literary world

Chapter 379 The Xiaoma Incident

Chapter 379 The Xiaoma Incident
The global box office of "The Martian" broke [-] million US dollars, and Fang Nan was happily returning to Tang Tang Film and Television to collect documents to participate in the first Hong Kong Film Festival.

As soon as they arrived at the parking lot, there was a burst of crying. Fang Nan asked Yu Hai and Secretary Zhu to find someone depressed.

After waiting for a long time, Secretary Zhu and Yu Hai brought a young man in a white shirt and suit pants uniform over.

The three of them approached, and Fang Nan wiped the bead of sweat from his forehead: "Which company are you an employee of? Why are you hiding in the parking lot and crying in broad daylight? I'm so excited in summer, is it hot?"

The boy didn't say anything, and Xiao Zhu's secretary replied on his behalf: "Mr. Fang, his name is Xiao Ma, the internship accountant of the Finance Department of Tangtang Film and Television, an 11-year graduate of the School of Finance and Economics, and the team he is working for is currently communicating with Warner. Box office split between Britain and France."

"Are you doing well at work? Why are you crying?" Fang Nan looked at Secretary Zhu.

Secretary Zhu said awkwardly: "He is from Lu Province. Recently, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Henan and other provinces have suffered floods due to typhoons. Xiao Ma's family is in the front line of disasters in Lu Province. He wanted to ask for leave to go home, but the company refused to do business. Too busy to approve."

"When he contacted his family again today, he couldn't get in touch. He wanted to leave and go home on his own initiative, but he didn't have any money with him, so he burst into tears."

Fang Nan scratched his heart and liver when he heard Secretary Zhu's few words, and his blood pressure soared.

He didn't expect that before he knew it, he had already become the type of person he hated the most.

I don't kill Boren, but Boren suffers because of me!

"Give him some money." After Fang Nan told Secretary Zhu tiredly, he looked at Xiao Ma, who had a slightly immature facial features: "Don't rush back to the city and village after arriving in the provincial capital of your hometown, understand the situation clearly and make personal plans. It’s better to contact some fellow countrymen or walk with the rescue team.”

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Fang!"

After Xiao Ma took the money, he burst into tears and thanked him repeatedly. Fang Nan couldn't see it, so he changed his plan and went to the administrative office building of Tangtang Film and Television.

Tang Tang Film and Television, which moved to the Oriental Movie Metropolis, is much bigger, and the administrative building is a separate five-story building.

Among the other floors belonging to Tangtang Film and Television next to the administrative building, Tangtang Film and Television Department, TV Drama Department, Online Drama Department, Screenwriting Department, Variety Show Department, Propaganda Department, Public Relations Department, Distribution Department, Art Room, Design Room, Makeup Department Departments such as the studio, modeling room, audition room, props room, and lounge each occupy almost an entire floor.

The company and Fangnan Culture also jointly built seven or eight studios, large and small.

The variety show production mode of the two companies has changed from cooperating with TV stations to selling finished variety shows, or selling them directly to video sites such as Douyin Video.

In addition, Fangnan Culture and the 13 Swordsmen of Light and Shadow have all settled in the Oriental Movie Metropolis.

Fangnan Culture occupies three buildings, Fangnan Culture and Dream Literature occupy one each, and the company's Kuwo Music and Light and Shadow 13 Swordsmen are mixed together.

Light and Shadow 13 Swordsman has changed its name, and now its full name is Light and Shadow Technology. The company's main industries include: Douyin Video, 13 Swordsman Visual Effects Company, Manhattan Swordsman Visual Effects Studio, Kuwo Music, High-precision Film and Television Props Production Studio, Light and Shadow Animation film industry.

The industries that the company is researching and developing include: Douyin short video, Douyin international version video, intelligent robot, unmanned driving, and future technology.

Fang Nan couldn't figure out why he became like this because of his high reputation and terrifying skills.

Lu Qing's explanation is, "Damn it, there are too many doctors and master-level engineers in various types of work in the company. These people have too many ideas, and there are too many projects that come and go, but the bigger reason is that the company's business is good now. , I don’t want to lose talent.”

Fang Nan had no choice but to say something to Lu Qing, "I don't ask you for money, and you don't ask me for money either."

Entering the administrative building of Tangtang Film and Television, Fang Nan glanced at the two receptionists who got up in a hurry, and the LOGO behind them, and shook his head with the phrase "Only the same morality will go closer, and the same heart will go the farthest" up the stairs.

Fang Nan's back disappeared, and the two receptionists hurriedly asked Yu Hai and Ma Dayong who had just entered: "Director Yu, Brother Yong, Brother Nan seems unhappy, what's wrong?"

Yu Hai went straight to the elevator without saying a word, Ma Dayong smiled complacently: "What are you doing so curious about the little girl, it's just that someone is going to be unlucky anyway."


The two receptionists stretched their ears and leaned on the table. After seeing Secretary Zhu, they hurriedly sat down solemnly.

Fang Nan's personal office is located on the fifth floor, a large suite of nearly 200 square meters.

Outside is the office area, and there are also bedrooms, shower rooms, small reception rooms, creative rooms filled with various musical instruments, high-end audio-visual and recording equipment.

Entering the hot office, Fang Nan used the intercom to call a few CEOs, and signaled the management above the manager level to hold a small meeting in his office.

The matter of Xiao Ma is not a big deal. These days, there are many sweatshops, and it seems that Tangtang Film and Television is not bad.

It's not a small thing, Xiao Ma's incident shows that some people in Tangtang Film and Television have lost their basic humanistic care.

The worst thing is that they have lost their basic humanity and conscience.

They violated the company's slogan and violated the people-oriented company spirit that Fang Nan had always emphasized. Fang Nan felt that he had to give some leaders of the company a drumbeat.

Tang Tang Film and Television really needs money to keep the company going.

But the company will not become an outright profit-seeking blood-sucking company.

The company has been very busy recently and has been working overtime, so after a while, more than half of the office was crammed into the office, and there was no place to stand in the previous office.

"Didn't you say fly to Xiangjiang?" Cai Yinong felt something was wrong after speaking, and saw that his arms were covered with sweat: "Why is the air conditioner not turned on on such a hot day?"

Fang Nan said lightly: "The reception room is open, if you think it's too hot, go sit in it for a while and have a glass of wine."

"The yin and yang are getting angry?"

Cai Yinong heard something was wrong, looked at a group of employees in the office who were either taking off their suit jackets or wiping sweat on their foreheads, and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Fang Nan answered the non-questionable question: "I don't know many managers, can you see that they are all here?"

"Mr. Chu Pei is not here."

While Cai Yinong was talking, Chu Peijun knocked on the door and came in, followed by Yang Mi.

"Brother Nan, Xiao Mi and I were talking about how she starred in "Far Cry" with a box office of 9000 million and broke the thriller box office record, so we are a little late." Chu Peijun laughed.

Fang Nan nodded slightly: "It's okay, Yu Hai comes in, Ma Dayong goes out, Xiao Zhu closes the door, Yang Mi, you can go to the reception room to have a drink and rest."

The door of the office was gently closed, the shutters were not opened, and dozens of high-rises, large and small, crowded together, and the temperature in the room creaked upwards, which was called a heat.

Yang Mi glanced at a group of senior executives who didn't know why, but finally endured the smell of sweat: "I'll stay."

Fang Nan behind the desk was also sweating profusely, but he was still as tall and motionless as a mountain, staring at everyone in a daze.

About 5 minutes later, Fang Nan curled his mouth, "Is it hot?"

"A little bit." Someone bit the bullet and whispered.

Fang Nan turned a deaf ear to it, and said with a subterranean smile, "Do you hate me?"

The senior executives who were sweating profusely looked at each other. They really couldn't figure out what was wrong with Fang Nan, and then Fang Nan said again: "Xiao Zhu, tell them about Xiao Ma."

Leaning slightly, Fang Nan knocked on the table and said, "All executives are dedicated to the company's performance. As the chairman of the company, I would like to express my deep gratitude."

"But you have to be honest with your heart. Hearts are made of meat. Xiao Ma's family may be at stake in their hometown, but the company uses the excuse of being too busy at work not to grant leave. Isn't this behavior too chilling?"

"Replacing you all as the parties involved, you still think Tangtang Film and Television has a human touch?"

"Tang Tang Film and Television is not the first private film and television company established in China, but it has been 98 years since its establishment in 13. 13 years is not our goal. Everyone here should think about making Tang Tang Film and Television a century-old enterprise. A century-old enterprise."

"What does a century-old company rely on? Exploitation? A cold-blooded system? If the executives here are really knowledgeable, they should know that small businesses rely on exploitation, and century-old companies rely on humane systems!"

"So, I ask everyone, please think twice when you make an announcement involving employees, because your random words can kick Tangtang Film and Television into the abyss of public opinion, ruin the company's image, and destroy the embankment of a thousand miles in an ant's nest , admonitions, everyone."

"In the end, the supervisor who refused to approve leave for Xiao Ma resigned. If something happens to Xiao Ma's family, and Xiao Ma fails to see his relatives for the last time, you will be ashamed to see them. Where is Mr. Chu?"

Chu Peijun, whose hair was completely wet, raised his hand and said, "Brother Nan, you are here."

"Add a supplementary contract with the signed artist. The artist makes mistakes that cause damage to the company's image and compensates for a certain loss. The standard is set at a high level, which makes the artist daunting."

Chu Peijun nodded and stepped back: "Okay."

"Who is the day-to-day operations manager of the company?"

"It's me, Mr. Fang!"

"Except for a few private green plants and bonsai, the entire five-story building is full of computers and desks that are so neat and tidy. They face these every day. No matter how much money you make, you will get bored. You can't think of opening some entertainment venues and setting up some sofas. What about the coffee machine?"

"If you don't call, don't do it. If you call, don't do it. If you can't do it well, I will trouble you."

"Xu Ying!"

"Here, Mr. Fang."

"You are in charge of the trade union, did Xiao Ma go to you to report the problem?"

Xu Ying said honestly: "I said it, but what I said was ambiguous."

"So you didn't take it seriously. You didn't ask clearly, did you? That's how the union works? You deduct one month's salary!"

"Mr. Cai, please send a punishment notice for me. I am in a hurry to catch the plane and leave first."

 Less time, watch the news anxiously to see if the old hag dares to set foot on Treasure Island.

(End of this chapter)

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