literary world

Chapter 405 Threats from Hollywood

new York.

Dalton College in Manhattan, Fang Nan and the leading actors of "The Hunger Games" smiled and faced the children's various questions.

"Hey Fang, why does the trailer look like a horror movie? Nice house is the same as the set of Scream. I was terrified by "Scream" when I was a child. There are murderers hiding in the dark forest."

A female student with angular features complained.

Fang Nan denied it with a smile: "Of course it's not a horror movie. You should know that the environment in Nice's house contributed to making Nice a good hunter."

"I don't like horror movies as much as you do, but the movie that terrified me was Saw, and since Saw was made by Lionsgate, I almost turned them down from being a Hunger Games release square."

Fang Nan put down the microphone with lingering fear, and while the children in the audience laughed heartily, they chatted happily.

"If so, Lionsgate must regret making Saw."

"No, Lionsgate makes horror movies for a living and they will never give up on horror movies."

""Saw" is not scary at all, but "Reaper" is good."

While the children were whispering to each other, Fang Nan and his group left the school and rushed to the next middle school accompanied by the teacher.

"The Hunger Games" is the same as "Twilight", the biggest audience is North American teenagers, so after Fang Nan arrived in North America, he and Liu Qianqian, the leading actors, have been going to various schools to maximize the box office potential of teenagers.

The next high school is Manhattan City College.

Because City College added "The Hunger Games" to the students' compulsory reading list, the group took it more seriously. They not only answered all the students' questions with a smile on their faces, but also had a friendly basketball match with the students.

The news that Fang Nan, the star of "The Hunger Games" and the students got together was trending on Twitter the next day, promoting both the movie and the school.

City College took the initiative to make "The Hunger Games" stay in the required reading list for students longer.

There are more than 2 schools in the United States, and Fang Nan and his team visited more than 100 of them non-stop, which greatly increased the traffic on the official website of the film and the discussion of the film.

After returning to the hotel after a day of publicity, Shi Nansheng suggested to Fang Nan: "If "The Hunger Games" is successful, for the sake of the sequel, we can provide a free download path for the novel to expand its popularity again."

Fang Nan nodded: "I will have a serious chat with Susan Collins."

"In addition to the Hunger Games Explorer website, the publicity team is planning to build another urban fashion website. If the first one is successful, they would like to hold an offline supermodel catwalk event in the future. The fashion clothes will all come from the characters in the movie. Secret supermodel."

The movie is a success, Fang Nan has nothing to do with it: "Is there any other promotional plan to mention?"

"Jointly developing games and cooperating with internationally renowned cosmetics brands to promote movies are all under preparation."

Shi Nansheng brought up the places that needed money one by one.

For a long time, she thought that "The Martian" was a big drama of Tangtang Film and Television, after all, it cooperated with Hollywood.

When it comes to "The Wandering Earth", she has no Hollywood participation in the box office, and "The Wandering Earth" is the real big show of the company.

Now it seems that "The Hunger Games", which can shoot four to five movies, is the company's top priority project.

Thinking that the global box office of 4 or 5 "The Hunger Games" may exceed 10 billion US dollars, plus peripherals, copyright revenue may exceed 20 billion US dollars. How could she and the publicity team not take such a big film project seriously.

"According to what you said, I will sign it when the time comes, and it's done. Go back to your room and rest."

Fang Nan spoke, everyone got up, Shi Nansheng walked halfway, turned his head and frowned at Liu Qianqian who didn't care: "Qiqian, are you not going back to the room?"

"Back." Liu Qianqian yawned and got up while pouted behind Shi Nansheng's back.

Fang Nan couldn't help but smile, Shi Nansheng is a smart person, he knew early on that the two of them were not friends in the ordinary sense, but a subordinate relationship.

A few days ago, I even secretly reminded him that apart from road shows and promotions before and after the release of "The Hunger Games", try to keep a distance from Liu Qianqian to avoid being photographed.

The Hunger Games is plainly a fan movie.

Liu Qianqian will be the biggest beneficiary of the film's success, and her fans in North America will definitely skyrocket. At that time, her emotional problems will be particularly important.

Young people in North America are very open, and they don't care much about whether their idols are in love or married.

But no matter how open it is, it will not be so generous that it will confuse a favorite actress and a married man.

So in reality, Liu Qianqian either doesn't have a boyfriend, or chooses a partner in the movie to have a relationship.

Fang Nan absolutely couldn't, he had to take the initiative to divorce.

In the corridor outside the guest room, Shi Nansheng closed the door and took the initiative to chat with Liu Qianqian about the importance of "The Hunger Games" to her and the company.

Liu Qianqian understood and went back to the room, but Fang Nan received an extremely bad news.

The North American distributor of "The Hunger Games" Lionsgate Films, the person in charge of the distribution of Legendary Pictures and his video link said that "The Hunger Games" was rated as R by the Film Rating Committee under the name of the American Film Association, and it is recommended that audiences over the age of 17 watch it .

Fang Nan was stunned: "Are you kidding me? How could such violent scenes in "The Hunger Games" be rated as R? I thought it would be PG13 at most for special counseling."

There are roughly 5 ratings for American movies: G-rated, popular, and movies that can be watched by all ages.

PG level: Tutorial level, some content in this level of movies may not be suitable for children to watch, such as mild violence and explicit scenes.

PG-13 level: special counseling level, recommended for children over 13 years old, this level of movies may be full of dirty words, violence, nudity and other elements.

R Rating: Restricted rating, it is recommended to watch over 17 years old, and viewers under 17 years old are required to be accompanied by parents or admitted to watch - this level of film may contain more sexual hints, violence, drug use, and swear words.

NC-17 level: Restricted level, not available for 17 years old or younger Audiences under 17 years old are prohibited from viewing.

What is the concept of R rating in "The Hunger Games"?

Zhou Xingxing's "Kung Fu" landed in North America and was rated R. How violent are the violent scenes in "Kung Fu"?
Zhou Xingxing's head was almost smashed into the floor by Huoyun evil god.

"Lust, Caution," which landed in North America uncut, was only rated NC-17.

Shi Nansheng, who had left earlier, rushed in in a panic. Seeing Fang Nan's video calls with the directors of distribution of Legendary Pictures and Lionsgate Pictures, he suppressed his emotions and sat down.

She has been running in North America for so long, and she is very clear about the impact of Hollywood movie ratings.

Not to mention positioning "The Hunger Games" as an R rating, even a PG13 rating, she can't accept it, which means that many parents will refuse to bring their children to support "The Hunger Games".

The main audience for The Hunger Games is teenagers.

Shi Nansheng was in a trance, and the publisher of Lionsgate Pictures said: "I received news that two parents think that the scene where the heroine and the hero jointly kill the villain at the end of "The Hunger Games" is too bloody."

Fang Nan thought about it for a moment, and became numb.

During the editing period, he was afraid that the violent elements would affect the grading, so he deliberately cut the bloody scenes to pieces, trying to be as beautiful as possible, but it still didn't work?
Shi Nansheng interrupted suddenly: "Which two parents?"

Fang Nan is an old director. He has always been prudent and considerate in his work. It is impossible for him not to understand the importance of editing.

The Hunger Games is yet another fan movie.

A well-prepared old director and a fan movie were suddenly rated R?How could Shi Nansheng not think about it.

The Rating Committee under the American Film Association has 8-13 members. Requirements for becoming a member: the previous work must have no intersection with the film-related industry, and there must be a family as the parent of the child.

The selection criteria for the members of the grading committee appear to be unassailable.

But after all, the Rating Committee still has the American Film Association.

The members of the American Film Association are the chairman and president of the seven largest film and television media giants in North America. The seven companies are Disney, Sony Audio, MGM, Paramount, 21st Century Fox, and Universal Image. ,Warner Bros.

Decades ago, the old American government was blocked by seven companies and the Supreme Court in order to grab the right to classify movies, which shows the capabilities of the seven companies.

Once the seven really want to refuse Fang Nan to step into Hollywood, and refuse "The Hunger Games" to wreak havoc in North America, a random rating of a movie can handle everything.

"The Martian" cooperated with Warner, and received nearly 4 million U.S. dollars in North America.

"The Wandering Earth" is participated by China Film Group, with more than 1 million US dollars and 2 million US dollars to let you go.

The first pre-sale box office of the "Hunger Games" series is 5000 million US dollars, can't help it?
Shi Nansheng pondered maliciously.

The publisher of Lionsgate shook his head and refused to answer Shi Nansheng's question: "It's pointless to ask these questions, and we should cut another version quickly."

"Okay, you can send someone to pick it up tomorrow evening."

After Fang Nan agreed and disconnected the link, he and Shi Nansheng smoked a cigarette together.

"There is a problem, we have to take the initiative." Shi Nansheng said sharply.

"Dong dong."

The door opened, and the group of "The Hunger Games" who received the news gathered in Fang Nan's room again in the middle of the night.

Fang Nan interrupted the people who were chattering as soon as they came in: "Stop arguing, go back to sleep, we'll talk about it when I go to Warner tomorrow."

Looking back, he and Shi Nansheng thought about the same.

He just hasn't figured out how ambitious Warner is, either to make things difficult for his company or private individuals.

"You guys go back to sleep too, I'll give Lilith a call." Fang Nan frowned and said to Shi Nansheng and later Liu Qianqian.

"Then I'll go back first, it will be very busy after dawn."

Shi Nansheng got up, glanced at Liu Qianqian and left first.

Seeing that she was alone, Liu Qianqian locked the door and walked behind Fang Nan, stretching out a pair of white and delicate hands to soothe the worry on his brow.

"I'll go back after you beat me." She said softly.

Counting from "Dragon Babu", she and Fang Nan have known each other for almost ten years.

For the first time in ten years, she saw the man in front of her with a tired expression. This man used to look high-spirited no matter when and where.

"Hey Boss, you're so inhumane, it's 12.20pm, oh god."

When Lilith complained, Fang Nan grabbed the small hand on his forehead and pursed his lips, he said with a smile: "How is the conversation with Universal? What kind of salary are they willing to give me to restart the "Jurassic" project?" ?”

"You are so noble and forgetful. Last time, didn't I suggest to wait for "The Hunger Games" to be released before having a serious talk with Universal?"

"It probably won't work. I may need the help of Universal Pictures."


"Because The Hunger Games is rated R?"

"Damn!" Lilith understood in seconds: "You are Williams' biggest client. I will report the matter to the company tomorrow. Before the company responds, it's best not to make a deal with Universal. Hollywood film companies are all vampires. "

"Williams can solve the best. I will go to Warner to chat with Kevin tomorrow. Remember to help me register a film and television company."

"Putting "The Hunger Games" into a new company? I can only say it's a smart move!"

Lilith is very smart, she guessed Fang Nan's intention to register a new company.

"The Hunger Games" seems to be a big piece of fat. It is impossible to swallow this kind of fat alone. The best way is to cooperate with each other. Fang Nan will hand over part of the benefits and exchange for part of what he wants Benefit.

Therefore, it is necessary to form a separate company to tie all the people who covet "The Hunger Games" together.

"The Hunger Games" has always belonged to Tang Tang Film and Television and Fang Nan Culture. Fang Nan thought that he would not allow Hollywood companies to put their hands into his pockets.

Something was hidden in their hearts, this night, Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian slept peacefully, holding each other until dawn.

At dawn, Fang Nan went straight to Warner's editing room.

As the overseas distributor of "The Hunger Games", Warner specially sent the company's first editor to assist Fang Nan in completing the editing work.

Afterwards, before Fang Nan could find Kevin, the president of Warner Pictures, Kevin approached him first.

Kevin was straightforward, telling Fang Nan loudly, "Whether "The Hunger Games" succeeds at the box office or not, the follow-up should not stay away from Hollywood companies."

"It's like Hollywood going to Huaxia to open a film company. Investment and production of movies cannot leave China Film Group. Huaxia collectively refers to such movies as co-productions, and "The Hunger Games" must also become a co-production."

Fang Nan sneered and asked Kevin: "So I have made Hollywood so afraid? I just found out today."

"Hollywood is not afraid of anyone." After explaining Fang Nan's doubts, he dropped the threat from Hollywood, and Kevin stood like a proud peacock.

"I have received this threat from Hollywood, and I hope you will have the opportunity to see me compromise in your lifetime."

Fang Nan turned and left with a calm expression.

The next day, after receiving the threat, "The Hunger Games" was quickly rated PG-13.

Fang Nan was not overjoyed, he knew that from then on, there was a layer of dark clouds over his head, and there was a bolt of lightning hidden in the dark clouds that could strike at any time.

Unless he abandons the huge box office market in North America, Lightning will always exist.

Of course, there is another possibility, that he becomes the lightning in the dark cloud.

But before that, let's look at the box office of "The Hunger Games". Fang Nan stepped into the cinema where "The Hunger Games" was showing at midnight.

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