literary world

Chapter 378 Global Box Office Breaks $3 Million

Chapter 378 Global Box Office Breaks $3 Million
in North America.

When Kevin, the president of Warner Bros. Pictures, and William Morris, the president of the second largest star agency in North America, were going to fly to Xiangjiang to meet Fang Nan, other Hollywood companies were not idle.

The chairman of Lionsgate Films arrived in Xiangjiang one step ahead of schedule.

Compared with the qualifications and strength of several major Hollywood companies, Lionsgate is only a second-rate independent film and television company.

In the early years, it made money by making discs of some unknown movies. Since the company was founded, the most profitable movie it has produced is the non-mainstream cut movie "Chain Saw" series.

Who would have thought that in 2011, when the times would turn around, a wave of mainstream sci-fi films directed by Chinese with a small investment would hit shit luck, and "The Martian" would explode at the box office.

Realizing that Fang Nan might be an important part of Lionsgate's transformation from non-mainstream films to mainstream films, the executives of Lionsgate Films immediately became energetic.

They need too much to maintain a close relationship with a business leader.

Paramount has Steven Spielberg.

DreamWorks had George Lucas.

20 World Fox and James Cameron flirt.

Warner Pictures has "Harry Potter" and "DC" comics.

Disney has multiple animation IPs.

Marvel has all kinds of superheroes.

During the time when Hollywood's major film companies monopolized famous directors, themes, and the market, Fang Nan, who turned out to be born, seemed so precious.

The Hollywood company closely related to "The Martian" tried to win over Fang Nan, and several other major Hollywood film companies were also thinking about this new Hollywood star director.

Universal Pictures and Spielberg are discussing whether to ask Fang Nan to be the chief director of the first sequel of the sci-fi big IP "Jurassic Park", "Jurassic World".

The first work after the restart of "Jurassic" is very important to Universal, Spielberg, and dinosaur IP. A good director is indispensable.

at the same time.

The North American box office of "The Martian" exceeded [-] million US dollars, and Warner also began to ponder whether to chat with Fang Nan about DC's new "Superman" project.

The success or failure of the new "Superman" is related to the success or failure of Warner's DC Universe. Before "The Martian", Warner did not include Fang Nan in the director's inspection queue at all.

In this July of 2011, apart from Disney, several major Hollywood film industries were very excited for a while because of Fang Nan.


Jinling Xinjiekou Artist Theater Manager:

The popularity of "The Martian" in China has led to another round of theater reforms in China.

For example, in order to cooperate with the 3DIMAX theater, many movie theaters under the name of our artist cinema chain have specially added bouncing seats that can be shaken, as well as smoke, photoelectric and other effects.

In the final rescue stage of the film, when Matt Damon fired a cannonball into the air, the seats were bumped, the sound effects were realistic, and the sense of immersion was strong. The audience was very satisfied, which is why there was such a long queue for ticket purchases.

As the camera lens moved, two sweaty dragons appeared on the small screen, and the audience in front of the TV was shocked. "The Martian" is so beautiful.

But the data is real.

"The Martian" landed in China for 9 days, and the box office broke 4 million yuan.

The single-day box office of 9000 million plus broke the historical single-day box office record and the Saturday box office record.

The box office of 7000 million plus on Sunday broke all records again.

All these statistics show that "The Martian" is completely popular.

Managers of many theaters, including Star Beauty Cinemas, said bluntly to the media: "The Martian will break the box office record of "Avatar" in China just around the corner."

The general manager of Huaxia Culture Company, one of the film distributors, also said: "A number of international movie box office forecasting agencies have actively adjusted the total box office of "The Martian" to 6 million US dollars worldwide."

As soon as the news came out, netizens from many countries started to feel their scalps tingling and discussing it at the same time.

Domestic netizens gather on Weibo, Tianya, Douban, forums, and post bars:
001: Is it crazy to ask for 6 million US dollars?
005: According to the exchange rate of 1:7, Fang Nan's "The Martian" has a total global box office of 42 billion yuan?

015: What the hell, the total box office of the Chinese film market last year was only over 110 billion, including imported films.

052: Let me ask, does Fang Nan have successfully broken into Hollywood?

084: It's not about breaking into Hollywood, but directly ascending to the rank of first-line director in Hollywood.

[email protected]: Forget it, Fang Nan has soared in place, the first mainland director to successfully break into Hollywood, "The Martian" really has a box office of 6 million US dollars, he will be even better than Wu Baige back then.

215: To be honest, I don't really want Fang Nan to go to Hollywood. Going to Hollywood with his current ability is a high-quality escape.

[email protected]: Just talking nonsense, he can't expect to get such a high-grossing movie if he stays in China for the rest of his life.

[email protected]: Stupid, so he went abroad to make movies to help Hollywood earn money from Chinese people?
[email protected]: Idiot, didn't you see that the producers also include Tangtang Film and Television, Fangnan Culture?Besides, if Fang Nan doesn't go out, let his talent soak in the big dye vat of domestic movies?

Take a look at domestic movies in the past two years, Zhang Yimou's "Three Shots Surprise", Feng Dapao's commercial "If You Are the One 2", Chen Poet's wonderful work "The Orphan of Zhao", and the sitcom movie "Wulin Biography".

Then there are no worst movies such as "Guan Yunchang", "Hongmen Banquet", "East and West 2011", only worse.

I hope that Fang Nan will never be returned by Hollywood, so that at least those of us who love movies and count on the rise of domestic movies will still say that the great Hollywood director Fang Nan is from China.

517: I am looking forward to "The Wandering Earth". I heard that it is a pure domestic science fiction film. The main actors and the main behind-the-scenes production team are all Chinese.

[email protected]: Yes, the main behind-the-scenes team is the 13 Swordsman Visual Effects Company under the name of Guangying Technology, an authentic domestic team [Smile].

1047: Who knows the box office of "The Martian" in other countries.


Brazil has 341 million moviegoers, which is 3 plus moviegoers short of the No.2 "Spider-Man 300" in film history.

Finland had 33 viewers, which is 81974 less than No.44's local film "Papillon" released in [-].

600 million people in Germany, which is 10 more people away from the No.500 "Avatar".

The box office in Japan was 90 billion yen as of the day before yesterday, which is 40 billion yen short of "The End of the World", which is the [-]th largest film in the total box office list.

The number of movie viewers in South Korea approached 500 million.

"The Martian" also sold very well in France and the United Kingdom. After the film is released, it will probably break into the top ten of the local box office.

[email protected]: Damn, with this calculation, the total box office is estimated to be more than 6 million.

No one knows the exact box office of "The Martian", but when the film's global box office approached 3 million US dollars, the owners, distributors, theaters, behind-the-scenes, and actors of "The Martian" were already smiling.

Among them, Warner, the first investor, is the most proud.

Only 10 days after the film was released, Warner frantically took stock of the money that could be distributed, and considered how to distribute a little more money without anyone knowing or Fang Nan knowing.

In addition to Warner, Lionsgate and other capital.

It is the actors who make the most money.

Matt Damon's agency hosted a party for him alone.

Unlike Matt's small supporting role in "Saving Private Ryan" who doesn't have much performance space, "The Martian" is Matt Damon's one-man show with a lot of performance space.

Look at the evaluation of mainstream Hollywood media, a perfect performance.

Matt Damon in "The Martian" proves that he is as good as any Oscar's best actor.

The box office of "The Martian" has made Matt Damon a Hollywood A-level star, and Hollywood has added a top superstar.

What is the concept of a Hollywood A-level star, that is the first class of coffee that can let the agent call the salary to 2000 million US dollars, the whole Hollywood is only Xiao Li, Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Rott Downey Jr., etc. Few male stars.

Matt Damon, the male number one, has unlimited scenery and high spirits.

Jessica Chastain is also good.

There is no need to wait for the movie to end, her salary will inevitably rise, and the global box office of 3 million US dollars is already a big success.

However, "The Martian" is most beneficial to her in that it has a global reputation, which greatly increases her personal popularity.

Another great achievement is getting to know Fang Nan.

Since she didn't act as a demon during her time in Huaxia, she was able to bear hardships and stand hard work, and her relationship with Fang Nan was not bad. Although she didn't go deep into it, it laid the groundwork for her future success.

This point was highly appreciated by her manager. After "The Martian", anyone with a little intelligence would see Fang Nan's potential.

An actress has a good relationship with Fang Nan, and there are infinite possibilities in the future.

Compared with the male and female leading actors and supporting roles who have gained so much that they cannot be expressed one by one, NASA seems a bit sad.

During the shooting interval of "The Martian", NASA helped to change the script and provided the venue. When the film was released, it even lied and claimed that there was water on Mars, but in the end it still got nothing.

After the box office of the movie exceeded [-] million, NASA once held a stack of newspapers and asked Congress to give more space funds.

It's a pity that Congress has no interest in such news ["The Martian" is far more than making Warner a lot of money, it will rekindle human desire to explore space, and it will inspire the birth of a new generation of astronauts].

All kinds of newspapers mixed in the file were thrown directly into the trash can.

There is water on Mars and they have a fart relationship.

Before the release of "Transformers", they even advertised that the base was discovered on the moon!
People without brains believe this!
Nasa was very frustrated, jealously watching its counterparts across the ocean launch satellites one after another.

The box office of "The Martian" exploded, the management and the actors all benefited greatly, and Fang Nan would not be left behind.

He gets even more.

Salary growth is one of them.

Second, he has gained a firm foothold in Hollywood, which is extremely xenophobic, and Hollywood is afraid to curry favor with him for a while.

Thirdly, the crew and actors who went to China to film "Gravity" did not dare to complain in the slightest.

Fourth, with his personal influence greatly increasing, the Xiangjiang Film Festival has gained some popularity.

Fifth, he seems to be getting more and more attention from some domestic film organizations and relevant departments, and he seems to have a greater say in film matters.

Sixth, the technology of 13 swordsmen has been further improved. A production team of Tangtang Film and Television has a high degree of proficiency in shooting science fiction films. The Oriental Movie Metropolis has a certain reputation abroad. Richer.

Seventh, several companies under his name have made a lot of money.


Studio No. [-] of the Oriental Movie Metropolis.


Following Fang Nan's cry, Sandra Bullock, who was hanging outside a white cabin, let out a series of uncomfortable whimpers: "Woo, uh, uh"

"Okay, let's stop here today."

After Fang Nan took a breath of cigarette, he lowered his head.

The script of "Gravity" is very thin. In one sentence, the three astronauts on the space shuttle Explorer were attacked by space debris when they went out to repair the Hubble telescope, causing a serious accident on the spacecraft.

The central idea of ​​the entire script is to allow female astronauts to successfully return to Earth.

"Gravity" is also considered a one-man show.

And it is a one-man show that takes place in a sealed space most of the time.

Because the story of the script is relatively thin, the duration of the movie will be controlled within 100 minutes.

A one-man show with an Oscar heroine, a skilled production team, several months of preparation, and an experienced director.

All these factors make the shooting progress of "Gravity" run fast.

Fang Nan reckoned that all scenes would end before September.

After Sandra was put down slowly, Fang Nan smiled and said, "Hey, Fang, congratulations, the global box office of "The Martian" broke through 3 million US dollars."

Fang Nan smiled lightly: "It's okay, "Harry Potter" is about to land in North America, which will stop the progress of "The Martian". Marvel's "Captain America" ​​is also coming online soon."

"That's not what my agent told me. She said that the word-of-mouth of "The Martian" is so good that "Harry Potter" can't beat "The Martian."

Fang Nan was speechless, the global box office was only 3 million, as for, as for being so gross!

"I believe that the box office of "Gravity" will not be bad."

Sandra nodded: "I will definitely, I am looking forward to next year's "Gravity"."

Fang Nan stopped talking, and drove to Tangtang Film and Television with Secretary Zhu, Yu Hai, and Ma Dayong in a sightseeing car.

On the way, Ma Dayong said with disdain: "Brother Nan, this bitch is much worse than that Jessica, and you have to talk for so long."

"If you can't speak, don't say it. No one treats you as a dumb person. If you're dead, it's better to stay in the country. It's embarrassing to run around the world with me." Fang Nan said angrily.

Ma Dayong said disdainfully: "If I'm asked to go abroad, I won't go. What's good about all the foreigners outside, and I'm not used to eating."

"You said it yourself, don't wait for Yu Hai and the others to go out before regretting it." After Fang Nan glanced at Ma Dayong, he said to Secretary Xiao Zhu: "I won't go in, so as not to make a fuss among some people, you go upstairs and report the movie Bring me down the documents of the section."

"Good woo woo woo woo"

While Secretary Zhu was speaking, she turned her head to search for hundreds of cars in the parking lot: "Someone seems to be crying in the parking lot."

"No way, why didn't I hear it?" The impatient Ma Dayong jumped out of the car, turned his head and looked around, but found nothing.

"Don't make a sound, I seem to have heard it just now." While talking, Fang Nan got off the station and got behind Ma Dayong, thinking about the source of the crying, when a very loud and miserable cry came.

"I'm stupid, I'm going to hell in broad daylight." Ma Dayong took a step back in a jerk.

Fang Nan patted Xiao Zhu and pointed to a certain location in the parking lot, grinning his teeth and cursing, "Ma Dayong, you bastard stepped on my foot."

(End of this chapter)

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