literary world

Chapter 396 Box Office Champion for 3 consecutive weeks

Chapter 396 Box Office Champion for Three Consecutive Weeks
new York.

In the suite of the Hilton Hotel in Manhattan, after the staff confirmed that the communication was smooth, Fang Nan looked up at the TV screen with a smile.

He was supposed to be on the plane to Boston.

But last night Shi Nansheng informed in advance that after "The Wandering Earth" exploded at the domestic box office with 10 billion box office in 11 days, it was called an epoch-making work by officials and fans.

In China, from CCTV to Satellite TV, and then to local TV stations, dozens of large and small stations reported everything about "The Wandering Earth", including the director, actors, production team, etc.
The day before yesterday, "The Wandering Earth" appeared on international programs such as "CCTV News" and "Focus Interview".

Fang Nan thought it was exaggerated at first, but he didn't realize that "The Wandering Earth" seemed to be more majestic than the original time and space until CCTV International Channel requested an online interview with him through various channels.

Fang Nan had no choice but to suspend the second round of publicity and stay in Manhattan for an extra day.

The connection was smooth, Fang Nan greeted the host and guests, and then thanked the audience for their love.

Really too much love!

In 2012 days in 10, the box office was 11 billion. He, the director, did not dare to think about it, which did not conform to the logic of the market.

It can only be said that domestic audiences are completely crazy for "The Wandering Earth".

After he finished his thanks, the financial commentators on stage began to analyze the movie's high box office.

Why "The Wandering Earth" has become "The Flowing Earth", the success of the movie is due to the right time, place and people!
Fang Nan didn't deny it, let alone echoed it. Instead, he changed the subject and praised the visual effects staff behind the scenes.

What is the right time, place and people?

The right time and place may be true. Domestic movies have lagged behind Hollywood movies for so many years, and domestic audiences are indeed suffocated.

Therefore, once a good domestic sci-fi film with good reputation and good special effects appears, it will definitely stimulate the strong desire of domestic audiences to support domestic films.

But 'human harmony' is not so simple.

The "human harmony" of "The Wandering Earth" is inseparable from Fang Nan's support and investment regardless of cost for many years.

It is also inseparable from the study of Lu Qing and other early visual effects engineers who forgot to sleep and eat. They are not ashamed to ask and break through the technical barriers of Western films step by step, and develop their own software and technology.

Many filmmakers and film companies are well aware of the gap between the domestic film industry and the Hollywood film industry.

But besides cursing the Chinese people for their disappointment, lamenting the actors, sighing, and praising the foreign film industry, what else do they do?

Thinking that the long-term investment will not be profitable, and thinking that a large amount of research and development funds may be turned into a bamboo basket to fetch water, all filmmakers retracted their heads into turtle shells and lived themselves as expensive.

Only Fang Nan bit the bullet and poured billions back and forth.

How many people can do this courage?

Therefore, there is no so-called "human harmony", but the executors have courage and family and country feelings.

Fortunately, Fang Nan did it.

He didn't let himself become a selfish, profit-seeking businessman, becoming the second Liu Lenovo in China.

He praised the visual effects team, praised the actors, and briefly introduced the situation of "The Wandering Earth" in North America. Fang Nan waved goodbye to the host and guests.

The staff packed up the equipment, and Shi Nansheng stepped forward: "Guo Fan and Wen Muye are here, and Xu Shanzheng and Chen Sicheng are also here to visit you."

"Ah? Visiting North America?" Fang Nan was puzzled.

Shi Nansheng said with a smile: "The General Administration organized a group of young directors to come to North America to study and study Hollywood's advanced film industry."

Fang Nan nodded in thought. It should be that the popularity of "The Wandering Earth" in North America has given the bureau leaders a glimmer of hope, so it is a good thing to organize young directors to come and learn from them!
Over the years, netizens have been criticizing the General Administration for restricting domestic film and television too much, and being indifferent to whether domestic film and television can go abroad.

In fact, it is completely the opposite. Huaxia attaches great importance to cultural export, but the exporter is Africa, which is currently in a cultural desert.

Many emotional dramas and family ethics dramas produced by Tangtang Film and Television have been introduced to the African prairie, but few people know about them.

Fang Nan was in a hurry, and told Guo Fan and Wen Muye to make a rough cut of "The Hunger Games", and chatted with Xu Shanzheng and others, and then went to the airport at the urging of the publicity leader Alex.

He is really busy.

AMC Theaters has added a lineup to "The Wandering Earth".

The unsatisfactory box office of "Sherlock Holmes 2" also forced Warner Bros. Pictures to transfer a lot of promotional funds to "The Wandering Earth".

"What's the difference between Chinese sci-fi films and Hollywood sci-fi films?"

As soon as Fang Nan walked into the science fiction class of Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, some students asked.

"Learning from Variety magazine's comments on "The Wandering Earth", Hollywood sci-fi movies advocate individual heroism, and Chinese sci-fi movies will consider wandering with the earth."

"The Wandering Earth" in China, fans talk about the most familiar landmarks.

It is Wu Jing, Da Shu and other actors.

It's a traffic safety slogan.

It's awesome special effects.

When it's North America's turn, "The Wandering Earth" is talked about for its creativity.

The comment of a commentator of "Variety Show" magazine is very telling: only Chinese people would think of pushing the earth out of the solar system, and Hollywood would only argue about which one of Iron Man, Superman, Spiderman, and Wonder Woman should be sent to save the earth. Earth.

This film review vividly clarifies the ideas of the East and the West.

The West advocates individual heroism.

The East pays more attention to a whole big family.

Another student asked: "Why do you have such a genius idea of ​​pushing the earth out of the solar system?"

Fang Nan smiled slightly: "It's the author of the novel! You should know Liu, even if you don't, I believe you will soon."

MIT science fiction class students love science fiction publications very much, so it is not unusual to know Liu.

Fang Nan was surprised that MIT actually had a major that taught people to create science fiction.

Thinking of these students becoming science fiction writers after graduation and screenwriters in Hollywood, Fang Nan had to lament that the power of Hollywood is not without reason, but comes from various aspects of the talent training system.

After chatting with MIT students for two hours, Fang Nan continued on to the next university.

The whole day was spent communicating with students.

But as soon as the news came out the next day, Fang Nan communicated with his classmates at USC and MIT about the possibility of the earth flying out of the solar system.

Many students were moved by Fang Nan's "The Wandering Earth" and a series of inconspicuous publicity.

However, the publicity effect of running around for many days is excellent.

"The Wandering Earth" won the runner-up in the North American box office for a week with US$2400 million in its first week.

The large-scale filming in the second week made "The Wandering Earth" win the new week's box office champion in North America with US$3300 million.

It really managed to step on the North American films of the same period, such as "Mission Impossible 4" and "Sherlock Holmes 2".

The movie is in its third week of release.

Due to Warner's increased publicity funds and Fang Nan's intensive publicity, there are more and more headlines about "The Wandering Earth", which drives more people into the cinema.

So much so that the film's North American box office fell by less than 30% in the third week, and won the new week's box office champion with 2600 million.

Up to now, whether it is Warner or not, all filmmakers in North America have fully realized that a Chinese film that has no Hollywood actors and no Hollywood team involved in the production has become popular in North America.

For a while, praise and slander followed.

The media headed by Warner praised the realistic visual effects of "The Wandering Earth", and the details are not weaker than Hollywood science fiction films.

Dungeons, space stations, the end of the future, the world of ice and snow, all of them have not stopped at the superficial point, and they have all fallen into reality. Science fiction fans all over the world are fascinated by the arrival of "The Wandering Earth".

However, most of the slanderers belittled "The Wandering Earth" based on the unreasonable plot and the poor performance of the actors.

The special effects in the movie are rarely ignored.

Fang Nan didn't care about the negative comments, and worked diligently to promote, appear on shows, and participate in big parties. He needed to arrange films, and he needed a movie theater in a good location.

Thanks to his efforts, the box office of "The Wandering Earth" is also strong. "The Wandering Earth" was successfully introduced by the largest theater chain in North America, and the number of screens soared to 4000.

The fourth week of "The Wandering Earth" landed in North America, the box office did not decrease but increased, and won the championship for another week with a box office of 3100 million.

At this time, four weeks after the movie was released, the total box office finally broke through the milestone of 1 million US dollars, reaching 1 million.

On this day, Fang Nan stopped his promotion and gathered his Chinese friends in North America and the promotion staff together for a traditional Chinese celebration banquet.

The box office of 1 million in North America is very good.

He thought beforehand that if it exceeded 8000 million, it would be considered a success, but now it has been overfulfilled.

In the original time and space, "The Wandering Earth" was considered a failure in North America.

He shot "The Wandering Earth" a few years in advance, making the special effects in the film look so awesome in this era, which is not a disgrace to the film.

And in his imagination, the box office of 8000 million US dollars is enough for him to add Chinese actors in the movie willfully.

So 1 million box office is quite satisfactory, and in the future, an extra dollar at the box office will give him an extra income and professional authority.

"Congratulations to Director Fang!"

"Congratulations, Brother Nan!"

"Congratulations, Mr. Fang!"

Fang Nan raised his glass and knocked on the glass table: "Congratulations to "The Wandering Earth", congratulations to everyone! It's done in one gulp!"


After drinking a tael of white wine in one gulp, Fang Nan smiled and beckoned everyone to sit down.

"Let me tell you another good news. The movie will be released in Europe the day after tomorrow. In addition, Netflix wants to buy the copyright of "The Wandering Earth" and sell it to more than 100 countries."

Watching everyone sit down, Shi Nansheng announced another piece of good news with a smile on his face.

Fang Nan nodded and said with a smile, "How is the domestic box office doing now?"

"It's more than 20 billion. The box office prediction website believes that the movie will drop at around 23 billion. By then, the number of people watching the movie should exceed [-] million." Assistant Shi Nansheng, who is in charge of collecting domestic news, said.

Fang Nan looked at Secretary Zhu: "What about Japan and South Korea?"

"It's not good. The audience of the two countries mainly complained that the lip-synch subtitles did not match, and the movie looked very difficult."

"The "Wandering Earth" is too eager to pursue simultaneous release in multiple countries in order to catch up with the schedule. If we can edit the versions in several countries and make subtitles, it will bring more box office."

Shi Nansheng persuaded: "It's already very good. North America doesn't have a lot of box office space. If the European box office is also good, the global box office may reach 6 million US dollars. Even Hollywood doesn't have many movies with such a high box office a year. "

"That's right, you can't have a long look at Shu and drink."

Waking up after a big drunk, Shi Nansheng and Alex's publicity team had disappeared in the hotel and flew to Daying.

Fang Nan glanced at the time, patted the flesh beside him, rubbed his forehead and stood up to wash.

The promotion in Europe can't go, he and Liu Qianqian will fly to Los Angeles to attend tomorrow's 69th Film and Television Golden Globe Awards.

In the shower, Liu Qianqian poked her mouth with a toothbrush while her hair was loose, and asked Fang Nan in the shower vaguely, "Stay in North America this year for the Spring Festival?"

"Don't stay. After participating in the Golden Globe Awards, I will stay for two more days just to go back for the holidays. What about you?"

"Should I stay and do the dubbing of The Hunger Games?"

"Don't be so anxious, just fly with me if you want to go back?"

"The Hunger Games" didn't have any big scenes, and it was filming while doing special effects. After the movie was shot, the special effects were almost rendered.

As long as it takes a few more months to do the post-production, the film is expected to be available in major theaters in May and June. There is no Spring Festival in North America, so there is plenty of time.

Liu Qianqian gave Fang Nan a white look: "Let's fly together, where am I going? Let's stay and stay with my mother."

Fang Nan was a little embarrassed. The most troublesome problem in his life was probably how to cut himself into perfect three points and distribute them to three women.

Don't think too much about emotional matters, it will be nerve-wracking, Fang Nan took the initiative to change the topic: "Do you want to wash? Come in soon after washing."

Liu Qianqian spat on Fang Nan who was protecting his crotch with both hands: "Fuck you."

After washing up and having some food, Fang Nan and the two went straight to the airport.

The next day, after Fang Nan visited Liu Qianqian's newly bought Los Angeles house, the two of them both appeared at the Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills.

Participating in the Golden Globe Awards again, Fang Nan has gained a firm foothold in Hollywood compared to "Parasite".

It can't be said that he has a firm foothold, but it should be said that he is the most popular director in Hollywood at this time.

It can be seen from watching Hollywood stars holding champagne glasses on the grass come to talk to him.

All the smiling faces looked quite hypocritical.

If "The Wandering Earth" wasn't still in theaters and needed all the movie-related news, Fang Nan wouldn't even want to come, the Golden Globes and Oscars, as long as I don't care about them, they're all shit.

"Hi Fang, I have a great proposal."

Fang Nan shook hands with the vice president of Lionsgate Films: "Rosie, please speak."

""The Hunger Games" is handed over to Lionsgate Films to operate. Lionsgate is a second-rate film company in Hollywood, but it has a good relationship with several major theaters in Hollywood, so it will not delay the film."

"It's possible, but you know, Warner took a lot of our box office revenue." Fang Nan gave Rossi an intriguing look.

From "Parasite" to "The Martian" and "The Wandering Earth", all Hollywood companies understand that even distributing films directed by Fang Nan can make money. Fang Nan also wants to put aside Warner the Vampire and cooperate with several major film companies.

But damn Warner is holding him back a lot of the box office.

Part of the share of "Parasite" is still in the hands of Warner, so as a last resort, he doesn't want to get into trouble with Warner for the time being.

Moreover, even if you change to another distribution company, Baobuqi is still a fucking vampire, and all movie distribution companies all over the world are virtuous.

Few people are willing to redistribute the money they get to others.

Of course, if Lionsgate is willing to take the lead and force Warner to pay more of the box office share of "The Martian" to the two companies, Fang Nan is also willing to join forces with Lionsgate to try it out.

After clarifying the meaning secretly, Rossi happily nodded and left.

"Hi Fang."

"Thank you."

Fang Nan hugged Jessica Chastain who brought him champagne. The two were clinking glasses and laughing. There was a dispute not far away. Fang Nan saw that Liu Qianqian's face turned red with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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