literary world

Chapter 39 Damn Love

Chapter 39 Damn Love
"Hello, Editor-in-Chief Zhang of Time Media?"

"I'm Fang Nan, the deputy director of the film crew of "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji". I want to ask, is the visiting reporter you sent today called Gou Lin?"

"No, our visiting reporter today's car broke down and didn't make it. I also just received the news, and you called before I arrived."

The car broke down halfway?

It appears to be an impostor in a private transaction.

But why did the Gou Linpao crew make such a fuss?
Fang Nan was confused.

Until the next day, Fang Nan inadvertently flipped through the corners of the two newspapers and saw news headlines—[Zhang Dong, Gao Yuanyuan, Fang Nan's love triangle], [A certain hot drama that is currently being filmed] , the director of the crew intervened in the heroine's love affair], he just came to his senses.

The paparazzi Gou Lin used the other two reporters as a springboard to reveal the true and false news of the three of them first.

After the news spread, he would reveal that he had intimate photos of Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan, or Gao Yuanyuan and Zhang Dong, so as to become famous in one fell swoop, or sell the photos for a high price?
"I'm rough, this is to prove that I am a third party, why didn't I realize that these are the two paparazzi from years ago!"

Fang Nan was very depressed. He was not afraid of scandals or anything like that.

He was afraid of giving himself the title of a third party, which would be too shameful.

More importantly, he really didn't get anything.

Fang Nan, who was so disgusted that he didn't think right or left, could only hold his nose and go to Gao Yuanyuan to discuss it. This title must never be carried.

Good things don't go out and bad things spread thousands of miles away. Fang Nan's love triangle was unknowingly spread among the film crew. Along his journey, there were jokes, ambiguous, and sarcastic ones.

The actress who played Yang Buhui in the play even caught up and asked, "Hey, you guys are fake, why didn't I see it at all?"

Fang Nan didn't turn his head back: "It's fake, the two paparazzi made it up, no one with brains will believe it."

In the actor's rest area, Gao Yuanyuan was on the phone with someone, and Fang Nan squatted next to Jia Jingwen.

"Are you guys real or fake? Is it because the massage was so comfortable that you couldn't hold back?" Jia Jingwen looked gossip.

Fang Nan gave her a blank look: "You pressed it too, how can you hold back?"

Fang Nan, who was pushed by Jia Jingwen, sat down on the ground and joked, "Aren't there three people in our room?"

"Crap, you're talking as if two people can fight a friendly battle."

Facing the dusk, Fang Nan was full of sorrow and lit a cigarette.

There is little hype these days, and more people are tired of it. Their "love triangle" is likely to be regarded as negative news by the producers and producers.

"Damn, you won't drive me for no reason?" Fang Nan was full of depression.

Squatting down and chatting with Jia Jingwen, Gao Yuanyuan put down the phone and sat back on the chair with an extremely embarrassed expression.

Before she could sit on her buttocks, Fang Nan's sentence "We were photographed" scared her to her feet again.

After the media visit yesterday, her nerves have been in a tense state. Although she was angry with the out-of-the-box scandal with Fang Nan, she knew it was fake, so she didn't take it too seriously.

On the contrary, although she and Zhang Dong are just beginning, they are real.

In the phone call just now, the boyfriend was almost crazy. After all, no man can accept being cuckolded, even if they have just established a relationship and are in name only.

When she was worrying about whether this new relationship would die in the light of day, Fang Nan said, "We were photographed", which instantly made her tremble coldly, and without saying a word, she kicked Fang Nan's ass.

"Don't talk nonsense, when did the two of us get photographed, no, when did we have sex?"

"Years ago, the day you bought plaster, I set your bones and you forgot." After sitting up straight, Fang Nan reminded Gao Yuanyuan.

Gao Yuanyuan said stiffly: "So what, we didn't do anything."

"This silly Baitian really thinks that he is not afraid of the shadow when he is upright."

With a slander, Fang Nan said angrily, "It's not because I didn't do something, it's because my actions at that time were rather ambiguous, understand?"


After Gao Yuanyuan recalled it, she was so stupid. Touching her head and pushing her back seemed to be quite ambiguous. If the two paparazzi really took pictures of this scene from a tricky angle, it would be exposed again. She dared not think about it again.

"Then what should we do?" Gao Yuanyuan was anxious.

What can I do.

Learn from those classic public relations cases in later generations, either spend money to buy photos, or refuse to admit it, as long as I am not a third party.

Thinking of this, Fang Nan asked Gao Yuanyuan, "Have you and that Zhang Dong ever been photographed by paparazzi?"

"I don't think so. As soon as we established our relationship last year, I joined the crew. I have always been on the crew and haven't been out much."

Fang Nan breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good!"

"What's so good about this?"

Gao Yuanyuan was very puzzled, he didn't know what the situation was, Zhang Dong couldn't kill someone when he saw the photo.

Fang Nan didn't care whether Zhang Dong was Zhang Dong or not, as long as Gao Yuanyuan and Zhang Dong were not photographed, there would be no evidence that he was a mistress, at most it was just gossip, such a small character, no one would pay attention after a while.

After getting the good news, Fang Nan couldn't help feeling refreshed. It wasn't until Zhao Zhu came to ask Director Lai to look for him that his face darkened and he hurried to look for Lai Qingshui.

In front of the monitor, Lai Qingshui asked with a smile, "Nan Tsai, the story in the newspaper is true."

Fang Nan restrained his mind and said calmly, "It's a nonsense fabrication to attract attention. Director Lai should be able to see this. After all, the Xiangjiang paparazzi are much better than the mainland paparazzi. This kind of thing is not new."

Lai Qingshui nodded in a deep voice, and said again: "The producer called and said that this matter has been spread on the Internet. There are quite a lot of visitors on a website called Tianya. He means can you Take advantage of the heat."

"How do you make use of this?" Fang Nan complained frantically in his heart at the same time inexplicably, "I won't let me admit that I'm a mistress, right?

"The producer means to give you a role in the play."

"What role?"

"Song Qingshu."

I'll go to your uncle, is this something people do?
In reality, being slandered as a mistress doesn't count, but in the play they want me to be a licking dog!

Fang Nan was cursing in his heart, but said in his mouth: "Director Lai, I'm not good at acting, I really can't play Song Qingshu, and I don't like acting either."

Fang Nan refused straight away, but Lai Qingshui couldn't force it, so he waved Fang Nan to go to work, and he picked up the phone to communicate with the producer.

after a few days.

Rumors spread more and more fiercely. Rumors on the paper media and the Internet [Yitian's director oppressed the female star to sleep with him], [Gao Yuanyuan cheated on her legs], [Zhang Dong wants to beat someone] and other rumors spread loudly. Fang Nan and Gao were tortured. Yuan Yuan and Zhang Dong wanted to die.

In the end, the brokerage company behind Gao Yuanyuan and Zhang Dong took the lead in proving their innocence, and everyone is friends!
It would be miserable for Fang Nan, a loner. There was no agency behind him, so he could only resist with a thick skin.

A few days later, Fang Nan's photo of Gao Yuanyuan covering his face was published in the newspaper.

But to the surprise of the instigator, Gou Lin, and the people who eat melons, this photo not only failed to drive Fang Nan into the abyss, but was described as a poignant love by the earliest Chinese netizens.
There are few people on the cold and windy street. Beside a white street lamp, a boy in a green coat covers the face of a girl in a snow-white down jacket and a knitted hat with his hands, his eyes are full of tenderness
This face-to-face killing is fucking love
(End of this chapter)

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