literary world

Chapter 381 Plain and face-saving daily life

Chapter 381 Plain and face-saving daily life

throughout July.

Fang Nan lived very comfortably.

In terms of professional field, "The Martian" directed by him is a big hit at the global box office. By the beginning of August, the total box office of the film has exceeded 6 million US dollars.

His personal international reputation has risen because of this commercial sci-fi film, breaking the perception of many foreign movie fans about him as a literary director.

Many viewers once compared him with Ridley Scott, the director of "Alien", another sci-fi director.

While his personal popularity has risen, it has also driven up the stock prices of Douyin Video and Dream Literature.

Prosperous in career.

The company and family are also smooth sailing.

With the pace of the times and people's urgent need for entertainment, the market value of several companies under his name has been growing.

But the exact number is unknown to the outside world. After all, many companies have not been listed, and they seldom publish financial reports. Anyway, it seems to be very prosperous. Tangtang Film and Television, 13 Swordsmen, and Fangnan Culture are well-known in the industry.

And because of Fang Nan's foresight, several companies bought a lot of stocks of listed companies, so that it was even more difficult to guess how much Fang Nan was worth.

two families.

Gao Yuanyuan turned on the work mode, most of the time the little balloon followed her into the filming and acting endorsements, and under the careful care of many aunts and assistants, the mother and son would not be tired.

Principal Zeng's Rising Sun Art Training School has a good cooperation with Nortel, and will take over some students in the new semester.

Taking advantage of the summer vacation, she specially brought Tsang Wanzhuo to fly to the Oriental Movie Metropolis to visit the class secretly.

Let's talk about public opinion.

The Zhou Libo incident, the success of "The Martian", and the vigorous Hong Kong Film Festival made Fang Nan's reputation in China much better than in the early years.

In the past, he often hated people and would always offend fans of other directors.

Nowadays, it is rare to talk about his identity, and his strength is really convincing, unlike Lao Mouzi who often comes to the "Golden Armor in the City", "Three Guns Surprise" and so on, so the domestic audience Very lenient with him now.

Of course, gossip has always existed.

A celebrity without an affair is not a celebrity.

Fang Nan didn't care about this point.

Celebrities and famous directors are a commodity that is in short supply. It is normal for ordinary people to talk about it after dinner. If you make money from others and don’t let others talk about it, do you really regard yourself as a person?

But the fact is that many netizens let him make friends out of nothing, and he really hasn't "made friends" for a long time.

early morning.

Fang Nan woke up when the first ray of sunlight hit the bedroom.

Opening the curtains, staring at the tall tower cranes outside, he was dazed for a while, he took out a bag of noodles from the cupboard, and lit the shrimp and eggs on fire.

The place where he lives is Oriental Movie Metropolis Management Company, which imitated the former Beijing Film Studio to attract customers and built an exclusive rest room for several well-known domestic directors, but his room is relatively large, with a living room, bedroom, and kitchen.

After making the noodles, Fang Nan woke up the little girl on the bed.

Before Zeng Li left, Zeng Wanzhuo was left behind.

The little girl has to go to the hospital to chat with Yaya, the child she made in the kindergarten, but the fact is that Yaya's body is overwhelmed and she will pass away soon.

In order to prevent her daughter from experiencing the ups and downs of the world early, and life and death, Zeng Li had no choice but to trick the little girl to Pujiang under the pretext of visiting her father.

The little girl moved very nimbly, she froze on the bed for a while and began to put on her skirt and shoes, brush her teeth and wash her face in a serious manner.

Afterwards, like he usually did to Zeng Li, the other party Nanha said that he had no breath, and brushed his teeth very carefully.

Business as usual.

But through getting along with each other in the past few days, Fang Nan clearly saw that the little girl had changed.

I don't know if it's because she's going to the first grade after the summer vacation, or because she has already figured out how to belong to her best friend. In short, the little girl has grown up, and she is completely different from the troubles she had when she was a child.

Fang Nan was very emotional and gave the little girl an egg.

After eating, the two who got up early and didn't exercise walked to the studio area.

On the way, seeing his daughter not saying a word, Fang Nan had to choose his words carefully: "Girl, children should be happy, no matter what they face!"

"But Yaya is not happy at all. She has become so small that she can only lie on the bed. She told me last time 'she is going to become a star', but I know that to become a star is to die. Her parents Lying to her, I may never see her again."

"Where did you know this?" Fang Nan looked at Zong Wanzhuo in shock.

He wasn't surprised that Zong Wanzhuo understood another meaning of a person becoming a star. His daughter was very smart and not cowardly, so she could find out if she caught her aunt or asked others.

What really surprised him was Cho Wan-joo's maturity.

Children's attention is easily distracted, but Thong Wanzhuo can sense that something is wrong with Yaya becoming a star.

And she is willing to keep asking questions to solve her own doubts. It is obvious that Zong Wanzhuo has a maturity different from her own age.

Thinking of this, Fang Nan knew that he had no reason and no right to stop the final friendship between the six-year-olds. He knelt down and said to Tso Wanzhuo with fatherly love in his eyes, "No, Dad will send someone to send you off." See you again, Yaya, when you return to Beijing."



Fang Nan immediately took out his mobile phone and asked Secretary Zhu and the driver to rush to Oriental Studios as quickly as possible, and asked them to book three air tickets in advance to accompany his daughter back to Beijing.

Knowing that the nearest flight took a long time, and the departure time might be later due to security checks, Fang Nan immediately chose to spend more than 10 on a chartered flight.

After that, he called Zeng Li again and told him to remember to pick up the plane.

Reluctant to send his daughter away, Fang Nan dived into Studio [-] of "Gravity".

"Hi, Fang, I heard that Sandra will be filming in the light box today?"

Fang Nan nodded to the manager of the heroine Sandra: "Yes."

He is very annoying to Hollywood agents and assistants, he has too much shit, and he likes to compete with actors, directors and directors all day long.

Which lens will damage the image and health of the star at every turn, all kinds of nitpicking.

But there is no way, because he is also a vested interest.

He is now the biggest name in the crew of "Gravity", because the film is invested and produced by himself, and many contracts that he should enjoy are artificially ignored by others.

The other two big names in the crew, Sandra and George Clooney, would not be so stupid.

The service team of the two has nearly 20 people in total, including life assistants led by agents, crew assistants, nutritionists, stylists, makeup artists, etc.

It's not a problem to have too many people, but all the expenses of this group of people, such as eating, drinking, and messing up, have to be borne by the crew.

The most irritating thing is that many of these foreigners with the names of life assistants are family members and friends of celebrities, and they come to travel at public expense.

The most annoying thing is that these people like to point fingers.

"I heard that there are millions of lamps in the light box, and filming in it for a long time will damage people's vision health."

Fang Nan frowned: "So?"

"We ask that the duration of the filming in the light box be no more than 30 minutes."

Fang Nan turned his head and left: "I think too much."

"Gravity" was not difficult to shoot. In many shots, the actors wore a complete set of special costumes.

All he wanted was the actor's face, and the rest of the body, clothes, hands, arms, and the environment he was in were all handed over to the computer.

So the real difficulty is the technical level.

Unexpectedly, the celebrity agent would dare to come to BB, Fang Nan wanted to spray the other party with saliva.

"Brother Nan, the light box and the robotic arm are all powered on, let's go in and see the effect?"

Jiang Ping, who was one of the 13 swordsmen back then and is now the technical director of the 13 swordsmen, pointed to the light box with a height of 6 meters and a width of 3 meters not far away and said cheerfully.

Fang Nan nodded and said, "Let's go."

Stepping into the light box quickly, Fang Nan was amazed at the densely protruding wall.

He did not participate in the production of light boxes, but the two years of experience let him know what kind of effect he wants and what kind of equipment he needs.

For this reason, Light and Shadow Technology cooperated with Bot&Dolly Studio in San Francisco and domestic Dingniu Props Company to make this light box.

Bot & Dolly, a design and engineering studio specializing in automation, robotics and filmmaking, provided the robotic arms for the crew.

The prop company provided the light box material for the crew.

Light and Shadow Technology managed to use a computer to simultaneously control 196 panels on the wall of the light box, with 4096 LED lights on each panel.

In other words, the light and shadow allowed Fang Nan to control the brightness and color of the millions of LEDs in the light box at will.

But the most amazing thing is that in order to cooperate with the lighting and a 10-minute long unedited shot requested by Fang Nan, they specially modified a dynamic camera equipment for Fang Nan.

The camera system is named IRIS system.

The camera has a seven-axis free axis, can track and shoot up to 10.8 meters, moves at a speed of 4 meters per second, and the static distance can be accurate to 0.08 mm.

The appearance of this camera can be said to be another technological breakthrough of Light & Shadow after the motion capture system.

The crew also has another awesome place, that is, the remodeled camera and the exclusive light box successfully removed the wires from the actors.

As long as the actors in "Gravity" honestly pose in the light box, they can shoot the sense of gravity in space.

"Hey, hello, have you adjusted the camera and lighting? Brother Nan has entered the scene. Hurry up and start shooting."

Jiang Ping used the walkie-talkie to direct the staff in the distance, while Fang Nan looked at the light box seriously and carefully.

God knows how proud he would be.

Proud of what I've done all these years.

If he hadn't insisted on investing in 13 Swordsmen and pouring money into 13 Swordsmen crazily, China's film industry would probably have been left behind like the original time and space.

There is still a gap now, but at this moment, the technology patents held by the light box, camera, and light and shadow company let him see that the gap has narrowed.

"Ha ha."

Jiang Ping asked curiously, "Brother Nan, what are you laughing at?"

"I was thinking, it's no wonder that the major international film festivals and award ceremonies look down on commercial films and don't like to award awards to commercial films. I don't give it to them, because there is no such thing as a director. You are the ones who are really good. These behind-the-scenes technicians, the director is just a tool man."

Fang Nan patted Jiang Ping's shoulder with emotion.

"It can't be said that, what we did was what the director requested, and the director provided the idea."

Jiang Ping denied excitedly.

Scholars die for their confidantes, who doesn't like their work to be affirmed by their boss, let alone the boss is Fang Nan.

Fang Nan smiled and nodded his head: "Get the actors dressed and come in."

The "Gravity" crew did not have an executive director, and Fang Nan was the only director.

The cameraman is a visual effects engineer in the camera reconstruction team. In the past, there were no on-site production and other types of work in the crew, and there were only two types of people in the entire crew.

playing technology.

engage in service.

The crew has few organizations, and the action becomes very fast. As soon as the filming is said to start, everyone immediately takes their positions and perform their duties.

"You don't have to do anything on the machine, just watch the front and read the lines." Just about to leave after emphasizing the filming process to Sandra, Fang Nan said abruptly: "Read the lines once and see."

Although the other party is the winner of the Oscar for Best Actress at the same time as him, the Oscar is not 100% fair, but it is slightly better than some domestic awards, and he has not seen Sandra's award-winning film.


"Let's do it again, look at the lights in front of us and do it again with enthusiasm, remember that the earth is in front of us, and after adding the visual effects, there will be an extremely beautiful blue earth!"

Sandra read the lines several times in a row, Fang Nan nodded and let the other party go, and asked the technicians to install the mechanical arm on her.

After a while, "Gravity" officially started shooting.

In the shot, Sandra in the light box is swayed to one position after another by a computer-controlled robotic arm like a puppet, and the process is boring.

"Hey Fong, Sandra's been in the lightbox for like 50 minutes and she needs a break."

Fang Nan was concentrating on watching the staff use the computer to control the mechanical arm, and Sandra's agent started muttering like a fly again.

"Take a rest after a while." Fang Nan said impatiently.

He himself also hated the working methods of 996 and 007, as well as the various rules set by some unscrupulous bosses.

Therefore, the working hours and benefits of the company under his name have always been far superior to most private companies in China, and they are no worse than state-owned and central enterprises.

But Hollywood’s way of working is too ridiculous. Do you really work for 30 minutes and rest for 10 minutes?

After a few words with the manager, Fang Nan turned on the walkie-talkie: "Who has seen Ma Dayong, let him come to the on-site visual effects room."

"Brother Nan, what are you calling me for?"

"Go to form two rounds, and take a few foreigner's agent assistants out to play mahjong and drink."

"What wine are you drinking at 10 o'clock?"

"Won't it be noon after drinking?"

Ma Dayong left, Fang Nan asked the actors to rest for 10 minutes before continuing.

The scene he was filming now was a 10-minute shot of several astronauts encountering satellite debris when they went out of the warehouse to repair equipment at the beginning of the movie.

The plot is thin, but there are many elements.

Repair equipment, see the beautiful earth, accidents, casualties, escape back to the spaceship, and more.

There are many lenses, and the movement routes of each equipment are long, so it is necessary to give the machine time to react, so it must be done slowly and not in a hurry.

Seconds passed by like this, Fang Nan was about to call for the third break, the crew assistant said excitedly that Zhou Xingxing came to visit the set.

Fang Nan let out an "oh", called "rest" to the intercom and went out to greet him.

Zhou Xingxing is quite boring, and his reputation in the circle is not good, but he has a good relationship with Fang Nan after meeting a few times. He is also a technically crazy director, and the only few meetings with Fang Nan are to talk about visual effects. It is not uncommon to come to visit the class with this kind of film technology.

But even if Zhou Xingxing wandered around Fang Nan's studio, his eyes were still darkened.

After looking up at the light box and the rough camera track, he exclaimed: "Wow, you are too exaggerated, I can't even understand it."

Fang Nan laughed and said, "I don't understand it either, it's enough if you know how to use it."

(End of this chapter)

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