literary world

Chapter 386 This product is very bad

Chapter 386 This product is very bad

Did not wait until the next day.

Fang Nan's speech at the 14th Huabiao Awards was dissed.

Public knowledge, the Football Federation, players, and fans all left the field one after another.

The Football Federation condemned him as an internationally renowned public figure for speaking irresponsibly, but with no brains, wantonly slandering the Football Federation and players across industries, with ulterior motives.

The small composition condemning the Chinese football federation once satirized the film industry and the national football team on the matter of going to the world, and no one should pretend to be a fool.

In short, everyone's industry is equally bad, so there is no need to blame the other.

However, Fang Nan satirized the players for not working hard and not being diligent. The dream of football glory has turned into personal interests, and the dream of money has also made many players dissatisfied.

That night, some members of the national football team uploaded photos of themselves sweating profusely on the green field during training and photos of their abdominal muscles on Weibo to provoke Fang Nan.

That is to say, Fang Nan insisted on his identity, otherwise he would have to take off his clothes and make a group of players feel ashamed.

The only thing left is for him to go to the green field with his big belly on his head, and he has the nerve to show off his muscles!

It's embarrassing to say that an athlete who has been running on the green court all year round has abs comparison with a director who has been sitting in front of the monitor all year round.

As for the fans who scolded Fang Nan for the national football team, Fang Nan didn't even bother to respond.

There is no need for him to end the fans. As time goes by, the national football team will take the initiative to punish the fans who love them like a defeated rooster. "rnm refund" will become a long-lasting curse that haunts the national football team. interest.

The public knowledge that clamors that Asians are indeed not as intelligent as Westerners and that Africans are physically fit is to be hated.

But the night was too late, Fang Nan hurriedly sent a sentence [When Qin Shihuang united vertically and horizontally to unify the land of China, Westerners were still playing with mud] and went to bed first.

Fighting public knowledge is a long and arduous task, and it cannot be done in one battle.

He went to bed and stared at his son.

But the Internet is very lively and noisy.

Movie fans and film critics first criticized the Huabiao Awards as a matter of routine.

The comment area at the bottom of the Six Princesses 1905 website, which is in charge of the live webcast, is simply a mess.


More than 20 films were nominated for excellent feature films, and 10 award-winning works. There were almost no room for so many winners on the stage, which made me sick.

Has anyone seen the movie "Flying Sky"?Whether the movie is good or not, it won the Outstanding Director Award and the Outstanding Feature Film Award, which is almost like an award. I have never heard of this movie.

When Fang Nan presented the award, his expression was very exciting. He glanced at the winners, then at the trophy, and his expression seemed to say, "Brother, I don't know if your work deserves its name. Anyway, one more of you is not too much. Just go with a trophy."

I calculated that a total of 112 trophies were awarded that night. According to media interviews afterwards, more than half of the winners said that they would not hold a celebration banquet, and they probably felt ashamed.

The expressions of Xiangjiang filmmakers are wonderful, wanting to complain but not daring to complain, which perfectly interprets what it means to smile with a strong face.

Now I have some sympathy for Xiangjiang filmmakers. Although the Academy Award is exclusive, it is not so outrageous.

Ten trophies for outstanding feature films, five trophies for outstanding directors, as well as trophies for overseas Chinese directors and actors, and trophies for new directors and actors. The blood pressure of the audience soared.

this night.

Some movie fans were criticizing the domestic awards ceremony, some fans were fighting with fans, public knowledge, and some celebrity fans accused Fang Nan of having low EQ, so many actors only said that a few actors had good acting skills.

He didn't care about Huang Xiaoming, Li Bing, and other actors and stars around him.

But the person involved didn't see it that way. Huang Xiaoming even posted on Weibo at night, saying that he still lacks in acting, and will work harder in the future to improve his personal acting skills. By the way, he also told Ait Fangnan that he looks forward to collaborating again.

The next day.

Just as Fang Nan woke up leisurely, Gao Yuanyuan coaxed his son with a "hum hum chirp chirp" and said, "You go to sleep in another room at night, snoring too loudly, your son has been staring at you all night, the time clock is all messed up."

Fang Nan was depressed, he turned out to be a vulnerable group in his family.

After getting out of bed and washing up, Fang Nan warmed up two servings of milk, pastries, and Gao Yuanyuan, who was coaxing his son to sleep, for breakfast.

"Yesterday, you scolded yourself and the national football team again. How dare you go for a morning jog outside today?"

"Why, there are still people who dare to plot evil?" Fang Nan disdainfully.

"Sometimes I really can't understand you. Either the cat doesn't even bother to do movie promotion on the set, or he scolds this and that in front of the media, creating a whirlpool of public opinion for himself. Do you think you are smart or stupid?"

Knowing that Gao Yuanyuan was complaining again that he was fine and that he would come to the door one day if the guarantee was not complete, Fang Nan laughed and said:

"Whether you're smart or stupid depends on the situation. Wang Xifeng in "A Dream of Red Mansions" is the smartest person in the book. Such a smart woman has the most tragic ending. Why?"

Gao Yuanyuan gave Fang Nan a blank look: "What do you think?"

"I said it was because she, an extremely intelligent woman, had deep-rooted greed, hatred and ignorance, which was the cause of her most tragic ending. The old lady persuaded Wang Xifeng to read more Buddhist scriptures before she died. .”

"Don't you have greed, hatred and ignorance? If you want to develop the film industry and hold film festivals, that is also greed, hatred and ignorance."

"Yes, but it's not very powerful. I will try my best to do what I can, and give up if I can't do my best. After that, I will not talk about these things at home in the future. I will fight outside and fight when I go home. Tired of me?"

"You asked for it yourself, wait to be scolded."

Fang Nan chuckled: "Look more carefully, after being scolded for several major domestic film awards for so many years, who would be sad and lose a piece of flesh? If you dare to do this, who cares about being scolded!"

"That's why you people have thick skins!" Gao Yuanyuan flicked his chopsticks.

Having a rare rest, Fang Nan hid in the study for a long time in the morning and read books for a long time. In the afternoon, he wrote the script and wrote an outline of the script of "Quick Chase" that Hu Ge promised.

When he was tired from sitting, he cultivated a relationship with his son who was running around inside and outside the house.

It's a pity that Fang Qin seems a little shy, always rejecting his overtures, not like Zong Wanzhuo liked him at all when he was a child.

On the second day of the holiday, Fang Nan, Gao Yuanyuan, and Fang Qin went back to Gao Yuanyuan's natal home.

During the period, I chatted with my uncle, who was also troubled by the blockade of high-tech in the West. In this regard, Fang Nan was helpless.

This is a competition between great powers, and he is not something that a small person can participate in. He has long said that the division of labor in the revolution is different. His profession is a director, and he can make a good movie and finish the job.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law stayed at the house for a day, and the next day, Fang Nan changed into a simple and elegant black suit and stepped into the hall.

In the next three days, he and a group of well-known domestic filmmakers will participate in the discussion of the General Administration's restricted entertainment meeting.

It is also necessary to participate in the discussion on strengthening the construction of spiritual civilization.

Then there is the Huaxia Film Going Out Conference of the Film Bureau.

Fang Nan had already voted in favor of the restriction of entertainment. In order to express his dissatisfaction with the production of anti-Japanese dramas by his company Tangtang Film and Television, he did not hesitate to scold himself, so there is nothing to say about restricting anti-Japanese dramas.

At other times, he seldom speaks, just listening and not speaking.

Even if you open your mouth, it's useless nonsense, and it's not like some filmmakers who put forward reform regulations like needlepoint.

Among the participating filmmakers, Kong Li was the bravest. She gathered several filmmakers and wrote a grading report, but it was useless.

For this reason, some leaders used a movie line to tease the silent Fang Nan - the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!

Kong Li and the others were also in a hurry: "Fang Nan, you are talking, you hate the General Administration like the Football Federation."

Fang Nan slandered: "You think I'm stupid."

It's really not that he doesn't want to speak up for filmmakers and movies, and put things on the table, it's just that he doesn't have the time yet.

Doing things also has to pay attention to the art of war. There is a saying in the art of war: once you fight, you will lose after fighting, and you will be exhausted when you lose.

Kong Li and the others have become numb after raising the grades every year, and they have become old oily people.

He didn't want to make such pointless urging.

What he was thinking about was the flowers blooming outside the wall, and the fragrance inside the wall. If a topic that is not rare in China can become popular abroad, will it change the opinion of the bureau?

If the theme of zombies and the zombie universe become popular abroad, forming a chain of interest for the entire theme, will there be any changes in China?

Of course, maybe not.

But it is also more stressful than playing with tongues like Tang Monk chanting scriptures.

So everything has to be done slowly, and we can wait for his companies to grow and expand their tentacles abroad.

"Besides me, your words will be the most inspiring, but you are the most silent, and many people can't believe it."

On the last day, when we were walking around after lunch, the leader of the bureau said to Fang Nan.

"I know I can't change it even if I say it, what can I say?"

"Don't be conflicted. We are different from others in many ways. Many filmmakers don't understand the situation. If you are running around the country in your teens, you should understand the problems that will arise from grading."

"China is too big. We have more than one billion people. Every new provision may affect a generation."

"Once the bureau lowers the review standards, capital will first look for loopholes, and the rural film market that lacks supervision will definitely suffer first. By then, a large number of pornographic, violent, and horror movies will affect the physical and mental health of many children."

"Don't think I'm joking, go back and find out how many rural children have been ruined by video game rooms and Internet cafes."

Fang Nan didn't try to refute, everything has two sides, there are many things that cannot be proven right or wrong without the baptism of time.

After staying up until four o'clock in the afternoon, the three-day meeting finally came to an end. Fang Nan and a group of people left the auditorium with their notebooks in their pockets.

"Fang Nan, I've been to the capital so many times, and you didn't even ask for a meal."

"What's the big deal about a meal? Call to book a table now, why should we all come together?" Fang Nan asked Kong Li and Zhang Yimou while taking out his mobile phone in front of Cheng Long.

"I can't compare to you young people. I have to go back and rest." The two teachers, Feng Gong and Li Xuejian, took the lead to leave.

Then Huayi Wang Lei, Feng Dapao, Chen Poet, Uncle Ge, and Zhou Xingxing also left one after another.

After that, a group of people in the TV drama circle who were not familiar with him also left voluntarily.

In the end, only Cheng Long, Wang Jiawei, Liang Chaowei, Kong Li, Zhang Yimou, Jiang Wen, Zhao Yanzi, and Zhang Ziyi were left.

Cheng Long said again: "It's no fun to go to a hotel if there are few people, go to your house to eat, and see how your mansion looks like."

"What's so good about a small door and a small household?"

Fang Nan didn't want to bring a group of people home, but Cheng Long pushed him downstairs, determined to go to his house. I bought some vegetables while passing by the vegetable market.

Nowadays, people in the entertainment industry seldom market foodies, so there are two extremes when eating, or eating a small amount of expensive food caviar and so on.

Or give her whole boiled vegetables without oil and salt.

Cheng Long obviously had something to talk about, so when he got home, Fang Nan asked Gao Yuanyuan to show Kong Li and his party a tour of the courtyard, and he dragged Cheng Long to the cellar to carry wine.

If you wait until the dinner is over, Cheng Long will definitely be stumbling around and unable to talk about things.

"They couldn't bear it so quickly? I thought it would last at least 3 years."

In the cellar, Fang Nan looked at Cheng Long in surprise.

After the 14th Huabiao Awards, a Xiangjiang filmmaker chanted the slogan of restarting the Golden Image Awards, and found Cheng Long to convey the meaning to Fang Nan.

However, this group of filmmakers also said that it may not be called the Academy Awards, but the local area needs a well-known awards ceremony.

Someone wanted to make a comeback, Fang Nan had expected it, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

After hesitating for a while, he asked Cheng Long: "You said some people, who are some people? Their request is really just to hold a local awards ceremony?"

"Am I like a liar?" Cheng Long said anxiously, "Oh, don't care who it is, someone wants to do it anyway."

"It's hard to say." Fang Nan muttered, nodded and said, "Okay, it's not easy to hold an award ceremony that is well-known in the local area. I not only agreed, but also supported the funds."

Cheng Long was dumbfounded: "Are you telling the truth?"

"Really, the award ceremony is held in Pujiang. I asked Douyin to apply to the General Administration. You let these people hurry up and figure out the shape of the trophy and the full name of the ceremony."

"Pujiang?" Cheng Long almost jumped: "Are you kidding, I'm talking about the local award ceremony."

"That's right, in China. It's not difficult to hold an annual award ceremony in China."

"If they question the fairness of the awards, they will exclude Xiangjiang films, and they can be judges. Even every judge will be selected from filmmakers from the three regions."

"Some films cannot be shown in the mainland, how can the audience judge the fairness of the awards."

Fang Nan took a look at Cheng Long: "Most of the movies should be able to log on to TikTok. If you really can't watch the movies, there are various ways for the audience to watch them. Don't worry about that."

"Also, when the international version of Douyin is launched, you can also watch the international version."

Cheng Long was a little depressed. He was worried that Fang Nan would solve the whole night's affairs in minutes, which made him appear to be in a daze.

"I think it's better to add another one. In addition to the regular awarding units, the ceremony can also set up an action film unit named after Cheng Long. Cheng Long's action film unit has three awards for best director, actor, and actress. What do you think? In the same way, we should also give some preferential treatment to kung fu actors."

How are you?

Cheng Long's expression was wonderful.

He is not good at hiding his expressions, so when Fang Nan mentioned adding Cheng Long's action movie unit, he was already grinning from ear to ear.

Hearing that action actors would be given some preferential treatment, I was so sad that my eyes almost wet.

It can only be said that Fang Nan controlled Cheng Long's people's hearts to death.

With these words in the cellar, why would he willingly side with Fang Nan?
Whoever dares to block the establishment of Cheng Long's action film unit, he will probably go all out.

Cheng Long walked around the cellar happily, and soon took a bottle of white wine from the cellar contentedly. Fang Nan, who was holding the red wine, almost jumped in anger.

This bottle of baijiu was specially auctioned by a supplier of a boutique supermarket as a gift to Cao Guozhong, and Cao Guozhong transferred it to his 30-year-old Laimao.

"Let me tell you, you have a good fortune today, 30 years of Lai Mao."

After leaving the cellar, Cheng Long yelled at everyone he met, very loud.

After taking out all the wine, Fang Nan didn't have much to say, you and I let everyone drink up the wine.

(End of this chapter)

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