literary world

Chapter 406 "The Hunger Games" - Money grabbing game

After Fang Nan received Hollywood's strong will that "outsiders can't tolerate eating alone", "The Hunger Games" applied for rating again and finally succeeded in rating it as PG13, so he did not miss the scheduled date of June 2012, 6.

"The Hunger Games" has been distributed in 17 countries around the world, and the 17 countries have surrounded the world's five largest movie ticket warehouses in North America, Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, and Bear.

June 6th, June 14th release date is not bad either.

The 15th is Friday, and in mid-June, most schools in North America happen to enter the summer vacation.

This time period is in China, and the Dragon Boat Festival and summer vacation are only 10 days away.

"The Hunger Games", which landed in North America on June 6, also successfully staggered with "The Avengers", which was released in May and is also highly anticipated by young people.

Because of Fang Nan's "Parasite", "The Martian", and "The Wandering Earth" North American box office hit three successes one after another.

The North American distributors of "The Hunger Games", Lionsgate and Legendary Pictures, won over 4100 movie theaters with the first and second largest theater chains in the United States.

The two theater chains also gave Fang Nan enough respect.

They didn't stick to the rules, first held a few rounds of small-scale test screenings to see the word-of-mouth of the movie, and then cut the movie at once based on the opinions of senior movie fans and fans, and then screened it on a large scale.

Instead, starting from the first day after the midnight show, it will be rolled out in 4100 movie theaters across the United States.

Fang Nan was not moved by what the North American cinemas did.

The rating of "The Hunger Games" allowed him to thoroughly see through the essence of capital, and everything started from profit.

If his career as a director in North America had not been paved with two or three films such as "The Martian" and "The Wandering Earth", how could the theaters be so generous.

The preferential treatment he received now was earned by himself, not by capital out of kindness.

In a movie theater in Queens, Manhattan, when Fang Nan was silently staring at the big screen with his arms folded, there was a wave of applause from the audience.

He listened carefully, and it turned out that the scene of the heroine's dress igniting flames perfectly fit the description in the novel, and the fans of the book had an instant orgasm, mixed with various praises.

"Flame Girl!"

"This shot is amazing, I like the director of the film, he understands us so well."

"Crystal is the muse in my heart."

"Crystal looks a lot like Ness"

Fang Nan, who was already a little irritable, was successfully amused by the screaming of the girl beside him.

Can Liu Qianqian look like Nice? Nice is carved according to Liu Qianqian's shape.

From discovering Susan Collins' "The Hunger Games" and buying the copyright, to spending tens of millions of dollars to vigorously promote it across the United States, isn't it for Liu Qianqian to look like Nice?

But from Fang Nan's point of view, the plot of the first "Hunger Games" is still too plain.

In order to perfectly fit the plot of the novel, the film was screened for more than an hour before it entered the real game scene. His experience told him that he should worry about the box office for such a slow-paced film.

But it happens to be very strange.

The live audience was quite satisfied with the slow pace of "The Hunger Games".

I am so satisfied that Fang Nan, the director, boasted a lot.

The reason was so simple that Fang Nan wanted to cry. He didn't have the sense of being a show director, and he wanted to change the plot and character design.

Other than that.

Liu Qianqian's role as the heroine Nice has also been praised all the time.

There are also audiences who talk about the magic of persuasion in the movie.

Of course, it is also due to the fact that the protagonist of the movie is a woman.

In Hollywood, where political correctness prevails, a female-themed movie will be sought after by more female audiences.

In particular, "The Hunger Games" is a movie about female revolutionaries.

The heroine is also an American minority.

So right, Hollywood, North American women, minorities, mainstream media, America in general need The Hunger Games.

On June 6th, at the North American premiere of "The Hunger Games", the film owner recovered US$15 million overnight.

The $1974 million figure trails the midnight showings of several "Twilight" sequels and the "Harry Potter" franchise.

But it was the highest-grossing non-sequel movie at midnight!
Non-sequel movies-these five characters are undoubtedly exciting.

Lionsgate filmed the sequel of "Saw" and vomited, but they were reluctant to let it go. It was just that they didn't have high-quality products to support the appearance, so they dared not let go of "Saw".

A sequel, "Saw," could support a second-tier Hollywood studio.

The influence of "The Hunger Games" that was born out of nowhere can be seen.

Its appearance can make any second-rate Hollywood film company live a good life for several years.

With the emergence of the midnight box office, the ratings of "The Hunger Games" on the Hollywood market research agency have appeared one after another, and the movie rating is A.

Among them, audiences over the age of 25 scored A-.

Young moviegoers under the age of 25 even gave A+ praise.

"The Hunger Games" received a support rate of 86% in the comprehensive evaluation of North American mainstream film critics collected by Rotten Tomatoes.

In the IMDB score with a larger scale and more complex tastes, "The Hunger Games" scored 7.6 points.

The famous film critic Roger Ebert of the "Chicago Sun" exclaimed that the word-of-mouth was incredible.

As long as filmmakers and veteran movie fans who pay attention to "The Hunger Games" know about "The Hunger Games", no one knows that "The Hunger Games" is the same as "Twilight".

Both films are based on best-selling novels.

Both movies have huge fan bases.

The two films did a lot of fan promotion in the early stage.

Both films feature youth adventure cards.

But the word-of-mouth of the movie is completely different. The box office of "Twilight" depends on the first batch of fans in the first weekend, not to mention the word-of-mouth.

Movie fans, novel fans, film critics, and filmmakers all scolded.

However, the reputation of "The Hunger Games" was quite good, which surprised everyone.

In this regard, some book fans and novel fans who watched the midnight show immediately posted on the Internet the reason for giving "The Hunger Games" a high score: the director respects the original work and the author's hard work.

North American film critics and entertainment workers also gave different answers.

Lisa Schwarzam of Entertainment Weekly pointed to another reason for the buzz: the director's control.

"It is inevitable that the film will show gore, but in the few scenes of carnage between teenagers, the director very cleverly avoids showing the confrontation between the strong and the weak, the difference between wisdom and stupidity. The killing scenes are intense, but they're also chilling enough."

Peter Howell of The Toronto Star echoed Lisa's sentiments:
"Compared with the original book, the film presents as many characters as possible. The emotional advancement between the heroine and the two boys is just right, and the scene with the instructor of District 12 is also very accurate. The real hunger in the film The game starts from the second half, but the story in the first hour is also full of tension, showing director Fang Nan's absolute confidence in the film."

The Daily Telegraph highlights the age span of the film's audience:
"The director's adaptation of the original novel is very successful. You can't take your eyes off Liu Qianqian. No matter how old you are, you will like this movie."

"San Francisco Chronicle" praised Liu Qianqian's performance separately:
"The movie is full of imagination, and all the plots can touch the hearts of the audience. The performance of the heroine shows the extraordinary talent she has already shown."

The New York Times sums it up:

"The director's creativity and imagination are on full display, this is a shocking, lyrical, crazy, bold work!"

During the day after the midnight show, "The Hunger Games" expanded to 4137 theaters.

The scale of more than 4000 theaters is not weaker than that of "Transformers", "Dark Knight", "Harry Potter 7" and other movies of major mainstream companies.

The order of magnitude of the movie theater also created a record for the largest distribution scale of a film directed by Fang Nan in North America.

With excellent word-of-mouth and a large-scale film schedule, during the day on the 15th, North American audiences flooded into the cinema.

They chose the former without hesitation in many movies such as "The Hunger Games", "Wrath of the Gods", "Alien Battlefield", and "Super Battleship".

"Hey, everyone, look at what I'm doing. Since my mother gave birth to me, it's the first time I've watched a movie with so many people."

A white kid sparked a stir after tweeting about a packed screening room.

"It's the same here, the cinema is so crowded and lively."

"For the first time in the United States, I encountered a movie theater that was overcrowded."

"Watching "The Hunger Games" is already a national event in North America?"

Solid word-of-mouth and a surge in audiences contributed $6 million in revenue during the day of June 15 to "The Hunger Games".

The box office of $4850 million is higher than the $7 million of "Harry Potter Part 4747".

Counting US$1974 million in the morning and evening shows, the total box office of "The Hunger Games" on the first day of painting was 6825 million.

With a box office score of 6825 million US dollars, it ranks fourth and fifth in Hollywood film history's single-day box office revenue on Friday and the single-day revenue rankings of all films.

In the "non-sequel films" category, "The Hunger Games" ranked first in both film history indicators.

It successfully broke the first-day box office records of non-sequel films held by "Twilight" and "Harry Potter".

And it has strongly entered the top several North American box office indicators.

No. 1 domestic box office for Midnight Show non-sequel films

No. 5 at the local box office in Japan alone

No. 7 at the domestic box office of Midnight Show

No. 1 local box office of a non-sequel movie in a single day on Friday

Single-day non-sequel movie ranked first in domestic box office

PG-13 rated #3 opening weekend box office

"The Hunger Games" swept the box office and attracted US$6825 million on its first day of painting, surpassing the box office record of 6717 million set by "The Dark Knight", and rose to the fifth box office record in the first day of North American film history.

"The Hunger Games" earned $4850 million during regular hours, climbing to third in film history, ahead of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" by nearly $100 million.

As soon as the two pieces of news were published in the newspapers, the whole of North America boiled.

The pre-sale of "The Hunger Games" is very high, with over 5000 million.

Many people think that the pre-sale of more than 5000 million has consumed all the enthusiasm and cash in the pockets of book fans.

It wasn't until the end of the first day of screenings that everyone realized that the box office potential of "The Hunger Games" was beyond guesswork.

The box office on the first day was 6825 million!
At this moment.

Even the presidents of Lionsgate Pictures and Legendary Pictures, the North American distributors of "The Hunger Games", all felt sour in their hearts.

"Congratulations. I heard that you have established a film company in Hollywood. I think we should continue to cooperate."

The presidents of Lionsgate and Legendary Films congratulated Fang Nan on the phone, while quietly seeking more cooperation.

Fang Nan didn't immediately agree. Dozens of publicity workers, big and small, gathered in his room, laughing and making noises. It wasn't the time to talk about things.

"Hey, tomorrow is Saturday, let's guess the box office of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, shall we?"

Josh, the male number one in "The Hunger Games", shouted loudly.

He still doesn't know why he was able to act in Fang Nan's movie, but no matter what, he is going to be popular in North America, and the excitement in his heart is uncontrollable.

"It's not going to drop more than 50%, I guess 4000 million."

"3500 million!"

"5000 million!"

Fang Nan did not participate in the clamor of the crowd, and called Shi Nansheng into the meeting room to talk about the promotional work below.

at the same time.

In the office of the president of Warner Bros. Pictures, Kevin and David sat opposite each other but remained silent for a long time.

After a while, he said in a hoarse voice: "David, tell me about Fang Nan, what kind of person is he, and why does he always succeed? The box office was 6800 million on the first day. It's been a long time since Warner Bros. has produced such a big hit." movie."

"I don't know. In short, he has been successful since the first day I met him. It is believed that Fang's achievements in movies can be called the James Cameron of the East."

"Achievement in terms of wealth is the Steven Spielberg of the East, but I think he's a combination of James and Steven."

"He makes movies very efficiently, as if he has all the movie images in his mind, and he makes money like James in every movie, thus turning himself into a billionaire like Steven."

"Steven and James? Very image, you should get off work first."

After speaking well and being driven away, David laughed abruptly after slandering "Jap". Without it, Kevin was severely dissed by the general group for missing "The Hunger Games".

And because he was helping Fang Nan put eye drops on Harvey Weinstein, the relationship between the two has never been better.

He was delighted with the success of The Hunger Games.

Fang Nan once promised that he would take over the position of president after he finished killing Harvey with one blow.

Steven Spielberg's beach house.

"Steven, are you asleep? Our cooperation with Fang seems to increase costs."

Steven, who woke up from his sleep, rubbed his eyes: "Why? The box office of "The Hunger Games" is very good?"

"6800 million on the first day!"

"So tall? Then we need to find him to cooperate. "Jurassic" cannot be missed."

"Give him a share or increase his salary?"

"Of course it's the salary." Steven, who was determined at the last moment, thought about it and said hesitantly: "Even if you give a share, it's best to give the North American box office share."

Outside of Warner and Universal, there are plenty of other people who are eyeing each other.

However, during the release of "The Hunger Games", no one could shake Fang Nan's status. At this moment, he is the top director in North America and even the world.

His "Hunger Games" forced Warner Bros. Pictures' $1 million blockbuster "Wrath of the Gods" to withdraw from the schedule.

His "The Hunger Games" broke multiple North American box office records in just one day of release, attracting heated discussions across the United States.

Everything from social media to real life is talked about.

It's a new day, and "The Hunger Games" is still going strong at the box office.


"God! This is not "The Hunger Games", this is "Game for Money!"

In mid-June, the North American media shouted wildly.

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