attack another kind of people.

What's more, he will be artificially magnified with a magnifying glass to criticize himself.

It's like someone asking him if "Tiny Times" is a good movie.

If he said no, the fans of "Tiny Times" would definitely spray him like a sieve.

Because the box office of "Tiny Times" is so good, why is the movie that the audience loves to watch not a good movie?
The same goes for eating dog meat.

From the bottom of his heart, his family also has a pet dog, a big golden retriever, and he also hopes that everyone will not eat dog meat.

But speaking from objective factors, the Lychee Dog Meat Festival is a local folk festival that has been handed down for many years. Many local people also count on this business to support their families.

So everything is wrong.

In the media age controlled by capital, no matter how influential he is, no matter how close he is with the media, he has to learn to keep silent.

Once you can't control your mouth, there will be more times when you will be rushed in the future.

Fortunately, he has also accumulated a lot of capital. Even if he says a sentence or two wrong and is scolded by others, he at least has money, a mansion to live in, and colleagues who are willing to support him. He has been comforted psychologically and materially.

The second uncle is miserable, not to mention the artificial marketing of the misery in his life, and the mainstream media from all walks of life seem to speak out in unison, but they just turn a blind eye to the reasons behind the suffering of the second uncle.

The workers in the electronics factory commit suicide, don't ask what the electronics factory is doing, and go to bury the poor psychological quality of the employees, which shows the absurdity of the media age.

It can be seen the importance of independent thinking ability.

Fang Nan wanted to avoid the small animal protection organization, so Xiao Zhu communicated with the publicity team and distribution team in advance, and finally sneaked into Tsinghua University quietly.

Tsinghua University Tsinghua Auditorium, followed by the main creative team of "The Martian".

Students from 8 universities including Tsinghua University, Peking University, Renmin University of China, Beihang University, Agricultural University, Beijing Second Foreign Language School, Beijing Normal University, and North China Electric Power University continued to scream and applaud, and the scene was unprecedentedly enthusiastic.

Many students expressed to media reporters that they were very excited and looking forward to the sci-fi movie "The Martian", but the emphasis was different.

Some students look forward to the movie because "The Martian" is Fang Nan's first movie in more than two years after "The Wind".

Fang Nan left a very good impression on them. Whether it was a comedy, blockbuster, fantasy, or spy movie, the quality of the movie had never been stretched. Many students were looking forward to another shot by Fang Nan.

And it is also a sci-fi film that was "exclusive" to Hollywood directors in the past, and Huaxia directors have never dabbled in it.

Expectations are full.

Some students are looking forward to the plot of "Mars Movie".

Think about waking up and lying on Mars, where there is no air, water, electricity, or food, and the temperature has been below minus 50 degrees for a long time. The plot is really confusing.

The same is full of anticipation.

Some students also came for Hollywood star Matt Damon.

In short, the auditorium was very lively, especially after Fang Nan led the main film creators and sat down on the stage with 4 science Ph.

"I'm curious, are the desolate, poignant pictures on Mars made by computer, or shot in real life?"

After everyone sat down at their respective positions, Dr. Jia, the designer of the Yutu lunar rover, asked Fang Nan first.

Fang Nan explained with a smile: "Both, the crew first filmed in XJKP County, and then used CJ for post-production. Because Mars has no air, there can be no sky, blue sky, only wind and dust, so we made cloud pictures without authorization. Part of it is something we added that may not be very scientific. After the film is released, I hope that the students and scientists will hold their hands high."

Fang Nan cupped his fists to apologize in advance, causing good-natured laughter from the stage and the audience.

Everyone understands the difficulties of shooting science fiction films. To put it bluntly, science fiction films are similar to ghost films, and many things cannot be explained by science.

You can't grab the "Zombie" movie and ask Master Lin Zhenying why zombies are afraid of mahogany swords and glutinous rice.

"We really planted a piece of potato, and the director asked me to wait until the potato grew up before starting filming."

During the chat between Matt Damon and the botanist, the half-truths and half-false grievances made the students laugh.

Immediately afterwards, Mei Ting, who played the role of a Chinese female scientist, said happily: "After "The Martian" is released, there may be many female scientists in China, because female scientists can not only go to Mars, but also save male gods at critical moments."

Scientists, directors, actors, students, and everyone chatted in English and Mandarin, and the atmosphere was happy and active.

But there are also dissatisfied people.

During the questioning session, a classmate from Peking University inevitably asked Fang Nan why he followed Feng Dapao and other directors to make films such as "Tangshan Earthquake" and "Assembly" to cater to the market, the public, and even censors, insisting on mainstream movies The route, the language is sharp and directly points to the review issue.

The higher the status, the greater the prestige, and the more intractable problems you will encounter. Directly attacking the film review problem has become a pediatric problem. Fang Nan said calmly:

"After "You Are a Young Man" and "Parasite", I have made films in recent years. The only truly mainstream film is "The Wind". "The Wandering Earth" and "The Martian" can only be half and half. The sci-fi movie is because I personally have a director plan. After several movies in the plan are finished, I may focus on marginalized people and speak out for the disadvantaged groups in the world, so there is no such thing as making only mainstream movies.”

"Hi Director Fang Nan, I'm a student of Tsinghua University, I want to ask you what you think of the crowd holding a banner to boycott the Lychee Dog Meat Festival, I heard that they came to Tsinghua University today because they knew you would come here to promote the film. "

Fang Nan's head hurt badly.

Are these things really unavoidable?

"First of all, I have a dog at home, and I also raised a little black cat, so I don't eat dog or cat meat."

"As for the people outside the Animal Association, I want to say that if they really love dogs and are kind-hearted, they should stop resisting in such a big way, or ask me to speak up to help. Once the quarrel continues, it will make things worse and make more people Many people who hold the opposite point of view have retaliatory consumption, so, doesn’t it deviate from the original intention of all people who like dogs?”

Fang Nan really wanted to say "clear your mind", but finally gave up, and once again escaped from Tsinghua University like a hide-and-seek.

Throughout mid-to-late June, Fang Nan lived a miserable life.

During the promotion period of the film, he was chased by the Small Animal Protection Association, and was asked about some hot social issues, which made him burnt out.

Fortunately, his EQ and IQ are still sufficient, and he can save himself from danger every time.

The uneasy mood lasted until the end of the publicity period, and "The Martian" was first screened in several large cities in China, including Beijing and Pujiang.

On the evening of the first screening, Fang Nan received exciting news.

The reputation of the movie is pretty good.

A special article released by the movie website 1905 commented that "The Martian" may become a masterpiece of the year. After "Assassination of Novelists", Fang Nan created another big-budget movie after 3 years.

People's Daily Online commented that the movie "The Martian" is an epic of one person.

A certain film critic editor on Sohu Net watched the screening and praised "The Martian" as a love letter to science.

The lucky audience who got the movie tickets told the reporter excitedly after watching the movie: "Although "The Martian" is a sci-fi movie, it is not obscure and difficult to understand, and it is not obsessed with physics knowledge. Lots of skills." wrote a bold headline on the headline of the entertainment section - The Return of the King!
Combining the praises of many domestic media platforms, their evaluation of "The Martian" is only eight words - Fang Nan's production, it must be a boutique!
Fang Nan felt uncomfortable when a movie with a score of more than 80 was praised as a movie with a score of 100. In the early years, he would have been ecstatic, but now he is a little flattered.

If you blow it too hard, the problems exposed after the film is released on a large scale will be scolded even worse.

He would wish for Feng Dapao, Chen Shishi, Lu Chuan and other directors, or a few famous film critics to scold him a little bit.

It's not that he is cheap, and he feels uncomfortable not being scolded by others, but that he understands public opinion too well, and his prosperity has declined.

After being praised by thousands of people, it may be ridiculed by thousands of people.

It's a pity that things backfired. A few days after the screening ended, no one jumped out to find it unhappy.

Fang Nan was very depressed. In recent years, apart from netizens, there were fewer and fewer insiders who dared to grin at him face to face. The few were pitiful.

No way, Fang Nan, who had already gone to Xiangjiang to check the first Xiangjiang Film Festival, had no choice but to reduce the heat of the news in person.

"Don't always trust the media. After the movie is officially released, go watch it and taste it yourself. After watching it, you really feel something aftertaste and it's good. Then go to the Internet to like it and write a good review."

The day after he earnestly taught the audience not to be taken too far by the media, Hollywood on the other side of the ocean staged a real publicity for him.

6 month 25 number.

NASA, the American space agency, announced good news to all space enthusiasts on social media. NASA found traces of suspected water on Mars.

The photos released by NASA are blurry. No matter how many focal lengths you use a magnifying glass, you can't see a trace of water.

But it does not prevent space enthusiasts all over the world, who dislike the chaos of the earth, and dreamers who dream of going to Mars have an instant orgasm.

The news spread until July 7st, and the news that there is water on Mars has become popular all over the world.

At the same time, dozens of TV stations around the world with wide coverage began to broadcast promotional programs about "The Martian" almost in no particular order.

One of the highlights of these promotional programs is that Hollywood superstar Matt Damon talked about how he developed water on Mars.

Ever since, the promotion of the movie "The Martian" has successfully closed the loop.

NASA, which is in urgent need of funds, and Warner, which needs movie box office, staged a perfect marketing in most movie markets around the world.

"It's pretty good. Didn't you say that Warner didn't value "The Martian"? Look at the current publicity posture, it's very important. Why are you frowning?"

Xiangjiang, Peninsula Hotel, Gao Yuanyuan looked at Fang Nan who was silent in front of the computer inexplicably.

She couldn't get enough of such a big marketing campaign, so Fang Nan became entangled in pain.

Fang Nan laughed and said, "It's normal, because I've entered a stage of self-denial that is mysterious and mysterious. I should be happy that the movie box office is high; audiences who like movies are marketed to movie theaters, and I worry that I have become a An accomplice of capital."

"As for Warner's emphasis on "The Martian", you are thinking too much. "The Martian" only has this wave of marketing promotion, and this kind of marketing is considered pediatrics for Warner."

Everyone will have times of self-denial, and so does he.

It's not hypocritical, and there is no need to blame himself too much, it's just because his conscience is still alive.

From this point of view, he really cannot be an exploiter or a big capitalist.

"I think you're just being cheap and acting like a good boy. Thinking about this all day long, why don't you give your son a bath, or you'll have to go on road shows all over the world once the movie is released."

"No road show, but going back to Pujiang to shoot "Gravity"."

Fang Nan took Gao Yuanyuan onto his lap, and before he even made love to me, Fang Qin came crookedly and slapped him for a while.

"Eating bear's heart and leopard's guts? Are you going to fight your father too?" Fang Nan stared.


Gao Yuanyuan quit, Bala stood up, and slapped Fang Nan on the shoulder: "You're going to die, why scare the little balloon."

Fang Nan smiled wryly: "Just kidding."

"Hurry up and take a shower, hand in your homework and join the group."

On July 7th, I stayed in Hong Kong for a few days, and knowing that the first Hong Kong Film Festival was only organized except that there were few films and few dealers, Fang Nan flew back to the mainland.

On the same day, "The Martian" officially landed in thousands of movie theaters in many theaters in China.

(End of this chapter)

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