literary world

Chapter 400

Seeing David and Liu Qianqian at the Berlin Film Festival, David was a little bit aggrieved.

"The Martian" was shortlisted for eight awards including Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Director, and Best Art Direction at the 82nd Academy Awards, but nothing was received.

Fang Nan shrugged his shoulders with a face of indifference.

Many people say that "The Martian" is full of humanistic care, but the film is always a commercial science fiction film, and Warner hasn't put much effort into public relations, so it's only natural that it missed the award.

However, Liu Qianqian still handed Fang Nan a trophy, the Golden Satellite Award for Best Director given by the non-American journalists organization of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, this award is also known as the Little Golden Globe Award.

It is also one of the Oscar weathervanes.

Fang Nan glanced at the globe-like trophy and threw it to Secretary Zhu.

After talking about his personal affairs, David handed Fang Nan a document: "Look at the script of "Interstellar" after the third revision. Warner invited two Nobel physicists to participate in writing the script."

Fang Nan flipped through it carefully, and the story of the script was more detailed. The scientific explanation of three-dimensional space, multi-dimensional space, and wormholes even made him confused.

"What's the production cost of your budget? What's Warner's share?"

"According to the script in your hand, the production cost is at least 1 million US dollars. Warner needs 5% of the share, and the rest is at your disposal. Of course, if you feel that the financial pressure is high, Warner will share more."

Fang Nan raised his eyebrows unconsciously.

He has fart financial pressure, whether it is Hollywood or domestic film companies, as long as they know that he is preparing for a new science fiction project, they will flock to him.

What he lacks now is not filming funds, but a sincere partner to distribute the film to every corner of the world.

"We will take 30%, and the remaining 20% ​​will be partly found in Hollywood by a film company with strong distribution capabilities, and part of it will be given to Europe, France's Gaumont Films, Britain's Walker Taito, Japan's Jewelry Films, Korea's The CJ Entertainment can also share a little bit, and they are not willing to spend effort to release if they don't divide at all."

Shi Nansheng nodded happily: "I will ask people to delete a few international film distributors."

Fang Nan's movies made a lot of money.

It is an out-and-out big fat meat, and many people will be jealous when they see it.

So I couldn't just watch Fang Nan put money only in his personal pocket. No matter who he was or what industry he was in, he would never live long on his own.

"The Wandering Earth" failed at the box office in Japan and South Korea.

The movie has a poor reputation in Japan and South Korea. After watching the movie, there are many audiences who ridiculed and abused it.

It is obviously impossible to say that the issuer cannot control the bad reviews. Whether it can control or not mainly depends on whether there are interests involved.

"The Wandering Earth" has a good domestic evaluation and a good box office, partly because the film is the first science fiction film in China, and the visual effects are indeed exciting.

But if there were no media from all over the country, even the official media, to report and praise the film, the reputation of the film would definitely not be as high as it is now, and the box office would not be as high as more than 20 billion.

Why did the national media come to an end?

Look at several domestic employers at a glance.

Tangtang Film and Television, China Film, Guangguang, Bona, Emperor, Shanghai Film, and Golden Shield Film and Television, several capitalists either have media backgrounds, or are behind an important organization.

If you look closely at the companies, private organizations, and banks that share the investment of several companies.

That level is even more frightening, driving public opinion and fooling the audience every minute.

So Shi Nansheng agreed with Fang Nan's practice of giving up part of his interests.

With Fang Nan's current reputation, even if he made a 6-point movie, as long as he was willing to give up a small part of the profit, some people would take the initiative to market the movie as 8 or 9 points.

On the contrary, if he has been eating alone, the movie may always be successful in China.

But it will be difficult to expect the global box office to bloom, and Lao Mei will not agree first.

Hearing the knock on the door, Shi Nansheng looked at Fang Nan: "It should be the staff, you and Sissy should walk down the red carpet first."

The 62nd Berlin Film Festival is like the local weather getting colder and colder.

On the red carpet, Fang Nan didn't see many big-name stars, and there were almost no internationally renowned directors and stars in the more than 20 films shortlisted for the main competition.

Steven Spielberg's "The Killing Blow" was featured in a special screening, but no one was there.

Meryl Streep was sure to win the Golden Bear for Lifetime Honor, but she arrived late on the last day.

Fang Nan, the framed film master who has only become popular in recent years, has come, and he also brought his work "The Hunger Games". Unfortunately, not only did he not participate in the competition, he didn't even have a premiere. Only a few posters were listed high.

Lao Mouzi brought "Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling", which lost the Oscar, and the audience didn't buy it. On the day Lao Mouzi brought "Three Guns Surprise" to Berlin, he successfully fell out of the altar.

Only one Chinese film "White Deer Plain" was shortlisted for the main competition at the 62nd Berlin Film Festival.

But the judges still didn't give them any face, and only awarded the German photographer a Silver Bear Award for Outstanding Artistic Contribution. Wang Quanan, the director of "White Deer Plain", felt disappointed for this.

He has launched a fierce offensive against the Berlin Film Festival in the past few years, but unfortunately failed again and again, and is now exhausted.

The following domestic media also had mixed feelings.

They go to film festivals all the year round, knowing that the influence of Chinese-language films at European film festivals is getting weaker and weaker, and it seems like a joke for art to go abroad.

I think of the early films such as "To Live", "Farewell My Concubine", "Red Sorghum", "Youth in Youth" and other films that conquered the three major European films.

Now that Chinese-language movies are fighting for even a silver bear, the media people can't help but feel sad. Chinese-language movies are not only about to end, but also have no successors.

Take a look at this year's award-winning films.

Golden Bear Award "Caesar Must Die", the actors are prison inmates, the film tells about human rights.

Jury Prize winner "It's Just the Wind" explores issues of race.

Looking at China again, they keep making films about ancient costumes, romance, and comedy, while Xiangjiang keeps making films with anti-corruption and anti-drug themes.

"Don't think about it, Chinese movies are dead like this, go block Fang Nan and see if he has time to chat, otherwise you won't get any news during this trip to Berlin, and you will be scolded to death by the editor-in-chief when you go back." A reporter suggested .

The 62nd Berlin International Film Festival has successfully concluded, and the subject matter is as biased and independent as ever.

In response to the bleak 62nd Berlin Film Festival, the Hollywood media used "big-name judges to drive the stars of the Berlin Film Festival" to ridicule it.

"I just thought of an actor in "Interstellar", Anne Hathaway, please send her an audition invitation, and send her a makeup photo to my email when the time comes, other actors, if Warner has no objections, please conduct a large-scale audition."

In the hotel room, after Fang Nan packed his luggage, he said to David.

David questioned: "Anne Hathaway plays the female lead? Her audience popularity is very poor, and it will affect the movie's box office. You and her?"

Fang Nan didn't hesitate: "That's what you think."

"That's fine." David understood, and also admired Anne Hathaway's foresight to deal with Fang Nan early.

In Hollywood, the best and most effective way for actors and actresses to get roles is to get a director who has the right to speak and a producer.

There are also masters who refuse to accept their bills after eating, but Fang Nan is obviously not.

"How is the investigation of Weinstein going?" Fang Nan asked again.

"None of the two victims who were secretly looking for was willing to speak up. If you want to continue to expand the list of victims, you have to pay attention. If there is a big movement, Weinstein will know sooner or later. He will definitely think of you and counterattack. You'd better strengthen yourself this year. security."

Fang Nan seldom brought security with him, and he didn't believe that Weinstein dared to take the risk of killing people. After nodding perfunctorily, he walked out of the hotel with Liu Qianqian, Shi Nansheng, and Secretary Xiao Zhu, and bumped into the waiting domestic reporters.

"We are in a hurry to return home." Secretary Xiao Zhu stretched out his hand to stop him.

"It should be the same flight, Brother Nan, let's say a few words on the plane." A reporter hurriedly said.

"What are you talking about? When Master Zhao, Zheng Zidan and I cooperated, I thought it was all right. Who knows why the two of them couldn't get along. We ordinary people don't know the twists and turns in it, so don't get involved."

"Uh, we want to talk to you about the growing weakness of Chinese-language films among the top three in Europe, but if you want to talk about Zhao and Zheng's star team incident, it's fine." A reporter said with joy.

"Damn, I've been fooled by the devil, let's do it, let's talk on the plane, I'll take a step first."

Fang Nan's homely way of speaking made the reporter laugh out loud. He realized that Fang Nan got into the Rolls-Royce and took a taxi to find a bus stop.

Boarded the plane step by step and sat in the first-class cabin. Fang Nan comforted the tired Liu Qianqian and said, "The Hunger Games will be released in June, and it won't have to fly around all day long until it's finished in July."

Gao Yuanyuan, Zeng Li, Liu Qianqian.

The three women who were with him, Liu Qianqian, were the most exhausted, but to put it bluntly, it was her own fault.

Gao Yuanyuan's filming is similar to traveling now, no one dares to tease her even if she has a group of people serving her, saying that she works non-stop every year, it is better to say that she enjoys filming and the process of working.

Zeng Li didn't have to be too tired to be the principal.

Because as long as Fang Nan is in Beijing, the paparazzi will take pictures of him picking up his daughter from school every three days. With the hub of Wanzhuo, who knows what is going on between Zeng Li and Fang Nan, ordinary people really dare not show Zeng Li any shame.

So Zeng Li lived a very healthy life.

As for Liu Qianqian, she didn't care about the money and influence that Fang Nan gave Gao and Zeng, she insisted on breaking out on her own to fill her own relationships.

But to be honest, there are only a handful of stars who have broken through from domestic entertainment, not to mention Hollywood, a place where people eat people.

Liu Qianqian knew the difficulty and did not believe in evil.

With the help of the two platforms "Parasite" and "The Hunger Games" provided by Fang Nan, he worked hard to deal with all kinds of people, hoping that one day he would no longer rely on Fang Nan to make a name for himself.

Thus, he fantasized about talking with Fang Nan on an equal footing.

It is also because of this that she practiced martial arts desperately to complete the film, and ran non-stop global promotions before the release of "The Hunger Games", so it is no wonder that she is not tired.

To put it bluntly, it is self-esteem at work.

Fang Nan understood Liu Qianqian's thoughts but was lazy to persuade her.

Liu Qianqian will change without her stubborn personality, so let her go.

Before the plane took off, Fang Nan accepted interviews from Southern Metropolis Daily, Phoenix Satellite TV, and Zha Lang Entertainment in the first-class cabin.

Regarding the decline of the Chinese-language movies they said, Fang Nan felt that it was too exaggerated, and the themes were less, but now there are more sci-fi themes.

"Take your time, don't be too pessimistic." Fang Nan said to several people.

As for how restrictive the review mechanism was for the few people, Fang Nan didn't follow the cynicism as before, but comforted the few people that they would always find a way.

After the stewardess urged her to leave, several reporters looked at each other in blank dismay. Fang Nan had changed. The stupid boy who used to like to run ahead and charge into battle became a Confucian general sitting in the rear.

"He has already immigrated, has he heard that in which country did he buy a house or land?" a reporter asked abruptly.

"Don't talk nonsense, I haven't received any news."

That's what I said, but a few days after the plane landed, the rumor of Fang Nan's emigration spread in the circle, and everyone knew about it.

Originally, it wasn't a big deal, and Fang Nan didn't want to waste time on rumors.

Who would have thought that a well-known person in China accidentally got his head caught by an elevator when he was shopping with his family in the United States. After the rescue revealed his true face, the domestic supernatural netizen followed the clues to find out that this person who claimed to be patriotic all day long secretly bought a house in the United States .

This act ignited the anger of netizens, and Fang Nan also suffered an unwarranted disaster.

On the ridge of a large piece of farmland in Jiuquan, Zhao Zhu couldn't help laughing as Fang Nan looked at it with a painful expression on his face: "Let President Yan make a statement. I don't know what it will become if it is passed on."

"I issued a statement, and I was kidnapped by public opinion in disguise."

"Issuing a passport, many people will probably curse me to have no children and grandchildren, so let it go."

Fang Nan chose to lie flat, Yan Hong, including Lu Qing and others did not do so, the image and stock price of several companies did not allow Fang Nan's reputation to be damaged.

So when the public opinion intensified, Yan Hong, Lu Qing, and Cai Yinong took turns to clarify, and Gao Yuanyuan even ignored the household registration book that was thrown out and silenced many people.

Fang Nan, who was inspecting the corn fields in Jiuquan, received countless condemnation calls, complaining that he shouldn't have done such an inconspicuous matter of clearing his household registration.

"Look." Fang Nan said with a wry smile.

Zhao Zhu chuckled: "People's hearts are too complicated, let's just look at the corn."

The endless cornfield in front of them is the national corn planting base, where nearly half of the country's corn seeds come from.

Fang Nan wanted to put the scene where the main character in "Interstellar" travels through the cornfields here, and he has already talked about it so far. He came back to see the scene.

Seeing the drone coming back, Fang Nan said to Zhao Zhu and his party: "It's almost time, let's go back, we have to participate in the second Beijing Film Festival."

"This year must be very lively, and many people have been invited."

"Who is there? Are you going too?" Fang Nan was curious.

"Well, to participate in the forum, I heard that this year James Cameron and a group of Hollywood actors from Marvel movies will come, and there will be quite a few executives from major Hollywood and European film companies."

"so many people?"

"The box office of "The Wandering Earth" is too high, which makes people see the power of the world's second largest film market. This market has unlimited possibilities in the future, and there must be many companies that want to deploy."

"That's true."

After returning to Beijing, Fang Nan didn't rush to hand over the invitation letter to participate in the film festival, but took his daughter to watch the special screening of "The Lion King 3D" at the film festival.

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