literary world

Chapter 391 The Gap Between Dads

Chapter 391 The Gap Between Dads
"We know that the theory of the end of 2012 was very popular in the past few years, and Hollywood made a series of disaster movies for it, such as "2012" and "The Day After Tomorrow."

"So Director Fang, did you also have the idea of ​​the end of the world when you were filming "The Wandering Earth"?"

"After all, when we look at posters and clips, we can probably see that the earth was pushed out of its original orbit, and even almost hit Jupiter. This is more catastrophic than the doomsday scene in "2012"."

After the host Yang Lan finished speaking, the audience burst into laughter.

Not to mention Fang Nan's directing ability, the plot of "The Wandering Earth" is really ridiculous.

Faced with the good-natured smiles from the audience, Fang Nan smiled and said, "The reason why the Mayan prophecy is popular all over the world is actually a world-class promotional campaign by Hollywood film companies targeting global audiences. I don't need to go after people's wisdom."

""The Wandering Earth" is a pure sci-fi movie, a sci-fi movie with a lot of brain holes."

Yang Lan: "I feel that since "Terminator", sci-fi movies seem to have become synonymous with Hollywood."

"Including your "The Martian", "Gravity", which ended filming not long ago, also used Western actors who symbolize Hollywood, why did "The Wandering Earth" make such a big change, and Wu Jing and Chen Xiao were cast as the leading actors in the film. "

Fang Nan thought for a while, and said seriously: "The reasons are complicated, but the first thing I consider is commercial factors."

"Speaking directly may offend people, but I still want to say that most of the actors in China belong to the enclosure, and they have almost no reputation in North America and the world."

"But your film expects fewer countries to retire, and the investment is too small. Based on the Chinese market alone, the managers who invested in "The Martian", "Gravity", and "The Wandering Earth" can afford to wear pants that will lose money. "

""The Wandering Earth" uncharacteristically chose Chinese actors. First, it made a big statement that the protagonist is Chinese, and "The Martian" made a lot of money for the management. We are willing to let you be willful for a while."

Zeng Li said with a fierce face.

As for how much of what I say is true or false, it is up to the audience to guess.

I was deliberately making things difficult for the audience, and I was deliberately honest, but the situation really allowed it.

I said I was uncomfortable today, but tomorrow the North American audience will find out the flaws in the interview.

At this point, the North American audience will take a look, and it's okay for Zeng Li to make money from North American audiences, my movie is indeed okay.

But while I stretched my hands out of the pockets of North American audiences, I secretly wanted to let more Chinese actors withdraw from Hollywood and let Chinese people make money and fame together. How can North American audiences tolerate it?

If it is done well, there will be a boycott against it.

It's okay to be boycotted by the audience.

Fuck it if it gets boycotted by the Hollywood unions.

Don't think that what Hollywood is doing is out, [Zhang Hua is more inclined to Chinese actors between Hollywood actors and Chinese actors, I discriminate against Hollywood actors, white actors].

Such things are new in Hollywood, and even the whole love-like pro card.

I was accused of discriminating against men a long time ago.

Just in case that day really comes, Zeng Li thinks that she should learn to make a small fortune silently.

Learn to bend the thick-skinned spirit of some actors.

Posting a picture, saying a little witty words is nothing more than embarrassing, and it is more important than losing the market and flattening the wallet?
It is unnecessary to talk about people when you meet people, and to talk about ghosts when you meet ghosts.

After recording "Yang Lan Interview Record", Zeng Li and Wu Jing recorded the talk show "Quiet Distance" of Anhui Satellite TV together.

I went to Phoenix Satellite TV to record "Qiang Qiang Eight People Walk" alone.

The theme of several talk shows is to promote the movie "The Wandering Earth", but the chat will always be unconstrained and empty.

Li Jing, the host of "Quiet Distance", occasionally asks Zhang Huayong, Fang Qin, and Zong Wanzhuo.

The matter of concealing Fang Nan and the man was exposed long ago, Zeng Li has long been avoiding the taboo, little Fangfang said that the man was more mischievous and mischievous when he was older, more like me, and the son was shy and bored, more like America.

When Li Jing mentioned how Zhang Hua's school was doing.

I even teased Principal Zeng that he lost his students and forgot his son.

In "Qiang Qiang Eight", Zeng Li chatted more happily with Chen Danqing, Ma Weidu, and Mao Jianguo, eight old women.

That is to say, there was no other male guest Zhang Huayong at the scene, but the seven of them were afraid that they would drink red in the face.

As soon as the seven of them sat down on eight sides, the old horse pointed at Zeng Li and complained: "I snatched the mineral water bottle from your hand and smashed it to a superjunior member in Korea. You helped me take the blame for several years."

Zeng Li smiled and touched the old horse with the porcelain jar: "He has been reciting it for several years, why do you still say it?"

"You guys are ambiguous. When this combination became popular in the next two years, you would be scolded wherever you went. In those two years, this combination will be good, so it will be better."

"Why did you hit him?" Gao Yuanyuan pursed her lips curiously.

Asked by the beautiful man, the old horse happily explained:
"The renovation of the small gate of the exhibition hall is going to welcome the 08 Olympic Games. The driver vaguely drove the car carrying the Korean members to the front gate. Then he was surrounded by these big kids. It's a good idea to retreat."

"It's cold in Xiaoxia. People outside the car may have slowed down and made noise. No one climbed under the roof of the car and their mouths were clean. I snatched your half-drinked water before I saw it, and slammed it right in the head. .”

"You're still muttering, why are you so accurate, you didn't know I was a practitioner until you came here."

"Come here?" Chen Danqing asked Shangwen slowly.

The old horse pointed at Zeng Li: "I ran away after throwing the bottle, and you were kicked several times by a bunch of big kids."

Zeng Li did it: "Is there any, has he been running wildly in front of your ass?"

Being kicked out back then hurt Xiaoya, I was even afraid of Super Junior when it was at its peak, not to mention the Korean girl group that is almost disbanded now.

But the old horse can talk nonsense, and I am willing to bear the bad reputation of causing an old man to be beaten up.

Zhang Huayong and Gao Yuanyuan smiled from ear to ear, and Chen Danqing said happily: "I can see that I am such a bad director for such a small director!"

"Call it bad, you can be regarded as a man of temperament." Zhang Huayong pushed his glasses.

Around the TV series "Women's Gang" starring Gao Yuanyuan, we talked about the slow joy of women.

Before, a few people talked about "The Wandering Earth", but they talked about man and nature, man and environment, man and earth, and then extended to the winter mist.

"To be honest, the earth has always needed human beings to save it. The earth only wants humans to let you go, but it is obviously too possible!"

Zeng Li's sudden golden sentence was sought after by several people.

Everyone lamented that the environment in the country is good, with clear water and green mountains, and the capital is slightly smoggy.

Zeng Li also talked about her personal views. It was the first time I talked about environmental issues publicly.

Still the same sentence, whether it is smog or the overall environment, is a product of a country before it enters industrialization, and it is a last resort.

It is industrialization that will never fall behind and will be beaten. The rich man with or without weapons is just a fat man wearing gold and silver.

If there is no sacrifice, Zeng Li, who is a billionaire, is also a victim, because I share a piece of land with very few people, but what should I do?Knowing what Wang Wu said is very appropriate, "Maybe that's life!"

But having said that, the only way to quickly develop the national football, the environment, and the film industry is to save the hair and lose the country.

"Hey, find a restaurant and have a meal together before leaving."

When the program recording started, Chen Danqing offered to have dinner together.

Zeng Li looked at Gao Yuanyuan, and wanted to cultivate a relationship with that intellectual and beautiful man, but in the end reason overcame sensibility, and the little head defeated the big head, so she turned her head cruelly and chose to go back to Yonghe Villa to stay with the man less.

It's a pity that Thong Wanzhuo, who is in the first grade, is very busy. After school, she has to go to training classes to learn calligraphy, painting, and piano. She has no time to see me.

Zhang Hua is very cool.

As a young director, no one can see how my storyboards are, and my artistic accomplishments are comparable to those of my relatives.

Is it true that the piano certificate has not been passed, but I have studied systematically for a while, and there is no pressure to complete the piano score smoothly. My girlfriend actually went to learn from others?
The corner of Fang Nan's mouth twitched: "Don't put a spring onion in your pig's nose and pretend to be a fool. If you get a cheap price, you still act like a good boy. Let him teach your girlfriend that he has no time?"

Pig's nose with shallots - pretending to be like?
Zeng Liqi also ate dinner, locked the piano room and used all her strength to compose the song "star Sky", which was 10 years late in writing lyrics but kept coming up with tunes.

The mother and daughter were shocked when they came to persuade Zeng Li to eat and sleep quickly after washing.

Thong Wanzhuo is fine.

It's out of your age that you listen to it. I just think that Dad plays very well.

Fang Nan was very surprised.

You are a young man of literature and art, but you are studying in Tsing Yi, you have been to concerts, and you hate listening to songs and singing, but you have never heard or seen that majestic piece played by Zeng Li.

"Is it true that I wrote it in the middle of the night?"

Zhang Hua said awkwardly, "What did he say?"

Fang Nan looked at his wife like a monster: "He's awesome!"

Zeng Li chuckled, I have copied so few movies and so few songs, how can I be so high-spirited tonight.

Taught the boy to play "starSky" when he was young, Zeng Li lovingly persuaded the older girl to go to bed, and before I finished the two small bowls of rice, I went back to the bed and continued to be in high spirits until the east dawned.

"Sleeping soundly, he focuses."

In Wanzhuo's room, Zhang Hua nodded, tiptoed to the side of the sleeping young man, and gave the big girl a big kiss on the forehead.

"Students are important, men are also important, and you are more important. You have to work too hard, and you are living a life of security."

Seeing the information on the phone, Zeng Li picked up the package and said to Nan Chong.

"He's only in his thirties, so why does he hate talking old-fashioned things?" Zhang Hua said with a straight face.

Zeng Li thought for a while: "Maybe it's because the people I came into contact with are relatively young."

I am in my 30s, but my achievements are too small, and talking to my peers is often like educating the younger generation.

The people who deserve my serious attention are all old.

Over time, the mentality has not changed.

It may also be the reason why the soul is too small.

On the contrary, Fang Nan's state and mentality have gotten a lot worse.

Think of it as being a canary, and being in touch with older children and students makes your life very comfortable.

Zeng Li was quite unhappy, I hope that Fang Nan, Zhang Huayong, and Liu Qianqian live beautifully because of you.

Looking at it now, Liu Qianqian seems to be quite miserable, wandering around in the wild forest, because your goal is the same as yours and Zeng's, you are still young, and you are pursuing thousands of stars.

Before a deep kiss, Zeng Li got off the car under the guidance of Da Zhu's secretary, and boarded the plane to fly to North America after a while. When she woke up, it was almost time to transfer, and finally set foot on her destination in North Carolina.

North Carolina is a state in the southeastern part of the Cardiff, which was originally a gathering place for Indians.

The population of the state is less than 700 million, whites account for more than 70%, Indians only account for less than 1%, and there are no Asians who love ugly cards. From the population data, it is another history of blood and tears .

District 12 in "The Hunger Games", which is the filming location of the male protagonist's hometown, is under a plain in this state. When Zeng Li arrived, there were fewer people in the originally inhabited area.

Except for the crew members, there was no vendor who came close to see An Jing and wanted to sell food to the crew.

"Boss, it's the first time you've seen Dou Wentao live so miserable." Secretary Da Zhu muttered.

"Did he come back to Dou Wentao just once?"

Zhang Huahun is concerned about the retreating crowd: "There are countless people everywhere. Dou Wentao's polarization between the rich and the poor is very slight. The next time he goes to the place where there are few low-rise buildings, it means that there are fewer rich people and fewer middle-class people. There are fewer poor people there." .”

"Hi, dear Fang."

Yu Feihong walked over with open arms and small steps.

"Get out." Zhang Hua blocked Zhang Huayong's coldness with a straight leg: "What does "The Hunger Games" have to do with him, why did he come here?"

"To be so heartless, you are close partners."

"Don't talk about things when you have nothing to say."

"Okay, Warner has studied his "Interstellar" script, the script is very rigorous, so you want to find some experts to rewrite, of course, the small frame of the story will change, so few audiences will hate his Shaowei Space, wow, what a genius, visionary he is."

Zeng Li has something to say about asking experts to change the script. Naturally, the more rigorous the script, the better.

What I worry about is that Yu Feihong will become my producer again.

"Does Warner still let him be the producer of "Interstellar"? That's a good idea, and you will let Kevin dismiss that idea."

"Why, dear Fang, you have been working together very happily, right? If it's because "The Martian" is a little bit of depression, you sincerely apologize to him and promise him that you will definitely intervene in his work on "Interstellar" For the creation of Time Traveling, if it were another producer, we would treat him like you did."

Zeng Li glanced at Yu Feihong and carefully took out a cigarette. At the same time, Zhang Huayong and the secretary immediately asked for a lighter and lighted it for Zeng Li courteously.

People have to be tall on the eaves, and it is an exaggeration for Zeng Li to say that he is Warner's real grandfather.

As long as Zhang Hua's movie box office wins one day, Warner will keep kissing him, and protect Grandpa Fang well, allowing anyone to get involved.

Zeng Li took a breath: "Give him another chance."

Leaving aside Yu Feihong, Zeng Li met Shi Nansheng, ""The Wandering Earth" will be released simultaneously in North America on December 12th in China, South Korea, and Japan. AMC and two other theaters have given 24 screens, but the location is special. The manager felt that the visual effects were wrong and had doubts about the Chinese actors."

Zeng Li nodded and asked, "Warner decided to spend how much money to promote in North America? You saw a poster along the way."

"An initial investment of 500 million US dollars will be added at any time according to the box office situation."

Zeng Li babbled: "Is it your own father after all, please don't promote it on your own social media."

(End of this chapter)

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