literary world

Chapter 383 Wills

Chapter 383 Wills
Disgusting Zhang Weiping said.

Fang Nan temporarily put his mind back on the set of "Gravity".

He didn't care whether Zhang Weiping was frightened and hit by his small tricks, and then corrected when he knew his mistakes.

They eat and eat in the same circle, see each other when they look up, and see each other when they look down. It will be a long time. If Lao Zhang still dares to push the bull, he can deal with the opponent anytime and anywhere. If he makes a move again, it will no longer be an innocuous little warning.

Fang Nan threw the cigarette butt: "Let's shoot."


Sandra stared at the light panel in front of her breathlessly.

"Let's do it again, Sandra, maybe your performance could be better, your emotions could be more intense, and your eyes could show more reluctance. In order to save you, your companion will wander into the dark and endless space to the people in the space suit The oxygen is gone."

"Okay, director, can I open my arms for a hug?"

After Sandra agreed, the robotic arm swung back to the starting position.

Fang Nan understood in seconds that Sandra wanted to emphasize her reluctance to her companions by opening her arms: "Yes, the distance between the arms should not be too large, props, deal with the moisture on Sandra's space cap, after 3 minutes Start shooting."

The third filming started, and Sandra's performance was much better. After Fang Nan decided to record, the actors took a break to record their lines, and the crew prepared for the next set of shots.

Debug the arm.

The gaffer adjusts the lights.

Speaking of it, other filmmakers might not believe it, but the most powerful, busiest, and most technical job on the crew of "Gravity" turned out to be the hardest job in the normal crew, the lighting engineer who has to do physical work all day long.

In order to meet the lighting requirements of directors and special effects artists, the lighting engineers of the "Gravity" crew have to adjust more than 100 million LEDs in the light box, which is the most important task!
After more than an hour to determine the layout of the LED lights in the light box, Fang Nan waved his hand and continued shooting.

This set of shots involves 4 things.


Male astronaut fading into the darkness of space.

Back to Sandra on the Soyuz.

The Huaxia space station in the heroine's sight.

There are many things to shoot, but the main shots are still focused on the actress' lines and communication.

The gradually disappearing male astronaut and the Huaxia Space Station in the distance were camouflaged by several sets of LED lights throughout the whole process. After the movie was on the big screen, the audience probably thought it was a model plus visual effects when they saw this shot.

But in fact, it is similar to astronauts and two beams of the space station emitted by the arranged and combined LED lights.

".Ryan, the second Soyuz ship is too damaged to bring you back to Earth, but it's fine to drive around at close range."

Panting heavily, Sandra glanced down, and the companions floating in space were getting smaller and smaller.

"Ryan, look west and see that little spot of light in the distance?"

"Yes, I saw it, I saw it."

"That's Huaxia Space Station. You're going to roam there in the Soyuz. Huaxia's lifeboat is Shenzhou."

Sandra, who was climbing the Soyuz, breathed heavily: "I have never driven a Shenzhou before."

"It doesn't matter, his return operation is the same as that of the Soyuz."

Fang Nan called to stop: "cut, the actors rest, the machine resets, and there will be another one later."

While he was talking, there were two "pops" on his shoulders, and he turned his head to see that the not very delicate hands came from Liu Qianqian.

"What are you doing here?"

Liu Qianqian asked curiously, "I can't come to visit the class?"

"You can't visit the class empty-handed, and why are your hands so rough, you're almost catching up with me."

Liu Qianqian waved to the assistant outside, opened a cold drink and handed it to Fang Nan, and at the same time patted Fang Nan's back coquettishly: "Tch, it's thanks to you? Filming "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" to practice martial arts, and then No matter how much money you spend on archery for The Hunger Games, you can’t afford it.”

Fang Nan laughed aloud, took a bite of his cold drink as usual, and said vaguely: "Hollywood is not easy, and action movies are the only shortcut."

"Uh, you should do your work first." Liu Qianqian took the initiative to change the subject.

Fang Nan, who didn't know why, turned his head to look at it, feeling chills in his heart, both front and back were all watching the scene.

Careless, careless, the action with Liu Qianqian just now was too skillful and too ambiguous, and the smooth sailing recently made him relax his vigilance, and he has a wife on the surface.

Accidentally exposed a bit of wolfish ambition in front of outsiders, Fang Nan hurriedly restrained his mind: "Sit down first, this scene is finished, I invite you to dinner."

After making up two shots from different directions, Fang Nan announced that work was over, and after telling the staff to take care of the equipment, he got on Liu Qianqian's big run.

"Is the post-production of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Exquisite Ancient City" done? When will it be released?"

"When it landed in theaters a week later, Director Uershan was very nervous."

Fang Nan was curious: "Is he nervous because the result of the film is not good? It will be the end of the summer vacation in a week, and the schedule set by the theaters is also very poor."

"I haven't seen the finished film yet, and the schedule is the best. I originally planned to have a New Year's Day file, but the last time I have a National Day file, but the New Year's Day file has "The Wandering Earth", "Thirteen Beauties of Jinling" and "Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate". The National Day file cannot be registered because the Film Bureau does not recommend this date."

"I heard from director Uershan that it was because of the plot of the corpse transformation in the Longling Misty Cave in the first half of the movie."

"How did that work out?"

"A subtitle was added before the movie started." While turning the steering wheel, Liu Qianqian said solemnly, "China has a vast land and abundant resources, and in some unknown places, there will always be some flowers and plants that are unknown in medicine but have certain strange effects. "

Fang Nan was speechless: "These flowers and plants will make people hallucinogenic, right?"

Liu Qianqian looked at Fang Nan in surprise and appreciation: "Hey, you have such a big brain!"

"My big brain reaches the sky, and my small brain reaches the ground!" Fang Nan rolled his eyes.

Liu Qianqian, who knew that Fang Nan was jealous, spat, kicked the gas pedal and rushed out.

The two are public figures, so as not to be photographed sitting opposite each other for dinner, Fang Nan called Hu Ge, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and cruelly let him act as a light bulb.

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge called Yuan Hong, and Yuan Hong called Liu Sishi because he was filming with Liu Sishi.

There were three more people, and there were assistant managers of their own, which almost made it impossible to sit in the box of the Japanese restaurant. Fang Nan, who had a deep understanding of harming others and eventually harming himself, was a little annoyed, scratching his head and asking Hu Ge: "I heard that you finished filming "Who are you?" Years" has been performing dramas?"

"Well, "A Dream Like a Dream" directed by Shengchuan Lai."

"Lai Shengchuan's plays are all big dramas, and they are performed for several years. What do you think?"

Hu Ge poured Fang Nan a glass of wine: "Let's act first, I haven't received any good scripts anyway."

"Old Hu is hypocritical."

Fang Nan was deeply impressed by Yuan Hong's evaluation of Hu Ge.

Hu Ge is a young man of literature and art at heart, as can be seen from the small compositions on his Weibo such as poplar trees, clouds in the blue sky, water in bottles, etc.

This guy was just like him when he was young, an uninitiated flirt.

Other than that, there was nothing wrong with his character. Fang Nan liked this kind of actor with ideals.

"The category without a good script is too big. There are hundreds of domestic films a year, and there are only a few that can be called good films. I have a story that is not very good. After today, you can find it some time." I'll talk."

Hu Ge got up to toast, and Yuan Hong spoke out for his friend: "Brother Nan, let's talk now. If you say it, Lao Hu won't be scratching his head when he goes back at night?"

"Yes, Brother Nan, I respect you on behalf of Hu." Liu Sishi also chimed in, taking a look at Liu Qianqian.

It's a pity that Liu Qianqian was unmoved.

She knew Fang Nan too well, and Fang Nan would naturally say that if he wanted to say it, since he asked Hu Ge to find time to chat alone, he didn't want too many people to know.

Otherwise, there will be bloody battles in the company, who is more suitable for the role, and other things that are not conducive to unity.

But she ignored Liu Sishi because she was a little annoyed by this little girl's movies.

It wasn't that Ni Ni took the initiative to break the news one day, she didn't know that Liu Sishi, a boring little girl, actually pretended to be Xiaojiu in her heart, which was tolerable or unbearable.

Not only that, but her manager also disliked Liu Sishi's manager.

Before "Scary Step by Step" started broadcasting, the TV station had been marketing little Liu Qianqian, which annoyed her and her manager.

Another grievance is the tendency of the promotional funds of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Exquisite Ancient City".

The plot of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Ancient City of Jingjue" mainly focuses on the plot of the ancient city of Jingjue, but the first half of the movie involves "Longling Misty Cave". The female character Yingzi in this plot is played by Liu Sishi.

So the problem came again, the managers of the two were arguing about the allocation of promotional funds, and it seemed reasonable that the iron triangle of Chen Kun, Huang Bo, and Liu Qianqian occupied the promotional funds.

But Liu Sishi's agent also said that Liu Sishi also had a lot of roles, and her fame was in full swing. Millions of heroes are not vegetarians, so they should occupy a certain amount of publicity funds, and it is best for the four to share them equally.

This quarrel lasted for a month, and Hu Wen, the director of publicity, was so angry that he almost gave up.

Later, the director of artist agency Chu Peijun came out and said that for the sake of the sequel, the main publicity was concentrated on Audio-Technica, and Liu Sishi accounted for 10% of the total publicity funds to suppress the farce.

The conflict was subdued, but it was clear that the two parties did not deal with each other.

Fang Nan probably didn't expect that artists who used to be enemies in time and space, even in the same company, still see each other as hostile.

But it's normal, where there are interests, there are struggles. Tangtang Film and Television is getting bigger and bigger, and it is obviously impossible to have no disputes. The company is not limited to this pair of artists.

The teams Mei Ting and Hai Qing also often quarreled, just get used to it.

"Let's eat first. I still have to prepare this story. In short, Hu Ge, you usually exercise more and go to the shooting training hall to practice shooting various guns."

Hu Ge's manager saw the needle and said: "Brother Nan, the subject of gunfights? It doesn't seem to be popular in China."

"I didn't say it was a domestic movie."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, everyone in the box looked at each other in blank dismay, and Hu Ge's manager's eyes lit up for a burst of ecstasy. Hearing what Fang Nan meant, he was going to take Hu Ge to Hollywood.

This time, the atmosphere in the box became even more enthusiastic.

Yuan Hong took the lead in coaxing Hu Ge to add good wine and good food. As a result, a Japanese meal cost more than 10 yuan. Fortunately, Fang Nan didn't have to pay.

Liu Qianqian pretended to get in the car and left, Fang Nan opened two rooms and after a while, Liu Qianqian who circled around rang the doorbell.

After the cloud and rain.

Fang Nan asked the doubts in his heart: "During the meal, I see that you rarely interact with Si Shi, what's the matter?"

When Liu Qianqian talked about the conflict in a leisurely manner, Fang Nan was a little speechless, because Liu Qianqian was out of control.

"What are you arguing with Sishi? Listen to me. In Tangtang Film and Television, don't compete with any artist for resources or roles. Not only don't you want to compete, but you should also generously give up your own interests to satisfy all artists in Sishi, Ni Ni and other companies."

"I'm so bullied?" Liu Qianqian was annoyed.

"Where are you now?"

"Where is it, isn't it lying on the bed?"

"That's terrible. You are lying next to me. What is the difference between you and the proprietress? Which proprietress would be jealous of her employees?"

Fang Nan, who had smeared honey on her small mouth, made Liu Qianqian feel happy, but she was not a brainless woman: "You speak nicely now, but I'm afraid that one day you'll get bored and kick me away."

"Dare to question my husband's feelings, seek a fight!" Fang Nan slapped a certain plump place with a "slap", Liu Qianqian was dissatisfied, and turned around to fight back, and the second battle started at the same time.

Take a breath.

Fang Nan seriously thought about Liu Qianqian's words just now, indeed, he personally couldn't guarantee that he would not change his mind in the next few decades.

To put it bluntly, he is more or less a member of the Appearance Association.

When the beauty grows old, it's hard to say whether he will dislike his former love.

"When I return to the capital after filming "Gravity", I'm going to make a few wills, and you will be one of them." Fang Nan pressed his cigarette butt and said seriously.

"Why are you crazy, why are you making a will at a young age?"

Fang Nan laughed: "People in China think that making a will is a taboo, why do you still care about this if you have received a little Western education."

After the second battle, Liu Qianqian, who was so weak that she didn't want to move her toes, put in a lot of effort to give Fang Nan a blank look. She didn't care if others made a will in advance, but Fang Nan was the man who let her taste the pain of breaking the melon.

This is probably just a matter of concern.

After some deep thinking, Fang Nan made up his mind: "It's such a happy decision."

"It's up to you, just don't write about me, I don't need a man to support me."

Liu Qianqian turned her face full of tears to one side while speaking. When a man is willing to take the initiative to add her to the heirs of the property, no matter how strong she wants to be, it will be difficult for her to do so.

Fang Nan's hard love words were more exciting than flowers, cakes and other gifts, which made her a little involuntary.

It made her no longer have the courage and face to compete with other artists of Tang Tang Film and Television for so-called resources.

After three battles, the two fell into a deep sleep. In the early hours of the morning, Fang Nan got up and went into another room. He didn't sleep afterward, thinking about how to divide the existing property.

After much deliberation, he roughly drafted a will in his heart.

Leave the light and shadow technology and artist theaters to Gao Yuanyuan and his son Fang Qin.

I hope that Fang Qin can inherit his ambition to develop domestic films and the Chinese film industry.

The shares of Tang Tang Film and Television and Space Exploration were given to Liu Qianqian.

Wait another ten years, his 9% shares in space exploration alone will be worth billions of dollars, no matter how much Liu Qianqian squanders, she won't be able to spend it all.

If she wants to be the godmother of the entertainment industry, there is Tang Tang Film and Television.

Leave the Fangnan culture to Zeng Li and his daughter Tso Wanzhuo.

Fangnan Culture is a cornucopia, and the money earned by this company can satisfy Zeng Li and Zong Wanzhuo's various life plans.

After thinking about the general direction, it was dawn, and Fang Nan got out of bed to wash his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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