literary world

Chapter 385

Chapter 385

When Fang Qin saw Fang Nan, he turned his head and ran away.

Entering the courtyard, he stared at Fang Nan with big black eyes next to Gao Yuanyuan who was serving the herbs.

Fang Nan was amused, and laughed and scolded: "Good guy, you are playing a hooligan, and you don't even wear any pants."

I haven't seen my son in the past two months, and when we meet again, Fang Qin has a bald head, only a white short-sleeved T-shirt on his upper body, a pair of red sandals on his feet, and his pants are even missing.

"Your son has prickly heat, let the sun dry it well." Gao Yuanyuan put down the shovel to loosen the soil, and dragged Fang Qin out of the medicine garden: "Do you want to change clothes, and you will go to the exhibition hall in a while."

"No need to change."

Fang Nan went to put his luggage in the room, and asked curiously, "Who will take care of the child?"

"My mother and my sister-in-law will be there later, I'll coax him to take a nap first."

Hearing this, Fang Nan, who wanted to tease his son, hurriedly stopped.

He and Gao Yuanyuan are going to participate in the 14th Huabiao Awards. Although several major film awards in China have been criticized as pork awards and have no authority, they are still the highest film awards established by the country. It is not suitable to bring a little big party Chin.

Gao Yuanyuan went to bed to take a nap with his son, while Fang Nan stretched his muscles in the yard. After a while, Gao Yuanyuan's parents and sister-in-law arrived.

Gao's mother loved her grandson so much, she saw the child take the initiative to drive Gao Yuanyuan and Fang Nan away with staring eyes, and took on the burden of taking care of her grandson alone.

The Huabiao Award Ceremony is still in the same old way in the Beijing Exhibition Hall.

But the 14th session has done a lot. There are hundreds of male and female stars who just posted their participation in the Huabiao Awards on social media.

The fact is that the organizers revealed that there will be as many as three or four hundred celebrities and guests attending the meeting.

The star-studded Huabiao Awards also proves the extreme prosperity of China's film market in recent years.

The extremely prosperous film market has given birth to many new-generation actors and stars.

The third round of selection has already started for the Four Little Huadans.

Their home was close to the exhibition hall, and Fang Nan and the two walked in a leisurely manner. When they arrived at the exhibition hall, the crowd was already raging.

After entering the backstage, Fang Nan was first caught by Mr. Han and made fun of him: "This Oscar director needs to give way to us little directors."

"Why do you say that, let's compete fairly." Fang Nan's answer made everyone in the backstage laugh.

He and Mr. Han were nominated for the Outstanding Director Award for "The Wind" and "The Founding of the People's Republic of China".

And the two films and "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree", "The Great Earthquake in Tangshan", "The Orphan of Zhao", "The Iron Man" directed by Zhang Yimou, Feng Dapao, Chen Kaige, Zhang Meng, Wang Liang and Shen Dong, etc. Qin", "Du Lala's Promotion" and other films were nominated for the Outstanding Feature Film Award.

The 20 nominated films are excellent feature films, which can be described as highly competitive.

And his "Parasite" and "Those Years" produced by Tang Tang Film and Television were also nominated for the Outstanding Co-production Award.

With two films, Liu Qianqian will compete with Junru Ng "The Thief of Time" and Michelle Yeoh "Sword Rain" for the Outstanding Overseas Chinese Actress Award.

Gao Yuanyuan competed with Qin Hailu, Xu Fan and others for the Outstanding Actress Award with "Du Lala's Promotion".

The Huabiao Awards held every two years has made Tangtang Films and Television nominated for many awards, such as "Parasite", "Du Lala", "Ocean Paradise", "The Piano", "The Wind", and "Those Years".

There were also invited award presenters, so that dozens of actors from Tangtang Film and Television gathered in the backstage of Huabiao Awards in the afternoon.

There were too many people, so Fang Nan entered the lounge and waved his hand before exiting into the producer's rest room.

Emperor Jiangzhou smiled and said, "You are finally here. It just so happens that CCTV and other media are looking for you everywhere, so hurry up and say a few words."

After pulling the sofa and sitting down, Fang Nan took the microphones from several media outlets: "I don't know what to say? If you have any questions, ask."

""The Martian" is the domestic box office champion, are you very happy?"

Fang Nan nodded and said, "Of course I'm very happy, thank the audience for their love. It seems that I just said this not long ago."

"Director Fang, what do you think some people in the circle think that "The Wandering Earth" will hardly surpass "The Martian" at the box office?"

"Is it the global box office or the domestic box office?"

"Domestic Box Office."

"The global box office is estimated to be difficult to exceed, and the domestic box office should be no problem. Why do some people think it is difficult to exceed?"

Reporter Zha Lang: "Because the main actors are all Chinese, and the visual effects are all produced by domestic companies."

Fang Nan asked: "So you don't believe in domestic film technology? I don't think there is a problem. Although "The Martian" has foreign visual effects teams participating in the production, the main visual effects are in charge of the 13 Swordsman visual effects team."

Tudou reporter: "Most people think that actors will affect the box office?"

"Because it's a sci-fi film starring Chinese people, the movie won't be popular? What kind of logic is this? Chinese people are inherently inferior to other people? People who say this have something wrong with their brains."

"In recent years, whenever the national football team loses, so-called experts jump out and analyze that Chinese people are not as fit as foreigners, and many people in China believe it."

"We must be wary of this kind of argument. The argument that the body is not as good as foreigners is mostly intentional by some countries in the West. Many ordinary people don't know that some countries in the West, including some small neighboring countries, mislead our young people and ordinary people. A lot of money will be invested in public opinion propaganda, and they want to subtly change our ideology."

All the media around Fang Nan were shocked, good guy, no wonder Fang Nan made top-notch movies, his imagination is beyond comparison for ordinary people, his imagination is too rich.

"Then what do you think of the national football team not only stagnating, but even losing ground?"

"There are two reasons, one is that the football system is too bad."

"One f*cking player is too indulgent and not diligent enough, and his dreams are not firm enough. Once he has money, his childhood dream of leading the rise of the national football team immediately becomes finding a woman and enjoying life."

"If the two reasons are not resolved, the national football team may have to pass Cheng Wang Erxiao's new year, and the year is not as good as the year!"

"As for the physical fitness of the players, most of the people who say that are mentally retarded!"

The reporters on the scene were excited, Fang Nan criticized the big news of the national football team.

The guests also laughed brightly. Fang Nan, an old boy who is usually a coward, finally hardened up today, which made them laugh a lot.

Fang Nan knew that he was seen as a "joke", but he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

What kind of race is worse than others? Isn't it a disguised form to call him inferior to a foreigner, his family is inferior to a foreigner, and Chinese people are inferior to a foreigner?If he pretends to be a grandson when encountering such a thing, he simply finds someone to be his grandson.

Low-key should not be so low-key that you dare not fight back when you are attacked by others.

As for the people who laughed at him in the lounge, one counted as one, and they were either thoughtless pig brains or traitors.

Realizing that Fang Nan had talked too much, the organizer hurriedly got up and chased the reporters away. If the chat continued, there would be no Huabiao Awards on the front page of tomorrow's headline.

Sohu reporter: "Director Fang, the last question. It is said that the General Administration will limit entertainment to target anti-Japanese dramas. How do you see the recent spate of anti-Japanese dramas?"

"After all, Tangtang Film and Television is also a well-known TV drama production company in China, and your company invested in the production of "Anti-Japanese Heroes", which is currently being screened."

"What? "Anti-Japanese Hero" produced by Tangtang Film and Television Productions?"

Fang Nan was completely shocked. The masterpiece of tearing up devils was actually produced by Tang Tang Film and Television.

"That's right, it's currently being screened, the ratings are high, and the audience's response is very good!"

Fang Nan was confused, every compliment from the reporter seemed to be sarcasm, it seemed to be slapped on his face, he leaned slightly, and he was forced into the corner of the topic by the reporter and said seriously: "I think the president of Tangtang Film and Television is an idiot , not only did he fail to play the role of the company's industry leader, he even took a bad lead."

"I think the person in charge of the Tangtang Film and Television TV series project should take the initiative to resign and go home to take care of the children. His existence shames us film and television practitioners."

"The arrival of the new century has accelerated global informatization. When everyone is in an information network, movies, TV dramas, and music have become important means for most countries to promote their own culture. Our film and television practitioners should have Take responsibility, isn’t the anti-Japanese thunder drama just a joke?”

The lounge has long been a mess, with various noises coming and going.

Fang Nan, who had practiced silent meditation for several years, finally recovered his trolling nature.

This recovery takes the lead in targeting itself and its own industry.

In front of many media reporters, he scolded himself as an idiot, and said in a weird way that the executives should go home and pick up their children.

It also challenged the national football team.

The reporter at the scene felt that this was going to make money, and any piece of information recorded would become tomorrow's headlines.

No, tonight's headlines!
"Okay, okay, let the producers rest, wait for them to win the award, and then arrange interviews with the media."

The organizer urged the reporters to leave, but many reporters got up early and prepared to leave.

A reporter even fell down because his legs went numb, but after getting used to it, he immediately got up and ran outside, and even interviewed Mao, and it was serious to send the video back to grab the front page.

The Huabiao Award is only divided into pork awards.

Copying the abusive articles from the previous session to this year, and changing the movie, it will not violate the agreement at all.

After the reporter left, Fang Nan got up angrily and went to the exclusive lounge of Tangtang Film and Television.

Once inside, he called Cai Yinong to his private rest room to criticize directly.

What are you doing?

He charged ahead, fighting wits and courage with the enemy, but his own family was destroying the Great Wall and stole his own home. Then why did he work so hard? What was he doing?
Cai Yinong is still the same as before, it is money when he talks about it.

A "Anti-Japanese Hero" made the company earn a small 2000 million yuan, and "Advance to the Gunfire" was booked by the TV station before it was filmed.

Fang Nan's lungs were going to explode when he heard it. He said eight hundred times that he no longer cared about money, and that the company was going to make high-quality dramas.

As for Cai Yinong, she agreed on the spot and then turned around and got lost, and she almost fell into Qian's eyes.

"I'll say it again for the last time, don't make these rubbish dramas to ruin the company's reputation, and do it for high-quality goods. Even if you shoot illusory fairy tale dramas, it's also a unique culture. It costs so much money to make visual effects. What does the company need to do?"

After finishing speaking angrily, Fang Nan thought about it and couldn't believe Cai Yinong's verbal assurance, so he added:
"Talk to Kong Sheng's team about joining Tangtang Film and Television. If Shanying and the others are willing to join, I can share the shares with them."

"President Fang, someone is looking for you."

Fang Nan responded and went out of the rest room. The person who came was the leader of Wenguang of Wan Province, who invited him to participate in the awards ceremony "National Drama Festival" organized by Wan Province at the end of the year for TV dramas.

Not to mention, he really participated in "The Grand Ceremony of National Drama", but it was in his previous life, so forget it in this life.

It's almost the end of the year, and various awards ceremonies are popping up one after another. Once he participates in "The Grand Ceremony of Chinese Drama", there will be more awards ceremonies that are not popular.

"Director Fang, please present the Outstanding Feature Film Award."

Fang Nan agreed to the request of the organizer of the Huabiao Award.

It's all here, and the awards are also reasonable.

The main reason is that there are 22 awards for this year's Huabiao Awards. If two people are used as a group of award presenters, 44 award presenters are needed. The organizers may be a bit stretched in terms of selection.

After the organizer's director left, Fang Nan couldn't be idle anymore, many people came to say hello, and he also took the initiative to chat with Hong Kong actors such as Fa Ge, Wang Jiawei, Wen Jun, Liu Dehua, Huang Baiming behind the scenes.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, at the order of the organizer, hundreds of people packed up and stepped onto the red carpet.

The times have progressed, and the red carpet dresses of celebrities are also making progress visible to the naked eye. In the past, suits and jeans, well-formed long-sleeved skirts have become one-water evening dresses.

And the scale is also scary.

Fang Nan was taken aback by Yuan Li who was wearing a see-through costume.

The new-generation actresses such as Angela Despicable are not too far behind, and the V-neck with a big slit does not conceal that she has a threatening weapon.

Fang Nan's red carpet show was in the middle once, and was the finale once, so he took a moment to smoke a cigarette, and then met a person he really wanted to see, Mr. Yu Chenghui, who is known as the contemporary swordsman.

The old man followed the director Xu Haofeng to promote the movie "Traces of the Japanese Pirates". The film was invested and shot by Tang Tang Film and Television. Fang Nan pulled the old man aside to talk about family matters.

The old man had a snow-white beard and was hale and hearty. When talking about two-handed swords with Fang Nan, his thoughts were extremely clear.

"Director Fang, it's your turn to walk the red carpet."


Fang Nan leaped over the crowd and stepped onto the red carpet with the main creators of "The Wind" Huang Xiaoming, Huang Bo, Li Bing, Wang Zhiwen and Zhou Xun.

The fans signed their names in the tsunami and then took the microphone of the red carpet host.

"Director Fang, today's Huabiao Awards has almost gathered excellent actors from both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three regions. Can you tell me which actors you want to work with the most?"

"You said that they are all good actors, so naturally they all want to cooperate."

Fang Nan stared at Zhou Xun who was teased by Jing Wei's answer, and laughed frantically at Zhou Xun.

Jing slightly embarrassed: "Then who do you think is the actor with the best acting skills among so many actors?"

"Uh, the teacher Li Xuejian I saw when I came here just now, the teacher Wang Zhiwen in our team, Xiao Xun and Huang Bo are also very good, Li Bing and Xiao Ming played well in "The Wind"."

"You don't exaggerate Gao Yuanyuan, you are not afraid to go home and get cleaned up?"

"To be honest, Yuan Yuan's acting skills are not as good as the top, but more than the bottom. That's great. There's no need to fight for the first place in everything. Life is too tiring!"

After the red carpet interview was over, Fang Nan and Zhou Xun walked around and waited for the next red carpet. They didn't finish walking the red carpet until after four o'clock in the afternoon and entered the infield.

"Where is your location?"

Fang Nanwen and Liu Qianqian, who was in a pink tube top dress, met him on the red carpet finale.

"I don't know either, wait for someone to get it."

"Go ahead, it's just a few rows after all."

The seats for official events are actually very humble. With Liu Qianqian's current popularity, she is also facing the stage. She is in the same row with Zhang Ziyi and others, just walk forward.

Sure enough, there was a nameplate of Liu Qianqian on a certain seat in the fifth row in the middle.

At her side are Li Bing, Zhou Xun, Kong Li, Zhang Ziyi and tonight's Best Actress nominees.

And Huang Xiaoming, Chen Kun, Hu Ge and other first- and second-tier actors who are not too old.

In front are Feng Dapao, Chen Kaige, Zhang Yimou, Huang Baiming, Cheng Long, Fa Ge, Liu Dehua and other well-known directors and actors.

Fang Nan was caught in the front row.

His status is quite special, the director's qualifications are not enough to honor, but he is famous overseas.

He is a director and a big capitalist in the eyes of others.

Moreover, not all the enterprises under his name revolve around the film and television industry. The Beijing Performing Arts Center, which is about to be completed and opened, is built to inherit folk culture.

Light and Shadow Technology and Huaxia Aerospace also interacted.

He often does charity when he builds schools, and he is also a celebrity in the charity circle.

It is obviously inappropriate to put such a person in the director circle.

From the bottom of his heart, Fang Nanji doesn't like his current position, it's too uncomfortable to sit, and it's fine to accept inquiries from time to time, the biggest torture is to show appreciation for the performance on stage.

"I heard from the secretary that you scolded yourself backstage just now?" the leader of Wenhuakou laughed as he sat down on the chair.

"Well, it's mainly for some people in charge of production in the company to be a warning. I even scolded myself. If they make the same mistake again, don't blame me for kicking people mercilessly. It's a courtesy before soldiers."

"It's very unique for you to be polite first and then soldier."

"It's hard to manage the company when it's big. Sometimes it has to use extreme means. It's not the fault of these executives. How many people are not tempted by the profitable project? But there is no way, the company must develop according to my will .”

The leader looked at the extremely tough Fang Nan with great interest: "You have traveled all over the years, and you have visited a lot at home and abroad. You are well-informed and have a deep understanding of the industry you are in. Do you think Huaxia What aspects of the film and television industry need to be improved urgently if they want to go global?"

Fang Nan was very angry.

What did he say was useful?
Let him say that he directly sets a lower limit for not allowing large-scale movies to be shot, and then classifies them into grades. After a few years of precipitation and adaptation, with the brains of so many people in China, the themes should not be too many to fly.

The reason why sci-fi and fantasy films are good-looking is that the brain breaks through the sky.

Fang Nan has always been very confused. There are no fanciful things, but the magician series and the "Superman" series of "Harry Potter" are imported like crazy. He thinks magician and superman are even more outrageous, okay?

"I think it's better to build less high-rise buildings in Daxia. Many ancient Chinese cultures either exist in museums or are surrounded by Daxia. When foreigners come to travel, they only see strange high-rise buildings. How can they learn about us for thousands of years? culture."

No one could hear Fang Nan's perfunctory, the people in the same row turned their heads to look at the stage.

The Huabiao Award is still the same, with a great reunion, and basically everyone who comes has a share.

Because of the reform of the Hong Kong Film Awards, many Xiangjiang actors participated behind the scenes this year, so more trophies were brought out.

"Those Years" won the Outstanding Co-production Film Award.

Liu Qianqian and Wu Junru won the Outstanding Overseas Chinese Actress Award.

Fa Ge won the Outstanding Overseas Chinese Actor Award for "Confucius".

"Confucius", "October Besieged City" and "Parasite" won the Outstanding Co-production Award.

"Avatar" Excellent Dubbing Film Award.

Subsequently, Baobao, Zhou Dongyu, Xue Xiaolu, and Zhang Meng won the Outstanding New Actor, Screenwriter, and Director awards for "Ocean Paradise", "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree", and "The Piano of the Steel" respectively.

Fang Nan felt numb, and tilted his buttocks to wait for the next round of outstanding actor, director, and screenwriter awards.

After the results of the two excellent actresses came out, Fang Nan turned to look at Gao Yuanyuan, and raised his chin to comfort him.

Instead, he won the Outstanding Director Award again for "The Wind", and he appeared on stage with Mr. Han from "The Founding of a Nation" and Shen Dong from "Flying Apsaras".

On the stage, he modestly let the two give priority to long speeches, but when it was his turn, he hurriedly said "thank you".

Then he took the stage for the second time, and together with Kong Li, Cheng Long and Zhang Ziyi presented the Outstanding Feature Film Award.

There were more than 20 nominations for the Outstanding Feature Film Award, and a total of 10 won the award. Fang Nan, who was in charge of presenting the awards, didn't know whether to cry or laugh when he handed the trophies to the winners.

Anyway, after the ceremony was over, he added another trending search with [Fang Nan's expression] that night.

(End of this chapter)

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