literary world

Chapter 404 Killing an Artist for the First Time

Wu Gao, Yang Guangzhi and his wife came.

Wu Gao brought Fang Nan a suitcase of banknotes, Fang Nan looked dumbfounded: "What are you doing?"

"Yixin Film and Television Equipment Leasing Company pays dividends for the first time."

Wu Gao and Yang Guangzhi laughed after catching Fang Nan, but Fang Nan couldn't laugh or cry: "Yes, it's all spent tonight."

Spending millions in one night is obviously a joke. Not only is the money worth a penny, Wu Gao and Lao Yang are not even willing to step into a high-end hotel for consumption, and Lao Yang's wife even went to the dormitory of his son Yang Hao.

Fang Nan, Wu Gao, and Yang Guangzhi have known each other since Hengdian for more than ten years. During this period, they have grown from hating each other to starting a company together. The group leader has become a well-known equipment rental tycoon in Hengdian, and the group has become a world-renowned director. .

They are busy with business and finally get together. Who cares about the home-like service of a high-end hotel, delicacies from mountains and seas, small dishes, and a bottle of white wine for each person while chatting and drinking is meaningful.

Among the three, Fang Nan was always the one with the most legendary experience, and naturally he also talked the most.

While pushing the cups, he spoke emotionally about how to fight wits and bravery at the top of companies such as Hollywood and Warner Pictures.

Tape shows how tough racists can be.

Then we talked about the customs of foreign countries, as well as foreign views on China and so on.

Wu Gao and Lao Yang felt a little emotional.

Their work, their environment, and the entertainment industry were already indistinguishable, and the Internet is also developed these days, so they knew a lot about Fang Nan's affairs.

From the point of view of the two, their roles were reversed, and they couldn't do what Fang Nan did.

If they had been mass-attacked, abused, and insulted by netizens because the film festival landed in Xiangjiang, they would have collapsed early in the morning, not to mention fighting with people on foreign TV programs and fighting wits with a group of old foxes.

After touching the wine bottle, Wu Gao and Fang Nan took a sip of liquor, lay down on the bed and stammered, "It can only be said that the work is so tiring. You asked for it. You have to be a director like you said a few years ago. You live a more chic life than anyone else."

"The sparrow knows the lofty aspirations, Fang Nan will be famous in history in the future. Phew."

Fang Nan stood up shaking, glanced at Lao Yang who was lying down on the bed decisively without finishing his sentence, and said contemptuously: "Damn, the drinking capacity of the two of you has seriously declined?"

After tipping the hotel staff to clean up the room and take good care of Wu Gao and Lao Yang, Fang Nan staggered and took a taxi back home to the Oriental Movie Metropolis.

This sleep is three poles in the sun.

After waking up, Fang Nan didn't expect that his firm refusal to allow Star Studio to be affiliated with the company would be strongly questioned by the company's artists.

In the past few years, too much hot money has come in from the entertainment industry. Many artists receive hundreds of millions of dollars for a movie or TV series. The annual salary, endorsement fees, commercial performances, etc. add up to eight or nine figures.

The annual income is much higher than before.

So even if Tang Tang Film and Television charged 3%, 2%, and 1% of the profit, many celebrities and artists would call the company a vampire.

In addition, the company's artists have another dissatisfaction with Tangtang Film and Television, Tangtang Film and Television pays taxes too harshly.

Everyone understands that paying taxes in full comes from Fang Nan's will, but they still can't understand, and don't want to understand.

Dissatisfied with the company's commission, coupled with external temptations, the well-known celebrities gradually developed the idea of ​​establishing their own family, and the reason why they did not explode was to weigh the gains and losses.

Tang Tang Film and Television is a leading film and television company in China, and it has actually provided resources and exposure for artists, helped artists raise many skilled assistant managers, and solved many troubles.

Without the protection of the company, many artists are afraid that their stardom will be ruined.

When the artists who were dissatisfied with the company were still hesitating, Fang Nan came and insisted that Tang Tang Film and Television did not allow the existence of a studio, or that it was a commercial cooperation between the company and the company.

This can be regarded as stabbing a hornet's nest. Many artists no longer choose to be shy, and jump out to ask for forgiveness and confusion.

Fang Nan is not a master at dispelling doubts, but he confronted Huang Bo, Yang Function, the leading actors of "Love Apartment", and a few young actors who had just become famous in the meeting room: "Which of you can guarantee that the studio you are affiliated with will not be more than that?" Legal boundaries?"

"If something goes wrong in the studio affiliated with the company, do you think the court will trust your words more, or the contract in black and white?"

"Tang Tang Film and Television will never have a star studio. Either you go out and affiliate with other companies, or establish a legal and compliant company to cooperate with Tang Tang Film and Television."

"Of course, the above two methods will mean that you will lose all the resources and services you have enjoyed in Tangtang Film and Television."

"What Tang Tang Film and Television can promise is that in the future, if there are suitable characters, they will think of you. For example, as long as Huang Bo is willing, he will always be the actor of Wang Kaixuan in "Ghost Blowing the Lantern"."

"There are Xianxia dramas that are more suitable for Yang Fun, and we will definitely invite Yang Fun to audition."

"As long as Brother Nan needs it, call me anytime and anywhere."

Huang Bo hurriedly used a sneer to cover up his embarrassment, but the meaning behind the words was destined to leave.

Fang Nan could completely understand that Huang Bo would undoubtedly earn more if he left Tang Tang Film and Television. Many people would be willing to help pay the liquidated damages.

People die for money, birds die for food, he doesn't hate Huang Bo's choice at all.

Telling facts with kindness makes people laugh.

"I will, so I wish you a bright future. The partner's joint-stock company will be taken back, and the amount of the partner's dividend will not be known until the end of the year. Don't worry, Huang Bo, you will not lose any points." Fang Nan nodded with a smile.

Refusing the celebrity studio to be affiliated with the company, Tang Tang Film and Television approached nearly 20 artists in a few days, and the company received a large amount of liquidated damages. To Fang Nan's surprise, Yang Function chose to stay instead.

Artist Director Chu Yujun looked dejected, the sudden turmoil in the studio disturbed the morale of the artist management department, and also brought difficulties to future work.

Spend a lot of manpower and material resources to cultivate a star, and then he is kidnapped by outsiders as soon as he becomes popular. How can he do his job?
Chu Peijun's head hurt badly, and when he caught Pan Yueming, who was in the vortex of public opinion, he salivaly cursed him and his manager.

Ni Ni and his agent did not escape the whip.

Fang Nante, who happened to pass by, wondered, what outrageous things did Ni Ni and Pan Yueming do to be scolded like this?
After I went in and asked, I realized that Ni Ni and Feng Shaofeng's love affair was exposed, but Feng Shaofeng and Yang Function were unclear because of "Gong" a moment ago.

It was messy enough, Fang Nan frowned and looked at Ni Ni.

The company doesn't care about the artist's relationship, but Feng Shaofeng's continuous teasing of two female artists from the same company is really a bit out of tune.

"Let him restrain himself." Fang Nan said to Chu Peijun and Ni Ni at the same time.

After that, he looked at Pan Yueming again.

"He was tricked by his wife who slept with him. Dong Jie sent photos of him gambling money in Macau to the paparazzi, and slandered him for domestic violence and cheating. Now the whole network denounces him. Originally, the company praised him for starring in the drama version of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern". What about Hu Bayi?"

Chu Peijun's anger, visible to the naked eye, is obviously really angry.

Fang Nan was overjoyed, he knew very well about Pan Dong turning against each other.

The original time and space is also a first-class big melon, comparable to this year's knife slotting.

Pan Yueming’s innocence was due to the fact that the paparazzi captured Dong Jie and Wang Dazhi kissing by the window, but even if Pan Yueming proved himself, he sank for several years. Turn red.

This is true on the surface, but it also involves a behind-the-scenes story, Dong Jie and Liang Chaowei's underground love affair.

Dong Jie once starred in Wong Kar-wai's movies, and later joined the Wong Kar-wai film company and met Liang Chaowei, and then the two began an underground relationship.

It wasn't until Liu Jialing strongly demanded that Wang Jiawei kick Dong Jie away and forced Liang Chaowei to marry quickly, and the underground love between Liang and Dong came to an end.

Even so, Liang Chaowei still has a crush on Dong Jie, and transferred his assistant who he had used for several years to Dong Jie's side, and occasionally celebrated birthdays together, bringing the same accessories and so on.

It can only be said that Liu Jialing is really grand.

All this happened until Pan Yueming, the culprit, appeared, and the two of them seemed to have broken off their relationship.

Fang Nan lit a cigarette, and glanced curiously at Pan Yueming, whose head was drooping and silent: "Who is Dong Jie's manager? Is it the former assistant of Tony Leung?"

"is that one."

Pan Yueming raised his head with red eyes, but his manager had already admitted it first, and was surprised that Fang Nan even knew about such a small person.

Fang Nan and Secretary Zhu asked for a cigarette, took a deep breath, took out the phone and called Wang Jiawei: "Director Wang, let Liang Chaowei take Dong Jie's manager back, don't play tricks in the mainland."

Wang Jiawei was stunned, so Fang Nan had no choice but to say that he suspected that Dong's manager was a trader who planned to discredit Pan Yueming, a Tang Tang film and television artist.

After a little leaning, Wong Kar Wai's voice came out from the phone, "Leung Chaowei said, they haven't been in touch for a long time."

"He's next to you?" Fang Nan asked.

"Yes, we are filming "The Grandmaster"."

Fang Nan laughed and said, "Would you like to answer the phone for him?"

Liang Chaowei's voice came quickly, and Fang Nan didn't say anything else. After confirming again and again that the other party had no contact with Dong and his original assistant, he told Liang Chaowei that he would ruin their careers.

"Do you want to be so ruthless, Brother Nan!"

Fang Nan, who was talking across the air, seemed to have seen Chen Yongqiang's signature smile when he said "I'm sorry, I'm a policeman" on the rooftop, but even so, he was still unmoved: "Don't be ruthless, Dong Yehao, her manager also Well, as long as the two are the instigators, the bottom line has been touched."

As the saying goes, a couple of one day is a hundred days of kindness, and a couple of a hundred days is like the depths of the sea.

No matter how disagreeable the husband and wife are, there is no hatred of killing the father and the mother, and the big deal is divorce.

No matter what kind of extramarital affairs, why do you want to do what you love, why do you want to die by your pillow?

Of course, even so, it still had nothing to do with Fang Nan. After all, it was a family matter.

Reason [-] for him to intervene:

Pan Yueming is an artist in Tangtang Film and Television. Seeing Chu Yujun's angry face, he thought that the company had poured a lot of effort into him. If Pan Yueming was ruined, the company's painstaking efforts would be wasted.

Someone has to bear the company's losses.

Reason two:
Tang Tang Film and Television is a leading film and television production company in China, and it cannot bear the fact that its artists are being plotted against by others.

Both cats and dogs can bully the company's artists, should the artist management department operate?
What do people in the circle think of Tang Tang Film and Television, which can't even protect its own artists?

So Fang Nan not only had to take care of this matter, but also managed it beautifully, to make his family happy and make his enemies terrified.

Reason three:
With such a dirty thing happening in the circle, everyone in the entertainment circle has a reason to do something.

For example, when hundreds of people pressed their fingerprints together to boycott Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian.

The phone was hung up, Fang Nan looked at Chu Yujun: "Have you heard that, do you know what to do? I will give you another reminder, keep an eye on Dong Jie, she is so anxious that she will destroy the person next to her pillow to explain something is wrong. She moved on."

"Do you have an opinion?" Fang Nan asked Pan Yueming.

"No, thank you, Mr. Fang."

"Give me a good performance of 'Ghost Blowing the Lantern'." Fang Nan said calmly and looked at the dejected Ni Ni: "You, Feng Shaofeng is a prodigal son in love, you break up sooner or later, if you hold back and don't cry then it will be considered a success. "

Ni Ni wrinkled her nose and pursed her lips: "Brother Nan, can't you expect me to order?"

"It's useless to look forward to it, you asked for it."

Fang Nan's Ni Ni gritted his teeth and went to the screenwriter's department, and then made a fuss: "In the first half of the year, the company filmed nearly 1000 episodes of the two themes of ancient costumes and urban love. Is it because you have run out of talents, or is there some reason? "

The screenwriter in charge of the variety show script laughed secretly.

The screenwriter of the movie watched the fun with a water glass in his hand.

The screenwriter who was in charge of writing the script of the TV series almost buried his head in his crotch.

"Originally, I could write anti-Japanese drama scripts, but now the company only invests and no longer produces, so there is one less theme."

"Other themes are risky to review. Once the TV station presses the drama again, it will generate a lot of bad debts, which is not worth the loss. Therefore, whether it is the evaluation team or the scriptwriter himself, he would rather grab the wool that is easy to pass the review."

After the director of the screenwriting department finished speaking, Fang Nan pulled up a chair and sat down: "You can't eat more dramas on TikTok?"

"They themselves have to face the risk of review, and, at present, it is still more profitable to sell the episodes to TV stations."

"However, in the first half of 2012, more than 8000 episodes were produced across the country. By the end of the year, the number of episodes will probably be around 17000. TV stations broadcast 60 episodes a day to finish broadcasting in a year. The pressure of competition is very high."

Fang Nan rubbed his forehead: "That's why I asked you to do high-quality dramas early."

"Director Fang, it's not about high-quality dramas, it's about what to do if they can't get on the show?"

The head of the screenwriting department was about to cry, pointing to a young screenwriter with a green face, and said: "Xiao Li showed me an anti-corruption drama script a few days ago, and after I read it, I told him that the script had to go through five or six steps before it could be released. Checkpoints, public prosecution and law enforcement. Even if the script passes, half of the release may be stopped."

"The suspension of the series is the responsibility of the producer. The TV station will pay the final payment, and the company will have bad debts. Who will pay the responsibility? Screenwriter? Xiao Li is still young, it is good if he can withstand the blow and not change careers."

Fang Nan asked Xiao Zhu to smoke a circle, he took a puff, frowned and said, "So it's an endless loop? Your solution is to catch one or two controllable themes to pluck wool?"

"It's not us, it's the whole industry. Not only the wool, but also the death. Until the sheep are bald and crippled, we screenwriters will look for the next target like evil spirits."

"Before you came, I made another suggestion to Mr. Cai. In addition to expanding the overseas market, it is to lengthen some TV series that are easy to evade review. The original 20-episode 30-episode TV series will be made into 50 episodes. 60 episodes, at least let such Safely released TV dramas earn two to three times the profit, thus avoiding some risks brought by the audit to the company.”

Fang Nan glanced at his bald head, he is a talent, and he understood the importance of water injection in TV dramas early on.

"Do as I say, or take the route of high-quality dramas. You can write scripts with any theme, and let me handle the production and broadcasting."

Another word to the screenwriter department, Fang Nan called Hu Ge out of Tang Tang Film and Television, he and Hu Ge's next stop is North America, "The Hunger Games" is coming, whether Liu Qianqian can successfully break into Hollywood depends on June .

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