literary world

Chapter 380 One Step Supernatural: $1 Million Box Office

Chapter 380 One Step Super God: 7 Million Dollar Box Office
Hong Kong.

The [-]st Hong Kong Film Festival Directors Forum.

Moderator: Director Hirokazu Kore-eda has just expounded his directorial philosophy, now we invite Director Fang Nan to speak.

Fang Nan:

Just now Hirokazu Kore-eda analyzed the difference between literary films and commercial films.

Then let me briefly talk about the market that we filmmakers rely on for survival.

I believe that all the famous directors, reporters, and senior movie audiences here all believe in one truth.

Even if technology explodes and people's entertainment methods become richer, movies will not disappear, because movies are a kind of culture, and human beings cannot live without culture.

But I want to say that from the perspective of the century-old history of movies, movies will indeed not disappear, but movies can be killed in stages.

And the culprit that kills the movie is the movie itself.

I am not alarmist, you can just imagine, when one day movies are kidnapped by capital, and the market is flooded with all kinds of weird and unintelligible movies, what will happen to the global movie market!
When the audience is completely worn out by the shoddy movie, the end of the movie will come.

As our group of film-loving producers, we should have certain professional ethics.

At the critical moment, we must have the courage to say NO to capitalists who are laymen commanding experts.

Furthermore, with the development of the economy, the cost of film failure is getting higher and higher. Hollywood has been keen on making sequel films in recent years. Animation and novel adaptation films, original scripts are daunting.

A market without original films is a lifeless market, and this may also speed up the painful period of films.

thank you all.

After a burst of applause, Fang Nan smiled and said, "Let's ask Director Ang Lee to talk to you about the differences between the two major film markets of Hollywood and China."

The first Hong Kong Film Festival will be held on July 7th, and it lasted for a week. Because Fang Nan has been grabbing scenes from the crew and trying to avoid Warner President Kevin and his gang, it has been delayed until the last two days of the 11th and 16th. Come to participate in various film forums.

After half a day in the morning, I finished communicating with Ang Lee and Japanese and Korean directors.

In the afternoon, Fang Nan participated in the Xiangjiang and Baodao Film Forum held by filmmakers from Xiangjiang and Baodao.

At the forum, he discussed with Cheng Long and other Xiangjiang filmmakers how Xiangjiang films can rise again.

To be honest, it's a little difficult.

The most fundamental reason for the decline of the films in the two places is the decline of talents. When the older generation of filmmakers such as Cheng Long, Hou Xiaoxian, Zhou Xingxing, and Li Dechang are too old to move, the films in the two places will basically exist in name only.

During the period, Fang Nan comforted everyone not to be too lonely, as long as the Xiangjiang Film Festival exists, the glory of the films of the two places will exist as long as it exists.

Maybe in a few years, Chinese films will rise. Wouldn't it be the glory of the films of the two places?

"Hi Fang!"

After attending the two forums and returning to the hotel, Fang Nan was called to stop him in the lobby. He turned around and hurried forward to hug the Frenchman with the shiny back hair: "Leon, have you found someone you like?" movie?"

The French name is Leon, and it comes from Gaumont Films, the largest film production and distribution company in France.

Leon and Fang Nan are not very familiar, but after Fang Nan won the Palme d'Or, Gaumont Company has released many films of Fang Nan.

Even comedy movies like "囧四" and "The Unknown".

"It's not bad. I bought a Korean movie, a short Italian film, "The Piano of the Piano" produced by your company, and a script written by a Japanese screenwriter."

Fang Nan said with a smile: "I hope that some films can be sold at a good price in France or Europe, otherwise the Hong Kong Film Festival will lose your friend."

"I think so too." Leon laughed loudly: "I'm also very interested in "The Wandering Earth", but it's a pity that it hasn't been completed in the later stage, so I haven't been able to see the finished film."

"I'm very puzzled. France has also started to like science fiction films that don't have much nutrition? Is it because "The Martian" sold well in Europe?"

"Yes, a lot of studios in Europe are jealous of Warner Bros. and Lionsgate."

Fang Nan smiled and said, "Then why not take a gamble on "The Wandering Earth"?"

"Fang, you gave a wrong suggestion, film gambling will make people lose everything."

Fang Nan chuckled and stopped persuading. Westerners are the most realistic. They have never seen rabbits or hawks. If they haven't seen the finished film, Leon would not be willing to take over "The Wandering Earth".

But to be honest, he has no idea about the box office of "The Wandering Earth".

The main actors of "The Wandering Earth" are all Chinese who are not well-known abroad. I wonder if Western audiences will accept it.

The good thing is that his calculations are not bad. First he went to "The Martian" to market himself and his ability to direct sci-fi films, and then he went to "The Wandering Earth". The advantage of doing this is that "The Wandering Earth" does not As for no one cares.

It is not certain that Western audiences will be highly anticipated.

Saying goodbye to Leon, Fang Nan, accompanied by Shi Nansheng and others, knocked on the guest rooms of some other filmmakers and producers. Feel like spring breeze.

When the film festival was first held, even he had to let go of his airs to make people feel sincerity and feel that the Hong Kong Film Festival is not just playing around.

The next day, Fang Nan met with many young directors, and awarded filming funds to many of them.

In addition, the director fund of the film festival has invested in a number of long and short film scripts such as "Pieta" produced by director Kim Ki-duk.

Fang Nan and the organizing committee had a very solid idea, don't worry about temporary gains and losses, money, and learn from the famous Hollywood actor Robert Redford.

How did the internationally renowned Sundance Film Festival come about?

It is Robert Reedus who used money and personal influence to slowly support newcomers, thus creating a now internationally renowned film festival - the Sundance Film Festival.

According to more than 100 media reporters at home and abroad, the first Hong Kong Film Festival was a success.

Although the Movie Palace on the coast of Tuen Mun looks like an unfinished building, and the Gold Coast opposite the Movie Palace is still transporting and filling sand from the mainland, but the atmosphere is quite lively.

There are more than 20 internationally renowned film companies such as Warner Bros., Lionsgate, Universal Pictures, Gaumont Films, and CJ Entertainment.

Seven or eight world-renowned blockbusters came.

20 feature-length films, short films, scripts, and ideas from more than 533 countries around the world sold one-fifth of the gratifying results.

During the week of the film festival, Ang Lee, Zhang Yimou, Wong Kar Wai, Lin Hao, Hou Xiaoxian, Zhou Xingxing, Jessica Chastain, Matt Damon, Liu Qianqian, Zhang Ziyi, Zhao Yanzi, Gao Yuanyuan, Chen Kun , Huang Xiaoming, Fan Bing, Li Bing, Quentin Tarantino, Brad Pitt, Anne Hathaway, Lee Cangdong, Hirokazu Kore-eda, Sophie Marceau, Jacques Perhan and hundreds of domestic and foreign famous directors came to join us .

Since the film festival has not set up awards for the time being, hundreds of famous directors have devoted themselves to the major film forums.

In forums such as Xiangjiang Film Forum, Taiwan Blueberry Night, Korean Film Outlook, Japanese Literature and Art Advancement, and European Film Forum, directors and stars chatted hotly, and audiences raised their hands frequently to ask questions.

During the film festival, "Kung Fu", "King of Comedy", "Nobody Known", "Lust, Caution", "Seven Samurai", "Furong Town", "Sunny Day", "Memories of Murder", "Lover" ", "Inglourious Basterds", "City of Sadness" and many other excellent domestic and foreign films were well received in the designated theaters of the film festival.

The first Xiangjiang Film Festival has come to a perfect conclusion.

Compared with other well-known international film festivals, the Xiangjiang Film Festival may be much smaller in all aspects, but it is also commendable. As long as the momentum is maintained in the next few years, Fang Nan believes that the Xiangjiang Film Festival will be prosperous.

At the end of the film festival, Fang Nan chatted with Kevin and the president of Lionsgate Films.

As for Kevin's proposal to direct "Superman: Man of Steel", Fang Nan had no interest.

The reason he gave was very strange. There were too many shots showing the Eagle Sauce flag in the script, and he would be nervous when making the movie.

Kevin is very puzzled, no one told you to love eagle sauce, as long as you know how to love money.

Fang Nan shook his head slowly, without any explanation. Everyone had different education since they were young, so it was very difficult to explain.

He has already made up his mind that he has successfully entered Hollywood, not only will he not be able to make "Superman: Man of Steel", but he will not participate in any films that embody eagle sauce culture and humanistic care in the future.

For example, "Captain Eagle Sauce" who holds a buckler all day long.

It's not a problem to let him make a movie like "The Martian" that reflects NASA's lack of humanity.

Because movies like "The Martian" had his script written by hand first.

There is no plot or object in the script he wrote that makes him conflict.

His damned patriotism!

Fang Nan was unwilling to accept the letter of appointment, so Kevin mentioned another small matter, asking Fang Nan to resell "Gravity" with some investment quota, and he didn't want much, 20% of the total investment.

"Not a single point!"

In the hotel room, Fang Nan glanced lightly at the other party and then puffed out his cigarette, firmly resolute.

The filming of "Gravity" has officially started. Now that Kevin thinks about investing, he's going to make a fool of himself. Does he really think of himself as a green onion?

Even if the filming hadn't started, Fang Nan didn't want to bring Warner with him. The cooperation was about mutual benefit. He used "The Martian" to help Warner make so much money, and it was time for the other party to show their sincerity.

Kevin stuck his neck and smoked his cigar without opening his mouth.

Fang Nan wasn't in a hurry, the other party was a bit out of his mind, and it took him a little more time to understand what "My lord, the times have changed".

Today, if Kevin doesn't promise to use Warner Bros.' resources and distribution capabilities to help "The Wandering Earth" land in North America on a large scale, Fang Nan will turn around and contact several other major Hollywood film companies.

He now has the strength to negotiate with other giant film companies.

After a long time, Kevin pushed his glasses: "I heard that "The Hunger Games" also found investment?"

"Yes, our cooperation may have to wait until another movie after "The Hunger Games"."

"Fang, you make it difficult for me. Warner wants to help you distribute the three movies "The Wandering Earth", "Gravity", and "The Hunger Games"?" Kevin, who had a little dissatisfaction in his small eyes, looked a little fierce.

"Not necessarily, it depends on Warner's distribution commission and the commission discussed with the theaters to make a decision."

Fang Nan let the other party hold back without any fear, and smiled again: "Kevin, think about the science fiction script of "Interstellar" after me. The story in it is so magnificent, three-dimensional space, multi-dimensional space, science fiction. Fans will go crazy for this sci-fi flick."

"Hollywood only believes in facts."

"Then there's no other way." Fang Nan turned on the TV with one hand spread out, thinking that since they couldn't reach an agreement, they would go back to their respective houses to find their own mothers.

Kevin glanced at the president of Lionsgate and just got up, then sat up again the next moment.

"The Martian" has achieved remarkable results since it landed in more than 100 countries around the world.

In the third week of its release in North America, the film once again earned $4200 million at the box office. The box office in North America exceeded $2 million. It ranked second in the weekly box office rankings, second only to "Harry Potter", against "Transformers 3".

At the same time, the movie also performed well at the box office in other countries, ranking second in several European countries, second only to "Harry Potter", which just landed.

In China, "The Martian" still maintains a strong box office. The weekly box office once again exceeded 6 million, and the total box office went straight to the [-] million mark, continuing to win the weekly box office championship.

In South Korea, "The Martian" continues to lead the box office charts.

As of 10 a.m. today, the global box office of "The Martian" has exceeded 4 million US dollars. Compared with the total investment of 8000 million US dollars, the producer has already made a lot of money!
Compared with the rising box office of "The Martian", the film's reputation is not inferior at all, and the North American inb movie website score still maintains a super high score of 8 points.

Rotten Tomatoes is always at 85% fresh.

The high ratings of the film in many countries have made more audiences give up their doubts and go to the cinema. For this reason, many countries have raised the box office value of "The Martian" in their countries.

At present, the film's global box office is expected to be 6.5-7 million dollars.

Fang Nan scratched his head: "7 million is so high?"

He remembered that the original time and space of "The Martian" was only 15 to [-] million US dollars, and it seemed that it only achieved such a high box office around [-] years ago.

Now that he's doing this, it's fine if the box office of the movie doesn't fall but rises, and it's still rising so much?
7 million U.S. dollars, because Fang Nan did not prove himself at the time, the theaters were unwilling to give "The Martian" a step-by-step split, but even with a 50:50 split, the producer could still get at least 3 million U.S. dollars.

3 million US dollars excluding distribution fees and production costs, several companies under his name will get tens of millions of dollars.

Then there is the follow-up global DVD share, TV fee, network broadcast fee, movie peripherals, that is a huge amount.

"No, there's too much money left in the theater chain and the distributor, so we have to hurry up and urge the two parties to share." Fang Nan struggled in his heart, and immediately said, "Kevin."

"Fang is ok, Warner has promised to release "The Wandering Earth", I hope you will not let me down."

Fang Nan nodded: "I have another thing to say, Warner Bros. should pay a certain amount of box office share to Tang Tang Film and Television and Lionsgate Films under my name."

"According to the rules, the first split in North American theaters is within three months of the film's release, and it takes longer for the box office outside North America. I think it will take at least half a year."

"You think I'm stupid?" Fang Nan muttered, "I can only say that the longer I get the share, the longer it will delay the production of "Interstellar" props and setting time."


"Don't believe it, you can ask Mao Jianguo, I am a famous fast-shooting director in China, so I can finish shooting "Gravity" and "The Hunger Games" this year."

Kevin was speechless: "Uh, I will let the company speed up the financial approval process, just wait for the good news."

(End of this chapter)

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