literary world

Chapter 402 It hurts the heart

The box office of a movie depends partly on the quality of the movie and the fame of the actors.

However, the factor that affects the box office the most is another part - publicity and marketing.

Hollywood's shoddy movie "Ghost Story" cost $1.5 to make, and after viral marketing, it eventually grossed over $[-] million.

In his early years, Fang Nan also engaged in malicious marketing for the success of his first two works.

In the end, the box office of "Nobody's Name" was ten times the production cost, and it became his debut masterpiece.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City" was also several times the production cost, allowing him to gain a firm foothold in the film industry.

It can be said that more than half of the phenomenal box office movies in recent years are inseparable from various viral publicity and marketing.

The same is true for "The Hunger Games". The difference is that the marketing of "The Hunger Games" is naked money.

In order to turn "The Hunger Games" into a series of movies as successful as "Twilight", several companies under Fang Nan's name spent 4000 million US dollars on promotional funds for the first "Hunger Games".

A full-time publicity team of nearly 50 people was established.

With sufficient funds, the publicity team released the news through the social networking site Facebook at the beginning of the film project, and cooperated with Microsoft to establish the exclusive website of "The Hunger Games".

Presented in the form of a game, the website has attracted the attention of a large number of movie enthusiasts.

And since the end of last year, in order to make the film's Facebook page different from other movie pages, the publicity staff has dedicatedly maintained its network page until now.

By Christmas last year, the publicity team teamed up with Taylor Swift to release the theme song "Safe & Sound" of "The Hunger Games".

The single was released on iTunes within 12 hours and became the top 10 most popular single.

The first official trailer had more than 24 million hits in 800 hours on the day it was released on iTunes.

On China's Kuwo Music, the single's first-day play volume was nearly 500 million.

The super-hit soundtrack theme song.

The marketing team interacts with fans of The Hunger Games through mini-games.

The clips and tidbits that frequently appear on social networking sites.

The film itself is an adaptation of the bestseller.

This series of marketing promotions has successfully made countless book fans and movie fans around the world feel hungry. As a result, the pre-sale box office of the movie's premiere has soared since the beginning of the year: 1200 million, 2000 million, 3000 million, and 3500 million.

The pre-sale of "The Hunger Games" was a great success, and the publicity team did not relax at all. They urged the film director and actors to appear on one program after another to promote the film.


"A Date with Luyu - "The Hunger Games" recording studio.

Liu Qianqian's long hair hung down on both sides of her face, her legs were crossed, her hands were hanging on her knees, she glanced at Fang Nan beside her and replied to the host Lu Yu:

"He used to be very cheerful, but now he seems to be getting older and has become a bit mature and prudent."

"Ah? He's old? He's in his 70s, so he's only in his 30s." Lu Yu pointed at Fang Nan with a look of disbelief.

Fang Nan smiled and teased: "She means that I am mentally old."

"Apparently 30 years old, mentally 80 years old? Ahaha." After grinning for a while, Lu Yu pointed to Fang Nan and asked, "Hey, how did he use to drink so much?"

"The two crews were filming together, why did you snatch our crew, Lobster?" Liu Qianqian tilted her head and asked Fang Nan with a smile.

"When did you grab the lobster? You obviously put some hairtail, which was approved by the crew, and you seem to have mentioned hairtail several times on the show."

Fang Nan quit, he can't tell lies, when did he grab the lobsters.

Liu Qianqian sat up straight, leaned on the sofa and looked at Fang Nan: "What's the matter? Are you not allowed to talk?"

"Wow haha"

Before Fang Nan could speak, Lu Yu opened his bloody mouth and let out a burst of laughter. The audience who participated in the recording were also overjoyed. Fang Nan was speechless. What's wrong? What's so funny?
"There is actually no difference between hairtail and lobster."

Lu Yu put down his hair on the sideburns, and continued to yell: "I seem to remember that Director Fang seems to have made a bet with a big domestic director surnamed Zhang because of hairtail, so let's not talk about it today. I'm curious about what you filmed together at that time." Play? That’s when we met for the first time?”

"No, I'm on the set of "Dragon Ba Bu", and he was filming, what kind of drama were you filming at that time?" Liu Qianqian looked at Fang Nan again in doubt.

"A Chinese Ghost Story directed by Li Zhu, I was the director of the film crew."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, he smacked his lips and looked disgusted: "You are older than me in mental age? Why are you so forgetful?"

"Screw you."

Liu Qianxi gave Fang Nan a coquettish look, and Lu Yu continued to accuse Fang Nan of violating the taboo against women.

Fans of Liu Qianqian's support club in the audience were full of relief.

No one cares more about Liu Qianqian's work and life than they do.

To put it bluntly, they cared about Liu Qianqian more than their own parents and relatives, so seeing Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian interacting so lovingly, intimately, and intimately made me really happy.

No one among entertainment stars would reject Fang Nan's friendship.

"It's a pity that Fang Nan is married, otherwise."

"If the scandal between the two is true"

A fan suddenly had a whimsical idea, but was stopped by his companions in time the next moment.

Instead of expecting a married man, it is better to expect Liu Qianqian to make more good works. She is only in her 20s, and she is still young.


The boys and girls rushed to the idol on the stage again, and the beauty showed a silly and foolish smile.

In the first half of "A Date with Luyu", we talked about our personal life, and in the second half we began to promote the movie "The Hunger Games".

Still Liu Qianqian took the lead. After all, she is the lead actor, and she is also the first Chinese actress sent to Hollywood by Tang Tang Film and Television and Fang Nan. She needs more exposure.

"You should be in Hollywood now. Isn't Hollywood very different from the domestic entertainment industry? They should be more rigorous in their way of doing things and filming."

"Didn't enter it? Anyway, I don't feel anything, maybe I have to wait for the movie to be released to see how it turns out."

Lu Yu was surprised: "Ah, you don't count as breaking into Hollywood? You have been to the Oscars, and you have been an award presenter at the Golden Globe Awards. The box office of "Parasite" is also good."

"It's all thanks to the director." Liu Qianqian gave Fang Nan who was leaning back on the sofa a hug.

"Director Fang, what do you think?"

"There is nothing to break in, Hollywood has always been in the hands of more than 20 people, that is, the bosses of first- and second-tier film companies."

"So whether it's a celebrity or a beggar, as long as it can help them make money, they will praise it, otherwise they will be sent away."

"It doesn't matter to me, or Sissi who will star in Hollywood movies in the future, including Bruce Lee, Cheng Long, Li Lian, and Wu Baige in the early years. In fact, we are all tool people who make money for several major Hollywood film companies and theaters. Tool people, one day they can't make money, and they will be returned as soon as possible, it's so realistic."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, the audience was in an uproar.

What Fang Nan said was too realistic, they couldn't accept that such a great director as Fang Nan, such a successful director was just someone else's money-making tool.

It is also impossible to face how majestic Bruce Lee, Cheng Long, and Li Lian have been in Hollywood for so many years. In fact, it is naked self-obscenity.

"You shouldn't be considered a tool person. "The Hunger Games" doesn't seem to have Hollywood film industry investment." Lu Yu urgently remedied.

Fang Nan nodded and admitted that "The Hunger Games" has no foreign investment, but at the same time he was slandering in his heart: "Hollywood didn't invest because I argued hard and played a lot of tricks, okay?"

He knew that what he said just now would break many people's hearts, because it pierced the pride in many people's hearts, but he still said it.

Mainly I don't want to tell this lie, it doesn't make any sense.

The reality is very cruel, but if you want to surpass others, you must first recognize yourself and your opponent. Only those who are obsessed with obscenity all day long are the real cowards, and they can't do anything.

After finishing the recording of "A Date with Luyu" with controversy, Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian rejected the dinner invitation of the program group. He wanted to fly to Iceland, Canada and other places to see the scenery. Liu Qianqian went to Pujiang to continue recording the program, and then flew to North America to meet other actors Join us at the Saturn Awards.

Before we parted, Wen Cun was in a private club in Tongzhou. Recently, the two often went out of the country, and they were too popular, so they ran a little farther.

"I fly too much back and forth around the world this year, and I want to buy a private jet in the name of the company."

After a battle, when the two embraced and scrolled through the phone, Fang Nan said abruptly.

In the past two years, people have been persuading him to buy a private jet. After all, he is a top-ranked local tycoon in the country. It is really unreasonable not to own a private jet. It is just a big toy. How much money can you spend including the annual maintenance fee?
Fang Nan didn't agree at first, it was unnecessary for him to travel around the big cities in China most of the time, and he didn't like to compare himself with others.

What Zhao Benshan has a private jet, this and that have a private jet and he does not match.

But it’s no longer possible. Flying randomly around the world, sometimes the flight time is not stable, and company executives often travel abroad. It’s good to have one or two private jets.

"How about this Boeing 767?"

Fang Nan shook his head in fright at Liu Qianqian's suggestion. He would not buy Boeing even if he was killed. The risk factor was too high. He chose and chose, and he took a fancy to the Airbus ACJ319 worth about [-] million dollars.

After making the selection, he called Yan Hong without saying a word and asked her to place an order. Liu Qianqian was dumbfounded: "Are you buying an airplane or eggs, at least get a team to go to Airbus to see it?"

"It's pretty much the same on my side. A private jet is just a flying tool. You can arrange it as you like."

Liu Qianqian was speechless. After thinking about it, maybe this is called being inhumane.

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