literary world

Chapter 38 Attack

Chapter 38 Attack
Three media outlets were picked up in front of the hotel, and Fang Nan led them slowly to the shooting location.

"Director Fang, this new Yitian Tulongji is also a co-production film."

On the way to the col, Gou Lin chatted while carrying the red envelope that Fang Nan stuffed when he got off the car in his pocket.

"It's a co-production, and the staff behind the scenes of the new "Yitian" come from Taiwan, Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia. Please help us to disclose this when writing the manuscript. It also shows that our crew has a luxurious cast!"

Gou Lin glanced at the distance where the crowd was buzzing: "Director Fang, such a large production crew costs a lot of money every day, and your salary must not be low!"

"I don't know about this, I have to ask the finance. As for my personal salary, it's generally okay."

Fang Nan couldn't figure out what the reporter named Gou Lin meant, and his answer was also ambiguous.

"Songwriter, female star, assistant director; literary youth, female star, and poor boy, it's hard to imagine if this triangular relationship explodes." Gou Lin frowned and followed Fang Nan's group.

When they arrived at the col, Fang Nan led the three of them to take daily photos of several actors in the crew.

It's a pity that the corrupt official and Uncle Shen in "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan" didn't come today, or the combination of these three people would be a major publicity highlight.

"My sister, show off your cuteness and take pictures with friends from the reporter."

Chen Xiuli, who was resting, was dumbfounded.

"To be cute is to be cute."

After being reminded by Fang Nan, Chen Xiuli pouted immediately.

Fang Nan smiled and said to Gou Lin and the others: "This is Chen Xiuli, the actor who plays Xiao Zhao in the play. She is a Malay. She is considered a newcomer actor. Please help me to write a few more words."

Taking a few shots along the way, Fang Nan called the three of them out of the set, and then asked Zhao Zhu to run to find Su Youpeng and the three, while he watched Gou Lin and the three direct the photographer to find a location.

After a while, the three leading actors came with makeup on. When they took the microphone, Fang Nan said, "Let's say hello to everyone first." He stepped back from the camera consciously, ready to correct the topic at any time.

"Hi everyone, I'm Su Youpeng, playing Zhang Wuji in "Yitian"."

"I'm Jia Jingwen, playing Zhao Min in the new version of "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji"."

"I'm Gao Yuanyuan, and I play the role of Zhou Zhiruo, a disciple of the Emei School in the new version of "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji."

From a brief introduction, Fang Nan could hear the cautiousness of the two girls, and they valued this drama very much.

"Hi Brother Youpeng, I'm Li Li, a reporter from Zhalang. What I want to ask is, what do you think is the biggest difference between the new version of "Yitian" and the "Yitian" filmed by Director Lai 10 years ago."

Su Youpeng glanced left and right, and said with a smile: "It seems that there are more beauties. You see, the two next to me are all big beauties."

Li Li: "Since both of them are big beauties, will you take the emotion in the play out of the play?"

"Of course not, Jia."

Su Youpeng's bald mouth was about to talk about Jia Jingwen's boyfriend or something, but Fang Nan outside the camera hurriedly said, "Hey, hey, I'm digressing, please ask the reporter friends some questions related to this drama."


This group of goods, the red envelopes are all stuffed, and they still want to engage in these dirty things.

Fang Nan licked his pouty lips, feeling extremely dissatisfied.

"Hi Yuanyuan, I'm Lu Tian, ​​a reporter from Golden Eagle Media. I want to ask "17-year-old Bike" for not winning the Berlin Film Festival. Do you have any regrets?"

"Then how did you get selected by the director to play the role of Zhou Zhiruo, did you find it difficult to act in a costume film for the first time?"

Fang Nan was dizzy. Sure enough, there were policies and countermeasures.

This reporter called Lu Tian changed in an instant, playing the trick of entraining private goods. "17-year-old Bicycle" has not been screened in China, you ask what it does.

"I don't have any regrets about not winning the award. I will work harder next time."

"Being able to play Zhou Zhiruo should thank the director for choosing me."

"It's quite difficult to shoot a costume drama for the first time, but there are directors, martial arts instructors to teach me, and..."

Gao Yuanyuan glanced at Fang Nan, Fang Nan shook his head quickly, he was not going to go to the stage, he didn't need these compliments, let alone exposure.

"Brother Youpeng also taught me a lot." Fang Nan refused, and Gao Yuanyuan, who was delayed for a second, quickly answered the answer just now.

Gao Yuanyuan had just finished answering, before the microphone came down, Gou Lin said abruptly, "Then did you invite him to dinner?"

"What's wrong with this?"

Fang Nan frowned, and just about to interrupt, Jia Jingwen interjected first: "We usually have a lot of fun on the set, and we will take the initiative to share snacks, so let's count it as an invitation."

After finishing speaking, the two women smiled sweetly at each other, Fang Nan was so pissed looking at it, he thought it was just a question.

Gou Lin didn't think about it, but looked at Gao Yuanyuan relentlessly and said, "Which one do you think Zhang Dong or Zhang Wuji is more suitable for the hero in life?"

Zhang Dong?

Which Zhang Dong?

Judging by the reporter's posture, he seems to be Gao Yuanyuan's boyfriend or a man?
Gao Yuanyuan was stunned.

Fang Nan, Su Youpeng, Jia Jingwen, including the other two reporters, and the photographer behind them were all stunned.

Fang Nan rolled his eyes and thought for a while before he vaguely remembered that Gao Yuanyuan seemed to have such a relationship.

The age is too long, and he is not a member of the Gossip Hobby Association, and he has never read "Light and Shadow Interlaced 1998" and other messy Chinese entertainment novels. Although he usually plays and makes trouble, if others don't mention it, he can't ask about it.

Gou Lin was roaring and venting in his heart, and the sluggish looks of the other two colleagues made his heart look crazy even more.

Idiots, you idiots, I just exploded a small scrap, and you are completely dumbfounded?

Did you feel so high-spirited when you refused me to join you?
Today, I, Gou Lin, will show you what the real breaking news is!

What is first-hand news!
Since there is no way to spy on the eternal splendor, let's pursue the momentary fireworks.

From now on, I, Gou Lin, will be the No. [-] paparazzi in China. Whenever I share some news, the world will focus on me!
At this moment, Gou Lin completely orgasmed!

Gao Yuanyuan looked like a frightened little white rabbit at a loss, Fang Nan interrupted Gou Lin, who was still turbulent in his heart, but in fact was purely personal.

"Your name is Gou Lin. Don't ask me these messy questions anymore. I don't have anything else to ask. I'll send you back."


Gou Lin pushed the high-height glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at Fang Nan with a smirk, and said, "Director Fang, although you are very manly in protecting your girlfriend, I want to say that it is not good to meddle in other people's feelings." behavior."

As soon as Gou Lin said these words, it was like a thunderclap suddenly sounded in the cloudless clear sky.

It blew up everyone present.

Gao Yuanyuan looked at Gou Lin in disbelief, and then at Fang Nan.

Jia Jingwen and Su Youpeng looked sideways and looked at Fang Nan in astonishment.

All the journalists and media at the scene were shocked.


Zhao Zhu and the others swallowed unconsciously.

"I'm rude, what are you talking about, are you here to find fault, right? Slandering me?" Fang Nan's eyes instantly became sharp.

He knew very well that he was not a good person. The fingers and toes of the hands and feet of the women he met in his previous life were not enough to count.

But he wasn't a jerk enough to meddle in other people's feelings, especially as a third party insider, Gou Lin's slander really touched his bottom line.

"You want to hit me, come and hit me, come, come." Gou Lin, who was eager for Fang Nan to hit him twice, jumped out to provoke Fang Nan and said.

But he didn't intend to be self-defeating, his appearance actually calmed Fang Nan down.

With a long sigh of relief, Fang Nan sarcastically said, "Why, you want me to beat you, and then make your debut on the news? Shameless, don't know what you look like? Like the one in "Big Head Son, Little Head Dad" Like a little daddy."



"Fang Nan, don't be shy, in two days, I'll see if you will cry or not." Gou Lin jumped angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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