literary world

Chapter 392 "The Wandering Earth" Battles North America

Chapter 392 "The Wandering Earth" Battles North America

"Boom boom boom boom"

As the sun rose, there was an earth-shattering explosion outside the DuPont National Forest in North Carolina.

For a while, props, soil, and dead branches flew, and the scene was full of flames and thick smoke.

In the jungle not far from the explosion site, Ma Dayong, who was a little dull compared to the crew who had prepared to cover their ears, said, "Old Zhou, you put too much gunpowder on your mother."

"Don't be noisy."


The raging fire is still burning, and the smell of plastic is pungent, but the actors have to bite the bullet and go into battle.

The crew prepared a total of three blasting materials. In the first two days, they NGed twice because they couldn't bear the heat wave and other reasons. If they failed again today, the production cost would be wasted, not to mention affecting the progress, and I would also suffer.

There was an actor who wanted to use a stand-in, but he was almost ashamed by Fang Nan.

Actual shooting, actually asked for a substitute?
And the scene seemed dangerous, but the actors have been wandering around the fire scene, very safe.

As the leading actress, Liu Qianqian didn't even mention a substitute. Is it reasonable for a supporting actor to have a substitute?

Fang Nan looked at the monitor.

The edge of the overgrown jungle.

Liu Qianqian bowed her bow and set her arrow, staring straight ahead, assuming a posture of detonating mines in the item area. A few seconds later, Yu Hai gave an order, and Ma Dayong and several martial artists pulled the steel wire and pulled Liu Qianqian back violently. , let it fall on the spring bed.

at the same time.

In the film, Kaito and his younger brother, who played the villains, rushed into the camera. After arguing against the skyrocketing fire, Kaito easily twisted off the head of the younger brother who did not take good care of his belongings.

Fang Nan yawned and got up: "Okay, it's over, the firefighting unit puts out the fire, and the rest pack up and move on to the next set."

Taking the crew to fight in the jungle, the next shooting will be simple.

The camera followed Liu Qianqian up a tree, into the water, into a hole, and running through the jungle.

The shot is easy to shoot, but it is troublesome. It is almost difficult to have a coherent shot, and the preparation time is too much.

Liu Qianqian doesn't know how to climb trees, so the staff had to hoist her up slowly, and it took a lot of effort to get down from the tree after shooting a scene, and it took a lot of time to go back and forth.

Running in the jungle is also more dangerous, there are many stumbling places, the actors and staff of the crew are frequently injured, almost all of them are injured, and they have to stop and rest from time to time.

The crew spent a lot of money to arrange an ambulance outside the jungle.

The only good thing is that it is winter, and there are not so many mosquitoes, rats and ants in the jungle.

After suffering a month of filming, the jungle scene finally came to an end, and the crew moved to Paris.

Before leaving, Fang Nan sent a few bottles of foreign wine to Rove, the official in charge of Dupont Forest. The crew had been filming in the forest park for so long. less convenient.

The old guy is nice, more up-to-date.

"Hey, Fang, "The Hunger Games" will be as popular as "The Martian" around the world, and Dupont National Forest will definitely welcome more tourists by then."

"Well, so this is the real reason why you provide convenience to the crew." Fang Nan was depressed.

Luo Fu hugged Fang Nan and laughed: "Yes, but I also like your friend."

The filming location of "The Hunger Games" in Paris is the postmodern architectural complex in the Grand Noisy district.

After World War II, Spanish architect Riccardo Baufill was influenced by utopian ideas and wanted to build a "space city" in France and provide a reference for other cities.

As originally conceived, the "Space City" would accommodate people of all social classes, as well as a large landmark.

The landmark, which Baufill dubs "The Grand Palace," has 610 apartments and looks like a surreal sea of ​​steel from a distance.

The reality is cruel, and the utopian country will not come because of post-modern architecture.

Unsound infrastructure and the isolated nature of residences have accelerated the decline of the city.

But it would be perfect to use as the main city in "The Hunger Games".

With the permission of the government and the community to shoot, thousands of extra performers put on fancy costumes, wore all kinds of strange hairstyles, and their colorful hair went into battle one after another.

For side scenes where the main actors didn't participate, Fang Nan didn't explain how the group performers would perform. He designated an area for the group performers to move around freely and wander around.

It is enough to allow the camera at a high place to record several shots steadily.

After lighting a cigarette and waiting for the signal from the monitor, Yan Hong sat next to Liu Qianqian with a tired look on her face, and the secretary hurriedly massaged her.

"Brother Nan, luckily you didn't disgrace your life. Please sign these documents."

Fang Nan glanced at the thick pile of documents: "How much did you buy?"

"Using 2.5 million US dollars to win 7% of the shares of AMC theaters in the hands of 20 shareholders, you are now AMC's second largest shareholder."

"It was done in less than three months? It seems pretty easy."

Yan Hong was speechless, what does it mean to stand and talk without back pain?
Fang Nan is now.

"I've traveled around dozens of countries, okay? Rich people are too good at enjoying themselves. Those who like winter go to Austria, and those who like summer go to Hawaii. They either go out to sea with a yacht, or hide in a farm to play the role of a farmer. I can't find enough."

"The matter is really not difficult. The shareholders who opened the lion's mouth rejected it face to face. It is not a wholly-owned acquisition anyway."

"It's been hard work, what are these documents I signed, a large transfer?"

Yan Hong explained: "Part of the money has to be transferred from China. In addition, the global dividends invested by several Tangtang film and television companies in "The Martian" must be signed by you before they can be transferred to me."

"Then we'll have to wait until I finish talking with Mr. Cai and the partner at night." Fang Nan teased Liu Qianqian with a smile: "Partner Liu, you don't mind taking out the loan temporarily, do you?"

Liu Qianqian gave Fang Nan a white look: "Pull it down, it makes you seem to have valued your partner."

"This statement is extremely inappropriate? The partnership system is a major measure for the long-term development of Tangtang Film and Television, okay? If you have any opinions, please ask."

Yan Hong couldn't stand it anymore, the two seemed to be discussing the pros and cons of the company's regulations, but the truth was that the two pretending to be angry were no different from flirting.

However, apart from being a little irritated, she was not disgusted.

She knew almost all of Fang Nan's love history.

After all, Fangnan Culture is closely related to the third film and television song, and she is the president of the company.

How about Brother Nan's love history?

Counting all the actresses who have had scandals with him, it's still nothing more than that.

In the entertainment circle, Fang Nan who has several love histories is really not worth mentioning.

He is not as good as Xiao Lizi, who is keen on changing supermodels, but he can't keep up with the love history of some domestic actresses, even if he flatters him.

Compared with some singers who specialize in attacking young fans, they can be called innocent.

If his love history is placed in the rich circle, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he is not popular.

Not to mention the people who caused the suicide of the actress in Bangzi Country this year, even the rich in the west are also known as having fun. Compared with them in terms of fun, Fang Nan really pales in comparison.

So she never minded that the relationship between Gao Yuanyuan, Zeng Li, Liu Qianqian, Han Jiaren, Han Xiaozhou, Zhang Ziyi, Li Bing, Liu Tao, Li Xiaolu, Jiang Yiyan and Fang Nan was unclear.

These people have nothing to do with her, she only serves Fang Nan.

"You guys talk, I'll go back to the hotel to rest. By the way, before flying to Paris, Shi Nansheng asked me to remind you to end the scene and go back to North America to promote it. There are still more than 10 days until the movie is released."

Fang Nan nodded towards the monitor with a picture: "Well, you can go back, I will sign the document after I read it at night."

"Boss Yan has a good personality, and he does things swiftly and resolutely." Liu Qianqian praised Yan Hong who left wrapped in a bright red down jacket.

Fang Nan echoed, "She is short-tempered, and her ability may be poor, but her character is nothing to say. She has a capable deputy, and she has never made any major mistakes in these years."

"Cut, the photography team, put another camera in the northeast corner, and do it again later."

The bird's-eye view and the wide-angle shot took three shots. Fang Nan called out, and the last scene of "The Hunger Games" ended successfully.

Fang Nan sniffed: "I'm going to fly to North America overnight, what did you do? Return to China or go to North America with me?"

"My mom is waiting for me in Los Angeles, and I'm going to buy a house there."

"Los Angeles? Turtle, you want to buy a Beverly mansion. I heard from Tom Cruise last time that his villa cost nearly 3000 million US dollars."

Fang Nan looked at Liu Qianqian with her hands in her coat pockets in shock: "I didn't expect you to be a rich woman, please take care of me!"

Liu Qianqian stretched her legs and kicked Fang Nan: "Cut."

In the past two years, no matter how popular she is, how popular she is, and how much she earns, she still can't earn hundreds of millions of yuan.

A $3000 million villa?

Even if she could buy it, she would still have to pay the real estate tax. Laomei's house had to pay real estate tax every year. Fang Nan knew everything, so he had to pretend to be dead.

After moving aside to let the staff pack the equipment, Fang Nan swung his arm, knocked Liu Qianqian into a stagger, and said slowly, "If you really want to live in Beverly Hills, I'll buy a smaller one for you."

It's not that he's stingy, it's that the ultra-luxury single-family villa in Beverly is either occupied by celebrities and tycoons, or it's outrageously expensive.

A small villa with a swimming pool and a garden is easier to find.

Of course, the so-called small is definitely not too small, after all, the villa.

Fang Nan's proposal was not only bad, but even hurt Liu Qianqian. The next moment, she said angrily, "What have I done? If I have money, I can buy it myself. If I don't have money, it's fine to live in an apartment."

Fang Nan had no choice but to say no more.

Liu Qianqian was already a little stubborn, especially after knowing about his unclear relationship with Gao Yuanyuan and Zeng Li.

She is now very much like the heroine in "The Hunger Games", the leading heroine in major film and television dramas, the old lady must be self-reliant, and she does not care about relying on stinky men.

Relationship with Fang Nan?

Just a physical need!
And I asked for it three times that night.

The next day.

Fang Nan gave Guo Fan and Wen Muye the rest of the sideshow, and he flew to Los Angeles with Liu Qianqian, Yan Hong, Lilith, Secretary Xiao Zhu and others.

As soon as they arrived at the destination, the management of AMC came to ask for an interview.

In the hotel, Fang Nan looked at the group of people, full of curiosity: "Can you add more films to "The Wandering Earth"?"

A group of people categorically denied: "No, the management serves all directors and aims to make AMC profitable. "The Wandering Earth" wants more films, and it depends on whether North American audiences are willing to support this film."

"Then you can post more "The Wandering Earth" posters in the cinema?"

Management: "AMC's financial situation is very bad, we want the publisher to do this more."

"Then why do you come to see me? Just wait."

Fang Nan threw the group to Yan Hong, and entered the suite with Shi Nansheng and Warner's publicity staff.

"The publicity in North America is mainly based on you. Wu Jing, Chen Xiao and other actors will not be able to achieve the publicity effect. It is better to stay in China and run road shows. In North America, Warner has arranged two talk shows, and the rest is to go to 10. Come to a big city road show to promote."

"We invited Jessica Chastain, Anne Hathaway, Liu Qianqian, Matt Damon, Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Cheng Long, and Li Lian to participate in roadshows in several cities."

"I also contacted some women's rights organizations for you. Although the crisis was resolved last time, the heroine movie you promised has not been released yet, and their bad impression of you has not been eliminated. You should take the initiative."

"And you have to actively participate in award ceremonies related to "The Martian", such as the Golden Globe Awards for Film and Television in January."

In the suite, Shi Nansheng talked a lot about the promotional activities of "The Wandering Earth", which made Fang Nan dizzy, but he had to take part in it.

"The Wandering Earth" is no more serious than other movies.

Fang Nan looked at the curly middle-aged man: "Alex, what do you have to say?"

Alex is the operator of the North American promotion of "The Wandering Earth" sent by Warner, and this person is also responsible for the marketing of "The Martian".

"No, everyone is ready to enjoy the scenery on the journey."

Fang Nan snorted, Warner only gave 500 million publicity fees, so there was nothing to say.

The next day, Fang Nan and his team officially started the promotional mode of "The Wandering Earth".

He first accepted an exclusive interview with Variety Film Weekly. Facing the reporter's question about the differences between Eastern and Western films, he said:
Most of the time, Hollywood movies pay more attention to individual heroism movies, Superman, Spiderman, Iron Man, one hero is enough to save the earth.

If a person cannot be saved, but it can also be tragic and empathetic, such as Batman under the lens of Nolan.

And "The Wandering Earth" puts more emphasis on collectiveness. This movie tells everyone that the earth needs to be protected by all human beings.

Facing the host of the technology media The Verge, Fang Nan boasted about the technical difficulties overcome by "The Wandering Earth". There are as many as tens of thousands of visual effects shots, which are not common even in Hollywood science fiction movies.

In just a few days, Fang Nan has lost a lot of weight. He has worked hard enough to promote it, but it is full of magazines and paper media, and the effect of the promotion is not as good as a promotional tweet he sent.

Many netizens were surprised.

After "The Martian", Fang Nan is quite well-known in North America. Many sci-fi fans follow his social account, but they only learned about Fang Nan's another sci-fi movie "The Wandering Earth" on Twitter, which is about to hit North American cinemas. up.

"The publicity is too bad." Fang Nan complained.

"No way, even if we hold the North American distribution rights in our own hands, it will be difficult to get through the theaters. The major Hollywood film companies and the major theaters are too closely connected. After all, they complement each other. We can only count on the attendance rate after the movie is released. Higher, and then ask Warner and theaters to increase the number of films and increase publicity funds."

"What's going on in the country?"

"Several major theaters in China have arranged to open 3000 screens. If Zhang Yimou's "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" were not there, there would be more." Shi Nansheng said.

Fang Nan sighed, "Come on, let's get on the plane, I hope the two talk shows will be better."

Shi Nansheng smiled and said: "It's a pity that you are married, otherwise I will arrange a gossip girlfriend for you. Gossip is a hundred tests in Hollywood."

"Forget about the scandal, didn't Anne Hathaway be invited for tomorrow's promotion? You can ask her manager if Anne Hathaway would like to have a mutual admiration with me, so as to create some momentum."

"I'll ask after landing."

(End of this chapter)

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