literary world

Chapter 382

Chapter 382
Zhou Xingxing was very interested in the set of "Gravity", and stayed in Oriental Movie Metropolis for three days with his assistant.

During the three days, Fang Nan asked Jiang Ping to show Director Zhou all kinds of wonderful equipment and props in the crew without hesitation.

It also made him believe that "Gravity" will be another three-dimensional production movie in the world after "Avatar".

"All the actors and real shots are done on a single camera, and all the CG3D parts are done by the Lighting and Visual Effects Department." Jiang Ping said proudly.

Zhou Xingxing lamented that Fang Nan's layout is far-reaching. Fang Nan laughed and said that there is a giant special effects company in Europe for sale.

As soon as Zhou Xingxing heard this, he immediately called his assistant to run away.

Making movies is a hobby, and real estate speculation is a life!

Fang Nan was very annoyed, what did he want so much money for?

Two days after he finished speaking, he was first dissed by the domestic media and netizens because of money.

As the Oriental Movie Metropolis became well-known, many production crews began to settle in, even some foreign small crews who were greedy for cheap, so the outside of the Movie Metropolis began to become lively, and there were more small vendors and media reporters following the news.

On this day, Fang Nan finished work and went out to buy vegetables. Several reporters followed him to the vegetable market. During the period, they asked a question, what do you think of Bill Gates' naked charitable donation initiative to the world's richest people.

Fang Nan didn't think much about it at the time, and shook his head, "I'm not interested in joining the ranks of naked donations."

He is not a novice, how can he not know the real purpose of the rich man's naked donation?
No matter what naked donations or charitable funds, more than half of them are used as self-interested tools for a group of super rich to avoid high inheritance tax and other taxes.

Maybe they can make a fortune with the fund.

Does Bill Gates have love?
Thinking about it, he is also a wise person who understands that the emergence of charitable funds is because the capitalists realize that they can’t go crazy and add some concentrate to the trough at critical times.

But to say that Bill is so caring that he is willing to donate naked.

Fang Nan really didn't believe it.

He doesn't want Bill to prove anything, he just needs to rely on his status to get his annual salary.

Many rich people brag all day long and persuade them to donate naked, but their annual salary is one yuan. Isn’t this treating people as fools?
"There are more than 300 wealthy people in the West who have agreed to naked donations, and there are people in our country who support it. Brother Fa in the entertainment industry has expressed his support since the end of last year." Some media kindly reminded Fang Nan.

Fang Nan disdained: "Don't listen to their bragging, and your media shouldn't follow the rhythm. What kind of naked donation, including many charitable funds at home and abroad, are very problematic. Ordinary people can't understand the twists and turns in it, and they are easy to be used by others. .”

"There are many ways to do good deeds and be patriotic. Not spitting, throwing garbage, and taking the initiative to let the car seat are all good deeds. There is no need to imitate others and make crazy donations."

"Capitalists who have a little conscience and want to be famous will donate as they should. Capitalists without conscience will only enrich themselves with the kindness of ordinary people. They will donate all the money they have earned in their lifetime after their heads are kicked by donkeys. "

Several companies under his name are doing well, but so far a charitable fund has been established under the name of a qualified company.

Because I have seen through the nature of charity funds, the huge amount of money will attract bees and butterflies. The bees may be killer bees, and the butterflies may be poisonous butterflies.

And self-monitoring your own fund model will get many people lost.

Therefore, Fang Nan also did good deeds.

For example, Fangnan Culture has built several beautiful schools, donated a lot of money in a targeted manner, and has been awarded by many official organizations.

But no matter how others persuade him, he will not set up a charitable fund. When he finds out that he needs help, the amount of help will not damage the company's cash flow and employee benefits. He will pay appropriately to help.

Set up a charitable fund to solicit donations from ordinary people?

He disdains greedy people's money.

In fact, Fangnan Culture also has a long-term philanthropic goal, which is to let good teachers go to the countryside to participate in rural education through additional subsidies for teachers' benefits. However, the company's qualifications are far from enough.

So not long after the proposal was submitted, the relevant department said that it did not comply with the regulations, and it was likely to cause internal doubts.

The matter was put on hold.

Fang Nan's answer to 'naked donation' was posted on the Internet, and it became a hot search that night.

Netizens discussed it very enthusiastically.

If you scold him for being reluctant to part with property, don't BB a whole set of theories.

Some people accused him of forgetting his origins, and eventually grew from a small crew member to an exploiter and capitalist, and a dragon slayer eventually became a dragon.

It is said that he is not a blood-sucking capitalist, and everything he has done since his debut is proof.

Some Fa Ge fans thought that Fang Nan slandered the senior actors.

Later, some netizens argued that Fang Nan was only targeting "naked donations" and did not mention Fa Ge from the beginning to the end.

Some passionate movie fans of Fang Nan also said, so what about Brother Tifa?Fa Ge said on the news all day long that he wanted to donate naked, but over the years, I haven't seen him donate anything affordable.

These netizens also said that Fa Ge’s last donation was a large-scale photo of Kong Li donated to the Yanran Foundation of Wang Hao and Li Yapeng. The most amazing thing is that this photo of him was secretly taken by the crew of "Golden Armor".

Seeing this hot comment, Fang Nan almost didn't hold back. In the spirit of fans paying the bill as an idol, Fang Nan asked Yan Hong to take the initiative to call Brother Fa. The two have a good relationship, so don't cause a rift over a trivial matter.

The nude donation was not a big deal, Fang Nan forgot about it when he turned around.

As for some netizens satirizing him looking down on Bill Gates, he just laughed it off.

Neither of them are good birds.

His success depends on fate, Bill depends on the country.

Fools are convinced that Bill dropped out of school to engage in Microsoft's chicken soup for the soul. Whoever is smart does not know that the advent of Microsoft is the result of a nationwide effort in research and development.

In a space race, Maozi chose to develop a space station.

Hawk Sauce developed a computer for precision guidance.

With the end of the Cold War, because of the relationship between his grandfather and mother, Bill, who had a strong background, was selected by Yingjiang as the spokesperson.

Do you really think that class is so easy to break?
Of course, this kind of thing is normal, and Huaxia Aerospace has also revealed a lot of technologies that can be revealed to Light and Shadow Technology.

"Buzz. Buzz."

Fang Nan fumbled for the phone in a "huh" voice: "Who is it?"

"Uncle Fang, my father left early in the morning."

"Go? Where are you going? Who are you?" Fang Nan was puzzled.

"My father Yang Kui passed away."

Fang Nan finally understood, the old guy who said he was about to belch a few years ago didn't make it through China, "I might not be able to go." Fang Nan said with emotion.

Yang Kui has indeed been cleansed these years, but in Baodao, he is still honored as 'Master' by the gangsters on the street, so even if Yang Kui once supported him, he still can't send him to the funeral. His current status is not suitable for dealing with such people .

Even if the other party is already a dead person.

Yang Zhongxian got Yang Kui's confession earlier, he didn't expect Fang Nan to go to Baodao for the funeral at all, this call was just a notification, and by the way, Fang Nan recalled every bit of his father.

Not long after he hung up the phone, Fang Nan had just lit a cigarette when Big S also called him to notify him.

Big and small S are Yang Kui's goddaughters, and they also called him uncle like Yang Zhongxian. Fang Nanji was speechless.

News about the two sisters of domestic entertainment and Taiwan entertainment.

Lie down and smoked two cigarettes, and found that there was dawn outside, Fang Nan simply got out of bed, washed up and went for a morning run to exercise.

But recently, he seemed to be having a bad time. He was eating breakfast after running in the morning, when Ni Ni and his assistant came.

Ni Ni had thick bags under her eyes, and the moment she saw Fang Nan, she burst into tears. Fang Nan was so shocked by this appearance early in the morning.

Fang Nan looked at Ni Ni in confusion, "What are you doing?"

Ni Ni grinned: "Brother Nan, I was bullied."

"Being bullied, why are you looking for your agent, your parents, and me?"

"They let me swallow my anger, saying that there is no other way except to negotiate verbally."

Fang Nan finished chewing the broccoli in his mouth, and said with a relaxed expression: "About work? Then you can find Mr. Chu Pei, or if you can't, find Cai Yinong, Shi Nansheng!"

Ni Ni joined the company when she was more than 10 years old, and now she is still one of the partners of the company.

Several movies, "Running Man" are very well-known thanks to the large-scale variety show. I am a top actress in China. Fang Nan really doesn't believe that she will be bullied at work.

What he could think of was that Ni Ni came to act as a demon again, playing the autumn wind, and Bao Buqi just came over from Hengdian after filming the big night scene.

"Miss Xi Jun also said that there is no other way, let me learn from a loss." Ni Ni said angrily after bending down to grab a piece of broccoli and throwing it into her mouth.

"Tuigui, then which god have you offended?"

"New picture."

When she came out of the kitchen with a bowl of rice, Ni Ni said indignantly, "Didn't I film "Jinling Thirteen Pans"? The film is scheduled to be promoted in December. Do you know what the promotional point is? They are desperately marketing sex scenes, you see." , In fact, I only took a short section, and it was not explicit at all, not on such a large scale."

Ni Ni put down her chopsticks, and put the phone in front of Fang Nan's eyes in aggrieved manner. Fang Nan glanced at the picture, showing Ni Ni with a large area of ​​skin, and the unrestricted title "Patriotic Sex Scene of a Stumbled Woman".

"Old Mouzi, Zhang Weiping is crazy about money!" Fang Nan smacked his lips a little dissatisfied.

"It shouldn't have anything to do with Director Zhang. The two of them are not that good. They have been arguing all the time in the crew."

"I think so. I met Director Zhang at the Hong Kong Film Festival not long ago. He should take the initiative to say hello to me if there is such a thing."

Fang Nan agreed with Ni Ni's statement, and immediately got angry.

It is Ni Ni who joined Tang Tang Film and Television in her teens.

I am also annoyed by the unscrupulous promotion and marketing methods of the new picture.

In order to promote "The Unknown", he only used the ambiguous atmosphere to brush aside the ball. The new picture is amazing, and he even used Huaxia to open it up, and it was not a positive publicity.

The most amazing thing is that "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" is a movie with the theme of patriotism.

Fang Nan took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Yimou.

On the phone, Lao Mouzi categorically denied it, and explained that he and Zhang Weiping were completely torn apart, and they parted ways as soon as "Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" came out of the cinema.

"Director Zhang, what do you mean, you can't control him at all? No matter what, you can't promote the movie like this. It's too inconspicuous. We filmmakers still have to be shameless?"

"Zhang Weiping has always been in charge of me, how can I call him?" Lao Mouzi let out a long sigh.

Fang Nan hung up the phone with a face full of pain.

Lao Mouzi is a bit sad, he has treated Zhang Weiping as his eldest brother all these years, but the eldest brother first played tricks and made him and Kong Li break up.

Then he frantically intervened in film production, filling Lao Mouzi with the big traffic star Jay Chou of this era, and Xiaoshenyang, who exploded overnight in the Spring Festival Gala.

There is no injustice between the two of them.

Zhang Weiping is an out-and-out businessman, a businessman is after profit, he doesn't care about the face of a filmmaker, the development of Chinese films, celebrity scandals, and whoever hinders him from making money, Zhang Weiping will probably work hard.

Fang Nan glanced at the time, told Ni Ni to wash the dishes, and took his mobile phone to the set of "Gravity".

During the period, he made a phone call to Hu Wen and Cao Guozhong each.

He first asked Hu Wen to contact Zhang Weiping to change the propaganda plan.

Five minutes later, Hu Wen's feedback came.

Zhang Weiping agreed to change the publicity plan, but there was a request that Tang Tang Film and Television's "The Wandering Earth" withdraw from this year's New Year's Day schedule, allowing "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" to dominate the New Year's Day schedule.

The request was too harsh, Fang Nan couldn't possibly agree.

"The Wandering Earth" is the first time he has tested the North American market with a film starring Chinese actors, and it is impossible to change course for the little Zhang Weiping.

Therefore, Fang Nan asked Cao Guozhong to warn the distributor of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" that as long as the new picture does not change the promotion plan, the film will not be able to land in the 42 theaters of the artist's theater chain.

He doesn't care that Lao Mouzi's movies can make theaters make money, and those who touch him will be angry.

Feedback came quickly, and Zhang Weiping personally sent him a sarcasm message: Those who didn’t know, thought that the theaters of the artist theater chain were all over the country, and it was one of the top ten theater chains in China. It was only ranked 12th. .

Fang Nan laughed angrily.

Even today, there are still people in the circle who taunt him so bluntly.

After patiently shooting the scenes for a whole day, Fang Nan checked all aspects of "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" through the channels of Tangtang Film and Television.

Knowing that Zhang Weiping has been jumping up and down recently, he asked the top eight theaters in the country to increase their box office share.

And after asking the theaters to increase the ticket price of "Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" from 35 yuan to 40 yuan, Fang Nan called the bosses of United Cinemas and Xingmei Cinemas without thinking about it.

On the phone, he did not threaten or lure, but simply stated that the ticket price of "The Wandering Earth", which was released at the same time as "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins", will be reduced by 5 yuan.

"Mr. Fang, you're not talking nonsense, you're not worried about selling your movies, so what's the point of lowering the ticket price?" The boss of Xingmei Cinemas asked in confusion.

Fang Nan chuckled: "I'm not worried about selling, but the profits are small and the sales are high. Your theaters just need to increase the number of films for the movie. Don't tell me that you can't squeeze out more films."

"You are already fighting a price war, so naturally you have to give more screen share."

Zhang Weiping was blinded, and when he came to discuss the ticket price and share ratio with several theaters for the second time, the theaters almost sprayed him with salt soda.

"What do you, a producer, always get involved in the proportion of theater chains? If you want to talk about it, the Film Bureau will ask us to talk about it."

"One more thing, you ask for a ticket price increase all the time, but you don't want to think that Fang Nan's "The Wandering Earth" is reducing the price. When the time comes to promote it, how will the audience think of the price-increased "Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling"? Don't want to film?"

"Of course, Fang Nan's movies are sci-fi movies, and the ticket price has always been very expensive. It doesn't make sense to drop a few dollars. But the audience is willing to watch it. When "The Martian" was released, the scalpers sold 3 300D tickets!"

"We don't know why the new picture has been clamoring for price increases? Are you so confident that the film will surpass "The Wandering Earth" in word-of-mouth and box office after the film starts?"

Zhang Weiping vomited blood angrily, and didn't dare to say anything: "Sell tickets at a lower price? Can the investor China Film Group agree? I'm afraid Fang Nan is not trying to deceive people."

Xingmei's general manager: "Why didn't you agree? The global box office of "The Martian" is approaching 7 million US dollars. Do you think the new China Film Group will break up with Fang Nan because of this small amount of money?"

"Let me tell you another news. The North American distribution rights of "The Wandering Earth" have been handed over to Warner. The film's North American release date is almost in the same order as "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins", so Producer Zhang, you should stop being a monster. Let’s get through this first, and then we’ll argue with the theaters about the box office share for the next play, let’s talk about the fare.”

(End of this chapter)

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