literary world

Chapter 393 Crazy Movie

Chapter 393 Crazy Movie

"click click"

"Hey, Bull, has the "Ellen Show" started, how about the Huaxia director?"

"It's okay, it looks good."

On the sofa, the girl with potato chips stuffed in her mouth responded vaguely to her roommate who had just returned.

"Ohmygod, you are hopeless." Having condemned her roommate, Anna kicked off her high heels, squeezed into the sofa and grabbed potato chips: "Why is there Anne Hathaway?"

Bull: "Guest, she looks disgusting."

Anna was curious: "Why did they know each other? As far as I know, they didn't cooperate."

"Spiritual friendship, do you know what is divine friendship? You just use your brain to fantasize about someone else, Missy Missy. Anne Hathaway is really a son of a bitch." Bull, who was full of dirty thoughts, misinterpreted Fang Nan's explanation of divine friendship.

As for the reason for her hatred for Anne Hathaway, sorry, there is no one in North America who does not hate Anne Hathaway.

Her modesty is feigned.

After she learned that her boyfriend was a scammer, she decisively found a new boyfriend.

Her big eyes make her look like a lizard.

Her acting is terrible.

Her innocence is a faux pas.

All of Anne Hathaway's actions are full of costumes, so there is no reason to scold her or hate her.

But Shi Nansheng asked her to be Fang Nan's surprise guest on "Ellen Show".

It can only be said that Shi Nansheng knows how to use the sword better, black and red are also red.

There is no way, the promotional funds for "The Wandering Earth" are too small.

"Because of Anne Hathaway, I will definitely not watch "The Wandering Earth"."

Bull, who was chewing potato chips, saw Fang Nan, Hathaway, and Allen laughing and interacting, and gritted his teeth.

Contrary to Boolean, while watching "The Ellen Show" with great interest, Anna said: "I want to watch this movie. I have had enough of Iron Man, Spider-Man to save the earth, and even Superman is white. , I bother them."

After recording "The Ellen Show", Fang Nan and Hathaway rolled onto a hotel bed sheet without any accidents.

There are not so many twists and turns, just a pleasant chat, and I am willing to reciprocate and benefit each other, and try each other's strengths and weaknesses by the way.

Fang Nan suffers more. The role he promised is more affordable after all, and can actually help the other party's career.

As for Anne Hathaway, from a physiological point of view, she didn't pay anything, and she herself said that the process was very happy.

She really made a lot of money with Fang Nan's deal.

She now has a poor reputation among North American audiences, and it is not easy to win the role of Fang Nan, the best director of the Oscar and the commercial director.

The afternoon campaign forced Fang Nan to cancel part of the propaganda.

But it all seems worth it.

Because when he arrived in Florida in high spirits, the topic of "The Wandering Earth" suddenly increased on North American social media.

[I hate Anne Hathaway so much, why is she on "The Ellen Show"? 】

[Because of Anne Hathaway, I hate Fang Nan even more, reject his movies, reject "The Wandering Earth". 】

[Anne Hathaway has no acting skills, her performances in all the movies are very bad, "The Wandering Earth" must be a big bad movie! 】

[Why does Anne Hathaway exist in a sci-fi movie? 】

[I am a fan of science fiction and a fan of Fang Nan's movies. I want to say to everyone, I am sorry that Anne Hathaway did not participate in Fang Nan's "The Wandering Earth". 】

【Anne Hathaway looks very fake to people, her innocence is all fake. 】

[What movie is "The Wandering Earth"? 】

["The Wandering Earth" starring Matt Damon? 】

【Fang Nan should save Matt Damon, not the earth! 】

Suddenly, "The Wandering Earth" seemed to become popular, and various topics were rampant.

The crusade against Anne Hathaway and the discussion of "The Wandering Earth" have intensified. The New York Times, the largest newspaper in North America, launched a campaign on Twitter-【Reasons for Discussing Anne Hathaway】.

Unexpectedly, the number of replies to this tweet reached more than 10 overnight.

There are all kinds of weird reasons, and the most people say that they hate Anne Hathaway without a reason, they just dislike the actress.

Shi Nansheng panicked: "The situation is not right. I did a survey and found that most of the netizens who hate Anne Hathaway are women. It seems that this is indeed the case."

"But it's terrible that almost no men come out to support Anne Hathaway, which shows that her popularity with the audience is all-round, which is different from what we imagined."

Fang Nan almost laughed out: "You don't really understand men's psychology, men in general, especially those lsps, who would jump out and say that I like Anne Hathaway's delicate face, I look at her picture at night and hide under the blanket Obscenity? No one will jump out to support her."

It is unrealistic to expect how many female audiences in North America will support "The Wandering Earth".

Instead of pleasing female audiences, it is better to do some news with Anne Hathaway, who female audiences hate the most, so that the movie can get exposure first.

Let's see if Anne Hathaway, who has been criticized constantly, will gain the support of some male audiences. After all, male audiences, sci-fi fans are the largest audience for "The Wandering Earth".

The above is the propaganda strategy that Fang Nan and Shi Nansheng secretly set up.

To be honest, the effect has been achieved.

The so-called divine friendship between him and Anne Hathaway on "The Ellen Show" and the appreciation of each other were disgusted by many people, so "The Wandering Earth" became extremely popular.

However, it is temporarily unclear how much the popularity will be fed back to the movie box office.

On December 12, the propaganda team of "The Wandering Earth" was temporarily disbanded after returning to New York.

At this moment, there are still 1500 days before the large-scale release of "The Wandering Earth" on 2 screens in North America.

And another Chinese-language domestic film "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" has already landed in North America.

Knowing that Lao Mouzi and Ni Ni were also in New York, Fang Nan specially met with a few of them.

"You still think 1500 yuan is too low for a screen?"

In a Michelin restaurant next to Central Park, Zhang Yimou was speechless.

"Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" landed in North America at midnight today to meet the audience. The theaters arranged a total of 100 screens, and almost all of them were concentrated in Chinese and African communities.

There are even more outrageous things.

He and the main creators of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" only appeared on the covers of a few second-tier magazines for publicity, and there would be no more publicity.

Compared with the treatment of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins", "The Wandering Earth" is comparable to the treatment of blockbuster movies.

1500 screens were screened at the same time, and one round, two rounds and three rounds were eliminated. Various fancy preview screenings and word-of-mouth surveys at midnight, and second-tier Hollywood directors may not be so popular with theaters.

Fang Nan's frown, his criticism of Warner Bros. and AMC theaters gave Lao Mouzi and others a feeling of being a coward.

It is born in the blessing and does not know the blessing.

Zhang Yimou cut a small piece of beef sadly, chewed it twice and then put down the knife and fork with a sad face.

Fang Nan tried a little persuasion: "No matter how bad your reputation abroad is, you don't need to punish yourself with hunger."

He has been in North America, and the reputation of "Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" has completely collapsed, and he knows it well.

Many movie magazines in Hollywood, the film critics seemed to hate this movie, trampled on the plot wantonly with hideous faces.

Variety Film Critic:
Did the stories in "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" take place in that year?
But the protagonists of the story are 21 female students with tragic endings, who have nothing to do with the 13 prostitutes, at least there is no evidence to check.

The old Mouzi is messing around in the mail bar.

A director made up a fictional storyline in order to make a big war drama, but even used 'sex' to highlight a catastrophe.

Producers and directors should know how to show the brilliance of humanity in war movies even if they have watched "Saving Private Ryan" once.

North American film critics are not as popular as "13 Hairpins" for its extravagant plot, and they are even more angry that the film will be released on Christmas.

The "Hollywood Reporter" scolded Zhang Yimou for letting the children watch a cinder movie on Christmas.

Many film critics were dissatisfied, and the ratings of "Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" plummeted when they opened abroad, with the Rotten Tomatoes index only being 30%, which belongs to the category of bad films.

With such a poor reputation of the movie, Fang Nan felt that instead of worrying about the foreign box office gains and losses, it is better to look forward to the Golden Globes, Oscars and other awards for best foreign language film.

He is very clear that "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" wants to win the best foreign language film is a dream.

However, he still used this as an excuse to comfort Lao Mouzi, who did not expect Lao Mouzi to nod fiercely: "This is our plan, the North American publisher has submitted an application on behalf of the new picture, and "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" will compete for the Golden Globe , all Oscars."

Fang Nan almost didn't hold back, and hurriedly reminded Ni Ni and Liu Qianqian to eat more vegetables and less fried rice.

While eating and chatting until the restaurant closed, Fang Nan checked the time and invited Lao Mouzi and his party to watch the midnight show of "The Wandering Earth".

Lao Mouzi didn't refuse. He probably wouldn't be able to sleep even if he went back to the hotel. Why don't he go to the cinema to see the market reaction of "The Wandering Earth".

"There are a lot of people, it should be hard to get tickets for the Manhattan side."

There are 30 people on both sides, and Shi Nansheng can't help but worry about whether he can buy so many tickets.

"No problem, our publicity funds are seriously insufficient." Fang Nan looked at Lao Mouzi and said.

Fang Nan was wrong, no matter how bad the promotion of "The Wandering Earth" was, it would be difficult to get tickets for "The Wandering Earth" in the busiest area of ​​Manhattan, not to mention that there are only two movie theaters with movie tickets.

No way, everyone drove to the Chinese community.

Unexpectedly, tickets for "The Wandering Earth" at the cinema near the Chinese community are even more difficult to find.

A group of people booked tickets through the Internet, and finally found a movie theater that could accommodate their group.

After entering the movie hall, Lao Mouzi took a look back and forth, and congratulated: "The attendance rate seems to be at least 4%, so you don't have to worry about the box office."

"A lot of people try to make the midnight show cheap."

Just as Fang Nan finished speaking, a female audience member in the front row turned around and asked curiously, "You are Fang, the director of "The Wandering Earth"?"

Fang Nan smiled and said, "That's right."

The group of them really attracted attention, and it was not uncommon for them to be recognized, and Fang Nan didn't try to hide it.

"Ohmygod, my name is Anna, and I'm a fan of your movies. I like your directing style since "The Martian". Will you give me a hug?"

Fang Nan stood up happily: "Of course."

"She's my roommate Bull, and if it wasn't for me, she wouldn't be watching your movie as she hates Anne Hathaway so much."

Fang Nan was surprised by the other party's straightforwardness at first, and then said with emotion: "Hannah, Bull, thank you so much, I hope "The Wandering Earth" will not let you down."

Bull: "Che, I hate humble people the most, they look like they're pretending."

"Okay, let's watch a movie then."

Realizing that they were sitting in a screening room with the film director, the audience quickly became agitated, but fortunately the big screen was lit up at the right time.

After turning over three pages of subtitles, a wave appeared on the screen.

Amidst the roar of the waves, a somewhat hoarse voice sounded: "Quick, quick, Jupiter."

"Dad, there is a big eye on Jupiter."

"That's a big storm on Jupiter."

Behind Fang Nan, Ni Ni complained, "I knew I wouldn't be here. There isn't even a Chinese subtitle."

Lao Mouzi grinned and looked at Fang Nan: "Why do you match your mouth?"

"When filming, one time was in English and one time was in Chinese." Fang Nan said in a tone of embarrassment.

Many foreigners' brains are so stubborn that they are not used to reading subtitles at all, so when Fang Nan filmed "The Wandering Earth", he specially asked the actors to read Chinese and English once.

No way, I want to make other people's money.

When filming "Gravity" and "The Hunger Games", he originally planned to do the same.

It's a pity that Chinese is too difficult. Sandra Bullock and George Clooney have learned it for a while and still don't know what to say, so the crew had to give up.

After getting the explanation, Lao Mouzi smacked his lips and said again: "It's a good camera after all, the texture is really different."

"It's okay, let's see."

In a ray of dawn, the subtitles reappeared.

Producer, Screenwriter, Original Author: Da Liu
"Wandering Earth"

Fang Nan's works
【.At first no one realized it was a disaster.】

As the sidelines began, wildfires broke out in Australia on the screen, dead sea creatures covered the beaches of the United States, and debris and papers flew on the streets of South Korea.

The passenger plane fell from the sky, and artillery fire roared on the ground.

In cities around the world, people of all skin types are confronting police officers in riot gear.

The bleak deserted city weeds spread.

"In order to allow more human beings to survive, the coalition government decided to push the earth away from the solar system and fly to a new home 4.2 light years away."

At the end of the narration, many audience members in the theater had an instant orgasm.

"ohmygod, what a genius idea, pushing the earth out of the solar system?"

"It's absurd enough, it's so exciting, I want to know who the author of the novel is?"

"Who is Big Liu? Why haven't I read this novel?"

Some viewers raised their mobile phones: "I see, Liu is the author of "Three-Body Problem", and his "Three-Body Problem" was published in North America. This is a great science fiction work."

"It turned out that the reason why the movie was called "The Wandering Earth" was because he was going to be pushed away. The director is a genius, and the name is so cute."

"Hey buddy, please calm down and don't block my view."

"Damn, what audience, why are you so unqualified?" Ni Ni muttered to Liu Qianqian.

Liu Qianqian chuckled: "It's always been like this in North America. If there is a plot that dissatisfies most audiences, they will even tear down the movie theater."

"When Nolan's "Batman" was released, because some audiences admired clowns and brought guns to the movie theaters and shot them, killing and injuring many people. At that time, police officers across the United States were distributed to movie theaters to stand guard."

Ni Ni was stunned: "This is too scary."

"You don't come here often, so don't be afraid. Let's watch a movie and see what kind of movie this guy has made, and whether it will drive the North American audience crazy." Liu Qianqian raised her chin at the back of Fang Nan's head.

Ni Ni said proudly: "Needless to say, Brother Nan's films have never failed in China, and they must be similar abroad."

(End of this chapter)

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