literary world

Chapter 407 North America tops box office for 3 consecutive weeks

"I can't understand it, but I'm shocked!" - Ang Lee.

"The appearance of "The Hunger Games" will lead Hollywood into the abyss, because Hollywood will abandon more original scripts." - Harvey Weinstein.

"Fong is a very charismatic director, and it was such a joy when we worked on The Martian!" - Matt Damon.

"Fong's movies never had to worry about the box office, whether in the East or the West, his movies are full of box office magic." - Jessica Chastain.

"I am very grateful to Director Fang Nan for speaking out for our women's group." - Amber Lindsay, chairman of the largest women's rights organization in North America.

"He's full of energy and always confident!" - Anne Hathaway.

"Fong is a world-class director, and I will never forget working with him on Gravity." - Sandra Bullock, George Clooney.

"Fang is a genius. His "Parasite" adapted the living environment of tens of thousands of people in South Korea." - Song Kanghao.

"I learned a lot from him while working on Parasite." - Park Chan-wook.

"The closest comrade-in-arms I have known for many years!" - Liu Qianqian.

"His director level is unquestionable, although I haven't watched "The Hunger Games" yet." - Zhang Yimou.

"Fang Nan's framed lens language is impressive." - Italian director Giuseppe Tornadore.

"Directors who are looking forward to working with you, Hey Fangnan, I'm waiting for you!" - Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Emilia Clarke.

"Fang has always been the most trusted and admired partner of Warner Bros., and "Interstellar" will be another sincere cooperation between us." - Kevin, President of Warner Bros. Pictures.

"The Hunger Games" took many by surprise with its $1.55 million opening three-day opening.

Many people can't understand why "The Hunger Games", which has no big scenes and does not play sadomasochism like "Twilight", is so popular.

Before the movie was released, 83% of the movie tickets had been booked out, making it the movie with the highest pre-sale box office in North America.

Midnight box office overwhelmed "Batman The Dark Knight" to reach the top.

After breaking the record for the highest box office on the opening day of a non-sequel film in film history, it once again broke the record for the highest box office in the first weekend of a non-sequel film in film history.

All of this is unimaginable, as if North American audiences are all obsessed with "The Hunger Games".

How popular is "The Hunger Games" in North America?
On the first three days of the movie's release, more than 4100 movie theaters in North America showed "The Hunger Games" continuously for 24 hours.

Even movie theaters in poorer black neighborhoods.

Those movie theaters that are attached to the white community even have long queues to watch movies.

The most outrageous, unacceptable, and confusing thing is that "The Hunger Games", which has always played the female card, did not arouse the disgust of male audiences like the "Twilight Series" movies, so that female audiences alone drove the box office.

In order to verify the truth of this statement, Fox TV directly drove the OB truck to the entrance of a busy movie theater.

After multiple rounds of data surveys, a report was finally written: 35% of the audience in "The Hunger Games" are 49-21 years old.

Audiences over the age of 50 reached 18%.

The proportion of audiences aged 24-35 is 13%.

The remaining 48% are teenagers, of which 14% are 18-24 years old, and male moviegoers account for [-]% of the total.

It's incomprehensible that a fan film has such a wide audience.

Puzzling is puzzling, no one dares to question that "The Hunger Games" is a phenomenal movie!

Because the box office of "The Hunger Games" is terrible.

The film landed in North America in its first week, and won the North American weekly box office championship with US$1.55 million.

And the gold content of "The Hunger Games" box office champion in the first week is extremely scary.

The 1.55 million box office first helped "The Hunger Games" to be promoted to the top ten box office indicators in North America. According to statistics, the indicators are:

No. 4 at the domestic box office on Friday

No. 2 at the local box office on Saturday

No. 4 at the local box office on Sunday

Fastest to exceed 1 million U.S. dollars at the box office No. 2

Fastest to exceed 1.5 million U.S. dollars at the box office No. 3

No. 1 box office reality TV movie

No. 3 in total weekend box office

No. 7 at the domestic box office of Midnight Show

No. 3 in the box office of a single theater in the United States

No. 3 at the single-hall box office in the American premiere weekend

No. 2 postmodern genre film

No. 5 movie based on a sci-fi book

Action Horror Genre Movie #3

In addition to the box office ranking indicators that prove the gold content of the first week's box office champion of "The Hunger Games", watching movies in the same period is also enough to prove the gold content of the week's champion.

The 1.5 million US dollar blockbuster "Wrath of the Gods" invested by Warner took the initiative to change the file.

The $2.5 million blockbuster "Alien Battlefield" invested by Disney has not changed its file.

But Disney executives can't wait to blow the skull of director Andrew Stanton.

For so many years, Disney has always wanted to expand the themes of movies other than animated films, so it spent 2.5 million US dollars to produce "Alien Battlefield", which is also the company's third PG13-rated film.

A truly ambitious work.

However, the reality is cruel.

"Alien Battlefield", which was released at the same time as "The Hunger Games", grossed US$3 million in the first three days. This result, combined with a large production of 3300 million yuan, looks so ridiculous in terms of all-round publicity.

What makes Disney and producers even more uncomfortable is that "Alien Battlefield" is adapted from the science fiction novel "Martian Princess" like "The Hunger Games", but the box office is very different.

The Hollywood Reporter:
Before "Alien Battlefield", people believed that the most failed Hollywood film in history was "Cut Throat Island" directed by Renny Harlin.

The film was released in 1995 at a cost of $9800 million, plus advertising costs totaling $1.15 million.

But the global box office was only 1570 million US dollars. Due to the disastrous failure of the film, the producer Carlock Films was forced to declare bankruptcy.

Now it seems that "Alien Battlefield" is likely to break the loss record of "Cutthroat Island".

"Variety Show":
Looking at the films that Disney has invested in in recent years, such as "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time", "Mars Saves My Mother", "Tron: Legacy", etc., they are all negative textbooks with high cost and no hope of recovery at the box office. Maybe "Mickey Mouse" is indeed You should reflect on the technical issues of film selection.

Disney picked the wrong opponent, "The Hunger Games" was strong at the box office, and "Star Wars" didn't look like it could make it back in its second week.


Bella Vienne, the president of Disney's film business, threw away the newspaper and slapped the desk hard.

"Bella, don't worry, "Alien Battlefield" may still be saved."

Andrew Stanton bit the bullet and said.

The box office of his "Alien Battlefield" does seem to be sluggish for a week, but it is still too early to finish, and it may not rise.

Another one, he has directed "Toy Story" and other box-office blockbuster animated films for Disney. Bella shouldn't be so anxious and doesn't trust him.

"How to save?" Bella looked at Andrews coldly.

"You know that "The Hunger Games" is a movie based on a best-selling novel. For such a movie, the box office will always be high in the first week, and the box office will often drop by more than 50% in the second week, which will be the same as "Twilight."

""Alien Battlefield" is different. Although word-of-mouth is not very good, many viewers admit that the visual effects are good, and the box office in the second week seems to be more likely to rise against the trend."

After Andrews finished talking, the corners of Bella's mouth twitched unconsciously, and she scolded even more in her heart: "The box office is falling? How stupid am I? If it weren't for you, a pig, I would beat you to death. The stinky bastard who caused Disney's stock price to fall on his own!"

"I hope, you go back."

After driving away Andrews, Bella blushed and looked at the producer of "Alien Battlefield" with a thick neck: "Do you think what he said makes sense? The box office of "The Hunger Games" fell by more than 50% in the second week?"

The producer nodded cautiously: "It's very possible, "The Hunger Games" is a fan movie after all, and the best-selling book is not like a character in Marvel that has been popular for decades, and the fan base is very small."

Bella pondered for a while: "I called the president of Cinemark Cinemas and asked them to increase the lineup."

The president of CIMC was in a dilemma, but he still forced to increase the lineup of "Alien Battlefield". CIMC is only the third largest theater chain in North America, and it cannot do without a big factory like Disney.

In particular, it cannot be without the surroundings of Disney's "Toy Story"-like animation movie.

The second week came quietly. As "Alien Battlefield" once again increased its lineup to reach 4500 movie theaters, the box office competition in North America started again in the second week.

But people in the industry who pay attention to the box office know it well.

There are only two sides on the battlefield, Fang Nan and his company "The Hunger Games" VS Disney's "Alien Battlefield".

The rest of "October Pregnancy", "Mirror Mirror", and "Dragon and Tiger Boys" are all foils. Waiting for Warner Pictures' "Wrath of the Gods" to debut next week may trigger a three-way box office war.

Before the war begins, public opinion goes first.

There are many people in the North American film industry who think the same as Andrews. "The Hunger Games" will drop by more than 50% at the box office in the second week.

As for "Alien Battlefield"?
It is better for Mickey Mouse to make more children's animation films to bring happiness to the children.

No one is bullish on "Alien", but no one believes that "The Hunger Games" will continue to be strong at the box office.

BOM, the most authoritative box office website in North America, directly asserted that "The Hunger Games" won the box office championship for two weeks and then ended the journey to enjoy the joy brought by the movie box office.

But, "The Hunger Games" doesn't believe in this evil.

It closed at C$1100 million on Monday.

Half-price tickets hit $1800 million on Tuesday.

It closed at C$1100 million on Wednesday.

It closed at $1200 million on Thursday.

Friday's box office soared to $1500 million again.

Saturday's box office rose again to $2000 million.

Sunday's box office fell back to $1700 million plus.

After "The Hunger Games" debuted in the third sideshow, the North American box office of the film once again exceeded 1 million in the second week, winning the box office championship in the second week and pushing the total box office to 1 million US dollars.

The second week of "The Hunger Games" achieved a box office of 1.1 million US dollars, combined with the box office results of movies in the same period, all North American industry insiders who watched the box office of "The Hunger Games" were all ashamed.


1 "The Hunger Games" 11000 million 2.6 million 2 weeks

2 "Alien Battlefield" 2011 million 5000 weeks

3 "Mirror Mirror" 1900 million 1900 million 1 week

4 "Dragon and Tiger Youth Team" 1500 million 9310 million 3 weeks

5 "The Story of Old Reis" 800 million 1.90 million 5 weeks

6 "Salmon Fishing in Yemen" 127 weeks

7 "Action of Heroes" 101 weeks

8 "A Thousand Words Before Dying" 92 weeks

9 "Journey to the Center of the Earth 2" 84 weeks

10 "Project X" 83 weeks

11 "October Pregnancy" 78 million 209 weeks

No one can play, and the self-righteous logarithmic "Alien Battlefield" looks the most ridiculous. Disney invested 2.5 million yuan, and the 1 million publicity was completely in vain.

Even if Disney has a strong distribution strength, the loss will not be less than 1-2 million US dollars.

On this day, the stock price of Disney, which produced one of the most money-losing films in film history, plummeted. Bella, the head of the film department, held a press conference to apologize to shareholders, and the director of "Alien Battlefield" returned to the animated film permanently.

The filmmaker was let go by Disney.

On the contrary, on this day, all the people involved in "The Hunger Games" and those who fought for it hosted an internal party at the Hilton Hotel.

After a brief relaxation, Fang Nan and the others started working again.

Although "The Hunger Games" has been reduced due to the arrival of Warner's "Wrath of the Gods", the film has not yet been drawn, and it can still make history.


"The Hunger Games" once again slapped North American industry insiders and box office website TOM in the face of the third week.

Facing the new rival "Wrath of the Gods", "The Hunger Games", which has already started its third week, not only did not lose in the box office, but even stepped on Warner's "Wrath of the Gods".

It's as easy as stepping on "Alien Battlefield" at the box office in the past two weeks.

1 "The Hunger Games" 6000 million 3.2 million 3 weeks

2 "Wrath of the Gods" 3420 million 3420 million 1 week

13 "Alien Battlefield" 560 weeks

"The Hunger Games" won the box office championship for three consecutive weeks after its release.

Facing the box office success of "Wrath of the Gods" and "Alien Battlefield" with an investment of 1.5 million and 2.5 million US dollars, North American industry insiders were really fooled, and there was also a "Hunger Games" trend around the world.

"Disney and Warner Bros. Pictures look like clowns in front of The Hunger Games!"

"No one can defeat Fang Nan and his "The Hunger Games"! Even Hollywood giants Warner and Disney!"

"I'm very much looking forward to "The Hunger Games Part II: Catching Fire". Fang Nan should stop being like a clown, hurry up and shoot the second part and release it at the end of the year!"

"Good news, the figure of "The Hunger Games" is finally online, and the figure of Nice with a bow and arrow on his back is so handsome."

"The real-life figure of Crystal I bought is also very handsome!"

"Where do you want to watch Crystal's other movies?"

"Who in Hollywood can beat Fang Nan, James Cameron, Steven Spielberg, or Ridley Scott or Nolan?"

Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, and major social platforms in North America are full of discussions about Fang Nan and the leading actors of "The Hunger Games". At the end of June and the beginning of July, they are the top Hollywood stars and are admired by everyone.

Think this is over?

It's not over yet, because The Hunger Games' box office potential isn't over yet.

At this moment, no one doubts that "The Hunger Games" won the box office champion for the fourth week in a row, and everything seems to be taken for granted again.

In more movie box office markets outside of North America, "The Hunger Games" has also become a box office weapon. People can't understand it, but it can win box office champions one after another.

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