literary world

Chapter 384

Chapter 384

"Boss, Xiao Ma brought you a local product from my hometown."

"Xiao Ma?"

"There was a flood in my hometown, and the male employee hid in the parking lot and cried."

"Oh, I remembered." Fang Nan rolled over and got out of bed: "What's the situation at his house?"

Secretary Zhu: "His parents are fine, but an uncle is missing."

Fang Nan nodded, and put the garlic, green onions and other farm crops brought by Xiao Zhu into the kitchen. Other people's wishes were not expensive gifts, so he just accepted them.

After brushing his teeth in the bathroom and taking a shower, Fang Nan changed into a more formal attire and walked out of the Oriental Movie Metropolis' home together with Xiao Zhu's secretary and the driver.

After shooting the last shot, "Gravity" was officially wrapped.

Tang Tang Film and Television invited many partners, theater managers, media reporters, insiders, and movie fans to watch the ceremony, and he had to say a few words.

Arriving at the set by sightseeing bus, there were no less than 800 people on set, Fang Nan had no choice but to say hello to acquaintances along the way.

"Last week, I read the news that you were filming in Guilin. In the blink of an eye, another movie was finished."

Fang Nan and Li Gang shook hands: "There were a few simple scenes shot in Guilin, and we didn't stay for long."

In the original time and space, the heroine of "Gravity" successfully landed near the Nile River in Africa.

Fang Nan did not follow the original plot, but changed the coordinates on the spaceship to Guilin. The spaceship finally fell into the beautiful landscape of Guilin, and the fisherman's osprey flapped its wings in shock.

It was late, Fang Nan said hello and sat in the director's chair in front of the monitor.

At the same time, Sandra was also fixed to the rocker.

"Let's hit the board."

""Gravity" has 135 scenes, one real shot, action."

With the trembling of the mechanical arm, Sandra in the camera stretched out her trembling fingers in front of her, and said nervously: "Now there are only two endings left, either I become a legend and return to Earth, or I will return to Earth in 10 minutes. I will be reduced to ashes. No matter what kind of ending, I am ready and face it calmly."

"Come on, the movement of the mechanical arm is a little bigger."

Multiple angles and actor mistakes took the final shot five times, but "Gravity" finally came together.

The film is being prepared during the Spring Festival, and filming will start in early July, and the filming time will be August 7. The film will be released around the next summer vacation or the end of the year, and the total production time will be less than two years.

Such a fast progress is enough to prove that Fang Nan already has an efficient shooting team in hand.

"Congratulations, Sandra, you are finally no longer bound by a machine, and your performance is outstanding."

In the footage of the media, Fang Nan opened his arms and hugged Sandra who came out of the light box.

Sandra responded happily: "This is a wonderful journey, and I hope we have more opportunities to cooperate!"

As the only heroine and the most important actor of "Gravity", she has been in the crew for about 2 months and has a deep understanding of the crew.

Directors with high requirements and standards, first-class technical team, and well-organized work team.

All of these let her know that the crew of "Gravity" is no worse than the big Hollywood crews. She dares to say that "Gravity" will become another high-grossing commercial film directed by Fang Nan.

So flattering is so natural.

Fang Nan smiled and nodded at Sandra's gesture of favor. The film still needs help from others to promote it. He, a Chinese director, also needs friends to go to Hollywood alone.

After Fang Nan announced that "Gravity" was officially finished, the production crew fired salutes, and the media surrounded Sandra and Fang Nan in the center.

"Director Fang, how many billion do you expect from "Gravity"? Will it surpass "The Martian"?"

"I'm not sure. When "The Martian" landed in the domestic market, I didn't dare to think that the box office would reach 12 billion. I have to thank the audience and fans for their support."


The film has achieved such a high box office, and the Huaxia film market has made great contributions. Huaxia is also the largest overseas box office market in the world except North America.

In China, the box office performance of 12 billion yuan also broke the box office record of "Avatar" in China.

In addition, the film has been on the top ten of the box office rankings in many countries.

On the contrary, in the North American market, "The Martian" lacks stamina. Under the attack of sequels and popular movies such as "Transformers", "Harry Potter", and "Captain America", "The Martian" sold for 3 million yuan. Thousands of box office draws in a hurry.

But the box office performance of 3.3 million US dollars is enough to be proud of.

Before the film was released, several second-tier film companies in Hollywood sent Fang Nan an invitation to cooperate.

The most outrageous thing is that a film production company located in San Fernando Valley, known as pornographic Hollywood in Los Angeles, is willing to use 1000 million US dollars in remuneration to ask him to make an adult version of "The Martian".

When they received the news from Lilith, Fangnan people were all dumbfounded, and while recalling the adult versions of "Cleopatra", "Pirates of the Caribbean", and "Robinson Crusoe", they refused with a cold war.

After answering a few questions from the media, Fang Nan threw the crew to the producer Zhao Zhu, and he and a group of people rushed to the hotel where the finale was held.

"Boss, you are catching a flight at night, so you can't drink too much."

"I'm not going back to the capital tonight. I'm going to Anhui Province tomorrow. I have an event to attend there."

Xiao Zhu looked through the itinerary notes, but couldn't find the paragraph about Fang Nan's going to Anhui Province, so he presumably added it temporarily, "To the provincial capital or where? You promised to participate in the 28th Huabiao Awards on the 18th. If it's too late, do you want to tell the organizer? ?”

"Instead of going to the provincial capital, go directly to the town where the rural middle school donated by Fangnan Culture is located. There is still time."


In the evening, he had to ride the car all night, Fang Nan did not dare to drink too much at the finale banquet, and exchanged a few cups of wine with tea with the two leaders of Pujiang Wenguang and the manager of several theaters, Xiao Ye.

There is no affiliation among the people, and the content of the chat is very extensive, ranging from major international events to minor issues of the people's livelihood.

But the most talked about is about the entertainment industry, and then it is reasonable to talk about the recent severe entertainment restriction order.

Not only did Fang Nan know, but he was also one of the discussion members invited by the General Administration, and he wanted to express his opinions and suggestions when he returned to Beijing.

He is personally supportive of the limited entertainment this time. Some producers have screwed up domestic dramas too much. After "The Wind" became popular, too many anti-Japanese dramas have been born in China in the past two years.

Throw a grenade at the plane.

Ride your bike and fly on top of the train.

Tear devils.

After a woman is insulted, it is like getting through Ren and Du's two lines, violently killing devils, etc. There are too many shocking TV series, which makes people feel tired.

The most depressing thing is that there are still a lot of viewers who like to watch it, and the ratings are so high that many film and television companies have followed suit.

According to the bureau, since 2015 is the 70th anniversary of the World Anti-Japanese War, there are currently hundreds of anti-Japanese drama scripts pending trial in the bureau.

There is no way of knowing how many Lei dramas there are in the hundreds of scripts, but based on the current situation, it is estimated that more than half.

So there is no limit.

It's not that they look down on the audience, but that many audiences will indeed be promoted by the film studio because of their low culture, and will be led to watch vulgar dramas and thunder dramas by the plot of film and television dramas.

Doesn't this show matter what? The high rate of cleaning up shows that the audience likes this set of theories, and the official organization has to take steps to restrict and guide it.

The wrap-up banquet lasted until ten o'clock in the evening. Before Fang Nan left, he made friends with the media. "The Wandering Earth" was about to be released, and the media's publicity was inseparable.

Their line of work and the media industry are so deformed.

They dislike each other's work, but they cannot do without each other's traffic.

In the car, Fang Nan said to Yan Hong, who was traveling with the team: "Go to sleep if you are sleepy, you can only reach your destination at dawn."

"I'll sleep for a while. I'm not tired from my brother's wedding. I'm tired enough."

"Your brother doesn't seem to be very old. He got married so soon?"

He remembered that Yan Hong's parents had given birth to many daughters in order to have a child, and the difference between Yan Hong and her was at least 10 years.

"Also 18 years old, and can't study well, why not let him start a family early to see if he can be like a person, and save himself from calling me all the time."

Fang Nan was curious: "Why didn't you arrange to join the company?"

"The old man and the old lady kept telling me that my brother wanted to join, but unfortunately he didn't have the ability." Yan Hong sighed.

"After all, I'm an older sister, so please help me appropriately." Fang Nan nodded and smiled.

People who use power for personal gain are not welcome anywhere. He is very satisfied and happy with Yan Hong's answer, and his trust in this woman all these years is not in vain.

"Xiao Zhu, you and Lao Han take turns driving, drive slowly, and I will sleep too."

"Well, I understand."

When Fang Nan woke up again, the commercial vehicle had already parked in a town in Anhui Province. He came here silently, and he didn't plan to do anything. He just used the short time to see the quality of the schools donated by Fang Nan Culture. Sample.

"The blue and red teaching building and the brand-new plastic runway look very impressive now. The last time I came here, it was still rough."

Fang Nan asked Yan Hong: "How was the school before? Why donate to this school?"

"The school used to be dirty and messy, the desks were moldy, the cafeteria couldn't accommodate so many students, many students squatted on the mud outside with their lunch boxes in their hands, the staff's office was the bedroom, not to mention the playground, it was just A patch of mud."

"The school was built in response to the country's poverty alleviation work."

"Go in and have a look, there should be no one stopping you."

"Yes." Yan Hong looked at the security box and before she finished speaking, Fang Nan had already stepped over.

Today is the school's book pick-up date, there are many teachers and students in the school, the well-dressed Fang Nan walked into each class without hindrance.

After some typing, Fang Nan was quite satisfied with his personal vision and experience. He thought about going back and digging out the quality appraisal documents to have a look, and he would almost ignore it. He couldn't keep raiding to check the whereabouts of millions of yuan of funds. .

"Let's go, let's have a meal and go home after finishing the last classroom."

Fang Nan walked happily to the next classroom, but as soon as he entered the back door of the classroom, he frowned unconsciously. A group of teenagers were playing poker as if no one else was around.

"We also learned about this situation in advance. The reason for the blame is that most of these children are left-behind children. Without the restraint of their parents, many children are addicted to playing, and some even smoke and drink. When we did the survey before, some children directly said that they had finished reading. Dropped out of school in the third year of junior high school and went to work in a big city."

Fang Nan nodded, and did not accuse Yan Hong of choosing the wrong person to help. He also climbed up from the bottom, and knew many things well.

But in any case, children are innocent, and they don't understand the difficulties of society before they step into society.

"Slow down the pace of donating to schools, and make more donations for teachers' salary subsidies for going to the countryside."

"We are not eligible."

"Do your best without affecting the company's development, and work slowly. If you can help a student, it will be an extra merit."

Yan Hong was surprised: "How come you believe in Buddhism, you won't be influenced by Li Lianlian and the others."

"Instead, he introduced a master surnamed Wang to me, saying that he was reincarnated, but unfortunately he introduced the wrong person. I only believe in myself in this life, and other gods and Buddhas are not good for me. Let's go, have a meal and go back. Beijing."

"I'll take a call." Leaning a little, Yan Hong covered her phone and said, "They came from the city and said that a teacher saw us at school and told us to wait at school for a while, and the car to pick us up will be here soon."

"You stay and deal with it, I'll go first."

When Fang Nan heard this, he hurriedly ran away, he really didn't want to be bureaucratic.

Xiao Zhu and the driver sent him to Wuhu Airport. Fang Nan picked up his luggage and headed north immediately. When he arrived at Yonghe Villa, he happened to have dinner in time.

"Sometimes it's really not me who says you. It's not important to do things. How old is the girl, why did you let her realize life and death early? I managed to trick her to Pujiang, but you are lucky. You chartered her like a nouveau riche. Come back, do you know that my daughter sheds tears there in her dreams at night!"

At the dining table, before Fang Nan could reach his chopsticks, Zeng Li began to criticize him.

"She has the right to know. My daughter is still young and needs to be protected, but she can't be protected in an airtight way. Otherwise, one day, when she takes the initiative to learn that the world we told her is completely different from the world she sees, her thinking ability will be impaired. Downtime, you will be at a loss."

"It will also have doubts and resistance to every word we say. I don't want her to resist me."

Zeng Li snapped her chopsticks: "Why don't you tell her our current relationship?"

"When she is a few years older, I will take the initiative to tell her."

"You're in a daze, you want my daughter to have a humble adolescence?"

"No, my daughter, I know that this child has a bright future after this test, and his future achievements will definitely surpass mine."

The outspoken Fang Nan saw Zeng Li angry. She slapped the table and said angrily: "If it wasn't for the Rising Sun training class, I would have taken my daughter to England. I have been with you for a long time. Don't talk about achievements. A good university is a good one."

Fang Nan sneered: "Go ahead, don't expect to take your daughter to England without training classes. If Wanzhuo wants to go abroad, he has to finish high school and accept some Chinese culture before going out."

The long-term goal he set is closely related to the promotion of Chinese culture. If it comes to him, his daughter will say "seeyoulala" to him, and he will not be so angry.

At the dinner table, Fang Nan and Zeng Li fought for three hours because of Zong Wanzhuo.

Even after sleeping on the same bed, Fang Nan still struggled until Fang Nan couldn't help but fell asleep.

The next day.

Fang Nan walked into Zong Wanzhuo's small room and chatted with his daughter for a while.

Then he firmly believed once again that Wanzhuo, who could easily count from one to one hundred in a short period of time, would be better than him.

(End of this chapter)

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