literary world

Chapter 403 Star Flight

"Dad, this place is so beautiful!"

Fang Nan pressed down on his daughter's cotton cap with a doting face: "Well, it's really beautiful!"

The pure white icebergs made the sunlight shine extraordinarily, and there were ice floes floating in the light blue sea water from time to time, and Zong Wanzhuo had never seen such a scene since he was born.

They are in the hinterland of Vatnajökull in Iceland.

Around the hinterland, the mountains are covered with white snow. Although fiery magma and hot lakes coexist under the mountains, the temperature in the air is extremely low, so this place is also known as the Land of Ice and Fire.

"Fang, how is it?"

Fang Nan nodded to Alex: "Very good, this is the most satisfying place in the past few days."

He and Alex are familiar with "The Wandering Earth", and the other party was originally the promotion and marketing leader of "The Wandering Earth".

This time he and Warner collaborated on "Interstellar" again, and Alex was appointed by Warner as the North American publicity leader, thus signing a non-disclosure agreement to get the "Interstellar" script.

To Fang Nan's surprise, Alex contacted him not long after he got the script, saying that he had developed a lot of personal hobbies because of the special nature of his work.

Such as photography, world travel, deep diving, motor boating, rock climbing and so on.

Because of these hobbies, he often goes to some rare places to find beautiful and beautiful scenery.

So he is also an experienced scout.

To put it simply, he chose Iceland and other places according to the description in the script of "Interstellar" and hoped that Fang Nan would take a look for himself. Once he was selected, Fang Nan also recognized his ability. "The director team gets a qualification.

Fang Nan agreed, and it was just a bit more salary for multiple assistant directors. He was thinking about how to get Alex out of Warner.

"Fang, the sun is going to set in two hours, it's time to go back."

Fang Nan nodded, holding Thong Wanzhuo to Mao Jianguo, Zhao Zhu, Jiang Ping and the others, "Let's go."

A group of more than ten people followed the guide on the speedboat and went straight to the nearest town of Hofn.

When they arrived in Höfn, everyone was too lazy to stay and rushed to Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland with a permanent population of more than 20.

After that, I went to the hotel to rest, and I was going to greet the local government tomorrow and fly to Copenhagen, Denmark, and then fly to China.

The day after they arrived in Iceland, the Icelandic government sent an invitation letter, hoping to have a talk. Fang Nan did go, but he came and went in a hurry.

I'm busy, and there's really nothing to talk about, since he has no status.

Two, Iceland has a total of more than 30 people. The financial crisis in 08 led to the collapse of the country's industries. Many people went to Europe because of unemployment. Few people watched movies.

Because of the small number of people, it is impossible to expect the other party to assist in filming.

Iceland has no troops, only a coast guard consisting of more than 100 people, what can it do?

On the contrary, his filming in Iceland can generate income from local tourism, and it can also drive some employment, so he is really favored by the prime minister and the president.

Waiting for the little girl to go to bed, Fang Nan read the book for a while and fell asleep while the quilt was covered. The next day, the group of them parted ways in Copenhagen.

After Alex and his party left, Fang Nan took his daughter to stroll around the fairy tale kingdom where the two lived, and especially went to the promenade where the bronze statue of the mermaid was located.

The little girl looked at the bronze statue up and down, left and right, and said innocently, "I don't even know a mermaid."

"Huh? Your mother never told the story of the mermaid?"

Thong Wanzhuo frowned her delicate eyebrows and nodded seriously: "I haven't heard of it."

Facing the sea breeze, Fang Nan felt speechless. Just as he was about to bury Zeng Li, Thong Wanzhuo puffed up his cheeks and said, "Dad, you should think about it, how will you explain to your mother and teacher when you get home? I left school more than 10 years ago. God."

"It's okay, once in a while."

He took advantage of this trip abroad to specially bring along Wanzhuo.

And in order to bypass Zeng Li's repeated obstruction, he privately asked the school teacher for a week off for the child. When Zeng Li knew it was too late, he could only scold him on the phone.

Fang Nan didn't take it seriously. The ancients said that it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. People who stay in school all day long are dull.

What's more, he is not short of money, so why not expect his daughter to grow up to surpass so many people, as long as he understands filial piety, honesty and shame, is kind, and doesn't matter if he doesn't read a few books, after all, a lifetime of happiness is truly worthwhile.

After seeing the bronze statue of the mermaid, Fang Nan and the two went to several places in the Royal Opera House, and found that it was getting dark again. He and Zong Wanzhuo had a barbecue and rushed to the airport.

"Hey, Brother Nan. It's really you. Why are you here?"

In the first class cabin, before Fang Nan could sit still, an exclamation came from the corridor, and he turned his head to see, Yang Fun.

"I'm in Europe, what about you?"

"Participating in the 65th Cannes Film Festival and preparing to return home."

Just as Fang Nan wanted to ask about the awards of this year's film festival, someone greeted him again. He turned around again, good guy, Zhou Xun, Kong Li, Fan Bing, Cheng Long, and Li Bing, the entertainment star directors appeared one by one.

Plus there are managers, assistants, makeup artists and so on in other cabins, this flight to Huaxia can be called a star flight.

When Fang Nan muttered why they all took the special plane from Copenhagen, Cheng Long asked curiously, "Why didn't I see you at the film festival?"

"I didn't participate, of course you won't see it, are you going to promote "12 Zodiac"?"

"Yeah, I asked someone to write a space science fiction script. When are you free to help me? How do you say it in the Mainland, look for something."

Fang Nan was very surprised, but still nodded: "No problem."

In his memory, Cheng Long has never made a space sci-fi movie. The space sci-fi movie Cheng Long talked about obviously came out of nowhere because of his existence and messing around.

After chatting with Cheng Long, Fang Nan reached out to shake hands with Kong Li who called him just now, and had an awkward chat with Fan Bing and the others.

In any case, the journey back home is destined not to be lonely, except for their father and daughter, the six people in the first class are all acquaintances.

Because the Cannes Film Festival got together suddenly, the topic of discussion was naturally inseparable from the 65th Cannes Film Festival.

Fang Nan simply asked, and it was not much different from what he imagined. This year's film festival, Chinese films still played the role of soy sauce, and only Lou Ye's "Mystery of the Floating City" entered the awards section of a dispensable unit .

Others here are either brands invited to walk the red carpet to promote their products.

Either promoting the upcoming movie, or rubbing the red carpet, in the back cabin, the first Palme d'Or winner in China, Poet Chen, is also doing the same.

The paper media and publications on the airliner even published the content that Chen Poet was sneered at by film critics and bowed his head to money, which made people feel sad.

In addition, Fang Nan also found the picture of Yang Function being repeatedly urged and dragged by the red carpet staff.

He didn't reprimand Yang Function.

He has seen even worse means of exposing himself, compared to that, rubbing the red carpet is really nothing.

It is understandable for a small star to rush to the top, and it is understandable to strive for exposure on various occasions.

However, Fan Bing is the best at rubbing foreign red carpets to improve domestic style.

This year, she continued to bring Chinese style to Cannes, and a dress printed with blue and white porcelain also stole the limelight.

The promotional film of the Huaxia Star Group's promotional film, the red carpet, but not doing business, Fang Nan smacked his lips and put down the publication: "Looking at the situation, domestic netizens have to be sad and disappointed again to the General Administration."

"Wachowski brothers and sisters, is "Cloud Atlas" released? How is the box office?" He asked Zhou Xun.

"It's a mess. It's probably a disaster. Fortunately, I'm a supporting role."

Zhou Xun is straightforward and even a little gloating.

"Is there still stock in hand?"

"All are waiting to be broadcast. "Great Magic" has just been released, "Painted Skin 6" in June, "The Star Knows My Heart" in July, and "The Wind Listener" in August."

Fang Nan is confused, the company is using Zhou Xun as a donkey, 4 movies a year, he originally thought about arranging for Zhou Xun, an old artist of the company.

Liu Qianqian's "The Hunger Games" will soon be available in North America.

Chen Kun now has a whole series of movies called "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

He is also working on Hu Ge's "John Wick".

Mei Ting also participated in "The Martian".

Ni Ni also went to North America with Lao Mouzi's "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins".

Chen Xiao came from behind and became the male number one in "The Wandering Earth", reaching the sky in one step.

Compared with Hu Ge, Liu Qianqian, and Chen Kun, Zhou Xun, who joined Tang Tang Film and Television earlier, is a bit behind.

"You stay in China first, wait for me to finish this part and watch a literary film together. I have been shooting science fiction for the past few years, and my hands are already itchy."

Zhou Xun's expression was indifferent, the eyes of the people around him were straightened, and they were silent about their identity. Yang Function, an artist in the same company, couldn't help it.

"Brother Nan, don't always take care of elder sisters like Xun and the others, but at least think about little people like me, Sishi, and Ni Ni."

Fang Nan smiled perfunctorily and said, "You are also very popular now. Didn't you just get voted as the top four actresses in the national drama festival last year? "Gong" is very popular!"

Tang Tang Film and Television has nearly [-] or [-] artists, big and small, many of whom he can't even name, so it is obviously impossible to expect to take care of everyone.

On the premise of being as fair as possible, he is naturally more willing to direct suitable resources to the few people who are the first to enter the company.

Moreover, Xiaohua Yang Function and Liu Sishi are still young, even if they are asked to play profound roles, they can't do it.

That is to say, he doesn't care about the artist's agent, otherwise he will definitely suppress a few people on the small screen before the acting skills of Xiao Hua such as Yang Funn and Liu Sishi have not changed.

"'Palace' is not a resource given by the company, it's just the producer." Yang Han argued with reason.

Fang Nan pursed his lips and smiled: "Since it's the producer, the company must have paid for it and recommended it, isn't it considered a company resource?"

Yang Function didn't speak any more, Fang Nan glanced at her side face, and saw that the corners of her mouth were curled up, presumably he was a little dissatisfied.

Fang Nan didn't take it to heart, he knew that Yang Function had ambitions.

But the other party is even smarter, and his wings are not hard enough to not hit a stone with an egg.

But Fang Nan sincerely hoped that she would concentrate on honing her acting skills, and that one day the opportunity would come and she would be able to grab it.

Silenced Yang Fun in the front row, Fang Nan chatted with Kong Li in the back about the 65th Cannes, Kong Li was more persistent than him, and began to think about appealing to filmmakers to submit a rating.

Fang Nan tried a few words of persuasion, but he fell asleep as soon as the blanket was covered.

The passenger plane landed safely, and when they arrived at Yonghe Villa, Zeng Li, who was supposed to be at school, was waiting for the father and daughter, the anger clearly visible on his face.

But when Zong Wanzhuo took out a thick stack of photos with Fang Nan from his schoolbag, Zeng Li felt sore instantly.

In the colorful caves of Vatna Glacier, Fang Nan and Tso Wan-joo, who are wrapped in thick clothes, stand side by side.

On the azure blue sea, Fang Nan and Thong Wanzhuo raised their arms high on the motorboat, smiling all over their faces.

The sunset in the snow-capped mountains, the meadow with green grass and lakes, and the seaside avenue with mermaids are full of smiling faces of father and daughter.

Zeng Li glared at the father and daughter in front of her: "Don't go next time, go and take me with you!"

"Principal Zeng, please rest, I still have to fly to the Pujiang River." Fang Nan laughed.

Fang Nan did fly to Pujiang non-stop. The visual effects of "Gravity" were more than half completed. The visual effects director Jiang Ping needed him to correct mistakes and listen to the guidance of the next stage.

There was no major problem with the visual effects work. Fang Nan was about to leave when Yang Hao came to him.

"Fang Dong, my dad and Uncle Wu asked you when you have time and want to get together."

Thinking that Lao Yang and Wu Gao hadn't seen each other for a long time, Fang Nan hurriedly said, "I have time tonight, so you can ask the secretary to go to Hengdian to pick them up for a drink or two. Besides, you can call me uncle in the company, go ahead. "

When he was a group performer in Hengdian before, he got along well with Lao Yang. There were several times when he was on credit and occasionally undercharged for a meal.

When it was his turn, the two of them got along even better, he was one of Fang Nan's few friends.

After leaving the 13 Swordsmen, Fang Nan went to Tangtang Film and Television.

The huge increase in national power has led to the great development of the entertainment industry. As a leading film and television company in China, everyone in Tangtang Film and Television is so busy that they almost kick their heels to their butts, and they are thriving everywhere from the first floor to the fifth floor.

"I did lose a lot of weight. Let me see if you put on a black suit with a white shirt and a tie."

In the reception area, Fang Nan had just poured a cup of coffee when Hu Ge and Cai Yinong came together, and Fang Nan asked him to change without saying a word.

"How long has it been since no one in China has watched gunfight movies? Hollywood is popular with gunfight movies?" Cai Yinong asked after Hu Ge left.

"Not popular."

"Then how do you arrange a movie with such a theme for him?"

Fang Nan smiled: "For a cost of 2000 million US dollars, let's try it."

It is true that gunfight movies are not popular in Hollywood, but if the protagonist kills more than a hundred bad guys for a dog, maybe some people will want to watch it, at least there is a chance to lure a group of animal protection organizations into the movie theater.

Cai Yinong nodded helplessly: "Sun Li has plans to come back, if you have a suitable role, remember to reserve one for me."

"Huang Lei's wife?"

"Who else but her?"

Fang Nan agreed, Sun Li and Hu Ge are Cai Yinong's two favorites, and Liu Sishi is worse than both of them.

Seeing Secretary Zhu come over with a stack of scripts, Fang Nan put down his coffee after taking a sip, and he didn't care about the company's operations. When the screenwriting department responded to the scripts, he would occasionally find time to look through them.

While looking for inspiration, I also check on the screenwriting department.

"Have the people from Shanying begged?"

"Kong Sheng and others are here, and Hou Hongliang is currently acting as my deputy."

"They didn't ask for anything?"

"It's not just them who want to set up a studio affiliated with the company. Many artists in the company have the idea of ​​setting up a personal studio." Cai Yinong said.

Fang Nan didn't hesitate at all: "Don't agree, the individual or the team who run the studio will all leave according to the contract at a loss."

It is thankless for the studio to be affiliated with the company, not to mention taking up various resources of the company, and the company has to bear the responsibility if something goes wrong, and the little profit given by the studio is equal to nothing.

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