literary world

Chapter 401 Trivia Tea

The luxury of the second Beijing Film Festival is unimaginable.

The main venue is the National Convention Center, and the core area occupies the entire Olympic Park.

Most of the famous guide stars from the three places on both sides of the strait came.

Famous Hollywood directors James Cameron, Steven Pielberg, and several well-known European directors gave lectures in turn.

Marvel Studios even brought "The Avengers", which audiences around the world have been looking forward to, to the film festival for its premiere. The starring roles of Rott Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson and other films were all absent, and the audience on both sides of the red carpet went crazy for it .

The film concert invited the world-renowned British Royal Music Orchestra to perform the theme songs and soundtracks of major movies such as "Pirates of the Caribbean", "Titanic" and "Avatar".

The chairmen of the organizing committees of more than ten international A-category film festivals were invited to participate.

The famous New Zealand soprano performed on stage.

Domestic and foreign media professionals can be seen everywhere.

The stage area, film screening area, science and technology experience area, gourmet area, and commodity sales area all reveal high-end atmosphere and grade.

"I'm so sour."

In the rest area, Fang Nan spoke sourly to Yan Hong, Cai Yinong, Shi Nansheng, Hu Wen, Chu Xijun, Cao Guozhong, Lu Qing, Wu Jie, Ma Li, Jiang Ping, Hou Qiang and other company executives around him.

The Xiangjiang International Film Festival held in July is also the second edition.

A few days ago, he read Shi Nansheng's list of invited personnel, plans, and funding, and he thought it was okay. More than 300 films were screened, dozens of domestic and foreign stars, and more than [-] reporters joined in, all of which cost less than [-] million yuan.

It was only after entering the Beijing Film Festival that he understood what it meant to be a little witch.

Cai Yinong chuckled: "As long as the government is serious, nothing can be done. Look at the co-organizers of the Beijing Film Festival, the Ministry of Culture, the General Administration, the Film Bureau, the Communist Youth League, and the Beijing Municipal Party Committee. There are not so many foreign guests and directors. Stars are really rare."

"The first two film festivals were able to use a lot of manpower and material resources to make a splash. What about the follow-up? The film festival ultimately depends on whether the film source trading market can be established. This is a long-term battle. So I am not optimistic about the Beijing Film Festival at all. The days of life simply cannot last." Shi Nansheng said firmly.

Yan Hong handed the red thermos cup to the secretary: "You guys wait until you get on stage, I'm going to meet the production manager of AMC Limited."

"It's not AMC theaters, is it a North American pay TV station?" Fang Nan was curious.

"Well, I fell in love with the copyright of a paid drama adaptation on their channel, and made an appointment to have a chat."

Fang Nan was surprised.

Fangnan Culture has been searching for various copyrights around the world, but it usually focuses on buying out lesser-known novels and comics. This is the first time I have seen copyrights for paid drama adaptations.

Such copyrights are obviously difficult to buy out artificially.

What does it mean to buy back and adapt?
Fang Nan asked, "What copyright do you want to discuss in person?"

"Adapted from the comics, "The Walking Dead" was released in October 2010. I negotiated with Mr. Cai and Yang Hao. Fangnan Culture will buy the copyright, Tang Tang Film and Television will produce it, and Douyin videos will be played for a fee."

"I've watched two episodes of "The Walking Dead". It's very popular abroad, but it seems that it hasn't been introduced in China because it's too bloody. I don't understand what you plan to do?"

Yan Hong explained: "Adapted, changed to the Asian version of "The Walking Dead". If you can't pass the review in China, you can go directly to Douyin International."

Fang Nan was stunned, and recalled the plot of "The Walking Dead" for a while, and couldn't help but admire the high-level opponents.

It is a good idea to adapt "The Walking Dead" into an Asian version. He remembers that this popular drama did not involve Asia at all.

With this in mind, he pondered the possible plot development route of the Asian version of "The Walking Dead":

[Walking corpses are all over Asia, cities are turned into ruins, human beings stick to the countryside, and the decline of industry prompts the appearance of cold weapons. For a time, ancient cold weapon wars reappear, but it is no longer a war between people, but a battle between people and walking corpses war. 】

"Go talk, whoever proposes, you can give a reward."

Letting Yan Hong go, Fang Nan looked at Cai Yinong: "The scriptwriter wrote the plots of the first few episodes and sent them to me."

"Okay, get out, you're about to go on stage."

The theme of the forum that Fang Nan participated in was the development of 3D technology and film cooperation. The main speaker of the forum was James Cameron, and he and several industry insiders and experts served as a foil.

The foil is nothing, he admires the technical madman James Cameron, not to mention that Huaxia has a saying that the visitor is the visitor.

What made Fang Nan most uncomfortable was that he had so many people as a foil, what are the stars doing like the moon?

It doesn't matter if the stars are on the moon, whether it's the host on the stage, whether it's experts, industry insiders, or leaders, more than half of them talk, why are they smiling so flatteringly?

Every time James Cameron said a word, someone jumped out to echo him from time to time.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, what director Cameron and Mr. said", made Fang Nan so disgusted that he wanted to slap the flattering faces of the producer Zhang Miao and others twice.

Is it really good for foreigners to fart?
Can you look at each other?
He came to the film festival because of the domestic market.

The second is that the 3D conversion of "Titanic" is going to be released in China to make money, and everyone is flattering.

"The Wandering Earth" was released in North America, and he flattered the audience in North America.

When it's Huaxia's turn, turn it around, a group of people in the country go to flatter James Cameron instead?

Fang Nan's head was bewildered, and he was dumbfounded as a matter of course, but he thought of the theft of a Japanese globetrotter's bicycle two months ago. A friend sent a Weibo request for help about the stolen bicycle, and got a lot of responses from netizens, not to mention the police. Just search the whole city.

Then there is an Internet meme of 'the foreigner lost his bicycle' which has not dissipated so far.


Fang Nan sighed unconsciously, sometimes it's not him who is angry, but in reality, around, around, there really are too many things that make his brain congest.

There may be a survivor bias in a case of xenophobia being magnified.

There are so many deviations that people have to suspect that some people have slavishness in their bones.

While Fang Nan was deep in thought, James Cameron used the visual effects and high box office of the two films "Avatar" and "The Wandering Earth" to clarify the importance of 3D technology to the film, and please support the film "Titanic". , the host handed the microphone to Fang Nan.

"Director Fang. It's your turn."


Fang Nan didn't know what to say, so he could only praise the truck driver for his outstanding contribution to 3D movie technology.

James Cameron was a little confused. Fang Nan, who could speak English, chose Chinese, and he couldn't understand.

"Fang Dao, if you know English but don't speak English, isn't it making listening more difficult for international friends?" Producer Zhang Miao joked.

Fang Nan said unhappily, "I want to speak Chinese today."

Seeing Fang Nan's cold face, the leader of the Film Bureau, who was afraid of being left alone, hurriedly laughed and said, "Fang Nan, just say so, otherwise the translator and simultaneous translator will lose their jobs."

Mr. Han also said: "Whatever, you can speak Chinese, there are so many domestic audiences in the audience, Xiao Fang, do you have anything else to say?"

"I didn't want to say it at first, so I will add two more sentences."

Fang Nan frowned thoughtfully and said, "This forum is talking about 3D movie technology. I know something about it. Over the years, my team and I have been working hard on 3D movie technology, and then there are "Assassination of Novelists", " "The Martian" and "The Wandering Earth" are three 3D movies."

"There is also "Gravity" which has not yet been released, and "Interstellar" which has just begun to be projected."

"But recently, I suddenly found out that if we want to catch up with technology, have we lost something?"

"Whether it's 3D, IMAX, or Director Cameron's mention of 5D technology just now, even if we have these advanced movie technologies, can we still talk about the characters in the movie when there are still incidents of foreign adults these years?" Stories, stories that belong to our Huaxia? I think there should be a question mark!"

Fang Nan put down the microphone, and there was an uproar in the audience.

The bicycle incident not long ago was already full of noise, and Fang Nan used this incident to insinuate some people's fawning on such an important occasion. Shouldn't the headlines explode tomorrow?

The faces of Zhang Miao and the others were ugly. They may not feel that they are flattering outsiders, but think that they respect the strong.

But when the eyes of the audience focused on the faces of several people, everything was self-evident.

After a moment of silence, James Cameron and the translator took the initiative to pick up the microphone after whispering for a while.

"I always believe that movies should belong to the world audience. Many audiences think that "Titanic" is an American blockbuster."

"But in fact, the film was shot in Mexico, and there are also staff from the UK, Canada and other parts of the world in the crew. After it was released, it also attracted audiences from all over the world, so the film has no borders."

Fang Nan glanced at the interpreter next to Cameron, what he said was not the same as what he said, the donkey's lips were wrong, just as Fang Nan was about to pick up the microphone again, Mr. Han immediately said: "Director Fang, go out and talk something."

Fang Nan said "Yes", got up and stepped off the stage the moment the camera was turned off.

What can I say after stepping off the stage, just let him stop making trouble. Fang Nan was not unhappy, and strode away from the venue.

What he didn't expect was that because of this disturbance, the organizing committee directly deprived him of his status as an award presenter, almost letting him walk on the red carpet.

Fang Nan still went to the red carpet for the closing ceremony. He had no choice but to promote the movie "The Hunger Games".

On the second day after the closing of the second Beijing International Film Festival, the leaders of the General Administration met in the office to chat.

There was nothing serious about it, just asking Fang Nan if there was something wrong with his life and relationship recently, or why would he suddenly go epileptic?
First, they exposed their account books, and later they exposed angry youths in public at major events.

"'The Hunger Games' is about to be released, and I'm anxious about the box office." Fang Nan said casually.

Realizing that Fang Nan was dishonest and not telling the truth, the bureau couldn't do anything about it.

Their job is film and television auditing, and star directors are ordinary people, and what they do is under the jurisdiction of the local government.

However, such a director can't be restricted even if he wants to. If he goes abroad to make a few movies, he will become a billionaire as soon as he gets paid, what can he do.

Fang Nan's own fame, financial resources, and connections did not allow him to be wronged.

There are a few film and television companies that can manage it, but judging from Fang Nan's personality, this guy doesn't seem to care much.

And to be honest, Fang Nan and the company under his name have actually produced a lot of high-quality film and television dramas in the past few years, thus improving the quality of domestic film and television.

"Look, this guy can toss."

"I can see it, but there is nothing to do with him."

"I think it's better to add a layer of restraint to him."

"Forget it, I was unwilling to let him enter the Performing Arts Association last time."

After Fang Nan left, the two old men in the office talked and answered with wry faces.

Besides Fang Nan, he went to Sunrise Art School after he left. Principal Zeng was very enthusiastic at first, Fang Nan seldom came to her office, so he made tea and lit a cigarette while serving her.

Hearing that Fang Nan was in the General Administration Bureau and was careless at the film festival, he couldn't help complaining: "Why are you getting more and more self-willed, and you can't control your mouth at the forum of the International Film Festival?"

"Well, I really want it to become a real international film festival. I'm afraid that it will be the same as the Pujiang Film Festival in the end. It has to spend money to decorate the outside to be beautiful, and it will return to its original shape immediately without spending money."

On the sofa, after pulling Zeng Li to sit on his lap, Fang Nan touched the smooth stockings and sighed.

"The main thing is to let it go. I remember you didn't say that during the Beijing Film Festival, all participating films will be screened in designated theaters without cutting a single knife? I haven't heard of it this time."

"Who knows, I probably regretted it again. I saw some college students tease me that watching movies in Huaxia is worse than going to Nortel, the small auditorium of Chinese opera. You can watch any movie in the small auditorium without big scissors."

Zeng Li patted Fang Nan's wildly outstretched hand: "Hehe, not necessarily, you don't know that some films by the fifth and sixth generations of directors in the past were exhausting to watch, and the camera kept shaking. Director Jia's "Little Five", "Beijing Bastards", "Suzhou River" and so on, I lost interest after watching them a few times, so I can only watch Director Zhang's films."

"No matter what, I'm here to let you start a screenwriting class in the new semester, try to be as few as possible and be as good as possible. After you come out, you can directly enter Tangtang Film and Television or Fangnan Culture."

"Screenwriters need background, and it is difficult to become a talent in just a few years."

"It's okay, once you enter the company, you will develop it slowly." After Fang Nan finished his business, and Fang Nan wanted to do something again, there was a knock on the office door, and Zeng Li hurriedly stood up and opened the door.

Just as there was a gap in the door, a delicate female voice came in: "Lizi, see what I brought you?"

"Hey, Director Fang is here?"

Fang Nanchong nodded to Zhang Ziyi, who was carefully carrying the paper bag: "Uh, I just arrived, and I'm talking with Principal Zeng about setting up a screenwriting class."

Zeng Li shook her head and gave someone a blank look, and asked, "Ziyi, what are you doing?"

"Tea, the authentic Yuqian Longjing tea, is specially picked for you." Zhang Ziyi waved her hand apprehensively.

"You don't think it's troublesome." When Zeng Li was angry, Fang Nan who was on the sofa asked, "Last year?"

Zhang Ziyi said coquettishly, "Director Fang, what do you mean, I picked this new one this year, and it's only been down for two days."

"Are you kidding? It's still more than 10 days away from Grain Rain. Picking it now is not called Yuqian Longjing. You have been deceived."

Fang Nan was really not used to gift giving and lying.

Zhang Ziyi stayed in Bengbu, her face was flushed, Zeng Li turned her head and slapped Fang Nan fiercely: "Drink your tea, why are you talking so much? The Dragon Well picked before Guyu is not called Yuqian Dragon Well? If you don't understand, don't pretend to understand !"

"Okay, you guys talk, I'll go out for a walk."

Fang Nan didn't refute, he laughed and got up.

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