literary world

Chapter 395

Chapter 395 11 Billion Box Office in Ten Days

In North America, "The Wandering Earth" has 1500 screens, which is one-seventeenth of the total number of screens in North America.

In 2011, China built 803 cinemas and 3030 new screens.

As of the year-end statistics, the number of theaters in cities across the country has exceeded 2800, and the total number of screens has reached more than 9200.

The number of screens is less than half of the number of screens in North America.

But in China, Fang Nan is the top commercial director and the theater's favorite director, so the number of screens showing "The Wandering Earth" is as high as 3500.

With multiple screens and multiple rows of films, "The Wandering Earth" has just finished its midnight show in China, and it has superimposed many movie-related hot searches.

Zha Lang Weibo:

【The Wandering Earth, Fang Nan】

【Fang Nan】

【Another sci-fi blockbuster by Fang Nan】

【Beijing Transportation Commission】

【Wandering Earth lines】

[Wandering Earth actors Wu Jing and Uncle Da]

According to statistics, the number of readings related to the topic of "The Wandering Earth" exceeded 3000 million that night.

The number of hot searches is 15.

The reading volume of film reviews exceeded 1500 million.

The video playback volume exceeded 800 million.

At the same time, the movie Baidu index surpassed "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" and jumped to the first place.

Penguin, Netease, Sohu blogs, and Weibo are all covered with words related to "The Wandering Earth", and the box office of "The Wandering Earth" is about to explode.

During the day, due to the full promotion of domestic distributors, domestic audiences have already known the release date of "The Wandering Earth". Therefore, most 3D theaters across the country have audiences squatting early.

As a result, a new box office record was born.

On Saturday, December 12, the first day of screening of "The Wandering Earth", the box office was 24 million.

As soon as the data was released on Sunday, everyone in the film industry across the country was dumbfounded.

Last year, there were two Chinese-language blockbusters during the Christmas file in North America and the New Year’s Day file in China.

"Let the Bullets Fly" by Jiang Wen, "If You Are the One 2" by Feng Dapao.

Under the premise of the coexistence of the two major directors, the box office market on New Year's Day in 2010 could exceed [-] million.

This year, people in the industry believe that with the presence of Fang Nan, Lao Mouzi and Xu Laoguai, the New Year's market will definitely rise.

But no one dared to think that "The Wandering Earth" had a box office of 1.7 million on the first day.


And 1.7 million is the box office on the first day of a movie.

People who know a little bit about movie box office feel that the audience is crazy.

More people questioned the authenticity of the box office.

After all, when Fang Nan was preparing for "The Wandering Earth", there were always film critics, public figures, and insiders who were not optimistic about "The Wandering Earth".

They always believed that Huaxia could not make sci-fi movies, and that Fang Nan would definitely make a different domestic sci-fi movie after leaving the special effects team of "The Martian".

So when the box office came out on the first day, many people couldn't accept it and dared not imagine it.

"Only Hollywood can make good sci-fi films in the whole world. China should be inferior to other people all its life? After all, there is a good sci-fi film that doesn't support it, and it's even more difficult to hold back Fang Dao and deny the efforts of the technical team. Isn't it cheap? !"

Fang Nan was not in China, so Wu Jing from the road show took the initiative to speak out on his behalf.

But with Fang Nan's character, he would probably be perfunctory.

He is too confident in "The Wandering Earth" released in 2011, and not a few people can slander it to cover up the quality of the film's visual effects that are not weaker than Hollywood blockbusters.

Sure enough, the Sunday box office of "The Wandering Earth" followed the theaters without hesitation in increasing the number of screens, and the number of films was not reduced but increased, directly cutting 2.01 million box office.

Compared with the fanatical moviegoers in the market, people in the industry feel their scalps go numb.

According to various data, the number of people who walked into the cinema to watch "The Wandering Earth" on Sunday and Christmas should be nearly 800 million people.

In the same period, the market share of films such as "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" and "Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate" was almost sucked up by "The Wandering Earth".

Old Monster Xu and many producers, including Tang Tang Film and Television, wiped sweat from their brows and rejoiced that "Flying Swords of the Dragon Gate" was released ten days ahead of schedule.

The producer of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" Zhang Weiping and the film capitalists have completely become ants on the hot pot.

Countless young people are discussing "The Wandering Earth" on TV, on the Internet, in factories, and in office buildings.


Huaxia Weekly Film Report:
In 2009, "Avatar" landed on the world, causing a movie-watching frenzy in China.

At that time, there were criticisms of Chinese films all over the country, and many people were full of pessimism and disappointment towards Chinese films. Chinese films became Chinese football, and anyone could step on them.

That year, more than [-]% of the viewers in the Zlang Internet survey believed that Huaxia films would never be able to catch up with Hollywood in terms of special effects.

Another nearly 20% believe that the gap is more than [-] years or even more.

Others assert that China is 50 years behind in technology, and 5000 years behind in humanity. Huaxia films have no future, and they will never be able to make classic Hollywood blockbusters such as "Avatar" and "Saving Private Ryan".

But on December 12, two years after "Avatar" was released, on Christmas Eve in the West, Chinese director Fang Nan brought "The Wandering Earth" to the audience.

An out-and-out domestic science fiction movie.

The entire film, from the front-stage actors to the behind-the-scenes staff, to the visual effects studio of Thirteen Swordsmen of Light and Shadow, is all Huaxia Company.

On January 2012, 1, the State Administration of Film and Television Bureau held the 2 Domestic Film News Briefing.


A batch of high-quality small and medium-budget films represented by films such as "Ocean Paradise", "Love to the End", and "The Piano of Steel" are novel in form, rich in creativity, and close to the audience.

The shoddy blockbusters are gradually decreasing, and the high-quality sci-fi films such as "The Wandering Earth" lead the trend and have achieved gratifying results at home and abroad.

In the new year of 2012, the leaders of the General Administration and the Film Bureau stated that they will be more inclined to guide the film industry to produce high-quality film and television dramas, laying a solid foundation for domestic films to go global.

On the night of January 1, "The Wandering Earth" appeared on the evening news at seven o'clock and ten o'clock.

The next day, the People's Daily dedicated two pages to introduce the domestic sci-fi film "The Wandering Earth".

"The Wandering Earth" embodies the confidence of Chinese film culture.

On the evening of January 1, "Flow Earth" appeared on CCTV's "Focus Interview".

In the new program, the host starts with "The Wandering Earth" carrying the dreams of several generations of Chinese filmmakers, and exaggerates "The Wandering Earth".

During the period, the program group specially showed the audience many manuscripts and storyboards of Fang Nan.

It didn't take long for a number of official media to take the initiative to praise "The Wandering Earth", and local official media followed suit.

Especially the cities with landmarks in the movie, such as Pujiang, Beijing, Hangzhou, Xuzhou, and Huai'an, highly praised "The Wandering Earth" for its great contribution to Chinese culture going abroad.

All the official media were dispatched, and the domestic technology media and military media were not far behind.

Copies of "The Wandering Earth" entered many military camps across the country, the plot was analyzed, and the actors' efforts were encouraged.

The Huaxia Aerospace Administration did not miss the moment when the box office of "The Wandering Earth" exploded. The bureau leaders highly praised the author of the novel, Da Liu, for his unconstrained style.

By the way, a popular science education class in the field of aviation was opened to the whole country.

Take time with this.

Publicity and education outlets organized primary and secondary schools across the country to watch "The Wandering Earth" in movie theaters and write about their impressions.

Unlike usual, even though the children had already watched the movie with their parents, they still responded enthusiastically to the call.

Huaxia's special organized movie-watching activities have been going on for so many years, and "The Wandering Earth" is probably the only movie that has won this honor and is favored by students.

New Year's Day 2012.

It was supposed to be the time for the Chinese people to welcome the arrival of the New Year, but a piece of "The Wandering Earth" came first, which aroused heated discussions across the country.

The box office of the film was 1.7 million on the first day of its release.

The next day's box office was 2.01 million.

The three-day box office was more than 9000 million.

The four-day box office was more than 6000 million.

On January 1, "The Wandering Earth" was released for ten days, and the total box office reached 2 billion, an astronomical figure.

Accompanied by the super high movie box office, "The Wandering Earth" broke all the box office records in the history of Chinese movie box office.

Both domestic films hold box office records.

Or overseas box office records, all of which were broken one by one.

On the first day, the single-day box office record was 2.01 million yuan.

The first weekend box office record, "The Wandering Earth" was released for two days, with a box office of 3.71 million yuan.

Monday box office record.

Single-day box office records on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

The three-day box office record was 4.6 million yuan.

The box office record for a week was 7.6 million yuan.

The ten-day box office record was 11 billion yuan.

From New Year's Day in 2012, the six princesses no longer have to shyly say that a certain domestic film broke the box office record held by a certain domestic film, and turned a blind eye to excluding the box office of Hollywood movies from the total box office of Chinese movies.

"10 billion box office in 11 days, the final box office of "The Wandering Earth" will not reach 20 billion! This is too scary!" A netizen asked, and was thrown by the media to Wu Jing, Uncle Da, Chen Xiao, who were still on the road. Guan Xiaotong, Lei Datou, Huang Ze and other actors.

Wu Jing: "Looking at the momentum, I will definitely do it."

Uncle Da: "I just want to say that Director Fang is amazing. At first I thought "The Wandering Earth" was a third-rate script. Like many people thought, how could Huaxia make a sci-fi movie? It must be unfinished. Now I am convinced, 20 billion 30 billion at the box office will not be surprising."

"However, thank you for supporting "The Wandering Earth" and Director Fang Nan. Director Fang is really doing something for Chinese films with practical actions. Generally, directors would not dare to make a sci-fi film like "The Wandering Earth"."

Guan Xiaotong: "I believe in Uncle Fang, there is nothing he can't do."

Actors forget to eat and sleep on road shows, and audiences are willing to strongly support the first domestic science fiction film, so that even after "The Wandering Earth" was released for ten days, countless audiences still went to the cinema one after another.

In order to cope with the audience's second and third carnivals, the film schedule of "The Wandering Earth" has risen again and again, from the initial 3500 screens to nearly 5000, accounting for more than 60% of the total number of screens in the country.

As for this article related to movies, the number of views once exceeded people's imagination.

All people related to movies have become the talk of young netizens.

After so many years of hard work, Wu Jing finally climbed to new heights.

She collaborated with Fang Nan in several dramas, and Guan Xiaotong, who was deeply loved by Fang Nan, was dubbed by netizens as the daughter of the nation and Fang Nan's second daughter.

Chen Xiao became famous overnight.

Uncle Da and Huang Ze received multiple endorsement invitations.

Fang Nan even became an existence whose elder brother was not in the Jianghu, but was often mentioned by people in the Jianghu.

"A Date with Luyu" invites Li Lianlian:

Hollywood is not that easy to get into, and I never thought about getting into Hollywood. I did it because Hollywood invited me to go in.

Lu Yu: What did Fang Nan say?I heard that "The Wandering Earth" is selling well in North America, so he must have stepped into it with one kick.

Li Lianlian: It was not that easy for him to get in. He first conquered Cannes with "Parasite".

With the hundreds of trophies won by "Parasite" in the world, it was selected by Hollywood, so that "Parasite" could go to Hollywood to compete, and then win the Oscar to film "The Martian" for Hollywood.

It's not easy. Making a feature film won more than 100 awards, including the Palme d'Or, Golden Globes, and Oscars.

Making another sci-fi film requires a global box office of more than 7 million US dollars, and if this step fails, it may be refunded.

And in my opinion, Fang Nan is a genius in film, and he is the only one out of so many generations of directors in our country.

Celebrities caught up in the media.

Liu Dehua: Of course I want to cooperate with Director Fang. His films are so good, literary films can win awards, and commercial films have high box office. The actors who worked with him have all gone to Hollywood.

Media: Is it possible to call to express cooperation?
Liu Dehua: Not yet, he must be very busy now, don't bother him.

Liu Tao: I watched "The Wandering Earth" as soon as it was released, and it was very well shot. I always said that Director Fang is a genius director.

Reporter: You seem to have followed Director Fang on Weibo, do you want to cooperate again?
Liu Tao: We have known each other from the beginning. We didn’t use the same Weibo before. I switched to Zhalang Weibo to suddenly follow.

At the same time that Fang Nan was mentioned by people he didn't know in the entertainment industry, Zha Lang's Weibo quietly added a hot search related to "The Wandering Earth".

Zha Lang Weibo:

I have never seen such a battle before. "The Wandering Earth" originally had 4 games in Silicon Valley, but 8 games were scheduled the next day. The day before yesterday became 14 games, and today 18 games were full.

Movies such as Tom Cruise's "Mission: Impossible 4" released at the same time as "The Wandering Earth" and Rott Downey Jr.'s "Sherlock Holmes 2" are completely unable to compete at the box office.

I, who had never seen the world, was terrified.

A Chinese working in Silicon Valley's Weibo post became a trending search. At this point, domestic movie audiences suddenly remembered the overseas box office of "The Wandering Earth".

"The Wandering Earth" is a movie that is treated differently in North America.

There are more than 25000 screens in North America, and "The Wandering Earth" is divided into 1500. This number is scary compared to "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins".

But it's nothing compared to native North American movies.

Among the more than 20 films released in the same period, "The Wandering Earth" has the third lowest number of screens.

However, after the movie won the runner-up box office in the first week, the profit-hungry AMC theaters made adjustments immediately, increasing the screen of "The Wandering Earth" to 2700 yuan, second only to "Sherlock Holmes 2" and "On the Disc". Spy 4".

Up to this moment, "The Wandering Earth" can finally let go and compete with local North American movies.

(End of this chapter)

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